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24 Cards in this Set

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chicken pox peak age

voster peak age is



C. Pox are vesicles how large an where?

Zoster is in what pattern?

2-3mm on trunk and limbs

unilateral pattern

C. Pox is treated with what dug and how soon?

Zoster is treated with what drug and how soon>

Acyclovir in 24-48 hrs

Acyclovir in 72 hrs

Most common cancer cell

Basal cell
Basal cell with what type of lesion
macule or papule

Basal cell has what appearance

-Metatatic risk is:

waxy, pearly look


Squamous cell CA is how common?


Squamous cell CA caused by-

-appearance of lesion is


-hard, red, non distinct boards

A brown recluse bite is what color?

-Skin around the bite may be-

blue or purple around site


Topical medications

-Hands, face, genitals _____g, _____g BID for 1 week, _________oz BID 1 month

-One arm, trunk_____g, _____g BID for 1 week, _________oz BID 1 month

-One leg _____g, _____g BID for 1 week, _________oz BID 1 month

Body_____g, _____g BID for 1 week, _________oz BID 1 month

-2g, 28g, 4oz

-3g, 42g, 6oz

-6g, 84g, 12oz


120 oz

Easist absorption for topic meds are what locations

-axilla, face, genitals

Corticosteroids causes what to blood flow
Hydrocortisone is which potency
medication that cause BPH to avoid are
Impetigo occurs most in what season?


Impetigo is ususally where before seen?

-crust is seen when?


-4-5 days

Impetigo is caused by what organism

-Treat with what drug

-S. pneumonia & S. areus

-Bactroban ointment

For acne vulgaris, use what med (3)
-Benyol, Rentin A, Accutane

Accutane causes a __________which leads to _____, high trigly, cheilitis, mood change

psuedotumor, HTN

Treat animal bites primary with what med

-Alternative for all but human and dog bite is



Bacteria obtained with a burn are (3)
E coli, K. pneumoniea, P. argenosa

Alternative for burn for silvadene is-

-Petroleum gauze

head 4.5%

arms 4.5%

Chest 18%

Legs 9%

Genitals 1%