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100 Cards in this Set

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What is the most effective modality to treat smocking cessation
counseling and medication when used together rather than when used alone
Since there is a strong correlation between counseling intensity and quitting describe the counseling sessions
they should be > or = 10 minutes in length and there should be > or = 4 sessions
What is the first line treatment for smoking cessation
nicotine replacement products
Name the 5 formualtions of nicotine that can be used
nicotine gum
nasal spray
Name the 2 non nicotine agents that can be used
Can the nicotine products be used in combination
What should be cautioned if using nicotine products in combination and why
caution if there are cardiovascular conditions because the side effects are additive
Besides using combination nicotine products what other smoking cessation products can be used in combination
can use bupropion with nicotine
-do not use varenicline with nicotine
Does nicotine conmbination or bupropion SR + nicotine have greater evidence of benefit
combination nicotine
-bupropion SR + nicotine has less evidence of benefit
Why should varenicline not be used with nicotine products
due to increased risk of SE
What effect does smoking have on the P450 system and why is this important
smoking causes induction of the P450 system
-this is important because when smokers quit they may experience SE and have surpatherapeutic drug levels of caffeine, theophylline, fluvoxamine, olanzapine and clozapine
Give the adverse outcomes that can occur if smoking while pregnant
adverse outcomes for the child:
spontaneous abortion
low birth weight
sudden infant death
What are the treatment recommendations based on in pregnant women
the number of cigarettes they smoke in a day
What is the recommendation for stopping cigarettes if a pregnant woman smokes less than 5 cigs a day
behavioral suppport
What is the recommendation from ACOG for pregnant women that smoke more than 5 cigs a day, what about other sources recommendation and what is the pregnancy category of these options
ACOG recommends buproprion which is preg category C
-other sources recommend nicotine replacement, all nicotine products are preg category D except the gum which is category C
Explain the 5 As model for treating tobacco use
-Ask about tobacco use
get status of use for every pt at each visit
-Advise to quit
is the pt willing to quit?
how recent did you quit? urges?
if willing to quit offer meds and/or counseling, relapse prevention
have follow up w/ pt
Brand name of nicotine gum
Brand name of nicotine inhaler
Nicotrol inhaler
Brand name of nicotine nasal spray
Nicotorl NS
Brand name of nicotine patch
NicoDerm CQ
Brand name of nicotine lozenge
Name the nicotine replacement products that are OTC and RX
gum, patch (also Rx), lozenge
inhaler, spray, patch
What is the dosing of the nicotine gum based on
the amount of cigarettes the person smokes per day...if <25 or >25
Give the dosing recommendation for the nicotine gum
< 25cig/day use 2 mg gum
> 25cig/day use 4mg gum
How long should the pt use the nicotine gum
up to 12 weeks
Give the dosing regimen for the nicotine gum over the 12 wk peroid
1 gum Q1-2h x 6wks
1 gum Q2-4h x 3wks
1 gum Q4-8h x 3 wks
What is the max pieces of gum for one day
24 pieces
Name common SE of the nicotine gum
mouth soreness
jaw ache
How long can the nicotine inhaler be used
up to 6 months
How many sprays equal one dose of the nicotine nasal spray
1 dose = 2 sprays
1 spray in each nostril
How long can the nicotine nasal spray be used
3 to 6 months
Which form of nicotine replacement has the highest adherence rate
nicotine patch
Name the strengths of the nicotine patch
What is dosing of the nicotine patch based on
the number of cigarettes smoked/day
<10 or >10 cigs/day
Give the dosing recommendation for the nicotine patch
>10 cig/day begin with the 21mg/d patch

<10 cig/day begin with the 14mg/d patch
Give the dosing regimen for the nicotine patch based on the amount of cigs/day
>10 cigs/day
21mg/24hr x 6wks
14mg x 2 wks
7mg x 2 wks

14mg x 6 wks
7mg x 2wks
How long should 1 nicotine patch be worn
for 24 hours
Which nicotine replacement product has a max and minimum amount that should be used in a day
What is the dosing based on for the nicotine lozenges
when the pt has the first cigarette of the day
>30min upon waking up or < 30min upon waking up
Give the dosing recommendations of the lozenges based on the time of waking up
1st cig > 30 min of waking up use the 2 mg lozenges
1 cig <30 min of waking upuse the 4mg lozenges
What is the max and minimum amount of lozenges that should be used in a day
max: 20/day
min: 9/day
Give the dosing regimen of the lozenges
1 lozenge Q1-2 x 6wks
1 lozenge Q2-4 x 3 wks
1 lozenge Q 4-8 x 3 wks
Why may a pt need to wear the patch for a shorter period of time in the day
to avoid insomnia
If trying to avoid insomnia with nicotine patch how long should it be worn
Is the nicotine lozenge effective in pregnant pts
When should the use of nicotine replacement products be cautioned
-recent MI (w/in 2wks)
-serious arrhythmias
-serious or worsening angina
according to the FDA what age do you have to be to purchase nicotine procuts
Which nicotine product has been shown to delay or reduce weight gain
nicotine gum
Which nicotine product also stands as a coping mechanism and why
the nicotine inhaler bc it has a hand to mouth action
In which pts should the nicotine nasal spray be avoided
in pts with reactive airway disease
Which nicotine product has the fastest delivery system
nicotine nasal spray
Which nicotine product has the highest dependence potential
nicotine nasal spray
Which nicotine product is useful for rapid relief of nicotine withdrawal
nasal spray
What is the brand name of bupropion when used for smoking cessation
Give the MOA of bupropion SR in smoking cessation
blocks neural re uptake of dopamine and or NE and blocks nicotinic acetylcholinergic recptors
Can bupropion be used with nicotine replacement therapy
When should bupropion be initiated for smoking cessation
start 1-2 weeks before quitting
Give the dosing regimen of bupropion for smoking cessation
150mg Qam for 3 days
150mg BID
Give BBW of Zyban
not approved for children
not approved for bipolar
increased risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children,teenagers and young adults
Give SE of bupropion
dry mouth
seizures (dose related)
changes in blood pressure(likely increase)
weight loss
Give contraindications to the use of bupropion (Zyban)
history of seizures
eating disorder
use of MAOI w/in the previous 14d
Can bupropion be used in CVD risk
What is the pregnancy category of bupropion, is it used?
preg category C
it is used in pregnancy
What is the max dose of Zyban and why
due to increased seizure risk over this dose...the drug decreases the seizure threshold
Why is a Medguide required for the use of Zyban
because it is an antidepressant
Give the brand name of varenicline
Generic of Chantix
Give the MOA of varenicline (Chantix)
a partial neuronal alpha4 beta 2 nicotinic receptor agonist
stimulates dopamine receptors which reduces the cravings and withdrawal symptoms
By what mechanism does Chantix reduce cravings and signs of withdrawal
by stimulating the dopamine receptors
Can chantix be used with NRT
use is not recommended with NRT
When should the pt begin to use Chantix
start 1 wk before the quit date

(means pt is using chantix and cigs at the same time)
Give the dosing regimen of chantix
Days 1-3: 0.5mg/day
Days 4-7: 0.5mg BID
Day 8 = quit date and beyond: 1mg BID
When should the second pill of chantix be taken and why
at dinner to avoid insomnia
Give the BBW for chantix
neuropsychiatric events including depression, suicidal ideation, attemps
stop taking if become hostile, agitated, depressed
Give SE of chantix
abnormal dreas
serious skin rxns**
Which drug used for smoking cessation must be adjusted for renal impairment and how
decrease dose if CrCl <30ml/min
What is the pregnancy category of Chantix
category C
Give the all the pharmacological options for smoking cessation
-nicotine replacement therapy
(gum, patch, nasal spray, inhaler, lozenge)
-bupropion (Zyban)
-Varencicline (Chantix)
How should the pt be instructed to use the nicotine gum
1. pt should chew gum SLOWLY until they a flavored taste emerges
2. then park the gum b/t the cheek and gum to facilitate nicotine absorption through oral mucosa
3. slowly chew and park gum for 30 minutes until taste is gone
What type of beverages interfere with the absorption of nicotine gum
Give examples of beverages that can interfere with nicotine gum
soft drinks
How long should beverages besides water be avoided while using the nicotine gum
for 15 minutes before or during chew
Why is it that some patients do not receive optimal effect when using the nicotine gum
bc they do not chew enough gum, should chew every 1 to 2 hours in the beginning
How should a pt use a cartridge with the nicotine inhaler
continuous puffing for 20 minutes
How long is a nicotine inhaler cartridge good
for one day
When is the peak effect of the nicotine inhaler achieved
w/in 15 minutes
When does the delivery of the nicotine from the inhaler decline
below 40 F so in cold weather keep in pocket or warm area
what type of beverages should be avoided with nicotine inhaler
acidic beverages
-only use water 15min before and during chewing
How should the pt use the lozenge
it should be allowed to dissolve in the mouth and not chewed or swallowed
What type of beverages should be avoided with nicotine gum, inhaler and lozenges
acidic beverages
How should the head of the nicotine nasal spray be tilted when used
slightly back
What are 2 options for patients experiencing insomnia while taking the nicotine patch
-remove the 24hr patch before bed
-use the 16 hour patch
When should a new nicotine patch be applied
as soon as the pt wakes up
What is the most common SE of the patch and how is this treated
about 50% of pts will experience a local skin rxn
-rotate the site of the patch
-use hydrocortisone 1% or triamcinolone cream 0.5%
how long does it take for bupropion (zyban) to start working
about 1 wk
By how many hours should doses of bupropion be separated
by at least 8 hours
Due to increase N/V while taking chantix, give counseling points for the pts
take with food and a full glass of water (8oz)
How long do most people take chantix
up to 12 weeks but another 12 weeks is possible if needed
Give symptoms of nicotine withdrawal
urge to smoke
trouble sleeping
feeling anxious
difficulty concentrating
decreased heart rate
increased appetite
weight gain
What types of allergic rxns can be seen with chantix
serious skin rxns