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60 Cards in this Set

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Plato's Epistemology
Amnesis- a recollection of forms
What are the forms?
Truth behind what we see, absolute, metaphysical truth.
Which Philosopher uses the forms?
Plato and the body
It distorts and corrupts our soul
Plato and Morality
Informed by form of morality
Plato and Society
Society is informed by the abstractions and guided by those with access to forms
Plato's Theoretical Knowledge
1) Objectification- its nature is seperate from us
2) Essence/Unity- a pure form
3) Decontextualized
4) Make it explicit
5) Systemic whole
Hobbes' Ontology
self interests, materialism, nominalism, atomism
Rationality according to Hobbes
Acting in one's self interest
humans are alike in name only. No spirit that existed before, there is no God.
We are our own selves, independent of each other, distinct beings
Locke's Ontology
Property dualism, there is a God, Atomism
Rationality according to Locke
Rationality comes from God
-Passive participation of object to senses
-Impresses itself on the subject
-seeing is believing
Epistemology according to Hobbes and Locke
Hobbes and Morality
There is no morality
Locke and Morality
God is the Ultimate law and punishment giver
Hobbes and Social Organization
-Contract relations
-"Nasty, brutish, and short"
-Everything is mine
-There is a need for enforcement motivated by protection
Locke and Social Organization
-"Fair and equal"
-Everything is mine
-Mutual Benefit
Kant and Ontology
Universal Categories of the Mind
Universal Categories of the Mind- categories of the mind order and inform the experience and give relations
Kant and Rationality
To be free, autonomic, we can comprehend things in the same way. It is bad to act in our own way- things that tell us how to think without us thinking are bad.
Object as experienced
Objection in the world
- Can't be accessed alone. You have to go through UCM
Categorical Imperitive
-One only should act how expected for everyone to act.
-If i have to do it then everyone is expected to do it
Kant and Morality
Categorical Imperitive
Hegel's Ontology
Dialetical Idealism, Historical Focus, and Categories of Mediation
Parts of Dialectical Idealism
Thesis, Antithesis/Negation, Synthesis
Categories of Mediation
-subject to culture or particularities
ex. Language- how i think about and understand things can change with location
Hegel and Morality
Socially Contextual
Hegel and Social Organization
-Emphasis on Progress
-Importance of society- we rely on the community to be able to think
Five Parts of the Modernist Project
Social World
Rationally Reconstruct
Freedom and Control
Parts of the Pre-Modern World
Divine World
Given Order
Medicine for modernists is __________ vs. pre-modern medicine is ____________
Truth- Plato vs. Modernists
Plato believes that truth comes from a knowledge of the forms
Modernists believe that truth comes from rationality
Explain paradox of love relations (Luhmann)
-In order to affirm the other person and keep the relationship stable, you have to disaffirm yourself or a part of yourself.
Ex. Boyfriend is a vegetarian--> I have to sacrifice at meal times
Loves substitutes
Market- buying things to help you feel affirmed
Therapy- paying someone to affirm you
What is love (baby don't hurt me, no more)
Baumann- an exchange relation
Luhmann- seeking affirmation of self--total self
Total Self
-You construct yourself
-You don't know if you'l be accepted
Parsons Theory on Relationships
Personal and Impersonal Relations
Personal Relations (4 Parts)
Diffuse- interested in multiple facets (brother vs. doctor)
Affective- emotions accepted
Particular- there are rules governing that relationship
Quality- it's MY brother, not A brother
Impersonal Relations (4 Parts)
Specific- interested in one facet
Nonaffective- no emotions
Universal rules- same rules for all
Performance- your performance in that role
There are more ______ relationships in Modern Society and more _______ relationships in Pre-Modern Society
5 Properties of a Gift
No Reciprocity
No 3rd Party
No Calculation
Other perceived as in need
5 Properties of an Exchange
No anonymity
3rd Party
Other perceived as competitor
Philosophy (Euthyphro)
a means by which we can find out piety
Greek form/matter
Form stays the same
matter changes
Hebrew form/matter
there is no distinction- matter is already formed and already involved in activity
Greek time
each moment in time is filled with content
linear, separate discrete moments
ex. repentance- erase moment and continue
Hebrew time
Rhythm, past and future are constantly with you
ex. repentance- different meaning to past, present, future
Greek space
empty container to be filled
Hebrew Space
defined activity occurring in it
Greek Word
- to gather, to order, categorize, represent, and correspond
Hebrew Word
- to drive forward, to bring to pass, to have effect
Greek Being
to be a thing, something has a particular essence to it
Hebrew Being
to be involved in activity, movement
Post Modern
to be a modernist but critical of modernist project
only agree with #1- social world, not divine
"I call them how they are"
Objectivists- the way it is, representing truth
"I call them how I see them"
Subjectivism- it depends on your angle
"They ain't nothin until I call them"
Constructionist- it is through the call that it comes to be