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15 Cards in this Set

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age structure
pattern of proportions of diff age groups within a population
birth rate
number of babies born in a year for every 1,000 members of a population
periodic head count of the entire population of a country
death rate
number of deaths in a year for every 1,000 members of a population
demographic transition
theory that human populations tend to go through specific demographic stages and these stages are tied to a societies economic development
stage 1: birth and death rates high
stage 2: birth rates high death rates decline
stage 3: birth rates and death rates decline
stage 4: low birth rate and low death rate-only most industrialized nations us, western europs come to this
scientific study of population
study of the origin and spread of diesease within a population
healing role
set of social expectations reguarding how a doctor should behave
infant mortality rate
the number of deaths amount infants less then 1 year old for every 1000 live births
life expectancy
average number of ayears a group of people can expect to live
living will
advance intructions about waht someone wants doctors to do in the event of a terminal illness
marraige rate
number of marraiges in given year for every 1,000 people
sex ratio
number of males per 100 females
sick role
set of social expectations reguarding how an ill person should behave
vital statistics
info abour births, marraiges, and migrations into and out of a country