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36 Cards in this Set

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Social Differention

the process by which different social categories emerge and by which people come to fill those categories


the transformations from single, multiple-purpose statuses to multiple, single-purpose statuses/roles


vertical rankings of members of society, based upon their access to and control over scarce resources

Adam Smith- Optimistic Theory

Specialization dramatically increases productivity and creates new jobs. Mechanism for social organization.

Emile Durkheim - Cautiously Optimistic Theory

specialization can cause anomie (absence of order)

Karl Marx- Pessimistic Theory

specialization can cause alienation (separation/estrangement)

Household Economy

-produced substance

-work was performed in and for the household

-money was used as a unit of account

-barter/trade for items they did not produce

-orientation away from market

Capitalism: The Market

impersonal buying and selling of commodities; goods produced with the expressed intent of selling them

Capitalism: Distinct Economic Institutions

organizations specializing in the manufacture, distribution and sale of specific products; "Double Dependence"

Capitalism: Profit Orientation

the "ism of capitalism"

surplus value


commodity production circuit


money, commodities, profit

Stratification Prediction: Marx

two class society: bourgeoisie and proletariat

Stratification Prediction: Smith

generally higher standard of living for most (middle class society)

Blacks & Hispanics

are most likely to be below poverty line

Whites & Asians

are most likely to be above poverty line

single mothers

make the least amount of income

Feminization of Poverty

Caused by:


-deadbeat dads

-Labor Market Segregation

46.2 million people

below poverty line

41% of children

live in low income households

Socioeconomic status determines education

education determines socioeconomic status

a family needs _______ the poverty level income to meet basic needs


children with parents with an _____________ are most ready for school

advanced degree


the theory of how the self is formed; a method for helping self come to terms with society


instinctual drives; pleasure principles


culture, internalized


"referee" between id and superego

Oral Stage of Development

wein away from breast feeding

Anal Stage of Development

potty training

Phallic Stage of Development

develop intimate/romantic relationships outside of family

Freud Criticisms

-unrepresentative sample

-can't be generalized

-vastly oversimplifies

George Herbert Mead: Social Action

behavior directed by the meanings people attach to their behavior and the situation

George Herbert Mead: Social Interaction

behavior among 2 or more persons guided by mutual understandings of meaning

Play Stage of Symbolic Interaction

experimentation with a role; taking on the attitude of significant others

Game Stage of Symbolic Interaction

purposeful activity among related roles; taking on the role of the generalized other

post-industrial society

the stage of society's development when the service sector generates more wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy.