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26 Cards in this Set

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What makes up the integument system?
the skin and its accessory organs
______ are body structures that are composed of two or more tissues
what is the largest organ in the body?
who much does your skin weigh?
8-9 pounds
skin cell are renewed by the _____ every day
The ______ is replaced every two weeks (reason why a suntan only lasts so long)
what are the 4 types of membranes of the skin?
1. serous
2. mucous
3. synovial
4. cutaneous
______ membrane line body cavities that lack openings to the outside.
what is the membranes made up of? what do they secrete?
epithelium and loose connective tissues and secrete serous fluid that acts as a lubricant.
______ membrane line the cavities and opening that lead to the outside of the body, including oral and nasal cavities, and openings of the digestive, reproductive, respiratory, and urinary systems.
what does the mucous membranes consist of? what does it secrete?
consists of epithelium and connective tissue with specialized cells that secrete mucus.
_____ membranes line the joint cavities
what does the synovial membranes consist of? what do they secrete?
consists of ONLY connective tissue and secrete lubrication synovial fluid.
_____ membrane consists of the skin
through what mechanisms does the skin (largest organ) maintain homeostasis?
1. temperature regulation
2. protection of underlying tissues
3. retardation of water loss
4. housing sensory receptors (pain)
5. synthesizing certain chemicals
6. excreting wastes
What organ is the first line of defense for the body?
the skin
is your skin dead or alive (outside)
what are the three layers of the skin?
epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layer (hypodermis)
what does the epidermis consist of?
the hair shaft, sweat gland pore, stratum corneum, stratum basal, basement membrane
the epidermis is made up of 1. ______ ______ epithelium and lacks 2. _____ vessels
1. stratified squamous
2. blood
which layer, of the reproducing cells, lies at the base of the epidermis, is well-nourished by dermal blood vessels
stratum basale
cells are pushed 1. _____ as new cells formed, and become 2. _______ as they die.
1. outward
2. keratinized
what are the 6 layers of the epidermis?
1. stratum corneum
2. stratum lucidum
3. stratum garnuolusm
4. stratum spinosum
5. stratum basale
6. basement membrane
____ ____ layer of the epidermis is where injury occurs and helps protect skim from invasion
stratum corneum
The epidermis is important because it protects from what?
water loss, mechanical injury, chemicals, and microorganisms
1. ______ lie deep in the epidermis and underlying dermis, produce a pigment called 2. ____ that protects deeper cells from the sun's ultraviolet rays. This is located in the3. _____ layer.
1. melanocytes
2. melanin
3. spinosum