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43 Cards in this Set

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Relativity of deviance
What is considered deviant varies across soieties
Normative behavior
A behavior that is accepted as normal, conforms with societies standards
Nonsociological approaches to deviance
Deviance based on biological factors, physical characteristics, personality factors
Responses to anomie
a state of social confusion. Society fails to exercise regulation of goals and desires of members
Differential opportunities to deviate
If you are given the opportunity to deviate you are more likely to do it
Deviance as learned behavior
one learns a deviant behavior through a kind of socialization
Societal reaction/labeling theory
being judged and labeled "deviant" has significant consequences for peoples behavior
Primary and secondary deviance
Primary-deviant acts that most everyone does from time to time
Secondary- deviant behavior that occurs after and because of the fact that they have been labeled deviant
Society is made up of many sociological layers arranged in a hierarchy
legitimating rationale
Widely accepted beliefs that some things are fair and just
Ex: laws that punish people
Marx's conception of class
People fall into social classes, lower, middle, and upper class
Kuznet's curve
The graphic relationship between means of production are the level of stratifications is parabolic
Power versus authority
authority is power that is seen as justified and power is the ability to get people to do what you want
Status and prestige
Prestige is the degree to which an individual has social honor. Status is the position one occupies in a social structure
Formal process by which slaves would be free
Social mobility
Moving around within social status
Louis Wirth, minority/dominant group
With every dominant, there is a minority and vice versa
Discrimination on the individual and institutional level. Ex: Agism, anti-semitism, racism and sexism
Pyramiding effect of discrimination
accumulation of blatent avoidance, verbal harassement, physical attacks and subtle slights over the course of time
Race as a social constraint
Socially constructed attribute, tied to beliefs and differences and physical makeup of different individuals
Shared culture, heritage
Gender as a social construct
Social expectations about how males and females ought to act
Margaret Mead, study of three New Guinea societies
showed how societies overlook the real sense of differences (not just gender)
An unjustified prejudgement, misjudgement
Individual discrimination
When an individual discriminates against another individual
Institutional discrimination
Involves a denial of equal opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that results from normal operations of society
Robert merton typology of prejudice and discrimination
Not all people who are prejudice practice discrimination and not all people who discriminate are prejudice
Matthew effect
The notion that people who gain wealth find it easier to get more wealth
Oscar Lewis, "culture of poverty"
Turns poverty into a vicious cycle. Tends to perpetuate itself from generation to generation because of its effect on children
Blaming the victim
Unjustly stating that the cause of the problem is the individual, when the real cause is the social environment
Tracking (in schools)
Process by which school children receive different education content based on their perceived aptitude
Collective conscience
The totality of beliefs and sentiments common to the average members of the same society
Structural strain
The amount of stress in a society that affects an individual (pg 173)
Adapting to the goals of success even when it doesn't get one anywhere
Innovation ritualism
Accept the accepted goals but devise new ones when necessary. Ritualists follow and legitimate means without...
Reject both the goals and legitimate means to them. Ex: stoner
When people are not well integrated into society
rebels are deviant in that they reject both cultural goals and means and substitute new ones
Caste system
A completely closed system of stratification in which statuses are given at birth. The most closed system
Estate system
As in caste system, status is determined by birth. A mostly closed system, although through the church or knighthood there was a little room for advancement
Intragenerational mobility
Has to do with mobility within a persons lifetime
Intergenerational mobility
Occurs with changes in position in the stratification system by different generations of family members
SES (socioeconomic status)
A person's wealth, prestige, education, determines place in the social system