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117 Cards in this Set

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Study of substances that interact with living systems through chemical processes, especially by binding to regulatory molecules and activating or inhibiting normal body processes
The branch of pharmacology which deals with the undesirable effects of chemicals on living systems, from individual cells to complex ecosystems
Definition of a Drug
An agent intended for use in the diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, cure, or prevention of disease in humans or in other animals.
Nature of Drugs
Organic Compounds
Inorganic Compounds
Physical Drugs
Organic Compounds
Inorganic Compounds
Heavy Metals
Acid/Base Drugs
pH differences alter the degree of ionization
Drug size
Molecular size varies greatly from very small lithium ion MW 7 to very large alteplase [t-PA] a protein of MW 59,050
Molecular weight usually between 100 and 1000
Drugs >1000 will not diffuse readily between compartments
Study of the mechanism of drug action on living tissue
The response of tissues to specific chemical agents at various sites in the body
The effect the drug has on the body
Drug Receptor Bonds
Covalent bonds > ionic bonds > hydrogen bonds > induced dipole interactions
Bind to and ACTIVATE the receptor which directly or indirectly bring about the effect
Agonists that INHIBIT binding molecules
Inhibit molecule responsible for terminating the action of an endogenous agonist
Bind to and PREVENT binding by other molecules
Partial Agonist
Bind to and ACTIVATE but do not evoke as great of a response as a full agonist
Agonist when no full agonist is present
Antagonist when a full agonist present
Noncompetitive antagonist
Allosteric modulators
Bind to a site on the receptor separate from the agonist binding site
Reversible if they do not bind covalently
Chemical antagonist
2 drugs bind to each other and one agent is inactivated (ex. heparin and protamine)
Physiological antagonism
effect of one agent counteracts the effect of another agent (ex. insulin and hydrocortisone)
Duration of Drug Action
Duration of Drug Action
As long as drug occupies receptor
Action may persist after dissociation i.e. some coupling molecule is still present in activated form
In case of covalent bound dugs, effect persists until drug-receptor complex is destroyed and new receptors made
Desensitization mechanism to prevent excessive activation
SELECTIVE in choosing ligands (drug molecules)
Must CHANGE ITS FUNCTION upon binding which then alters the biologic (cell, tissue, etc) system
Inert Binding Site
Non-regulatory molecule
Affects the distribution of a drug
Drug Receptors
Regulatory proteins
- mostly inhibited by drug binding
Transport Proteins-
- Na/K ATPase for digitalis glycosides
Structural Proteins- Tubulin for Colchicine
Concentration-Effect Curves
E= Emax X C
C + EC50
C is concentration
E is the effect observed at C
Emax is the maximal response
EC50 concentration that produces 50% of max effect
Receptor Binding of Agonists
B= Bmax X C
C + Kd
Bmax is the total concentration of receptor sites
Kd equilibrium dissociation constant- concentration of free drug at which half maximal binding observed
Receptor- Effector Coupling and Spare Receptors
Coupling- links drug occupancy of receptors and pharmacologic response

Initial conformational change
Full agonist> partial agonist
Biochemical events that convert receptor occupancy into cellular response
Linear response
Directly related to the number of bound receptors
Ion channels
Non-linear-increases disproportionately
Enzymatic Signal transduction cascades
“Spare Receptors”
Intracellular Receptors for Lipid-Soluble Agents
Steroids and thyroid hormones
Regulate gene expression
Delayed effects because need to synthesize new proteins
Effects persists after agonist is gone
Ligand-Regulated Transmembrane Enzymes Including Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
Initiates in its specific target cells a complex program of cellular events ranging from altered membrane transport of ions and metabolites to changes in the expression of many genes

Cytokine Receptors
Respond to heterogeneous group of peptide ligands
growth hormone, erythropoietin, interferon
Ligand-Gated Channel
Many drugs mimic or block endogenous ligands that regulate flow of ions through plasma membrane channels
ED50 or EC50
Dosage units in terms of therapeutic endpoint
Limit of the dose-response relation on the response axis
Median Effective Dose (ED50)
Dose at which 50% of individuals exhibit effect
Median Toxic Dose (TD50)
Dose that produces toxic effect in 50% of animals
If the toxic effect is death of the animal, it is the Median Lethal Dose (LD50)
Therapeutic Index (TI)
Relates the dose of a drug required to produce a desired effect to that which produces an undesired effect
TI = TD50 / ED50

You want to TI to be large
Variations in Drug Responsiveness
Idiosyncratic Reaction
Infrequently observed
Genetic differences in metabolism
Immunologic mechanisms *
Hypo- or Hyper-reactive – decreased or increased response
Tolerance – decreased response at same dose
Tachyphylaxis – response diminishes rapidly after administration of a drug
Immunologic (Allergic)
Anaphylaxis from β-lactam antibiotics
Hypotension after protamine
Dermatitis from sulfonamides
Hypotension after succinylcholine
Quinine-induced thrombocytopenia
Idiosyncratic (“Pseudoallergic”)
Shock after radiocontrast media
Opiate-related urticaria
Hemolytic anemia due to primaquine
Flushing during vancomycin infusion
Isoniazid hepatitis
Causes of Altered Drug Responsiveness
Concentration that reaches receptor is altered
-Multidrug resistance (MDR) genes
- Actively transport drug from cytoplasm
Varied concentration of an endogenous receptor ligand
An increase in the number of receptors on the surface of target cells, making the cells more sensitive to a hormone or another agent.
An decrease in the number of receptors on the surface of target cells, making the cells less sensitive to a hormone or another agent.
Causes of Altered Drug Responsiveness-Alterations in Number or Function of Receptors
Antagonist can increase the number of receptors in a critical cell or tissue by preventing down-regulation cased by an endogenous agonist

Agonist decreases the number of receptors by drug-induced down-regulation

Change in receptor number can be caused by hormones

Genetic factors
Causes of Altered Drug Response- Changes in Components of Response Distal to Receptor
Patient characteristics that may limit the clinical response
General Health
MOST importantly the severity and pathophysiologic mechanism responsible for the disease
Clinical Selectivity: Therapeutic vs. Toxic Effects of Drugs
No drug causes only a single, specific effect
They bind to one or a few types of receptors more tightly than others
These receptors control discrete processes, resulting in distinct effects
Measure Selectivity
Compare binding affinities of a drug to different receptors
Compare ED50 for different effects of a drug in vivo
Beneficial or therapeutic vs. toxic effects (“side effect”)
Therapeutic and Toxic effects Mediated by the Same Receptor-Effector
Serious drug toxicity caused by a direct pharmacologic extension of the therapeutic actions of the drug
Avoiding toxicity
Measure therapeutic effects
Combination therapy
Do not give drug
Not a strong therapeutic indication
Alternative therapy available
Beneficial and Toxic Effects Mediated by Same Receptors BUT in Different Tissues or by Different Effector Pathways
Drugs produce both desired and adverse effects by acting on a single receptor type in different tissues

Avoiding toxicity
Use lowest effective dose
Adjunctive drugs acting on different receptor mechanisms
Dosage form targeting receptor sites (aerosol)

The actions of the body on the drug
Pharmacokinetic Principles-Permeation
Aqueous diffusion
Driven by concentration gradient Fick’s Law
Flux (molecules per unit time)= (C1-C2) X [Area X Permeability coefficient /
Influenced by electrical fields
Permeation: Ionization of Weak Acids and Bases
Weak acid= Neutral molecule than can reversibly dissociate into an anion and a proton
C8H7 O2COOH C8H7 O2COO- + H+
Weak base=Neutral molecule that can form a cation by combining with a proton
C12H11CIN3NH3+ C12H11CIN3NH2+ H+
Permeation: Ionization of Weak Acids and Bases
Henderson-Hasselbach Equation

Log (Protonated)/(Unprotonated) = pKa- pH
Pharmacokinetic Principles-Permeation: Special carriers/ pumps
Too large or too insoluble
Peptides, amino acids, glucose
Saturable and inhibitable
Expel foreign molecules
Absorption-Dosage Forms
Oral (PO)
Route: by mouth
Form: tablets, capsules, liquids
Absorption-Dosage FormsSublingual (SL)
Route: under the tongue
Form: tablets, troches, lozenges
Absorption-Dosage Forms
Route: skin surface
Form: ointments, creams, lotions, powders, aerosals
Absorption-Dosage Forms
Route: skin surface
Form: patch, discs, solutions
Absorption-Dosage Forms
Route: conjunctiva
Form: ointment, contact lens inserts, solution
Absorption-Dosage Forms
Route: nose
Form: solution, spray, inhalant, ointment
Absorption-Dosage Forms
Route: ear
Form: solution, suspension
Absorption-Dosage Forms
Route: lungs
Form: solutions, powder, aerosal
Absorption-Dosage Forms
Rectal (PR)
Route: rectum
Form: ointment, solution, suppositories, foam
Absorption-Dosage Forms
Route: vaginal
Form: solution, ointment, foam, inserts, tablet, suppositories
Absorption-Dosage Forms
Route: urethra
Form: solution, suppositories
Absorption-Dosage Forms
Parenteral (IV, IA, ID, SC/SQ, IM)
Route: vein, artery, dermal, subcutaneous, muscle
Form: injection
Bioavailability (F)
Amount of drug that is absorbed by route X compared with the amount of drug that is absorbed after IV administration

IV 100 (by definition)Most rapid onset,
IM 75 to ≤ 100
Rectal 30 to <100
Less first pass effect than oral
Inhalation 5 to <100
Often very rapid onset
Transdermal 80 to ≤ 100
Usually slow absorption, lacks first pass effect, prolonged duration of action
Large Volumes often feasible, pain
SC 75 to ≤ 100
Smaller volumes than IM, pain
PO 5 to <100
Most convenient, first pass effect may be significant
Physico-chemical properties of drug
Crystal size and form
Special dosage forms (Sustained release (SR), enteric coated (EC))
pH (stomach and small intestine)
Gastric emptying rate
Stability of drug at acid pH
Solution or solid dosage forms (liquids and smaller particles empty more quickly)
Affected by: food: antacids; drugs (opiates, anticholinergics, metoclopramide); disease (autonomic neuropathy).
Intestinal motility
Dissolution of slowly soluble drugs (digoxin, SR)
Chemical degradation or metabolism by microflora
Drug interactions in gut lumen
Chelation (tetracyclines with divalent metal ions)
Adsorption (anion exchange resins)
Food interactions
Passage through the gut wall
Physico-chemical characteristics of the drug
Metabolism by enzymes in the intestinal endothelium
Rate of Absorption
Drug formulation
Zero order: absorption rate independent of drug remaining
Gastric emptying
Controlled release drug formulation
First order: absorption rate proportionate to the concentration
Volume of Distribution (Vd)
Vd (L) = Amount of drug in body (mg)/ Concentration of drug in plasma/blood (mg/L)
Compartment and Volume
Total body water (0.6L/kg)
Extracellular (0.2L/kg)
Blood (0.08 L/kg);
plasma (0.04 L/kg)
Fat (0.2- 0.35 L/kg)
Bone (0.07 L/kg)
Vd-Calculating Ideal Body Weight (IBW)
50 + (2.3)(height in in >60)

45 + (2.3)(height in in >60)
***Protein Binding
Free drug = unbound drug =typically chemically active

Bound drug typically chemically inactive
Albumin - Low in many disease states
alpha 1-acid glycoprotein - Increased during inflammatory reactions
Capacity-limited protein binding - Protein binding is saturated at higher concentrations
Increasing dosing rate/amount leads to higher unbound drug
Total drug concentration will increase less rapidly than the dosing rate would suggest as protein binding approaches saturation at higher concentrations
Protein Binding-Effect of decreased plasma concentration
In cases where there is decreased albumin (3.5 to 5.5mg/dL) you must calculate the corrected phenytoin concentration by adjusting for the decreased protein

C (calc) = [C (observed)/ 0.2 Albumin conc]+ 0.1
C= concentration
Pharmacokinetics-Clearance (CL)
CL (ml/min) = Rate of elimination (mg/min)/
Drug Concentration (mg/ml)
Half-Life (t1/2)
Time required for drug concentration to decrease by one-half
First-Order Kinetics- Clearance and Elimination
Elimination Rate (mg/hr) = CL (L/hr) X C (mg/L)
Elimination rate is not saturable, a constant FRACTION of drug is lost per unit of time
CL = Dose/AUC (of time-concentration profile after a dose)
Non-linear Kinetics-Clearance and Elimination
ex. phenytoin, aspirin, ethanol
Rate of Elimination =
Vmax X C / Km + C
Non-linear Pharmacokinetics
Rate of Elimination = Vmax X C / Km + C

C= Substrate Concentration
Vmax = maximum velocity at high substrate concentrations
Km= substrate concentration at half of Vmax and is a measure of the affinity of the substrate for the enzyme
Clint= Rate of Elimination = Vmax / Km + C
If C is very small compared to Km, then:
Clint= Vmax / Km
Hepatic Extraction Ratio
Extraction of drugs by liver determined by
Fraction of drug unbound in plasma
Intrinsic activity of the drug metabolizing enzymes
Liver blood flow
First-Pass Effect
Variability in drug response

Drug Interactions

Liver Disease

Alternative routes of administration
Elimination- Renal
“Cockroft-Gault eq” estimates Creatinine Clearance(CrCl)
CrCl (ml/min) =
(140 – Age) x Wt* (Kg)/
72 x SCr (mg/dl)
For females = multiply overall value by 0.85
Wt* = use actual body weight, but if ABW is greater than 20% above IBW then use IBW
Serum Creatinine (SCr)
< 1mg/dl recommended that you round up to 1mg/dl
Bile (major route of excretion)
Breast Milk
Steady State (ss)
At steady state, the dosing rate (“rate in”) must equal the rate of elimination (“rate out”)
Dosing rate ss = Rate of Elimination ss
Maintenance Dose (MD)
Depends on drug’s CL
Dosing Rate ss = CL X TC
Intermittent dosing
MD = (dosing rate/Fx) X Dosing interval
Loading Dose (LD)
LD = Vd X target concentration (TC)
Useful in drugs with long t1/2
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Using serum levels to predict a therapeutic response based on population studies and avoid toxicity
Timing of Samples
Allow for absorption and distribution
Should be at steady state
Draw peak and/or trough values
Determine actual elimination rates, then calculate new dose

For agents that follow first-order kinetics:
C = CO x e –k( t)
C = concentration at time t
CO = initial concentration
k = elimination rate constant
t = change in time
Drug Screening
Biologic Assays
- Molecular – cellular- organ system- whole animal
Define Mechanism of Action (MOA) and Selectivity
Lead Compound
Types of Safety Tests
Acute toxicity
Subacute toxicity
Chronic toxicity
Effect on reproductive performance
Carcinogenic potential
Mutagenic potential
Investigative toxicology
Preclinical Safety &Toxicity Testing Goals
Identify potential for human toxicities
Design tests to further define toxic mechanisms
Predict the specific and the most relevant toxicities to be monitored in clinical trials
“No-effect” Dose
the max dose at which a specified toxic effect is not seen
Minimum Lethal Dose
the smallest dose that is observed to kill ANY experimental animal
Median Lethal Dose (LD50)
dose that kills approx 50% of the animals
Limitations in Preclinical Safety & Toxicity Testing
Time-consuming (2-6 yrs) and expensive
Large number of test animals
Increase cell and tissue culture in vitro methods
Extrapolation of data from animals to humans are reasonably predictive for many but not all toxicities
For statistical reasons, rare adverse effects are unlikely to be detected
Evaluation in Humans
Careful Design and Execution
Variable Natural History of Most Diseases
Large subject population
Crossover design
Concomitant Diseases and other Risk Factors
Subject and Observer Bias
Placebo Response= “I shall please”
Double-Blind Design
Clinical Trials
Notice of Claimed Investigational Exemption for a New Drug (IND)
Declaration of Helsinki
Interdisciplinary Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Approval of Plans and Ethics
Phase 1 Clinical Trial
Max tolerated dose, show if humans and animals show significantly different responses, PK measures If toxic drug, then used in people with disease
Phase II Clinical Trial
Determine Efficacy in people with target disease
Phase III Clinical Trial
double-blind and crossover
Minimize errors due to placebo effects, variable course of disease used in target disease Expensive, certain toxic effects may first become apparent
Phase IV Clinical Trial
Monitor safety
Importance of reporting toxicity
Drug induced effects may have very small incidence such as 1 in 10,000 or less
Some side effects only seen after chronic dosing
Phase 4 has no fixed duration
New Drug Application (NDA)
Apply for permission to market agent if phase 3 results meet expectations
Application contains hundreds of volumes
Averages about 5,000 patients
FDA review and Approval
Months to years
Expedited in special cases
Rational Prescribing
Make a SPECIFIC diagnosis
Consider Pathophysiology of diagnosis
Select a SPECIFIC therapeutic objective
Select a drug of choice
Labeled & Unlabeled Uses
Patient Characteristics
Clinical Presentation
Determine the appropriate dosing regimen
Duration of therapy
Identify monitoring parameters
EDUCATE patient
What a health care provider should know about medications:
Usual dose
Route of administration
Indications for use
Significant side effects and adverse reactions
Major drug interactions
Appropriate assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation
Fails to obtain medications
Does not take as prescribed
Prematurely discontinues
Takes medication inappropriately
Prescription (Rx)
Prescriber’s orders in patient’s chart
Written/Electronic order to which the pharmacist refers when dispensing
Medication container with a label affixed
Drug Name
Chemical Name – N-4-hydroxyphenyl acetamide
Generic/nonproprietary name - acetaminophen
Trade/brand/proprietary name – Prilosec, Zocor
Prescription/legend drug
Rx only
- morphine, lisinopril
Non-prescription/over-the-counter (OTC) drug
- Loratadine (Claritin), loperamide (Imodium)
Reduce Medication Errors
Write legibly or use E-prescribing
81% errors occur during prescribing, 14% transcribing, 3% dispensing
Do not write in cursive
Use pre-printed order sets
Use TALL man lettering (acetaZOLamide vs acetaHEXamide)
Ongoing education about medication
Bar code medication administration (2004 FDA regulation)
Unit of use dispensing (no bulk bottles)
Remove dangerous medications from general areas
Label all devices clearly
Have patients ask questions
Schedule I Drugs
Abuse: highest

no accepted medical use (LSD, Rohypnol)
Schedule II Drugs
Abuse: high

accepted medical use, risk of physical/psychological dependence (morphine, amphetamines)
Schedule III Drugs
abuse: less abuse potential than I or II

accepted medical use, moderate/low physical but high psychological dependence (Vicodin, anabolic steroids)
Schedule IV Drugs
abuse: Less than III

accepted medical use, limited physical/psychological dependence (Ambien, oral phenobarbital)
Schedule V Drugs
abuse: Less than III

accepted medical use, limited physical/psychological dependence (Ambien, oral phenobarbital)
Controlled Substances - California
Provider needs a DEA number
C III – V may have 5-refills in a 6-month period
C II has NO refills, order may NOT be sent over telephone, may fax (followed by special form)
Require special Prescription forms
No more triplicate form; now need the new controlled substance form for ANY controlled substance
Approved Security Prescription Printers
Prescribers must order the new tamper-resistant forms from pre-approved security prescription printer companies.
Who May Prescribe in California?
Physicians, Dentists, Podiatrists
Physician’s Assistant - under protocol
Pharmacists – under protocol + clinical training
Nurse Practitioner – in collaboration with or under supervision of a physician
Optometrists – limited to certain agents affecting the eyes
Licensed Naturopaths-may issue non C-II drugs
PA Prescribers
May prescribe under written formulary and protocols under physician supervision
Transmit the physician’s order to a pharmacy
Cannot transmit any prescription for a drug not specified in the protocol or any controlled substance without a patient-specific order from a supervising physician
Supervising physician must within 7 days, review, countersign, and date the medical record of any patient for whom a schedule II controlled substance drug order has been issued
California Controlled Substances Act
Register with DEA
Elements Essential for Proper Medication Administration
“Five Rights”

Right patient
Right drug
Right dose
Right route of administration
Right time of administration