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56 Cards in this Set

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Bone functions
Support and protection, body movement, blood cell formation, storage of fats, storage of inorganic salts
Spongy bone tissue
Porous bone tissue. Bone mass is not organized. Openings within the tissue will be occupied by red bone marrow
Compact bone
Uniform and highly organized. Walls of long bones are compact bone tissue
Long bone
Links of the bone is greater than the width of the bone. Walls of bone are compact bone tissue but the ends of the bones are spongy bone tissue
Example femur and humerus
Short bone
Links and width of the bone are roughly equal. Contain more spongy bone than compact bone return example carpals and tarsals
Flat bone
Thin yet has a broad surface
Example skull bones and sternum
Irregular bone
No specific shape
Example facial bones and vertebrae
Articular cartilage
Covers the ends of the bone to decrease friction in a joint. Cartilage consists of hyaline cartilage
End of the bone made up of spongy bone tissue. Proximal and distal contain red bone marrow
Shaft of the bone. Mainly compact bone. Medial regions is hollow cavity called medullary cavity.
Medullary cavity
medial region of the diaphysis . Contains blood vessels nerves and yellow marrow
Fibrous yet vascular connective tissue covering of the diaphysis. Plays a part in bone repair
Site of attachment of muscles tendons and ligaments. Are also passages for nerves and blood vessels.
Functional and structural unit of compact bone
Central canal
Opening that extends longitudinally and contains blood vessels and nerves
Perforating canal
Opening that extends perpendicular or transverse to the central canal. Contains blood vessels and nerves. Connects the central canal
Mature fixed bone cell in a chamber called Lucuna. Will lay down bone mass around them
Concentric ring of bone mass around the central canal. There are several rings surrounding the central canal. Collagen calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate
Tiny to know that radiates from the Lacuna to transport nutrients and wastes among the osteocytes.
Bone building so. Appear during bone formation and bone repair to deposit calcium in bone tissue. Can reside permanently in bone tissue to become osteocytes
Bone breaking cells. Release calcium from bones if calcium levels are low in the blood and will form the medullary cavity during bone development
Articulations between bones. Find parts of the skeletal system, make bone growth possible, permit parts of the skeleton to change shape during childbirth, enable the body to move in response to skeletal muscle contractions
Fibrous joints
Dense connective tissue between bones. Movable joints
immovable joints
Cartilaginous joints
Hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage between bones. Limited movement

Example fibrocartilage discs between vertebrae pubis of the pelvic girdle costal cartilage of the first ribs
Synovial joints
More complex free movements
limited movement
free movement
Joint capsule
Outermost covering of the joints. Allow for ligaments to attach in order to reinforce the joint
Synovial membrane
Connected membrane that is the inner membrane of the synovial joint. Thin and vascular
Joint cavity
Space enclosed laterally by the synovial membrane and the superior and inferior edges are the epiphysis of the bone
A flattened fibrocartilage pad located between the articulating surfaces of the bone to aid in movement and serve as shock absorbers
Fluid filled sac located near the between tendons and bone prominences 28 intended move it and to cushion the joint
Ball and socket
Consist of a bone with a globular or egg shaped head articulating with the cup-shaped cavity of another bone
Consist of an ovoid condyle fitting into an elliptical cavity
Gliding joint
Where surfaces are nearly flat or slightly curved allowing a back-and-forth motion
Hinge joint
Convex surface fits into a concave surface
Pivot joints
When a cylindrical surface rotates within a ring of bone and fibrous tissue
Saddle joints
Where articulating surfaces have both concave and convex areas
flexi on
Angle decreases parts become closer
Angle increases parts move farther apart
dorsi flexion
Ankle foot closer to Shin
Plantar flexion
Baby have a bath I will do it honey further from shin
Abnormal extension beyond normal range
Moving part away from midline
Moving part toward midline
Moving part around axis
Moving part so it ends follow circular path
Palm downward
Palm upward
Sole of foot outward
Sole of foot inward
Part backward
Part forward
Thrusting head forward
Raising a part
Lowering a parts