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40 Cards in this Set

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is a cyclical physiological process that alternates with longer periods of wakefulness.
The sleep cycle does what for the body?
influences and regulates physiological function and behavioral responses.
circadian rhythm
24-hour, day-night cycle
infradian rhythm
one that occurs in a cycle longer than 24 hour. EX: woman's menstrual cycle
ultradian rhythm
biological cycles lasting less than 24 hours.
Circadian rhythms include what?
daily sleep-wake cycles, that are affected by light and temperature and external factors such as social activities and work routines.
Reversals in the sleep-wake cycle such as falling asleep during the day (or vice versa for people who work nights) can indicate what?
a serious illness
What are common symptoms of disturbances in the sleep cycle?
anxiety, restlessness, irritability, and impaired judgement.
Normally, body temperature peaks when?
in the afternoon, decreases gradually, and then drops sharply after a person falls asleep
Sleep involves a sequence of physiological states maintained what what systems of the body?
central nervous system (CNS) activity that is associated with changes in the peripheral nervous , endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular systems.
electroencephalogram (EEG) measures what involving some structural physiological aspects of sleep?
electrical activity in the cerebral cortex
electomyogram (EMG) measures what involving some structural physiological aspects of sleep?
muscle tone
electrooculogram (EOG) measures what involving some structural physiological aspects of sleep?
eye movement
Ascending reticular activating system (RAS)
located in the upper brain stem is believed to contain special cells that maintain alertness and wakefulness. The RAS recieves visual, auditory, pain and tactile sensory stimuli.
Activity from the __ __ (e.g., emotions or thought processes) also stimulates the RAS.
cerebral cortex
Wakefulness results from neurons in the RAS that release catecholamines such as what?
Bulbar synchronizing region (BSR)
Sleep may be produced by the release of serotonin from specialized cells in the raphe sleep system of the pons and medulla. Whether a person remains awake or falls asleep depends on a balance of impulses from higher centers (thoughts), peripheral sensory receptors (sound or light stimuli), and the limbic system
During NREM a sleeper progresses through four stages during a typical __-minute sleep cycle
Lighter sleep is characteristic of stages?
1 and 2, and a person is more easily arousable.
Stages 3 and 4 involve what?
a deeper sleep, called slow-wave sleep, from which a person is more difficult to arouse.
Rapid eye movement sleep is what?
the phase at the end of each sleep cycle.
The cyclical pattern usually progresses how?
from stage 1 throught stage 4 of NREM, followed by a reversal from stage 4 to 3 to 2, ending with a period of REM sleep.
A person usually reaches REM sleep about ___ minutes into the sleep cycle.
With each successive cycle, what stages shorten and what stage lengthens?
stages 3 and 4 shorten, and the period of REM lengthens.
Newborns and children spend more time in what stage where as with aging sleep becomes what?
deep sleep, becomes more fragmented and more time is spent in lighter stages
NREM sleep contributes to what?
body tissue retoration
During NREM sleep, biological functions ___.
During deep slow-wave (NREM stage 4) sleep, the body does what?
releases human growth hormone for the repair and renewal of epithelial and specialized cells such as brain cells.
Protein synthesis and cell division for renewal of tissues include what?
the skin, bone marrow, gastric mucosa, or brain; occur during rest and sleep
Another theory about the purpose of sleep is what?
that the body conserves energy during sleep. The skeletal muscles relax progressively , and the absence of muscular contraction preserves chemical energy for cellular processes.
REM sleep is needed for what?
brain tissue restoration and appears to be important for cognitive restoration.
REM sleep is associated with what changes?
in cerebral blood flow, increased cortical activity, increased oxygen consumption, and epinephrine release.
A loss of REM sleep can lead to what?
feelings of confusion and suspicion. Various body functions (mood, motor performance, memory, and equilibrium) can be altered when prolonged sleep loss occurs
Although dreams occur during both NREM and REM sleep, the dreams of REM are what?
more vivid and elaborate and are believed to be functionally important to learning, memory processing, and adaptation to stress.
Hypertension often does what for sleep?
causes early morning awakening and fatigue
Hypothyroidism causes what to sleep? Hyperthyoidism?
Hypo-decreaes stage 4 sleep; Hyper-causes persons to take more time to fall asleep
urination during the night
Restless leg syndrome (RLS)
recurrent, rhythmical movement of the feet and legs. An itching sensation is felt deep in the muscles. Relief comes only from moving the legs, which prevents relaxation and subsequent sleep.
Secondary RLS has been found to be associated with what?
lower level of iron, pregnancy, and uremia.
an excessive amount of time at night, take long naps during the day, and generally feel drowsy and distracted when awake.