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21 Cards in this Set

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Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

Caused by HPV
Enters: Skin
Transmission: Direct Contact
Symptoms: Horny projections of skin from proliferation of cells
Treatment: Liquid-nitrogen therapy, electrodesiccation, acids, lasers
Tinea (ringworm)

Fungal Infection
Enters: Skin
Transmission: Fomite, direct contact
Symptoms: Skin lesions of varied appearance, if on scalp, may cause hair loss
Treatment: Griseofuluin (oral/for hair) Miconazole (topical/skin)

Tinea have Keratinase-which breaks down and metabolizes Keratin in skin cells
Candida albicans (yeasts)

Fungal Infection
Enters: Skin, Mucous membranes
Transmission: Direct contact, endogenous infection
Symptoms: Macular rash, bright red with lesions on the borders, can cause yeasty appearance
Treatment: Miconazole, Clotrimazol (topical)
Scabies (mites)
Enter: Skin
Transmission: Direct Contact
Symptoms: Papules, Intense localized itching, Slightly elevated serpentine lines
Treatment: Gamma benzene hexachloride permethin (topical)

most symptoms are due to hypersensitivity to mite and its product, redness, infection of scratches etc.
Variola virus

Viral Cause from Variola virus
Enters: Skin, Organs
Transmission: Air, Respiratory tract
Symptoms: lesions that become pustular after 10 days
Treatment: Vaccine

Last case in 1978
Still 2 resevoirs in CDC and Russia, Germ warfare?
Varicella-zoster virus

Caused by Varicella-zoster virus
Enters: Respiratory Tract
Transmission: Air
Symptoms: Vesticles for 3-4 days, localized in face, throat, lower back, itchy, fill with pus, rupture and scab
Treat: Acyclovir
Prevent: Pre-exposure vaccine

stored in dorsal root ganglia, can reactivate later SHINGLES-follows nerve line tract
severe burning, stinging pain
Rubeola virus

Caused by Rubeola virus
Enters: Respiratory Track
Transmission: Air
Symptoms: Skin rash, red macules first on face, the trunk and extremeties, symptoms of common cold, koplik's spots (red w/blue-white specks in mouth)
Treatment: None
Prevention: Pre-exposure vaccine

seen mainly in children under the age of 1 due to lack of vaccinations available
Rubella Virus

Enters: Respiratory Track
Transmission: Air
Symptoms: Mild skin rash, red macules, usually lasting 3 days
Treatment: None
Prevention: Pre-exposure vaccine

Can cause congenital defects
~Streptococcus pyogenes~

Necrotizing fasciitis

Scarlet Fever
~Pseudomonas aeruginosa~

Otis erterna

Pyocyanin is a bacterial pigment that infects burn patients, causes a blue-green pus

Nasocomial infections are related to the toxin in dense biofilms--problems for cathaters and lung disease(cystic fibrosis)--medical tubes and devices
~Staphyococcus aureus~

Scalded Skin

Toxic Shock Syndrom (TSS)


Systemic spread is possible
Herpes simplex 1 or 2
Cold sores and other herpes lessions

Caused by Herpes simplex 1 or 2
Enters: Skin, mucous membranes
Transmission: Direct contact, oral or respiratory routes
Symptoms: Painful short lived vesicles that occur near outer red margin of lips
Treatment: Acyclovir
~Staphylococcus aureus~

Enters: Skin, live in nasal passages
Transmission: Direct contact, fomites
Symptoms: Vesicles on skin that become crusted
Treatment: Topical antibiotics
Scalded Skin
~Staphylococcus aureus~

Enters: Skin infections
Transmission: Direct contact, fomites
Symptoms: Exfoliation, separation of skin layers
Treatment: Topical antibiotics

only caused by certain toxic strains
Toxic Shock Syndrome
~Staphylococcus aureus~

Enters: Surgical incisions
Transmission: Endogenous infection
Symptoms: Fever, rash, shock
Treatment: Antibiotics

only caused by certain toxic strains
Tampon association
~Staphylococcus aureus~

Enters: Hair follicle
Transmission: Endogenous infection
Symptoms: Infection of hair follicle, pus surrounded by inflammation
Treatment: Draining of pus, topical antibiotics
~Streptococcus pyogenes~

Enters: Skin, mucous membranes
Transmission: endogenous infection
Symptoms: reddish patches first on face with high fever preceded by streptococcal sore throat
Treatment: Cephalosporin
Necrotizing fasciitis
~Streptococcus pyogenes~

Enters: Skin abrasion
Transmission: Direct contact
Symptoms: Extensive soft tissue destruction
Treatment: Surgical tissue removal, broad spectrum antibiotics
Scarlet Fever
~Streptococcus pyogenes~

Only with lysogenic strains
~Pseudomonas aeruginosa~

Enters: Skin abrasions
Transmission: Swimming water, Hot tubs
Symptoms: Superficial rash
Treatment: Self limiting
Otitis erterna
~Pseudomonas aeruginosa~

Enters: Ear
Transmission: Swimming water
Symptoms: Infection of external ear canal
Treatment: Fluoroquinolones