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10 Cards in this Set

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1. A U-shaped bone that suspends the larynx is the
A. cricoid
B. thyroid
C. arytenoid
D. hyoid
E. all of the above

D. hyoid

2. The primary muscle of the lips is the
A. buccinator
B. risorius
C. depressor labii inferioris
D. orbicularis oris
E. depressor anguli oris

D. orbicularis oris

3. Before a surgeon performs a glossectomy, she informs the patient that the cranial nerves
that innervate the tongue muscles will probably be damaged. Which of the following cranial
nerves that innervate the tongue muscles will be affected by the operation?
A. Cranial Nerve X, vagus nerve
B. Cranial Nerve IX, glossopharyngeal nerve
C. Cranial Nerve XII, hypoglossal nerve
D. Cranial Nerve VII, facial nerve
E. Cranial Nerve VIII, vestibulocochlear nerve

C. Cranial Nerve XII, hypoglossal nerve

4. A patient with ataxia complains of difficulties maintaining balance and posture. The
physician explains to the patient that the structure that regulates equilibrium, body posture,
and coordinated fine-motor movements may be damaged. Therefore, the damaged structure
is the
A. cerebrum
B. pons
C. cerebellum
D. temporal lobe
E. frontal lobe

C. cerebellum

5. Peter has suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA); the neurologist reports lesions in the
third convolution of the left cerebral hemisphere. Based on this, you conclude that the
damaged area is
A. the occipital lobe
B. the basal ganglia
C. Wernicke’s area
D. Broca’s area
E. the primary auditory area

D. Broca’s area

6. After suffering from a severe stroke, Robert has difficulty with auditory comprehension and
speaks fluently, though he does not make much sense. Which area of Robert’s brain was
affected by the stroke?
A. The frontal lobe
B. The occipital lobe
C. Wernicke’s area
D. Broca’s area
E. The angular gyrus
C. Wernicke’s area

7. Which area of the brain connects Broca’s area with Wernicke’s area?
A. Corpus callosum
B. Choroid plexus
C. Arcuate fasciculus
D. Corona radiata
E. Third ventricle
C. Arcuate fasciculus

8. Sara has arterial damage that causes her to have cognitive deficits such as impaired
judgment, problems concentrating, and difficulties with reasoning. According to the surgeon,
damage to this artery can also cause a person to have paralysis of the feet and legs. Damage
to which artery produces these effects?
A. Internal carotid
B. External carotid
C. Middle cerebral
D. Anterior cerebral
E. Posterior cerebral
D. Anterior cerebral

9. Which statement about the cranial nerves is correct?
A. Cranial Nerve XII is not concerned with speech.
B. Cranial Nerve VIII is concerned with the sense of smell.
C. Cranial Nerve I is concerned with labial sound articulation.
D. Cranial Nerve II is important for hearing.
E. Damage to Cranial Nerve VII causes a mask-like appearance.
E. Damage to Cranial Nerve VII causes a mask-like appearance.

10. A semi-vowel that can be categorized as a voiced bilabial glide that is + anterior and +
continuant is the
A. w
B. j
C. l
D. h
E. r

A. w