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86 Cards in this Set

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Types of Skin Cancer
Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Melanoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Most common, aggressive and invasive in dermis and epidermis ;
translucent nodule w/ smooth surface or persistent non-healing sore
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
2nd most common, slow growing and can metastasize ;
occurs on face, ears, neck, lips, backs of hands ;
isolated papule or plaque, scaly red patch
Less common, greatest threat of mortality ;
malignant tumor, common to meetastasize ;
trunk(men), legs(women), head/neck ;
use ABCDE of moles
Risk Factors of Skin disease
1. excessive sun exposure or tanning booths ;
2. Skin type- fair skin, burns easily ;
3. Nevi (mole or birth mark) large #s or large size ;
4. family history
5. history of skin cancer
6. live close to equator
7. history of severe sunburns
ABCDE's of Melanoma
A-Asymmetry (1 half doesn't match the other)
B-Border irregularity (edges ragged, notched)
C-Color variance (not uniform)
D-Diameter (bigger than 6mm)
E-Evolving (any change)
Warning signs of skin cancer
1. open sore, wart like growth, scaly patch 3+ weeks
2. reddish patch--frequently occuring
3. shiny bump or nodule
3 major bands in UV spectrum
UVC (germicidal radiation)
very little reaches Earth, not a cause of skin cancer
UVB (Sunburn radiation)
reaches earth surface (strongest from 10am-4pm) ;
provides Vit D3 synthesis ;
responsible for skin cancer, wrinkles, epidermal hyperplasia, collagen damage
penetrates deeper in the skin ;
contributes to premature aging of the skin, suppresses immune system, damages DNA ;
generates a tan, TANNING BEDS
Transmit or Reflect UVR
1. penetrates clouds
2. fresh snow
3. sand and white paint
4. water
5. dry clothing
UV index
developed by EPA ;
rates amount of UV radiation reaching Earth ;
4 things done to prevent sun-induced skin disorders
slip on a shirt ;
Cover up (long sleeves, pants, dark colors, tightly woven, dry clothing)
slap on a hat ;
2-3 inch brim, tightly woven fabric
wrap on sunglasses ;
long hours in sun can cause cataracts ;
UV-blocking sunglasses
slop on sunscreen ;
protects against sunburn, skin damage, skin cancer
degree of protection with sunscreen is based on :
sun protection factor (SPF), UVA protection, substantivity
measures the length of time a product protects against skin reddening from UVB, compared to how long hte skin takes to redden without protection
MED of protected skin / MED of unprotected skin ;
MED= minimal erythema dose
Measures of UA protection
1. UVA x200 less potent ;
2. high SPF products block more UVA
3. Broad-spectrum=passed a test, high protection against UVA, UVB
ability of the sunscreen product to remain effective during prolonged exercise, sweating, and swimming ;
cream-based vehicles are more water resistant
Water resistant
retains SPF for at least 40 mins
Very water resistant
retains its sun protection for at least 80 mins
Chemical Sunscreens
*absorb UVR-blocks transmission to epidermis
*variable on UVA and UVB
Physical sunscreens
*reflect and scatter UVR
*thick, opaque
*block UVA and UVB
Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA)
ingredient in sunscreens ;
major sensitivity ;
stains clothing
Common ingredient in sunscreens ;
increasing reports of sensitivity
Best UVA coverage among chemical sunscreens
Titanium Dioxide & Zinc Oxide
Physical sunscreens ;
not combined with avobenzone
Apply chemical sunscreens when and how often?
15-30 minutes before exposure to UVR ;
~1oz of sunscreen needed
When should you reapply sunscreen?
1 oz every 2 hours at minimum
ADRs of sunscreen:
rash, vesicles(blisters), hives, exaggerated sunburn, photosensitivity, staining of clothing
precautions/warnings for sunscreen
1. avoid eyes
2. do not use in children <6months
some health consequences of smoking
1. kidney damage
2. emphysema
3. cancers (bladder, esophageal, lung)
4. bone problems
5. cardiovascular disease
6. reproductive issues
Forms of tobacco
cigarettes, spit tobacco, pipes, cigars, waterpipes
# of cigarettes in a pack? # of packs in a carton?
1. 20
2. 10
compulsive drug use, without medical purpose, in the face of negative consequences
Withdrawal symptoms of smoking
begin within 24-48 hours after quitting;
peak in with 1st week ;
subside with 2-4 weeks ;
cravings- may never go away
Tobacco dependence has what 2 parts?
1. physiological
2. Behavioral
5 A's to help a patient quit smoking
1. Ask-about tobacco use
2. Advise-tobacco users to quit
3. Assess-readiness to quit
4. Assist-with quit attempt
5. Arrange-follow up care
Stage 1 of readiness to quit
not ready to quit in the next month ;
get them to start thinking about it
use the 5 R's to motivate
Stage 2 of readiness to quit
ready to quit in the next month ;
1. Assess tobacco use history
2. Facilitate the quitting process
Stage 3 of readiness to quit
recent quitter, quit in the last 6 months ;
Maintain abstinence
Stage 4 of readiness to quit
former tobacco user, quit >6 months ago ;
remain tobacco free for life
When should 1st follow up be for a patient who recently quit smoking?
within the 1st week after quitting
5 R's that provide motivational counseling for those people not ready to quit smoking
1. Relevance
2. Risks
3. Rewards
4. Roadblocks
5. Repetition
Non-pharm methods of quitting smoking
1. Cold turkey
2. Tapering
3. Formal cessation programs
4. Aversion therapy
FDA approved 1st line therapy for smoking cessation
1. Nicotine Replacement therapy(NRT)
2. Physchotropics
3. Partial Nicotinic Agonists
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
reduces physical withdrawal from nicotine ;
doubles quit rates
Precautions with NRT
Severe Cardiovascular disease ;
All are pregnancy Category D ;
NRT patch
Nicoderm CQ = OTC
Dosing for Nicoderm CQ if patient smokes >10 cigs/day? What changes if more cigs/day are smoked?
Step 1: 21mg x6weeks
Step 2: 14mg x2weeks
Step 3: 7mg x 2 weeks

Only change is 14mg x6weeks, 7mg x2weeks
Directions of use for Nicoderm CQ
apply to clean, dry hairless area ;
remove after 24 hours
ADRs for Nicoderm CQ
Skin irritation (rotate sites) ;
insomnia ;
vivid dreams (remove patch at night)
NRT gum
What is the dosing schedule for Nicorette Gum and Lozenge based on?
TTFC : Time To First Cig
Directions of use for Nicorette Gum
"Chew and Park Technique"
1. Chew slowly--tingling or peppery sensation
2. Park piece between cheek and gum
3. repeat for 30 mins
ADRs for Nicorette Gum? Precautions?
Mouth soreness/Jaw soreness ;
hiccups ;
Dental work
important patient counseling tip for Nicorette Gum, Lozenge, and Nicotrol Inhaler
do not eat or drink 15 minutes before using
NRT lozenge
Nicorette lozenge-OTC
What is the maximum # of pieces of Nicorette gum/day? Nicorette lozenges?
1. 24 per day
2. 20 per day
Directions for use for Nicorette Lozenge
place in mouth and allow to dissolve slowly ;
do not chew and rotate to different spots in mouth
ADRs for Nicorette Lonzenges
Nausea, hiccups, heartburn, flatulence, cough, headache
NRT inhaler
Nicotrol Inhaler-RX
Directions for use for Nicotrol Inhaler
use short puffs, can puff for 20 mins or break into 5 minute increments, must be used in 24 hours
ADRS of Nicotrol inhaler
Mild throat or mouth irritation, unpleasant taste, cough
1 Advantage of Nicotrol Inhaler? 1 disadvantage?
1. Advantage-mimics hand-to-mouth action
2. Disadvantage-expensive
NRT nasal spray
Nicotrol NS-RX
Directions for use of Nicotrol NS
prime the bottle, blow nose, breath thru mouth and spray once in each nostril, do not sniff or inhale, do not blow nose right away
ADRs of Nicotrol NS
Hot peppery feeling in back of throat, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, runny nose
Patient counseling for Nicotrol NS
1. avoid driving for 5 minutes after each use
2. use at least 8 doses/day
Psychotropic medication for smoking cessation
Bupropion SR (Zyban)-RX
Dosing schedule for Bupropion SR
150mg x3 days, then 150mg BID x7-12 weeks
*if unsuccessful by week 7-d/c drug*
When should Buproption SR be started?
1-2 weeks before quit date
ADRs of Bupropion SR
insomnia, dry mouth, nervousness, rash, tremor
Contraindications of Bupropion SR
seizure disorder, anorexia, MAOIs in past 14 days
Precautions/Warnings of Bupropion SR
seizures, cranial trauma, lowered seizure threshold, severe hepatic cirrhosis, depressive disorders
Major counseling tips of Bupropion SR
Avoid alcohol, avoid bedtime dosing, 8hrs between doses
Partial Nicotinic Agonist
Varenicline (Chantix)-RX
Dosing schedule for Chantix
.5mg x3days, .5mg bid x4days, 1mg bid
Directions for use for Chantix
Start medication 1 week before quit date
ADRs of Chantix
Nausea, sleep disturbances, GI disturbances
Precautions/Warnings of Chantix
changes in behavior, suicidal thoughts, skin reactions, increased cardiovascular events
Patient counseling for Chantix
take with full glass of water and with food ;
nausea is a significant ADR but should be temporary