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168 Cards in this Set

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what is status?
a category or position a person occupties that is significant determinant of how he/she will be defined and treated
what are norms?
shared rules that guide people's behavior in specific situations
what are roles?
the norm governed behavior of a specific status
what is patriarchy
male dominated social structures that lead to oppression of women
what is sexism
the belief that status of women is inferior to males
what is patriarchy
male dominated social structures that lead to oppression of women
What is the difference between sex and gender?
Sex are the biological characteristics that distinguish male from female

gender are the social, cultural, and psychological characteristics
what is structural functionalism?
it is a macro concept of gender sociololgy in which the interdepedent parts

Talcott Parsons believed that strutural functionalism could be defined by a general consensus in society that labeled men and women:



what is conflict theory?
this is seen on the macro level as well.

This concept believes that the upper classes hold power over all classes and this extends to gender

They believe that private property leads to inequality (Marx believed this is what made women subordinate)
what is contempary conflict theory?
the idea that there is conflict besides in class struggle

there is also conflict within race

economic analysis of gender relations:

when women gain economic autonomy, their power are home is strenthgted

can lead to egalitarian marriage
what is symbolic interaction?
more foucused on how we create gender rather than how it is

this is micro: person to person

people continually modiy their behvaior duee to social interaction

social construction of reality

this can be reconstructed as new types of stuff goes on
who invented symbolic interaction of gender?


what is "doing gender and what concept does this relate to
doing gender means that gender does not exist, it exists in intereatction with people and from self

gender is found in meaning assocatied with male female

"it is a performance" judith butler
what is femininism?
a movement to end sexism and sexist oppression by empowering women
what is intersectionality also referred to?
black feminist theory
multiracial femminism
multiultural feminism
what does this describe:

instead of race or class or gender, intersection theory and analysis focuses on the social location created by interconnection of varous status
what does this describe

foucses on one only ignores mulitfacted nature of people's experiences
Tell me what these concepts refer to:

"color blind racial discourse"

dominant discourse on race
post civil rights

discrimination based on skin color does not make sense under liberal ideology

sees "real" person underneath skin color only depolitizes race

evades power strcuture with race

emphasis on social darwinism

race class and gender are shaped by the systems of racism capitalism and patriarchy
What is a liberal feminist?
mainstream most common generally what is being discussed

appeals to middle or upper classes

based on liberal ideology

individual rights and freedoms



equal opportunity for women

reformist movement as opposed to revolution
what is a socialist feminist?
patriarchy is inherent in capitalism

reserve albor force

ubpaid reproductive labor

this is revolutionary

appeals to working class

they don't lie capitalism

want to adopt socialist principles

social aspects of estate
what is a radical feminist?
sexism is at core of patriarchal society

all social institutions reflect sexm

women must create institutions that are women centered



overthrow of patriarchal institutions
what are sex chromozomes:
pairs that play primary role in determining whether a fertilized egg develops into male/female

XY male

XX female
what is intersexed?
Intersexuality is the state of a living thing of a gonochoristic species whose sex chromosomes, genitalia, and/or secondary sex characteristics are determined to be neither exclusively male nor female.
what are the systems of oppression with the concept of intersectionality?
marco level insitutions/strutures


what does this describe:

racism, patriarchy, capitalism

racism and patriarch are sets of social relations that hav a material base, set of beliefs that use stereotypes to reproduce unequal and unjust power relationships
system of oppression
what is a matrix of domination
a historically specific organization of power in which social groups are embedded
what does this describe:

our race, class gender intersect and give up social location we live

usually same for rest of life

one aspect of identity may be more salient than others

we enter life situation, with these identities

sometimes these can change but more affeter than not we are in the same social locaton for the rest of our lives
social location
what is socialization?
the process by which a society's values and norms, including those pertaining to gender are taught and learned

socialization is a lieftlong process
what is reinforcement
In operant conditioning, reinforcement is an increase in the strength of a response following the change in environment immediately following that response.
what is modeling
modeling behavior is the behavior in which child copy what adults do
what are Bem's three gender lenses?
gender polarization


biological essentialism
what is bem's gender lense gender polarization
not only are males and females considered fundamentally different from one another, but these differences consititue a central organizing principle for the social life of a society
what is andocentrism

bems lense
notion that males are superior to females

males and the male expereicen are the normative standard against which women are judged
what is biological essentialism

bems lenses
rationalizes and legitimizes above lenses

portrays gender as neutral and inevitable products of inherent biological differencs between the sexes
How does gender produce masculine/feminis boys....give examples


parent child interaction
what is formal cirriculum?
teaching reading, writing and arthitmtic
what is hidden cirriculum?
teaches students the social, political and economic values of society implict and explicit

(teaches girls to behave "nice")
What is Title IX?
forbids sex discrimination in any educational program or activyt that recieves federal funding
Sexual harrasment

If the harrasment is directly tied to the granting or denial of a benefit or privlege, such as a course grade or the chance to work an important assignment, it is called...... harassment
quid pro quo
The second type of harassment involves creating........., for example, telling sexual jokes, using sexual innuedndo, spreading sexual rumors or publicly displaying sexually explicit material.
hostile environment
who recieves more attention in the classroom
Special Ed is more common among elementary school boys

true or false
girls are continually rewarded for...., while boys are rewarded for ... in school

academic performance
Girls are more disruptive in the classroom setting

t or f
boys get more attention in the classroom setting

true or false
boys are more often put into special education than girls

true or false
how does clothing affect gender socialization
clothing and accessories are used to identify infant by gender, sends out message to others about how child should be treated

it encourages/discourgaes particular behavior
how does parent child interaction affect socialization
parents more sensitive to girls, more restrictive to boys

parents use greater range of emotional works when talking to daughters

rougher, more physical play with infant sons than daughters

daughters given more help than sons
how do toys help socialize children?
toys teach children particular skills and encourage them to explore tough play a variety of roles they may have as adults
what do toys for boys encourage?
what do toys for girls encourage
_____________ consistently have higher rate of religiousity

why is this

women are more obidient, passive, submissive than men, these traits are related to high levels of religiousity, learned vs. inherent
what religion does this explain

vedas and upanishads provide images of women that have been interpreted as both passive/negative
what religion:

hindu ideal is that male and female are balanced, with man as creator as love, with women's sexual tendenedncies as varied and erotic as a mans
what religion:

women allowed in temples, lead religious rituals
what religion:

though there are a variety of images of women available, customs exemplify the domestic sphere of life
what religion:

clearly defined rights and obligations for men and women

women in domestic realm, expempt from religious duties

men's religious duties include taking care of the home, making sure dietary rules are followed, obseving rules of modesty/family purity

do not see separation of roles as uneuqal or inferior
orthodox judaism
what religion:

women have own religious expression, and for this they are respected in tradition by their husbands/family
orthodox judaism
what religion:

women can't be rabbis
orthodox judaism
what religion:

allowed to inherit property, can't will it

may not intiate marriage
orthodox judais,
what religion:

only husband can get divorce
ortho jew
what religion:

widow cannot remarry unless witness testify to husbands death
ortho jew
what religion:

women have a sexual fulfillment right
ortho jew
what religion:

during the mentral, for 12 days the woman is impure

anything touched is impure

she is physically segregated from the men

she can only rejoined once she has stopped menstrating and has been ritually purified
ortho jew
what religion:

labeled by ortho women as liberated

criticized frequently

regain control over sexuality

rejects feminism as anti-family
ortho jew
what religion:

emphaizes gender equality

equal and integrated roles for men and women

officiating gay and lesbian

accepting gay and lesbian rabbis
reformed judaism
what religion:

this is the opposite of ortho jew
reformed judaism
what religion:

middle of the road udaism

appealed to euro immigrants

moved away from reform

women permitted to sit

women encouraged to participate

excluded from important parts of ritual, such as handling Torah

women allowed to be rabbis

gay/lesbian cannot be rabbis
conservative judaism
what religion:

church leaders and theologians often cite teachings of Paul when describing proper roles of mena and women
what religion:

according to paul, women should cover at religious gahtering
what religion:

teaching used to promote the subordination of women
what religion:

leadership in early christain movement most likely shared by women and men
what religion:

feminist scholars and theologians often emphize there was no evidence that jusus was sexist
what religion:

sex is to be avoided, only for procreation
what religion:

women can over attain salvation through child bearing
what religion:

masterbation is overindulgence
what religion:

today, teachins on sexuality reamin mixed

homosexuality often condemned
what religion:

celibacy for nuns
prohibits artificial conception
opposes aboriton
objection to invitro
what religion:

will not ordian women
what religion:

women ministers increase due to lack of male priests
what religion:

appx. # in US: 500,000
what religion:

7 million is the frequently cited number, but other estimates have been 1.4 to 8 million
what religion:

what religion:

women participate in ritualsl must follow five pillars of islam
what religion:

marriage are arranged--not always the case
what religion:

no pubic contact between men and women
what religion:

much more lenient, in Iran and Saudi, it is against the law
what religion:

women engoucarged to work as physicans/teachers for female institutions
what religion:

women do not usually go into mosque
what religion:

men cant see women when they pray
what religion:

islamic feminists very different than US feminism
what religion:

honor killings
what religion:

author ignores post olonoial aspects of hijab
what religion:

strong critique of western societies
read pages 200-206
do it!
research shows that ----- spend more time on chores than husbands
women still do twice as much housework as ----
most ---- women are employed outside the home
housework is usually viewed as ------------- no matter what other demands wives have on their hands
womens work
------ are more tolerant of gender inequality in their own homes than in the workplace
what is the second shift
women earn wages during day but come home to more unpaid work
despite the fact that housework is socially andeconomically necessary work, it is not considered real work:

no fixed schedule
intertwined with love and care
private sphere
even women in egalitarian marriages end up doing the majority of the work

t or f
in regards to caregiving , what are some advantages and disadvantages?
women develop close bonds with children

little room for women to pursue own interest

kin keepers, women link the genderation

caregivers for elderly

children/fathers hurt by noninvolvement due to father's work hours
----- % of children living with single parent homes are mother only
# of single parent inreased dramaticallly over the last ----
three decades
most common way to become a single parent is---
through divorce or after break up of a domestic relationship
prior to the industrial revolution ---- usually were awarded legal custody of children
what is the tender year presumption
idea that child has to be with mother in earlier years
what is a nuclear family?
wife husband children

live apart from relatives

financially indie from other relatives

no longer provides education
what is blended family?
couple who divorce and one or both parents remarry someone who has children or new couple who has children of own or both
what is a domestic partnership?
unmarried couple who live together
what are chosen families?
non family household, composed of people unrelated by ancestry, marriage, or adoption by family members
what is a dual labor market
one set of jobs employing exclusively men

women of education is negatively corrleated with occupational segregation
what is tokenism
minority workers

shut ofut of informal social network

status of tokens group is more important than determining minority status

racist/sexist ideology make token experience negative
what is the glass ceiling/escaloator?
male masculinty crushed if he is not in a higher position

openly gay men do not get this
what is the motherhood wage penalty?
women with children make less than women without

higer discrepancy in wage for married mothers
what is the "Wage gap"?
from 1960-1990 women earned 50-70% of what men earned

whites have most gender gap

african americans and hispanics earn less than white

the higher the educational requirements the more white men ect are going to that same job field
what is comparable worth
equal pay for different jobs of simlar value
what are structural adjustment policies?
demanded by IMF and world bank

shrink government expedniture

reduced wages for the public sector

a lot of countries subsidized food

saps AFFECTED WOMEN MORE: lost wages, jobs, ect
what is human capital theory
belif that women choose to invenst less outside the home so therefore they make less money

HCT fails to look at structurally imposed/self imposed occupations

woman's probability of working in nontraditional jobs increases with # of children they have
what is neo liberal economics?
liberal economics is part of the enlightment

adam smith , wealth of nations

laisez ffaire capitalism: the invisbile hand of the market

the market will know what s best and will create equality

milton friedmen: a government should have nohitng to do with the economy

neoliberalists believe it is only way people can achieve freedom
what are some elements of neoliberalism?
cuts in social spending

tax reform
what do these have to do with

trade liberalization

open boreders to export/import

liberalize foreign direct inveestment
what is neoliberalism
Neoliberalism is a label for economic liberalism. Neoliberalism refers to a historically-specific reemergence of economic liberalism's influence among economic scholars and policy-makers during the 1970s and through at least the late-1990s, and possibly into the present (its continuity is a matter of dispute). This term also refers to a political movement in which prominent members of the American left (such as Michael Kinsley, Robert Kaus, Mickey Kaus, and Randall Rothenberg) embraced some conservative positions such as anti-unionism, free market economics, and welfare reform.[1]This term should not be confused with new liberalism.

In many respects, the term is used to denote a group of neoclassical-influenced economic theories and libertarian political philosophies which believe that government control over the economy is inefficient, corrupt or otherwise undesirable. Neoliberalism is not a unified economic theory or political philosophy — it is a label denoting an apparent shift in social-scientific and political sentiments that manifested themselves in theories and political platforms supporting a reform of largely centralized postwar economic institutions in favor of decentralized ones. Few supporters of neoliberal policies use the word itself.

Neoliberal arguments gained a great deal of support after the Stagflation Crisis of the 1970s, the Developing World Debt Crisis of the 1980s (which primarily affected Latin America but was felt elsewhere[2]), and the Soviet Collapse of the early-1990s.
what is symbolic annihilation
media is traditionally ignored, trivialized or condemned women non-white, lower classes, elderly, disabled, ect.

will and grace
george lopez
what is the reflection hypothesis?
media only gives the public what it wants/expects/demands

media analysts argue that the media hshape and create culture
what is hegemonic masculinity
a # of masculinites are enatcted according to particular context and actors, the aspecst that become idealized are those linked to powerfl men

all other masculinities are rendered inadequet and inferior

harms men in subordinate statue by narrowing their options to chase other enactments of masculinity
what is hegemony
interests of powerful veiwed as universal interest
what is cultural hegemony
the production of ways of thinking and seeing of exluding alternative visions and discourses
what is hereosexism
people view relationships only in heterosexual terms and in doing so denigrat other sexual orientations
what is homophobia
feat and intolerance of homosexuals and homosexuality (bisexuality among them)
how do nohtings of masculinty harm males
boys distance themsleves from feeling any sympatheic order to not be called a sissy

stay at home dads belitted and suspect in masculinty

health wise
what are the seven norms of masculinity
anit feminie norm
success norm
intellectual norm
toughness norm
aggression norm
sexual prowess norm
tenderness masculinty
explain anti feminie norm
stigmatizes feminine characteristics and qqualities associated with those

men socialized to reject feminine

lack of emotional openness

hurts interpersonal relations
what is the success norm
driven to succed at all costs

prestige associated with money

belief jobes will be attained by women
what is intellectual success
men expected to be smarter

put man's career first
what is the toughness norm
must be tough, confident and self reliant
what is the aggression nowm?
aggression to history

leanred that turning the other cheec is bad

antil scoial behaivor is single best predicator of later aggression
what is the sexual prowess norm
belieef that men are sexual beings living and having heeghtened interest in sexuality

normalizes seuxal harassment

reinforces that msaculinity is biological

bonding acheived through male peers
what is tenderness masculinity
masculinity remains subordinate to all others

emergins rather than current
what do news stories about women often reflect on?
their looks

their family

even more powerful women
how do women's magazines promote a "cult of femininity"?
concern for one's looks

occupational success and one's love life
what do male magazines focus on?
less on male and female relationships
on tv, what do men typically talk about most?
on tv, what do women typically talk about most?
for male consumers in regards to sexualized advertisements, how are these created
product and an attractive women will come to the man
what is the sexual exploitation of women in advertisments?
buy product in order to be attractive
how are young children exploited sexually in advertisments?
particularly young girls

the Lolita syndrome

young girls are frequently used in advertisments
how are some ways that women are exploted
the way models are posed

women are purely decorative sometimes, they have no connection to the product and are simply there to be attractive
how are men sexually exploited in advertisment?
in recent years, more men have been placed in "decorative roles"

diet coke commercial study
what are the gendered impacts of neoliberal polcies in terms of work?
whites least likely to be poor

unemployment rates

majority in poverty are working, not unemployed

near poor having an income of 125% of poverty level

working poor mothers fared worse financially than mothers on welfare

higher income

welfare and food stamps only 2/3 of amount needed

71% of welfare money spend on unnecsaary items, latinos and black women more unlikely to spend money on the unnecessary

number of single mothers in workforce increased dramatically in 1993

75% of elderly poor are women

outsourcing to other countries causing women there to be exploited, getting the lowest skilled paying jobs
what is aquaintance rape?
rape involving a victim who knows or is familiar with her assailant

vast majority go unreported
what is marital rape?
sexual assault of one partner by the other

often accompanies other forms of family violence

some stats can only change for marital rape if weapon was used or if they are not
what are the radical feminist arguments against porno?
porn depersonalizes sex and objectifies women

not about sex but about the degradation of women
Radical Feminist, Andrea Dworkin, equates porno with _______.
radical feminists joined with -------in the 80s to combat porno
radical right
what is erotica?
erotica is what happens when women aren't being objectified
men are more likely to committ ----
white collared crime
# of women are involved in ------ crime
corporate low
what kind of crimes do women usually commit?
property crime
a large portion of female property crime is ------
some argue that the war on drugs is actually a --------, particularly -----

women of color
war on drugs emphaized more arrests, and harsher punishments

assumption that imprisioning drug offenders will dramatically decrease overall crime rate.

actually, drug/crim much more multidimenionsal, gender is a---
important variable

women who deal drugs tend to be ---------- dealers, transactions $10 or less
small time
drug use is linked to --------

war on drugs
why do some believee that the war on drugs is a war on women
because the arrests of women for drug offense increased more than 59 percent between 1991 and 2000
What are some problems with condeming rapists in marital rape?
some states require you to be divorced

it isn't considered rape unless husband uses a weapon

difficult to prove rape in a marital relaitonship

also, in rape cases in general, women are often the ones who get blamed