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73 Cards in this Set

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Social Stratification
is the hierarchical arrangement of large social groups based on their control over basic resources
What does Max Weber's term life chances refer to?
to extent to which individuals have access to important societal resources such as food, clothing shelter, education and health care
any thing valued in a society, ranging from money and property to medical care and educaton
Systems of Stratification
1) open
2) Closed
Open system
the boundaries between levels in the hierarchies and more flexible and may be influenced(positively or negatively) by people's achieved status. Open systems are assumed to have some degree of social mobility.
Social Mobility
is the movement of individuals or groups form one level in stratification system to another
Intergenerational mobility
is the social movement experienced by family members form one generation to the next.
Intergenerational mobility
is the social movement of individuals within their own life time
Closed system
are rigid and people's positions are set by ascribed status.
is an extreme form of stratification in which some people are owned by others
what are the 5 societies that are slave societies
1) ancient Greece
2) Roman Empire
3) United States
4) Caribbean
5) Barzil
4 primary Characteristic of slavery
1) it was for life and was inherited
( children of slaves were considered to be slaves)
2) slaves were considered property not human beings
3) slaves were denied rights
4) coercion was used to keep slaves "in heir place"
The world will not be free of slavery as long as there are
1) debt bondage
2) child labor
3) contract labor
4) other varieties of coerced work for limit periods of time, with limited opportunities for mobility and with limited political and economic power
Cast system
a type of stratification based on the ownership and control of resources and on the type of work that people do.
the separation of the races
Cultural beliefs and values sustain caste system. Hinduism effects the people of India how?
it reinforced teh caste system by teaching that people should accept their fate in life and work hard as a moral duty. Caste systems grow weaker as societies industrialize.
Class System
a type of stratification based on the ownership and control for resources and on the type of work that people do.
Caste system
a system of social inequality in which people's status is permanently determined at birth based on their parents' ascribed characteristics.
capitalist class ( bourgeoisie)
Karl Marx's Term for?
for the class that consists of those who own the means of production
Working Class ( Proletariat)
Karl Marx's term for?
those who must sell their labor to the owners in order to earn enough money to survive
Karl Marx's stated that capitalistic societies consist of two classes
a feeling of powerlessness and estrangement from other people and from oneself.
Class Conflict
Karl Marx's term for the struggle between the capitalist class and the working class.
In Karl Marx's view
the capitalist class maintains its position at the top of the class structure by control of the society's superstructure, which is composed of the government, school, churches, and other social institution that produce and disseminate ideas perpeuating the existing system of exploitation
Class Conflict
Karl Marx's term for
the struggle between the capitalist class and the working class
Why had no workers' revolution occurred?
capitalism may have persisted because it has changed significantly since Marx's time. Individual capitalists no longer own and control factories and other means of production: to day, ownership and control have largely been separated.
the value of all of a person's or family's economic assets, including income, personal property, and income-producing property.
the respect or regard with which a person or status position is regarded by others.
Power according to Max Weber,
the ability of people or groups to achieve their goals despite opposition from others.
Socioeconomic status
a combined measure that, in order to determine class location, attempts to classify individuals, families, or households in terms of factors such as income, occupation, and education.
Expanding on Weber's analysis of class structure, the sociologists Gilbert and Kahl developed a model of social classes based on 3 elements.
1) education
2) occupation of family head
3) family income
The Upper Class ( Capitalist)
Make up 1% of the population are in this class
divided in two types
upper upper class ( old money)
lower upper class ( New money)
members of the Upper Upper class comes from?
old money,
come form prominent families which possess great wealth that they have held for several generations.
Members of the lower upper class comes from
may be extremely wealthy but not have attained as much prestige as members of the upper upper class.
The upper Middle Class
Make up 14% of the population are in this category
3 factors qualifies people for the upper middle class
1) university Degree
2) authority and independence on the job
3) high income
The Middle Class
Make up 30 % High school diploma is necessary to qualify for middle class. but 2 to 4 year college degree has replace high school diplomas,
Factors have eroded the American Dream for the Middle Class
1) escalating housing prices
2) occupational insecurity
3) blocked mobility on the job
4) the cost of living squeeze that has penalized younger workers, even when they have more education and better jobs than their parents.
Working class
Make up 30 % of the population, The core of this class is made up of semiskilled machine operators who work in factories and elsewhere.
Pink collar occupations
relatively low paying, non manual, semiskilled position primarily held by women
The Working Poor
Make up 20 % of the population, members of the working poor class live from just abore to just below the poverty line: they typically hold unskilled jobs, seasonal migrant jobs in agriculture, owner paid factory jobs, and service jobs.
The Underclass
are poor, seldom employed, and caught
in long-term deprivation that results from low levels of education and income and high rates of unemployment
The Marxian Model of Class Structure
identified ownership or non ownership of the means of production as the distinguishing features of classes. From this persective, classes are social groups organized around property ownership, and social stratification is created and maintained by one group in order to protect and enhance its owner economic interests.
Wright's outlines 4 criteria for placement in the class structure they are?
1) ownership of the means of production
2) purchase of the labor of others ( employing others)
3) control of the labor of others
(supervising others on the job)
4) sale of one's own labor
( being employed by someone else)
Wright' criteria to determine the class placement of all workers regardless of race/ethnicity, in a capitalist society
1) the capitalist class
2) the managerial class
3) the small business class
4) the working class- so that you can compare them to those found in the Weberian model
The Capitalist Class
holds most of all the wealth and owner in society through ownership of capital
the economic gain derived form wages, salaries, income transfers ( governmental aid) and ownership of property.
Official property lines
the federal income standard that is based on what is considered to be the minimum amount of money required for living at a subsistence level
Absolute Poverty
a level of economic deprivation that exists when people do not have the means to secure the most basic necessities of life
relative poverty
a condition that exists when people may be able to afford basic necessities but are still unable to maintain an average standard of living.
Feminization of poverty
the trend in which women are disproportionately represented among individuals living in poverty
Job Deskilling
a reduction in the proficiency needed to perform a specific job that leads to a corresponding reduction in the wages for that job.
Davis-Moore thesis
the functionalist theory that stratification exists in all societies and that some inequality is notably inevitable but also necessary for the ongoing functioning of society.
a hierarchy in which all positions are rewarded based on people's ability and credentials
according to some stereotypes, most of the poor and virtually all welfare recipients are people of color. However this stereotype is false; white americans account for approximately two thirds of those below the official poverty line
Functionalist persectives
some degree of social inequality is necessary for the smooth functioning of society ( in order to fill the most important functions) and thus is inevitable
Conflict perspectives
powerful individuals and groups use ideology to maintain their favored positions in society at the expense of others, and wealth is not necessary in order to motivate people
Symbolic interactions perspectives
the beliefs and actions of people reflect their class location in society
Will social inequality in the U.S. increase, decrease or remain the same n the future?
trends point to an increase
1) First purchasing power of the dollar has stagnated or declined
2) second, wealth continues to become more concentrated at the top of the U.S. class structure
3) third, federal tax laws in recent years have benefited corporations and wealthy families at the expense of middle and lower income families. Finally, structural sources of upward mobility are shrinking, whereas the rate of downward mobility has increased
narrows and closes life chances being poor not only means economic instability but also racks havoc on one's mental and physical health
3 Presidents who owned slaves
1) George Washington
2) Thomas Jefferson
3) James mdson
what % of south's whites owned slaves
what countries still practice the Cast system
India and South Africa
what country cast system was built on Apartheid?
South Africa
Who stated as log as there is a division of labor then there will always be conflict
Weber's multidimensional approach to social stratification that reflects the interplay among
1) wealth
2) prestige
3) power
The underclass
3-5% are poor, usually homeless, drug dealers, drug addicts, pimps, prostitutes
Inequality in the us for rich and poor
the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer, the gulf between the wealthy and poor has gotten larger ( wider)
How do we count the poor?
by using the official poverty line
Two types of poverty
1) absolute
2) Relative poverty
Absolute poverty
exist when people do not have the means to secure the most basic necessities for life
Relative poverty
exists when people maybe able to afford basic necessities
Who are the poor?
children are at much greater risk of living in poverty
U.S. Stratification 4 reasons for this happening
1) value of dollar decline
2) wealth continues to become more concentrated at the top of the U.S. class structure
3) federal tax laws in recent years have benefited corporations and wealthy families at the expense of middle and lower income families
4) structural sources of upward mobility are shrinking, where as the rate of downward mobility has increased