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160 Cards in this Set

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How many Iroquois Nations were there? Name them
5, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida and Mohawk
Describe the government of the Iroquois
Iroquois confederacy- sachems and matrilineal.. each nation had veto power, all must agree
six ways in which women were uniquelly important in Iroquois society
1. owned longhouses 2. arranged marraiges 3. chose sachems 4. matrilineal society 5. named children 6. headed planting and harvesting`
religious leader who drempt about the five nations coming together
organized league of the iroquois-- made dekanawidas dream come true
family centered around oldest woman
onondaga tribes
three sisters
corn beans and squash
specially chosen tribal leaders
Christopher Columbus
given money by the king and queen of spain to travel around the world to find eastern route to india for the spice trade Landed on the west indies, thought he had found the "new world"
Ferdinand magellan
first man to sail around the world
Lief Erickson
Viking-- made trips to Greenland
WHat new inventions made European exploration easier
astrolabe, caravel, compass
What were explorers searching for?
What is the Albany Plan of Union?
Ben Franklin-- JOIN OR DIE!
WHat NA were on the British side in the French and Indian war?
What NA were on the French side in the French and indian war?
Huron and Algonquians
What ended the French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris, 1763
Writs of Assistance
Legal document -- blank search warrant
Proclomation LIne of 1763
Drew a line along the Appalachian mountains and forbade colonists to settle west of the line
Sugar Act
replaced an earlier tax on molasses
Stamp Act
put a tax on legal documents
Declatory Act
a law that says the british can make a law on anything and raise taxes
Quartering Act
Colonists had to pay for the housing of British Soldiers
Townshend Act
goods taxed such as glass, paper, silk, lead and tea
Boston massacre
Colonists started throwing snowballs, oyster shells, and sticks at soldiers
Committees of Correspondence
to keep colonists informed of British actioins with letters and pamphlets
non-importation agreements
promised to stop importing goods taxed by the townshend acts
boston tea party
50 people dressed as indians and swarmed down to the harbor and boarded the tea ships. Then they dumped all the tea in the gboston harbor
intolerable acts
1. shut down port of boston 2. one town meeting 3. people charged of crimes could be tried in Britain and Canada
tea act
removed taxes paid by the british east india company
the new england colonies:
which different religious groups came to the colonies? Where did they settle?:
pilgrims, mass. seperatists, plymouths. catholics, maryland. puritans, mass bay. quakers, penn.
Plymouth Rock
William bradford, religious freedom for seperatists
massachusettes bay
john winthrop, religous freedom for puritans
thomas hooker, religous freedom , hated massachusetts government
new hampshire
Gorges and mason, land and trade and fishing
willam penn, religous freedom for quakers and everyone
rhode island
roger williams, religous freedom for separatists
new york
peter minuet and duke of york, trade
new jersey
berkely / carteret, trade / farming
john printz, sweedish settles, trade/farming
lord baltimore, religoous freedom for catholics
tea act
removed taxes paid by the british east india company
the new england colonies:
which different religious groups came to the colonies? Where did they settle?:
pilgrims, mass. seperatists, plymouths. catholics, maryland. puritans, mass bay. quakers, penn.
Plymouth Rock
William bradford, religious freedom for seperatists
massachusettes bay
john winthrop, religous freedom for puritans
thomas hooker, religous freedom , hated massachusetts government
new hampshire
Gorges and mason, land and trade and fishing
willam penn, religous freedom for quakers and everyone
rhode island
roger williams, religous freedom for separatists
new york
peter minuet and duke of york, trade
new jersey
berkely / carteret, trade / farming
john printz, sweedish settles, trade/farming
lord baltimore, religoous freedom for catholics
jamestown, virginia
john smith, gold, profits, first succesful colony
8 men, trade/farming
james oglethorpe/ buffer against Spanish Florida, refuge for debtors
leader of the sons of liberty
sam adams
attorney who defended british troops in boston massacre trial
john adams
wrote dec of ind.
thomas jefferson
wrote common sense
thomas paine
his writings influenced jefferson
john locke
major slogan of the rev. war
no taxation without representation!
to refuse to buy a certain item
three parts of the dec of ind.
theory on government, wrongs done by the king, declare independence, (preamble?)
advantages of the americans in rev war
homeland, fighting for freedom, leader -- george washington, french allys
advantages of the british in rev war
more soldiers, bigger army and nacy, more money then us, german solderis,
the firsts shots of the rev war
lexington and concord
battle misnamed in rev war
battle of bunker hill
turning part of rev war
battle of saratoga
final battle of rev war
battle of yorktown
treaty that ended the rev war
treaty of paris -- 1783
terms of treaty of paris 1783
free nation, borders- atlantic to mississippi river and florida to canada
what is sectionalism
strong sense of loyalty to a state or secrtion instead of the whole country
adv of north in civil war
4 times as many free citizens, had factories, strong navy
adv of south in civil war
defensive war, hunting skills, fighting for a purpose
missouri compromise
1. number of slave and free states had to be equal 2 line at southern border at 36 30 slavery banned above it, 3. maine free, missouri, slave
compromise of 1850
clays plan, california admitted as free state, new mexico and utah, pop sov. would decide free or slave, slave trade banned in wash DC. fugitive slave law pased
kansas-nebraska act
made the missouri compromise invalid. said that the kanses nebraska act would now be settled by pop sov. led to a huge influx of people attemting to vote pro slavery and pro abolition--
bleeding kansas
2 govs set up, john brown and his children kill pro slavery citizens- led to the verge of war- frirst real bloodshed between north and south
dred scott v. sanford
d. s. sued for his freedom after having moved into a free state. sup court ruled that 1. d.d. was a slave and therefor should not be allowed to even bring a case to court 2. slaves wer enot citizens 3 slaves were property and had no rightrs, missouri compromise and any anti-slave laws were unconstitutional
republican party
main goal to keep slavery of western territory
election of 1860
lincoln repub, breckenridge south dem. douglas north dem. bell union party -- lincoln wins
fort sumter
first battle of civil war. federal fort surrounded by southern army. fort surrendered without a single death
popular sovereignty
voters get to make the decisions-- in this casse it has to do with the decision of whether or not slavery would be legal
purpose of civil war
to keep the union together
bull run
showed both sideds they needed to train their soldiers.. union panicked and retreted
grant led untion, grant victorius, on of the bloodiest battles
neithre side won, mcclellan attacked lee. LED TO EMANC. PROC
turning point of the civil war, lees men stumbled on union troops at small town of gettysburg. 50000 casualties
grant attacks vicksburg from rear by suprise, gives us total control of mississippi
appotomattox courthouse
ends war, confederates surrended in 1865
emancipation proclomation
allows blacks to join the union army, freed the slaves
johnsons plan
majority of white voters have to sswear loyalty to us -- raity 13th amendment
reconstruction act-
period of souths rebuilding, as well as gov. plan to rebuild it. raity 14th and 15th amendments - 5 military districts, forced states to make anew const.
13th 14th 15th amendments
free slaves, citizenship to all born in us and equal protection under the law, slaves right to vote
wanted to break up the power of wealthy southern plantation owners
jim crow laws
segregation laws..... poll tax, literacy tests, grandfathers clause
ku klux klan
secret society that wanted to keep blacks and their followers out of office
what was the trans cont railroad?
met at promontary point, people could get out west and goods could travel faster
what hardships did the farms face in the "frontier"
weather, sod, grasshoppers, buffalo and LOW PRICES
how did the us expansion change the way of life for natives on the great plains
relocated to reservations, buffalo killed, made and broke traeaties over land, forced to acculturation, massacred
what was the dawes act? what was its purpose
said native americans could own land but only individually purpose was to split up native american tribes -- granted citizen ship
trail of tears
andrew jackson, na forced at gunppoint -- removal of cherokee na from native lands, march across mississippi
tarrif of abominations
south carolina objected to high tarriff and said it was horrible. high us tarriff meant high european tarriff which meant south had to pay a lot for european goods which they relied on
monroe doctrine
1. europe couldnt colonize in w. hemis 2. we wont mess with u and u wont mess with us (europe)
spoils system
if u helped the pres get elected, u would get a job even if u werent qualified
alien act
expel any foreigner who was thought to be dangerous (adams)
sedition act
gov could fine and jail people who critized gov-- clear violation of 1st amendment (adams)
manifest destiny
belief that god wanted to us to expand all the way to pacific ocean. resulted in mexican war and the aquisition of the oregon territory
lousinana punchase who did we purchase it from? when? how much?who bought it? how did it affect the us? why did we want it?
france, 1803, 15 million, jefferson, doubled size of us, wanted new orleans to control the trading port of mississippi
who was sent to explore lousinana purchase?
lewis and clarke
how did the us aquire oregon territory?
by treaty with great britain
texas fight for independs-- why did people settle in texas?
oppurtunity for farming, land and extenstion of slavery
why did texas declare its independence from mexico
didnt agree with mexican law, wanted to be independent, didnt want to be catholic, didnt like santa anna
what were the cause of the mexican war?
both wanted the land, american blood spilled on american soil, manifest detiny
how did the mexican war end? what were the terms of the treaty
us won land including new border of texas, new mexico, arizona, nevada, and california (mexican cession)
what led people to move to cali?
gold rush, religion, manifest destiny and fertile land
weaknesses of articles of confederation
weak nation gov. national gov couldnt collect taxes, no court systems, coul;d not regualre inter state commerse
new jersey plan
william patterson , equal rep. supported small states.. uni cameral
virginia plan
edmund randolph and james madison, supported large states, bicameral, proportional representaiton
great compromise
roger sherman, equal AND proportional representation- supported big and little states , 3/5 compromise
legislative branch powers
congress, make the laws, collect taxes, coin money, declare wars,
legislative checks on other branches
can override pres. veto, can impeach, ratify treaties
executive branches and powers
president and cabinet, execute the laws, accept or veto laws, spencd money, collect taxes
executive branch checks on other branches
can veto congress, nominate judges, pardon people
judicial branch powers
unterpret the laws,
judicial branch checks
can say a law made is unconstitutional
bring charges upon an elected official
judicial review
power of the supreme courrt to decide whether the acts of a president or laws passed by congress are constitutional
power between the federal gov and the states
expressed power
power give to the federal gov
concurrent power
power fgiven to the states and federal gov(both)
reserved power
power given only to the states
to approve
electoral college
group of electors from every state who meet every 4 years to vote of pres and v.pres
elastic clause
the laws can be flexible
bill of rights 1
freedom or religion, press, speech, assembly and petition( early settlers religion and stuff)
bill of rights 2
right to bear arms ( pre revolution, english attempted to limit militia activity)
no quarter ( quartering act)
search and siezure ( british troops ofter searhhhch houses and property at will in an attempt to suppress organizations working towards a revolution)
rights of the accused- double jeopaerdy, due proccess ( many under british law accused in the colonies were jailed without being accused of a crime)
more rights of the accused-- british courts could keep a suspect in jail without accusing him or her of a crime of bringing them into a coury of law
rights in a civil case- right to a trial by jury-
cruel and unusual punishement and protections against excessive bails and fines..
unenumerated rights guarantee that rights not listed in the const. are still protected
BOR 10
guarantee that the people and the states have all of the powers not specifically delegarted the federal gov.
tinker v. demoines
armbands-- symbolic speech was allowed in school as long as it did not take away from the learning process
brown v. board of ed.
4 black stufents wanted to attend an all white public school--= ended segregation, seperate but equal was not ok
gideon v. wainwright
plessy v. ferguson
1/8 black man wanted to ride in an all white train he refused to leave his seat-- seperate but equal was ok
nj v. tlo
girl broek school rule-- school searched her bag and found mariwanna... school acted and had the rights of paernts to search without a warrant
marbury v. madison
established judicial review