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64 Cards in this Set

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Infrahyoid Muscles

What do they act on? List them.
AKA Strap muscles - act on larynx and hyoid bone.

1.) Sternohyoid msucle
2.) Omohyoid muscle
3.) Sternothyroid muscle
4.) Thyrohyoid muscle
4 muscles
Sternohyoid Muscle
Origin: Sternum - in thorax behind manubrium

Insertion: hyoid bone

Function: depresses the larynx

Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis

Blood Supply: Superior Thyroid Artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Omohyoid Muscle
Origin: Scapula near suprascapular notch

Insertion: hyoid bone

Function: depressor of larynx

Innervation: Ansa Cervicalis

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Sternothyroid Muscle
Origin: Sternum - Posterior manubrium below sternohyoid muscle

Insertion: oblique line of thyroid cartilage

Function: depresses the larynx

Innervation: ansa cervicalis

Blood Supply: Superior Thyroid artery
Blood Supply:1
Thyrohyoid muscle
Origin: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage

Insertion: hyoid bone

Function: elevates larynx, depresses hyoid bone

Innervation: C1 via hypoglossal nerve (part of ansa cervicalis)

Blood Supply: Superior Thyroid artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Suprahyoid Muscles

What do they act on?
List them.
Act on jaw, mouth, and tongue

1.) Digastric muscle
2.) Stylohyoid muscle
3.) Mylohyoid Muscle
4.) Geniohyoid Muscle
5.) Hyloglossus Muscle
Act on 3

Muscles: 5
Digastric Muscle
POSTERIOR BELLY: medial aspect of mastoid process A
ANTERIOR BELLY: intermediate tendon from the connective tissue pulley on the hyoid bone.

Insertion: inner surface of the mandible close to midline

Function: elevates larynx (also opens jaw)

Innervation: Posterior belly: facial nerve; Anterior belly: mandibular division (V3) of Trigeminal nerve via mylohyoid nerve

Blood Supply: Posterior: submental branch of facial artery; Anterior belly: occipital artery,
Origin: 2
Insertion: 2
Function: 2
Innervation: 2
Blood Supply: 2
Stylohyoid Muscle
Origin: styloid process

Insertion: greater cornu of hyoid bone

Function: elevates larynx

Innervation: facial nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Mylohyoid Muscle
Origin: mylohyoid line of the mandible

Insertion: hyoid bone and connective tissue raphe from hyoid to mandible

Function: elevates larynx

Innervation: Trigeminal nerve V3 via mylohyoid nerve

Blood Supply: mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 2
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Geniohyoid Muscle
Origin: inferior genial tubercle of the mandible

Insertion: body of hyoid bone

Function: carry hyoid and tongue upward during deglutition (swallowing)

Innervation: C1,C2 via hypoglossal nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Hyoglossus Muscle
Origin: greater horn and body of hyoid bone

Insertion: side and inferior aspect of tongue

Function: Depresses and retracts tongue

Innervation: Hypoglossal Nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Genioglossus Muscle
Origin: Superior mental spine and adjacent internal surface of the mandible (immediately above geniohyoid)

Insertion: dorsum of tongue and body of hyoid

Function: INFERIOR: protrude tongue, MIDDLE: depress tongue SUPERIOR: draw tip of tongue back and down

Innervation: Hypoglossal Nerve

Blood Supply: Lingual Artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 2
Function: 3
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Epicranius Muscle
Origin: 2 occipital bodies, 2 frontal bodies

Insertion: Galea aponeurotica

Function: Draws scalp backwards and elevates eyebrows

Innervation: Facial Nerve,
Blood Supply: Frontalis: Supraorbital artery and Supratrochlear artery; Occipitalis: Occipital artery.
Origin: 4
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 3
Orbicularis Oculi muscle
Origin: frontal bone; medial palpebral ligament; lacrimal bone

Insertion: lateral palpebral raphe

Function: closes eyelids

Innervation: Facial Nerve

Blood Supply: ophthalmic artery, zygomatico-orbital artery, and angular artery
Origin: 3
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: Facial Nerve
Blood Supply: 3
Corrugator Supercilli Muscle
Origin: supercilliary arches deep to orbicularis oculi and frontalis muscles

Insertion: forehead skin near eyebrow

Function: forms vertical wrinkles on forehead

Innervation: Facial Nerve

Blood Supply: Opthalmic Artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Orbicularis Oris Muscle
Origin: maxilla and mandible

Insertion: skin around lips

Function: pucker the lips

Innervation: Buccal Branch of facial nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 2
Insertion: 2
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Buccinator Muscle
Origin: pterygomandibular raphe, maxilla, and mandible

Insertion: lips

Function: suck and blow. (cheeks against teeth.)

Innervation: Buccal branch of facial nerve

Blood Supply: Buccal Artery
Origin: 3
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Levator Labii Superioris alaeque nasi muscle
Origin: maxilla

Insertion: nostril and upper lip

Function: dilates nostrils, elevates upper lip and wing of nose

Innervation: buccal branch of facial nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 2
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Levator Labii Superioris muscle
Origin: mid infra-orbital margin

Insertion: upper lip

Function: elevates upper lip

Innervation: zygomatic branch of facial nerve

Blood Supply: facial artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Zygomaticus minor muscle
Origin: zygomatic bone

Insertion: skin of upper lip

Function: elevates upper lip

Innervation: buccal branch of facial nerve

Blood Supply: facial artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Levator anguli oris muscle
Origin: maxilla

Insertion: modiolus

Function: smile

Innervation: facial nerve

Blood Supply: facial artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Zygomaticus major muscle
Origin: anterior zygomatic bone

Insertion: modiolus

Function: draws angle of mouth upward and laterally

Innervation: zygomatic branch of facial nerve

Blood Supply: facial artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Risorius Muscle
Origin: Parotid fascia

Insertion: modiolus

Function: draws back angle of mouth (broadens smile)

Innervation: buccal branch of facial nerve

Blood Supply: facial artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Depressor Anguli Oris muscle
Origin: tubercle of mandible

Insertion: modiolus of mouth

Function: depresses angle of mouth

Innervation: mandibular branch of facial nerve

Blood Supply: facial artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Depressor labii inferioris muscle
Origin: oblique line of the mandible, between the symphysis and the mental foramen

Insertion: integument of the lower lip, orbicularis oris, and its fellow on other side

Function: depresses lower lip

Innervation: facial nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 3
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply ?
Mentalis muscle
Origin: anterior mandible

Insertion: chin

Function: dimples the chin

Innervation: mandibular branch of facial nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Platysma muscle
Origin: subcutaneous tissue of infraclavicular and supraclavicular regions

Insertion: base of mandible, skin of cheek and lower lip, angle of mouth, and orbicularis oris

Function: draws corner of mouth downward, widens oral aperture, assists in depressing the mandible

Innervation: cervical branch of facial nerve

Blood Supply: submental artery and suprascapular artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 4
Function: 3
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 2
Masseter Muscle
Origin: zygomatic arch and maxilla

Insertion: Coronoid process, ramus of mandible, cementomaxillary tendon, and cementomandibular tendon

Function: elevation and protraction of mandible (close mouth)

Innervation: mandibular nerve

Blood Supply: masseteric artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 4
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Temporalis Muscle
Origin: temporal line on the parietal bone

Insertion: coronoid process of mandible

Function: elevation and retraction of mandible (close mouth)

Innervation: mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve

Blood Supply: deep temporal artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Medial Pterygoid Muscle
-Deep Head: medial side of lateral pyerygoid plate behind upper teeth
-Superficial Head: pyramidal process of palatine bone and maxillary tuberosity

Insertion: medial angle of the mandible

Function: elevates and protrudes mandible, assists in moving mandible side to side

Innervation: mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve via nerve to medial pterygoid

Blood Supply: pterygoid branches of maxillary artery
Origin: 3
Insertion: 1
Function: 3
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Lateral Pterygoid Muscle
Origin: Great wing of sphenoid and pterygoid plate

Insertion: condyle of mandible

Function: depresses mandible (only muscle to open mouth), protrudes mandible, side to side movement of mandible

Innervation: lateral pterygoid nerve form mandibular division of trigeminal nerve

Blood Supply: pterygoid branches of maxillary artery
Origin: 2
Insertion: 1
Function: 3
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Superior Rectus Muscle
Origin: Common tendinous ring

Insertion: 7.5mm superior to limbus

Function: elevates and adducts pupil (medial rotation) [up and in ]

Innervation: oculomotor nerve CN III

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Inferior Rectus Muscle
Origin: Common tendinous ring

Insertion: 6.5mm inferior to the limbus

Function: depression and adduction (medial rotation) of the eye [down and in]

Innervation: inferior branch of oculomotor nerve CN III

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 2
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Lateral Rectus Msucle
Origin: Common tendinous ring

Insertion: 7mm temporal to the limbus

Function: abduction (lateral rotation) of the pupil [out]

Innervation: Abducens Nerve (CN VI)

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Medial Rectus Muscle
Origin: Common tendinous ring

Insertion: 5.5mm medial to limbus

Function: adducts (medial rotation) of the eye. [in]

Innervation: inferior division of oculomotor nerve (CN III)

Blood Supply
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Superior Oblique Muscle
Origin: Common tendinous ring

Insertion: outter posterior quadrant of the eyeball

Function: depression and abduction (lateral rotation) of the eyeball. [out and down]

Innervation: trochlear nerve (CN IV)

Blood Supply: lateral muscular branch of the ophthalmic artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Inferior Oblique Muscle
Origin: orbital surface of maxilla, lateral to the lacrimal groove.

Insertion: laterally onto the eyeball deep to the lateral rectus, by a short flat tendon.

Function: elevation and abduction [out and up]

Innervation: oculomotor nerve CN III

Blood Supply: opthalmic artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle
Origin: Sphenoid Bone

Insertion: tarsal plate, upper eyelid

Function: retracts/elevated eyelid. [abre los ojos]

Innervation: oculomotor nerve CN III

Blood Supply: opthalmic artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 2
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Anterior Scalene muscle
Origin: transverse processes of CV3-CV6

Insertion: first rib

Function: elevate rib, contralateral rotation

Innervation: ventral ramus of C5,C6

Blood Supply: Ascending Cervical Artery (branch from inferior thyroid artery)
Origin: 4
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 2
Blood Supply: 1
Middle Scalene Muscle
Origin: transverse processes of CV2-CV6

Insertion: first rib

Function: elevation of rib, contralateral rotation of neck

Innervation: ventral rami of C3- C8

Blood Supply: Ascending Cervical Artery (branch from inferior thyroid artery)
Origin: 5
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 6
Blood Supply: 1
Posterior Scalene Muscle
Origin: transverse processes of CV4-CV6

Insertion: 2nd rib

Function: elevate 2nd rib, tilt head ipsilaterally.

Innervation: ventral rami of C6-C8

Blood Supply: Ascending Cervical Artery (branch from inferior thyroid artery) and superficial cervical artery
Origin: 3
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 3
Blood Supply: 2
Longus Capitis Muscle
Origin: Anterior tubercle of transverse process of CV3-CV6

Insertion: Basilar part of occipital bone

Function:flexion of neck at atlantooccipital joint.

Innervation: C1-C4

Blood Supply:?
Origin: 4
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 4
Blood Supply: ?
Longus Colli Muscle
Origin: transverse processes of CV5-T-3

Insertion: Anterior arch of the atlas

Function: flexes the neck and head

Innervation: C2-C6

Blood Supply: ascending cervical artery and vertebral artery
Origin: 11
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 5
Blood Supply: 2
Rectus Capitis Anterior Muscle
Origin: Atlas

Insertion: occipital bone

Function: flexion of neck at atlanto-occipital joint

Innervation: C1

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Rectus Capitis Lateralis Muscle
Origin: Upper Surface of the transverse process of the atlas:

Insertion: lower surface of the jugular process of the occipital bone

Function: lateral flexion of neck at atlanto occipital joint

Innervation: C1,C2

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 2
Blood Supply: ?
Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscle
Origin: Medial pterygoid plate, pterygomandibular raphe, hamulus, mandible, tongue, alveolar process(wiki?)

Insertion: pharyngeal raphe, pharyngeal tubercle

Function: swallowing

Innervation: pharyngeal plexus of the vagus nerve

Blood Supply: ascending pharyngeal artery and tonsillar branch of facial artery
Origin: list 5 from syllabus.
Insertion: 2
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 2
Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscle
Origin: hyoid bone

Insertion: pharyngeal raphe

Function: swallowing

Innervation: pharyngeal plexus of vagus nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor Muscle
Origin: cricoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage

Insertion: pharyngeal raphe

Function: Swallowing

Innervation: pharyngeal plexus of vagus nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 2
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Cricopharyngeus Muscle
*Lower fibers of inferior pharyngeal constrictor

Origin: cricoid cartilage

Insertion: pharyngeal raphe

Function: Swallowing

Innervation: pharyngeal plexus of vagus nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Blood Supply
Stylopharyngeus Muscle
Origin: medial aspect of styloid process

Insertion: thyroid cartilage

Function: elevates the larynx and pharynx, assists in swallowing

Innervation: Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX)

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Palatopharyngeus Muscle
Origin: posterior border of palatine aponeurosis and hard palate

Insertion:posterior+upper border of thyroid cartilage and pharynx (blends with inferior constrictor)

Function: pulls pharynx and larynx (acts as a sphincter)

Innervation: vagus nerve (CN 10) and spinal accessory nerve (CN11)

Blood Supply: facial artery
Origin: 2
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 2
Blood Supply: 1
Salpingopharyngeus Muscle
Origin: lower part of cartilage of the auditory tube

Insertion: thyroid cartilage (blending with pataltopharyngues muscle and inferior contrictor muscle)

Function: elevates larynx and shortens pharynx during swallowing

Innervation: vagus nerve (CN X) and spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 2
Blood Supply: ?
Levator Veli Palatini Muscle
Origin: inferior surface of petrous portion of temporal bone and cartilage of auditory tube

Insertion: upper surface of palatine aponeurosis (*travels through pharyngobasilar fascia*)

Function: elevates soft palate

Innervation: pharyngeal branch of Vagus (CN X)

Blood Supply: facial artery
Origin: 2
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Tensor Veli Palatini Muscle
Origin: scaphoid fossa at the base of medial pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone, spine of sphenoid bone, and lateral aspect of auditory tube

Insertion: upper surface ofpalatine aponeurosis (*lies outside the pharyngobasillar fascia* *tendon turns around the pterygoid hamulus*)

Function: tension of soft palate

Innervation: medial pterygoid branch of mandibular nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 3
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Palatoglossus Muscle
Origin: inferior surface of palatine aponeurosis

Insertion: mucous membrane of the tongue

Function: raise back part of tongue

Innervation: Vagus nerve via pharyngeal branch to pharyngeal plexus

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Musculus Uvulae
Origin: Palatine aponeurosis

Insertion: mucous membrane of the uvula

Function: ?

Innervation: Pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: ?
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Styloglossus Muscle
Origin: styloid process and stylohyoid ligament

Insertion: inferior tip and sides of tongue

Function: retraction and elevation of tongue

Innervation: hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII)

Blood Supply
Origin: 2
Insertion: 2
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Cricothyroid Muscle
Origin: Anterior and lateral cricoid cartilage

-Superior: lower border of lamina of thyroid cartilage
- Inferior (oblique): anterior border of inferior horn of thyroid cartilage

Function: tension and elongation of vocal folds

Innervation: EXTERNAL LARYNGEAL (not recurrent) branch of the vagus nerve (CN 10)

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Lateral Cricoarytenoid muscle
Origin: lateral part of the arch of cricoid cartilage

Insertion: muscular process of arytenoid cartilage

Function: draws the muscular process forward and thereby adducts the vocal fold, closing the glottis during phonation.

Innervation: Recurrent laryngeal branch of the Vagus Nerve

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Thyro-arytenoid Muscle
Origin: inner surface of the thyroid where laminae come together

Insertion: lateral surface of the arytenoid

Function: draws arytenoid cartilage forward and medially

Innervation: recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?
Vocalis Muscle
Origin: angle between the laminas of thyroid cartilage

*lies medial to thyroarytenoid muscle and is fused to it

Insertion: vocal processes of arytenoid carilage

Function: shortens the vocal fold, gives variable tension for singing and phonation

Innervation: recurrent laryngeal of vagus

Blood Supply: ?
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply?
Transverse Arytenoideus Muscle
Origin: posterior surface of arytenoid cartilage

Insertion: other posterior surface of arytenoid cartilage

Function: draws cartilages closer together - closes rima glottis

Innervation: recurrent laryngeal nerve of vagus

Blood Supply: superior laryngeal artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply :1
Oblique Arytenoideus Muscle
Origin: muscular process of one arytenoid cartilage

Insertion: tip of the other arytenoid cartilage

Function: close the inlet of larynx during swallowing

Innervation: recurrent laryngeal of vagus

Blood Supply: superior laryngeal artery
Origin: 1
Insertion: 1
Function: 1
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: 1
Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
Origin: posterior surface of lamina of cricoid cartilage

Insertion: muscular process of arytenoid cartilage

Function: abducts and laterally rotates the cartilage, pulling the vocal ligaments away from the midline and forward and so opening the rima glottidis

Innervation: recurrent laryngeal of vagus nerve

Blood Supply: BLOOOD!!!
Origin: 1
Insertion:: 1
Function: 2
Innervation: 1
Blood Supply: ?