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63 Cards in this Set

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study of skin is functions structures conditions diseases disorders and treatments
the basic unit of living matter
process in which human tissues cells worksheet by dividing in half creating two daughter cells
group of similar cells that perform specific functions
sprayed body structures composed of multiple tissues that each perform specific functions
skeletal system
physical foundation of the body composed of 206 bones
ethnic bone
spongy bone between both eye sockets that forms part of the Nasal cavity
muscular system
contacts and moves various parts of the body and supports the skeletal system
study of muscles their structure functions and diseases
place where a muscle attaches to a non moving section of bone
the middle part of the muscle
portion of the muscle joined to bone to assist movement
striated muscle
aka skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles attached to the bones and are knowingly controlled
non striated muscles
involuntary muscle that is smooth and not marked with lines
massage technique that involves gliding stroking or circular movements utilizing a light slow consistent motion with either light or no pressure
massage technique that involves kneading lifting or grasping movement
massage technique that involves deep ribbing rolling wringing movement applied with pressure
aka Tapotement massage technique that involves sorry light tapping or slapping
massage technique that involves the use of the tips of the fingers to produce raps shaking movement
integumentary system
comprised of skin and it's layers serves as a protective covering
guarding against the skins enemies such as UV reassures extreme weather conditions, bacterial infections and injury
heat regulation
maintaining a body temp of 98.6°Fahrenheit through the blood and excretion of presperation
allows product to penetrate the skin to keep it supple and pliable which helps the skin to retain is stretch and or elasticity
when sebum an oily substance is delivered from sebaceous glands to provide moisture and maintain skins elasticity
aka Basal Layer is the outer most Layer of the skin containing many small nerve endings but no blood vessels
stratum corneum
outermost layer of epidermis known as horny layer
stratum lucidum
clear layer of epidermis just below the stratum corneum
stratum granulosum
granular like layer of the epidermis located between the stratum lucidum and stratum spinosum
stratum spinosum
layer where the cells develop tiny spines that assist in binding all feels tightly together
the underlying or inner layer of the skin directly below the epidermis also known as derma, corneum, cutis or true skin
papillary layer
louter most Layer of the dermis directly underneath the epidermis
reticular layer
deep Lauer of the derma located below the papillary layer that assist in supplying the skin with nutrients and oxygen
subcutaneous tissue
fatty tissue found beneath the dermis
duct gland
secretes waste from the body and deposits it on the skins surface located within the dermis
aka sweat glands consist of tube like ducts that begin in the dermis and extend into the epidermis by attaching themselves to hair follicles
sebaceous gland
sac like duct gland attached to the hair follicles that produces sebum
oily substance that lubricates the skin or scalp and is secreted from the sebaceous glands
rare congenital skin disorder characterized by a total or partial lack of melanin in the body
skin disorder that is characterized by light patches (hypopigmentation) can be caused by a burn or congenital disease stich as albinism
prevents or reduces infection by eliminating or decreasing the growth of micro organisms it can be applied sagely to the skin to corner a superficial wound out assist in the removal of bacteria.
to destroy microorganisms on nonporous surfaces and prevent infection the second level of infection control
product or item that is capable of destroying bacteria
capable of destroying viruses
capable of destroying fungi
product that is able to kill the bacteria that causes tuberculosis
chemical process that completely destroys all microbial life and Bayfield spots on nonporous surfaces the most effective highest level of infection control germ free
herpes simplex
commonly known as fever blister or a cold sore is a contagious skin disorder associated with a vital infection
blood borne pathogen that weakness the immune system by destroying the white blood cells, hiv,us the virus that can lead to aids
the final stage of HIV virus, which destroys the immune system
MRSA methicillin resistant staphylococcus Aureus
infection that is resistant to certain antibiotics commonly found on the skin and starts small red bumps
blood Bourne virus that can cause inflammation of the liver caused by infections of toxic agents and is characterized by jaundice fever lover enlargement and abdominal pain
alternating current
rapid interrupted electrical current that switches direction moving in one direction direction then changing to the opposite direction
direct current DC
electric current that flows in only one direction
any material that allows or supports the flow of electric current for example metal, chipper, and water are excellent conductors of electricity
unit for measuring the force or pressure of an electric current
unit of measuring the resistance of an electric current
the bodies ability to g fight off infection or diseases
acquired immunity
getting a vaccination
skin disorder that is characterized by light patches, can be caused by a burn or congenital disease such as albinism
inherited skin disorder producing smooth irregularly shaped white patches Caused by the loss of pigment producing cells
c hloasma
also known as let spots or mouth patches are non elevated hyper pigment light to farm brown spa and scattered on hands arms and face
birth mark on the skin characterized by small or large irregularly shaped marks or stains
aka as calls or tyloma is a thickened or hardened area of skin by friction continual rubbing or pressure over the same part of skin