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172 Cards in this Set

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Original Sin
Western Church
Humans born into sin, therefore death
Original Guilt (Ancestral)
Eastern Church
Humans born into death, therefore sin
Adam's sin made us mortal
The Fall
Adam and Eve's disobeying God
Tree of Knowledge
Offered by God, deliverance from sin
Physical ritual by which God conveys grace to humans
Prayers, hymns, other texts of worship
Roman Catholic: Liturgy of Word, Liturgy of Eucharist
Orthodox: Liturgy of Catechumens, Liturgy of Faithful
Free Will
Humans can choose to follow God or not, b/c made from God's image
Most denom's believe humans can accept salvation
Calvinism says no free will - everything in God's doing
Those who have been acknowledged as moving on path of theosis
Prot: Sainthood of all believers
RC/Orth: Pray to Saints, bc they are greater in communion with God
Place where one continues to be punished for their sins that are forgiven but still need punishment
-Not sins leading to death, but sins that show corruption/needs purification

RC: Place of cleansing and prep for heaven
Prot: Idea is rejected
Orth: Intermediate state is recognized, not for cleansing/purification
Jesus' death - like thieves, murderers, and evil criminals
10 Commandments
Given to Moses
Old Covenant
Someone who is killed due to religious beliefs
Dealing with the church or church affairs, including church structure
Council is considered ecumenical only if entire church agrees on it
Organization where the policy is to be governed by divine guidance
God is head
Becoming righteous
Through Christ's sacrifice of atonement
Element of salvation to express deliverance from sin
Deification (theosis)
God became man so that human beings can be united with God
1- Jesus' incarnation results in forgiveness of sins
2- Provides avenue for human transformation to become united with God, therefore God-like
Two agents who work together to receive a particular result.
A doctrine that says although God grants humans the grace and ability to accept him, acknowledge him and be saved, Humans have their own part in this process b/c they have free will, so they can accept or reject the offer of salvation
Only one agent: God's will
God changes peoples hearts. His grace leads the elect irresistibly to his salvation
Calvinist view
What humans are offered by God
Salvation, Redemption, Justification, Deliverance, Ransom
Tells who God is by telling who he isn't
Orth Theology + Prot Theology [Mixture of Apophaticism & Cataphaticism]
Makes positive statements about who and what God is
RC Theology + Prot [Mixture of Apophaticism & Cataphaticism]
Sacraments [RC]
Fixed at 7:
-Baptism [washes away original sin]
-Confirmation [Anointed with oil, done by priest, one can receive gifts of Holy Spirit]
-Eucharist/Communion [Blood and body of Christ, Focus of liturgical churches]
-Confession/Penance [Admission of sin usually to priest]
-Marriage [Unbreakable contract, like that between Church and Christ]
-Holy Orders [Concept of charisma]
-Holy Unction(Anointing of sick) [Spiritual aid to those in need]

RC/Orth: We receive grace through these physical, visual, and material events
Sacraments [Orth]
At least 7:
-Baptism [Infant bapt okay; Bapt generates us into new life]
-Christmation [Able to receive Eucharist; Similar to Confirmation]
-Eucharist [Blood and body of Christ]
-Confession [Admission of sin]
-Marriage [Mystical union between man and woman; Priests/deacons can marry before ordination but not after; Bishops must be celibate]
-Holy Orders [Concept of charisma]
-Holy Unction(Anointing of sick) [Spiritual aid to those in need]

Mysteries convey grace to those who participate in them worthily.
Sacraments [Prot]
Only 2:
-Baptism [Range of baptism methods]
-Eucharist/Communion [Blood and body of Christ]

Marriage: Contract, but not unbreakable; Most denom's don't require celibacy for clergy
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
- God is one in essence, but this essence manifests itself in three hypostases
Name of God in Bible
- God who delivered Israel out of Egypt
-Gave Ten Commandments
-Did not permit his people to make idols or worship other gods
The Lamb
Jesus = Sacrificial lamb
Ecumenical Council 1
Nicaea - 325 - Nicean Creed
-Identity of Christ; No textual evidence decided
-Condemnation of Arianism
- Political issue of Church organization
Ecumenical Council 2
-Pentarchy and hierarchy within (Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Rome)
-Theological issue with Nicene Creed - God is One, God is Three
-Nature of Holy Spirit
Ecumenical Council 3
-Relationship between God and the divine
-Nature of Christ (divinity)
-Condemnation of Nestoriansim
Ecumenical Council 4
-Issues when divine overwhelms the human
-Divine and human have connection due to Jesus
-Divine > Human
-Nature of Christ (humanity of God)
-Condemnation of Monophysites
Ecumenical Council 5
-Condemn teachings of Origin and Nestorius
-Mary = Christotokus b/c she's mother of Jesus
-Confirmed councils 3 and 4 as far as the nature of Christ
Ecumenical Council 6
-Restoration of the unity in the body of Christ (church)
-Nature of Christ
-Condemnation of Monothelitism or Monoenergism which stated Christ had two natures but one will
Ecumenical Council 7
-Veneration of Icons
-Called by Emperor Constantine
-Decisions accepted by entire church
One of Jesus' 12 followers; eye-witnesses
Apostolic See
Basically the area of jurisdiction/authority of an Apostle
-Bishop of Rome
-Apostolic succession from Peter
-Catholic Church
Patriarch, Patriarchate
-Three biblical figures regarded as the fathers of the human race and other ancestors (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob)
-Title of most senior Orthodox/Catholic priest
-A bishop of the most ancient Christians (Alex, Antioch, Constan, Jerus, Rome)
-Above bishop, Below Patriarch

-Western Church: bishop with provincial powers
-Eastern Church: bishop who is head of ecclesiastical province, ranks next below patriarch
-Oversees church organizations
-Appoint priests, presbyters, deacons
-Appointed by other bishops (Min 3)
-RC and Orth traditions, plus some Anglican
-Appointed by bishop
-Can perform sacred rites (Eucharist and Baptism)
-Assist bishop, cares for one community but never independently

-RC: Only bishops perform confirmations
-Orth: Can perform Christmation
-Carry out social, practical, and liturgical functions
(gathering money)
-Office or term of office of a bishop
-Collective body of all bishops of the church
District under the supervision of a bishop
-Member of community where they separate from those not sharing same purpose
-Monks are monastic (Founded by St Anthony)
-Early form of monastic living (extreme, strict)
-Living in solitude as religious discipline
-St Jerome
-Reform in RC in 14/15/16th Century
-Authority resided with corporation of Christians, not with the Pope
Hierarchical Structure
Used in Orth

-Conciliar: Bishops meet together to solve

-Hierarchy of Honor: Churches in important regions (Ant, Rome) held higher honor; but not seen more or less authoritative

-Collegial: Group of people who make up a particular decision
Monarchical structure
-Developed in the West
-Jurisdictional authority given to bishop of Rome
Presbyterian structure
Group of presbyters who decide over geographical area
Congregational structure
Each congregation independently and autonomously runs its own affairs
"Of one essence"
Trinity, "same substance"
"to be" or "being" or "essence"
-Pertains to Trinity
-God is one essence, manifested into three HYPOSTASES
Greek title of Mary that means "God bearer" or "Mother of God"

Mostly used in Orth church
Becoming flesh (Jesus)
Becoming God or becoming devine
-For priest/clergy to be ordained, they need charisma given by God
-Apostolic succession
-Prot: Directly from Holy Spirit
-Holy Spirit comes from Father "AND THE SON"
-RC: Nicene Creed includes this
-Orth: do not accept this
-Prot: generally accepted
God's word = God is logos
Study of nature and person of Jesus Christ
-Study of the end times
-End of ordinary reality and reunion with divine
-Concerned with Death, Judgment, Hell, and Heaven
Divine Liturgy
-Words that are composed or sung during worship service
-Orth: service = Divine Liturgy
Sat evening prayers, commonly in Orth
-Service of evening prayers, forming part of the divine office of the Cath Church
-Traditionally said/chanted before retiring for night
RC - service of evening prayer
-Service of morning prayers, before mass/liturgy
-Anglican/Orth churches
-Services held at 6am, 9am, Noon, 3pm
-Consist mostly of Psalms generally related to events in the passion of Christ which took places at that particular hour of the day
-May be held on eve of religious festival
-"Keeping watch"
Lenten Cycle
-Cycle of movable feasts in RC
-Approx. 40 days
-Holy Week = Week before Easter
Paschal Cycle
Cycle of movable feasts in Orth Church
"Ordinary Time"
time in the church calendar where nothing special is going on
Name of 8 mode system used for the composition of religious chant in Syrian, Coptic, Byzantine, Armenian, Latin and Slavic churches
Liturgy of Catechumens
-First part of service
-Epistle and Gospel is read
Liturgy of the Faithful
-Only for baptized
-Second part of service - Eucharist performed
First five books of Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)
the Law
-Laws of Judaism found in OT
-Jesus spoke against strict observation of traditional practices
the Prophets
Messengers of God
Old Testaments
-39 books
-Old covenants before the life of Jesus
-Prot, RC, Orth have different versions of what comprises the OT
New Testament
-27 books
-New promises that came with Jesus, new covenant made between God and his people through Jesus
-Four books written about Jesus's life
-Good News of salvation
Synoptic Gospels
-Matt, Mark, Luke
-Share common views, similar info on Jesus
-John is different
Paul's Epistles
-Letters St. Paul wrote to various groups
-Colossians, Thessalonions, Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon
-Insight to early church
-Foundation to Christian theology and Christian ethics
Books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate, but excluded from Jewish and Protestant canons of OT
-70 elders translated Pentateuch to Greek
-Other books inserted that were written in Greek
-Prot don't agree with all things written in Greek books
The belief that Jesus' body and crucifixion were illusion and that Jesus was composed of pure spirit

-Notion condemned at Ecumenical Council 4, 451
-Bishops/priests who succumbed to demands of persecution (burning Christian texts) were traitors
-Donastists refused to accept back the traitors after persecution ended
Salvation comes through secret knowledge; redemption needed from the material world
-Disregards OT (God is different in OT and NT)
-Originated in teachings of Marcion of Sinope of Rome in 2nd century
-Revelation not only with Christ, but leaders get teachings directly from God
-Montanus, proclaimed prophet, 2nd century
-Members believed that those who denied faith were not allowed back into communion (Decian persecutions of 250)
-Anti-pope Novatius, 3rd century
Jesus is not God - merely a person whom the Spirit descended upon - at one point in time, Jesus did not exist
-Nestorius, Patriarch of Constan.
-Rejected idea that Mary was actual mother of God, but mother of Christ
One nature of Christ, in which divine nature takes over human nature
-Christ had two natures but ONE WILL
-Patriarch Sergius
Deliberate destruction of religious icons, symbols, monuments
-Original Sin does not taint human nature
-Mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil
-Adam (bad ex), Jesus (good ex)
-Sinners are not victims, but criminals
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are successive modes of order - don't exist simultaneously
Feast/Holidays [Calendars]
RC: Gregorian Calendar
Orth: Julian Calendar
-Rigorous fast before Christmas
-12 days of Christmas
-Closes advent season
-"Vision of God"
-Celebrates the revelation of God the Son as a human being in Jesus

-Western: Visitation of Magi (3kings) to Baby Jesus
-Eastern: Jesus' baptism in Jordan River
Meeting in the Temple
Orth Church
-Feast day, presentation of Jesus to Simeon in the Temple
-Major feast in East
-When Jesus is seen on a mountain shining brightly and talkign with prophets
-Ignored by Prot
Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)
First Sunday before Easter, when Jesus comes to Jerusalem
Jesus rose from dead
Jesus physically went to Heaven in resurrected body
Jewish feast 7 weeks after Passover/Easter, start of Church, 50th day
All Saints day
Nov 1
-RC church
-One week after Pentecost in Orth
Elevation of the Cross
-Major feast in East
-Only major feast not associated with scripture
Nativity of the Theotokos
-Day when Mary was born
-Major feast in East
Presentation in the Temple
-Great feast for Orth
-RC: fourth joyful mystery of the rosary, feb2
-Feast of Annunciation, March 25 (9 months before Xmas)
-Angel Gabriel telling Virgin Mary of Jesus
Dormition (Falling asleep)
-Great feast of Orth, Aug 15
-For Death, Resurrection, and Glorification of Mary
-Remembrance of when Angel of Death passed over Hebrew families
Lenten Fast
40 days of fasting in prep for Easter in RC (ash wednesday)
Christmas Fast
RC: 4 weeks before xmas
Orth: 40 days before xmas
Peter and Paul Fast
-Orth Church
-Second Monday after Pentecost untli June 29
-Red meat, poultry, oil, fish, etc.
-Sats, Suns, Tues, Thurs have special allowances
Dormition Fast
Aug 1-14
Solemnity of Mary
-Liturgical Feast of Virgin Mary
-RC, Jan 1
Solemnity of Joseph
-Feast in provinces of Anglican
-Feast/festival for Lutheran
-March 19
Day of Obligation
-Catholics required to attend Mass, avoid serville work
Corpus Christi
-West Only
-"Body of Christ"
-Celebrates Body and Blood of Christ present in the Eucharist
Immaculate Conception
-Mary is born without Sin (RC view)
Pontius Pilate
Judge at Jesus' trial
John the Baptist
-Jesus' cousin
-Baptized people in Jesus' name
-Baptized Jesus
Original 12
-"head" disciple - first Pope
-First ordained by Jesus
-Hung upside down
John the Theologian/Apostle John/Evangelist John
-Only one to die of natural causes
-Brother of James
-Author of Gospel of John, epistle of John, Revelation
-Betrayed God for thirty pieces of silver
-Originally Saul, persecutor of Christians
-Author of Epistles
-Martyred in Rome, Crucified
James/James the Greater
-One of 3 apostles to witness Jesus' transfiguration
Matthew (part of 4 evangelists)
-Referenced OT to prove that Jesus is really the promised Messiah
Mark (part of 4 evangelists)
-Shortest Gospel
-Messianic Secret - Jesus keeping his mission a secret
-Action based
Luke (part of 4 evangelists)
-Greek doctor
-Detailed book
-Gentile perspective
John (part of 4 evangelists)
-Not part of synoptic gospels
-Poetic and artistic and keeps aspect of mystery in regards to God
Abraham & Sarah
-God's covenant with them: children in exchange for faith
-Son of Abraham
-Symbol of covenant God had with Abraham
-Tricked Esau for birthright
-Name changed to Israel
-11th son of Jacob
-Dream interpreter
-Led people out of Egypt
-10 plagues
-10 commandments
-David and Goliath
-Writer of Psalms
-Son of David
-Built first Temple of Jerusalem
-Wise, wealthy, and powerful
Set the description of the fall of Orth Church
Ignatius of Antioch
-3rd Bishop of Antioch
-Writings on organization of Church - importance of priests and bishops
Justin Martyr
-Emphasized eucharists's importance
-Identified Jesus as Logos
-Early theologian
-First noted use of Trinity
-Refers to bread/wine as symbols
-Biblical Scholar
-Believed in the pre-existence of souls
-Collected text which became NT
Clement of Rome
-Calls for repentance/reinstatement of those who have been deposed
-Eucharists should be one of the functions of higher clergy
-Greatest and most powerful influence in the West (354-430)
-Concepts of original sin, justified war
John of Damascus
-Conceptualization of God: God is boundless and eternal
-Father of Orthodoxy
-20th Patriarch of Alex.
-Opposed Arianism, supported homoousion
Cyril of Alexandria
-the Logos from God the Father was united to the flesh in a hyposatic way
-Followers later radicalized his teachings and became Monophysites
Basil the Great
-Care of the poor and underpriviledged
-Established guidelines for monastic life
John Chrysostom
-Known for eloquence in preaching and public speaking
Gregory the Theologian
-First Pope from a Monastic background
-Pope Gregory I
-Revised Roman Worship
Gregory of Nyssa
-Bishop of Nyssa
-Doctrine of Trinity
-Spiritual theology
Anthony the Great
-Father of Monasticism
-From Egypt
Cyril and Methodius
-Missionaries of Christianity among the slavic people
-Apostle of Slavs
-Venerated in orth Church as saints
Gregory Palamas
-Monk in Greece, Archbishop of Thessaloniki
-Venerated as saint in Orth
-Theories are confirmed by Constantinople Council
"Holy of Holies"/Sanctuary
Separated form rest of church; Eucharists were prepared/celebrated there; Only priest could go
Elevated structure where religious rites are performed
Central, open space where parishioners stand or sit
Penitents and Catechumens were confined to this area until their reconciliation with or initiation into the chruch
Semicircular recess covered with a hemispherical vault or semi-dome; religious rites performed
Tripartite Structure
Narthex, Nave, Sanctuary
Religious work of art (mostly Eastern)
Wall of paintings of various religious events, icons, etx that separate the nave from the sanctuary
Orth Church
-incense lit in Narthex
-represents prayers ascending into heaven
Holy Gates/Holy Doors
Separates Narthex and the Nave
-closed when about to do Eucharist