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52 Cards in this Set

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Ascribed vs Achieved Status
Ascribed- born into, given statusAchieved-worked for
Open stratification system
people have achieved statuses, high degree of social mobility, meritocratic(equal opportunities), most qualified will get job. I.e. Canada (supposedly)
Closed Stratification system
ascribed, no social mobility, not meritocratic
Marx social change theory
Proletariat exploited by Bourgeoisie, no common class interests, develop class consciousness of exploitation, come together and revolt, ends capitalism and social inequality, middle class dissapears.
Upper class, owns means of production
Majority, working class, sells labor for wage
Middle class
Max Webar social change theory
economic inequality important, status and political influence more important. Middle class will grow and become more diverse. No revolution, no class consciousness, capitalism does not fall. Socioeconomic class- class, education, occupation. Life chances
Socioeconomic class(Webar)
Class, education and occupation
Life chances(Webar)
higher you are on economic hierarchy, more life chances you get from class.
E.O. Wright theory
middle class complex, many levels. Contradictory class location
Contradictory class location (Wright)
divided loyalties within middle class, feel loyal to those above and below, caught in middle, prevents people from rebelling
who you become
biologically male or female
The double day
women who work in labour force and then come home to private work
What % of work do women do?
women- 60% household work and 70% of the childcare work
Sandwich generation
Women care for children and aging parents
Implications for sandwich generation (6)
1)Late/absent from work

2)has to leave work

3) physical health

4) misses work

5)misses social activities

6) no promotion

How much do women make compared to men ($)
71c for every 1$
3 reasons why working women aren't all unmarried today
1) increase in service sector jobs by women

2) decrease in # of children families have

3) Increased financial pressure requires 2 incomes

Sex typing
When you believe a certain job is best performed by a certain sex
Glass ceiling
barrier that prevents women/visible minorities from penetrating the top rung of ladder
Non standard work
part time, temporary, no benefits, no pension, no job security
What percentage of women and men perform non standard work?
40% of employed women and 27% men
Lowest job candidates
aboriginal and visible minority women
2 types of employment assistance
1) employment equity- helps ensure equal opportunities for jobs

2)Pay equity- helps ensure pay is equal

T parsons
families maintain socialization and state, roles of mother and father are complimentary, not equal though

boys are raised to be copetent, rational and confident-instrumental traits

girls are raised to be sensitive, emotionally expressive, prepared for nurturing- expressive traits

3 types of families
1) Foraging families- hunting/gathering, communal, everything shared

2) Agricultural family- pre-industrial

3) Industrial family

3 Reasons why people think crime is increasing
1) Media sensationalizes stories

2) People's fears about crime increases with age

3) Politicians use stories and data to get votes

Moral Panic
extreme reaction to deviance and crime. Makes people act in alarming ways, paranoid
Moral crusade
work of people to make behavior as deviant i.e. MADD raised drunk driving as deviant
2 groups notice deviant behaviors
law makers, rule enforcers
What percentage of crime is discovered by police on their own patrols?

Dark fiqure of crime
number of criminal incidents that are unknown to police
4 correlations of crime
1) Age- teens/early 20s

2) Gender- young males

3) class- Lower class

4)Race/ethnicity- aboriginal/visible minorities

Homicide rates in Canada (2010)
554 total, 1.6 per 100 000
Female crime increasing how?
3 largest areas of internet crime
1)Identity theft

2) Cyber-stalkin

3) Sale/distribution of Pornography

#1 to control crime
First Canadian prison
Kingston Ontario 1835

What do prisons do? (2)
1) Incapacitate

2) Punish

3 reasons why prisons fail
1) Too few resources to rehabilitate

2) Harsh climate makes prisoners develop subculture against authority

3) Criminals in prison learn more criminal skills

Labeling theory
Labeling someone as deviant causes person to become deviant
Maximum security society
rely less on people and more on technology
Master status
Status that you have that overshadows all other statuses

Strain Theory
Societies have higher crime rates than other because of their cultural values, Larger structures don't allow those to get certain values. Contradiction between what you want and legitimate way to achieve, leads to strain.
Learning theory
Differential association- people exposed to deviant behavior learn deviance. elite show ow bending rules is okay.
Making crime rational- " it was victim-less"

"everyone's doing it"

Control Theory
Absence of control leads to deviance, family/schools make strong social bonds that control this deviance. Weak attachments- deviance
Opportunity Theory
Crime happens because it's rewarding, we all commit if it's there.

Goffman's approach
Front stage -polished, rehearsed practices image of yourself to foster to others

Back stage- Hidden facts, audience not supposed to see

Tacit Collusion
When member of audience sees something from back stage , pretend they saw nothing. Saves person's front stage performance. The more status someone has the more likely people will engage in tacit collusion.