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66 Cards in this Set

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Trends for racialized mass incarceration

1925-1975: rates are stable

1980: fewer than 300,000 behind bars

2007: 1.5 million

Primary reasons for imprisonment

Incapacitate---(public safety)

Retribution ---(punish)

Rehabilitate-- (resocialize)

Deterrence ---(create fear)


to return to a previous pattern of behavior (crime)




- conditions people find themselves in

- choices people make

3 MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS Extra-legal factors that influence how OFFICERS respond

1: Suspect's demeanor

2: Suspect's social class

3: Suspect's race

Felony disenfranchisement across US states

48/50 states restrict voting for prisoners

Transformative assets

Received assets fromolder generations that have potential to transform life

income: salary, wages, all earnings

wealth: total assets, property

not equity

2 measures of wealth

net worth

Financial wealth (net work)

In 2013: on average whites had... $

whites: $141,900

blacks : $11

due to transfer of wealth from one generation to the next

Jack and jill society

Bourgeois, upperclass african american club

Rates of miscegenation

10% of marriages are across racial lines-2010

15% of new marriages are interracial

Danerians, Wallonians, Pirenians were used as an example to...

intimacy comfort

Did michgan have anti-miscengenation laws?

Yes. Which were removed in 1883

Loving vs. Virginia 1967

outlawed anti miscegenation laws

who used to marry interracially?

who does now?

- low education americans

- now highly educated americans

1st and second most common combos for racial intermarriage

1: Black males and White females

2: White males and Asian females


tendency to marry those with similar social characteristics


marry up socially


marry down

Public support of interracial marriage

1958 and 2011

1958: 4%

2011: 85%

arrest rates and college graduation rates for college atheletes

-lower than average

-higher than average

What percent of Arab Americans are Christian?


What race has most muslims in America?

African American - 42%

Arab Americans make up how much of U.S. pop?


What are the three largest groups of arabs?

Lebanese: 25%



1st wave of Middle Eastern Migration

late 1800's

Lebanese and Syrian

- escaping prosecution of Ottoman Empire

- most Christian

- had entrepreneurial resources

(sojourners, middle man minority in auto industry)


125,000 in US

100,000 in metro detroit

Catholic group from Iraq

Chain migration

man first, then sends for wife and children, then parents and other relatives

2nd wave of middle eastern migration

after 1965

- more likely to be muslim

- educated professionals

- migrate as family units

Resource shares for Middle Eastern

Lebanese have highest SES

Iraqis have lowest SES

Cultural Assimilation factors for Arab Americans

- speak english in public more than others

- high rates of voting

- believe in individualism and work ethic

Structural Assimilation factors for Arab Americans

- Residentially dispersed

- rates of intermarriage rising

- US muslims establish friendships with non muslims

How many arab americans live in metro detroit?


Mega Church

2000< attendees

homogeneous congreagation

80% of congregation are the same race

- over 90% of us congregations are racially homogeneous

Which religious groups are most likely to have racially mixed congregations


- 15% of catholic churches mixed

- 5% of Protestant churches mixed

Why might Protestant churches be less mixed?

The more churches available, the more options a person has to choosing a congregation that is most like their own identity.

Why might religion reinforce boundaries?

- Churches segregated by class

- Churches heighten in-group bonds which produce more outsider distinctions

What is the Religious ethical paradox?

Group loyalty in churches can evolve into group selfishness

How can racially mixed groups reduce prejudice?

- contact hypothesis

- cross racial ties--> more social mobility for lower SES people

Three largest Latino groups in the US

1st: Mexicans

2nd: Puerto Ricans

3rd: Cubans

Latino income compared to white income

69% of white income

Latino youth

...less likely to

...more likely to

... less to commit suicide

... more to be victims of homocide

Mexican Americans who finish high school (%)

55%, little over half

Latin America (has/doesn't have) one drop rule

They don't have one drop rule

Mexicans American facts

- most are mix of native american/white

- reside in American southwest

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

1845: guranteed basic rights to Mexicans in the southwest

- full american citizenship

- retention of spanish

- ownership of land

How did American Gov betray Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

- Laws written in english

- Spanish not used in court system

- Land grants written in Spanish were useless

"Las Gorras Blancas"

The White caps

- they protested loss of land, social bandits

Immigration Act 1924 (Impact of Mexicans)

Did not limit the # of Mexicans coming in.

How did the Great Depression the 1930's affect Mexican immigration?

First major repatriation of mexicans

500,000. Some were U.S. citizens

How did WWII affect Mexican immigration?

US and Mexico established the Bracero program owing to labor shortages during the war

Operation Wetback (1950's)

2nd major repatriation of Mexicans

- 3.8 million

Net illegal immigration today is zero or negative

Immigration and Reform Act 1986

2 major revisions

- granted amnesty to those who have lived in US since 1982 (5 years)

- penalized employers who hire undocumented migrants

1st wave of Cuban Americans

1959 After Catro overthrew Batista in

- elites fled followed by middle and upperclass

- light skinned

- US gov welcomed them because they were fleeing communism given automatic greencards

---Little Havana Florida

2nd wave of Cuban immigrants

1980 Castro emptied prisons and mental hospitals

- darker skinned

- single males, many with criminal backgrounds

- "Marielitos" unwelcomed

Puerto ricans live mostly where?

Mainland US, rather than on island (NYC and San Juan)

The future of American ethnicity: Education

More non-whites enrolled n educational system than whites

Projected US population changes from 2010-2050

White: decrease by 20%

Latino: double from 16-30%

Black and Asian/other: stable/slight increase

Legal immigration peak

1991 at 1.8 million that year

2001-2010: peak decade for immigration

% of foreign born rising:

1970-4.7%/ Today-13%

Quotas abolished when?


History of immigration policy

1882 Chinese exclusion act

1907 Gentleman's agreement

1917 immigration act

1924 quotas

1965 quotas abolished

State most new immigrants arrive in

California. Super cool to the foreigners

Preventative assimilation factors for Latinos

Large size

- can't fill middleman roles

- fuels hostility from others

- generates neg stereotypes


- survival of barriers

- back and forth movement from Mexico

Supportive assimilation factors for Latinos

- less identifiable than other enthics

- gain of political power in SW

- increase in educational attainment: as #'s increase so will antagonism of the structural issues