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12 Cards in this Set

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Jeffrey Weeks
Essentialism vs. Constructionism
Jonathon Ned Katz
the meaning of homosexuality changed from a behavior (sodomy) to a type of gender deviance to an abnormal personality to social identity
WWII --> increased homosexuality, esp in big cities
Sexuality created sex
 Patterns of sexual control have changed in modern societies
• 17th and 18th century: focus on social regulation, especially focusing individual sexual energy into marriage
o Government
• Now, also interested in young people, gay people, outside of marriages
o Criminal justice department, medical and scientific institutions, mass media
 Sexual freedom
• Negative freedom: escape from unnecessary control
• Positive freedom: the right to express one’s sexuality
• Supported gay rights, but recognized that it reinforced the need to declare oneself as normal or abnormal, stigmatized bisexuals
• Recommend instead freeing our minds from the idea of sexuality
o Desexualize behavior
 Homosexuality = a desire and a source of erotic pleasures, new social ties, cultural expressions
• Did not mention differences between gender, age, race, class
o French term for Sodomite
o Arabic word for “boy slave kept for sexual purposes”
o Both sexes?
o Native American tribes, some men acted as women
 In most tribes, this was a very revered role
 Seemed bizarre to the French settlers
societal norms not in line with expectations
Masters and Johnson
more physiological than Kinsey; sexual inadequacy in marriage
producer --> consumer society
sex sells, marketing sex
not sexual freedom because of pressures on performance and maximum pleasure
Relationship with mother
women more likely to be bisexual or homosexual because of consistent close relationship with mother
o Ideas that individuals are defined not only by class position, but their gender status
 Sexuality emerges in the course of individual development
• THE FAMILY plays a crucial role in the making of the sexual self
Catherine Mackinnon
o Sexuality is defined by men, as the dominant gender
 Control what are expected of women
o Women not supposed to be as sexually desirous as men
 If they have too much sex, labeled a whore
Ira Reiss
As women have entered the labor force, the double standard of sex has decreased
John Gagnon and William Simon
Script Theory
o Sexuality is socially learned
o Scripts tells us who, what, when, where, how we are to have sex, and what this should mean to us