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53 Cards in this Set

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What are the two components of the skull?

Facial skeleton (viscerocranium)

Cranial Vault (neurocranium)

How many bones are part of the facial skeleton (viscerocranium)? List them

14 facial bones: Zygomatic (2), Nasal (2), Lacrimal (2), Inferior Nasal Conchae (2), Maxilla (2), Mandible, Vomer, and Palatine (2)

How many bones are part of the cranial vault (neurocranium)? List them

8 Cranial Bones: Facial, Parietal (2), Temporal (2), Occipital, Sphenoid and Ethmoid

What two bones are not visible from a frontal view of the skull, where can these be found?

The Palatine (found posterior to the maxilla, forming the posterior 1/3 of the roof of the mouth) and Occipital (found at the most posterior portion of the skull) bones

How many teeth are contained within each jaw?


Is the mandible directly attached to the skull?

No, it articulates with it at the temporomandibular joint and is moved by the temporalis muscle

What three foramina are visible from a frontal view of the skull?

Supraorbital Foramen (notch), Infraorbital Foramen, and the Mental Foramen

What is the alveolar process?

It is the region found in both the mandible and maxilla that contain the teeth

What structures form the zygomatic arch?

The temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone

What portion of the sphenoid bone is visible from the lateral view?

The greater wing of the sphenoid bone

What are the two general regions of the temporal bone?

Squamous (flat portion, also found more superiorly) and Petrous (rougher portion, found more inferiorly)

What is the region known as where the temporal, sphenoid, parietal and frontal bones all meet?


What are two prominent processes on the temporal bone? What part of the temporal bone do they extend from?

Styloid and mastoid processes, which project off from the Petrous Temporal Bone

What regions comprise the temporal fossa?

It is made up of the lower portion of the parietal bone, greater wing of the sphenoid and squamous temporal bone

Where would one find the coronal suture?

At the junction of the frontal and parietal bones

Where would one find the lambdoid suture?

At the junction of the parietal and occipital bones

Where would one find the sagittal suture?

Joining the parietal bones

What is an important site of muscle attachment on the occipital bone?

The superior nuchal line

What is an important articular surface that connects the skull to the spine? What do they articulate with?

The occipital condyles are the responsible structures which articulate with the Atlas at the Atlanto-Occipital Joint

What is located in between the occipital condyles?

The foramen magnum which enables passage of the spinal cord

What structure separates the nasal conchae?

The Vomer

What bones comprise the hard palate?

It is comprised of the palatine process of the Maxilla for the anterior 2/3rds and the palatine bones for the posterior 1/3rd

What are the most prominent foramina in the Sphenoid bone?

Foramen Rotundum, Foramen Ovale, Foramen Spinosum (in order from anterior to posterior)

What important foramen is visible on the base of the skull at the confluency of three bones?

The Foramen Lacerum, which is bordered by the sphenoid, occipital and temporal bones

What important foramina are found in the temporal bone and at its border?

Stylomastoid foramen (in between Styloid and Mastoid processes) and the Jugular Foramen, bordered by the Temporal and Occipital bones

What foramen travels laterally below the occipital Condyle?

Hypoglossal canal

What important passage is found medial to the styloid process?

Carotid Canal

What are the three general regions of the inside of the cranial vault?

Anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa

What prominent features projects from the anterior cranial fossa and what surrounds it? What bone are they part of?

Crista Galli, which is surrounded by the cribriform plate. Both are structures found on the Ethmoid Bone

What forms the posterior border of the anterior cranial fossa?

The posterior border is formed by the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone and the jugum (middle portion of the lesser wing)

What process project from the medial portion of the lesser wing of the sphenoid?

The anterior clinoid processes

What foramen is found in the anterior portion of the palatine process of the maxilla?

Incisive Foramen

What is the name of the region directly posterior to the posterior clinoid processes?

Clivus (Occipital Bone)

What prominent markings are found in the posterior cranial fossa?

The transverse and sigmoid sinuses, where important blood vessels travel

What hollow feature is found in the frontal sinus?

Frontal Sinus, located medially in the bone above the orbits

What foramina is located in the frontal bone?

Supraorbital foramina

What bones articulate with the frontal bone?

Parietal, sphenoid, zygomatic, nasal, maxilla, lacrimal, and ethmoid

What bones articulate with the parietal bones?

Occipital, frontal, temporal, sphenoid

What bones articulate with the occipital bone?

parietal, temporal, sphenoid

What prominent foramen is formed between the lesser wing and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone?

Superior orbital fissure

What foramina is found just medial to the anterior clinoid processes? What separates them?

The optical canals which are separated by the optic groove

Where would one find the lateral masses? And what project from

On the sides of the Ethmoid Bone, where the middle and superior nasal conchae project off

What perforations are found in the roof of the ethmoid bone?

Cribriform plate for passage of the olfactory nerve

Like the frontal bone, what is found behind the wall of the maxilla?

The maxillary sinus

What two foramina can be found in the maxilla?

The incisive and infraorbital

The chin is called?

The mental protuberance

Where does the mandible come in contact with the skull?

Mandibular fossa, located in the temporal bone

What are the two processes of the mandible?

Coronoid and condylar processes. The condylar is the one which articulates with the mandibular fossa

What is the joint called where the mandible meets the petrous temporal bone?

The temporomandibular joint

What bone forms the lateral wall of the orbit as well as the lateral portion of the floor?

The zygomatic bone

What bones form the medial wall of the orbit?

Ethmoid, lacrimal, nasal and partially frontal/maxilla


Posterior and lower portion of the nasal septum

What are the projections on the hyoid bone called?

Lesser and Greater Cornu