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36 Cards in this Set

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Between the thalamus and the hypothalamus not reaching the surface (2nd smallest division)


The superior dorsal portion, largely obscured by the cerebral hemisphere( largest division)

cns sensory relay


Inferior ventral portion of the diencephalon 2nd largest division

regulates body temp water emotions, ans)


On the dorsomedial edge of the thalamus( smallest division)

Interpeducles fossa

Between the interpeduncle fossa and appears as a large depression

Corpora quadrigemia

In center of the midbrain are corpora quadrigemia which are composed of inferior colliculi and superior colliculi

Cerebellar peduncle

Is a large bulging mass of white matter axons on the anterior surface of the pons that carry info to the cerebellum

What is CSF

*produces choroid plexus, is clear, colorless

*it replaces 3xs a day

*circulates from ventricles to subarachnoid space around cns

*protects brain n spinal cord

*enter subarachnoid space from 4th ventricle thru 3 apertures or holes

*reabsorbed thru one way opening called arachnoid granulations.

Cerebral peduncles

In the midbrain large nontegmental area on either side of the anteron lateral part of midbrain.

Cerebral cortex

Sheets of gray matter that covers all the gyri and sulci. Deeper in the cortex lies broad sheets of white matter and still deeper nuclei

Brodmann 44/45

Location- edge of frontal lobe at lateral fissure in the area triangular

function: broca area- controls expressive speech left side

Brodmann 4

Located in Precentral gyrus

function: primary motor cortex (initiates voluntary movements)

Brodmann 40/39

Location-super marginal gyrus

and angular gyrus arches over the lateral sulcus

intergrate vision and touch like reading and writing

Brodmann 41/42

Location spread open the lateral fissure you can see the heschls gyrus

transverse gyri of heschl

primary auditory cortex

Brodmann 17

Located- occipital lobe the gyri just above and just below the calcareine fissure form primary visual cortex

visual processing

Brodmann 22

Location- poster 2/3 of superior temporal gyrus is the wernickles area

receptive speech-decoding

Brodmann 3 1 2

Location post central gyrus

primary somatosensory touch, pressure,temperature, pain


Latin leaf it is covered by 3 layers of gray matter that come together are cerebellar cortex

What the Precentral gyrus

Large gyrus anterior to the central sulcus is the Precentral gyrus

Control sulcus

Extends dorsal and lateral and ends at the lateral sulcus

The frontal lobe is anterior to the------parietal is posterior to ---------inferior to -------------is the temporal lobe and occipital lobe

Central sulcus

central sulcus

lateral fissure

Frontal lobe

Coordinates skilled motor movements and cognitive function


Contains descending and spending fiber tracts to nuclei of cranial nerves.

viii vestibular-cochlear






Fiber tract under corpus callosum

Where is the corpus callosum

Center midline of cerebrum inferior to mid longitudinal tissue


Posterior part is the thickest

Corpus callosum

Large fiber tract of white matter meek indicated axon that connect almost all parts of left hemisphere to almost all parts of right

Basilar artery

Gives off anterior inferior cerebellar Arteries acia superior cerebellar arteries

terminate at the upper pons and separates into 2 posterior cerebral arteries. This simple the posterior cerebral hemisphere occipital ventral medial portion of temporal


Supplies parts of medulla pons and anterior inferior portion of cerebellum

travels up neck and enters at foramen magnum in the base of skull division point for spinal and medulla of brain stem

Vertebral arteries

Carotid arteries

Travels up neck enters at level of hypothalamus the larger of the 2 groups and carries the majority of blood supply.

Which lobe contains calcarine fissure

Occipital and brodmann 17

Posterior to heschl gyrus on the superior surface is p

Album temporale

= a roughly circular pattern of interconnected arteries on the ventral brain surface

Circle of willis

• Posterior cerebral arteries
• Posterior communicating arteries • Internal carotid arteries
• Anterior cerebral arteries
• Anterior communicating artery

Components of circle of willis

