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44 Cards in this Set

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Skeletal System
206 Bones

Axial Skeleton 80
Appendicular Skeleton 126
I. Axial Skeleton
80 bones

Skull and Associated Bones 29
Thoracic Cage 25
Vertebral Column 26
II. Appendicular Skeleton
126 Bones

Pectoral Girdles 4
Upper Limbs 60
Pelvic Girdle 2
Lower Limbs 60
1. Skull and Associated Bones
29 bones

Skull 22
Associated bones 7
2. Thoracic Cage
25 Bones

Sternum 1
Ribs 24
3. Vertebral Column
26 Bones

Vertebrae 24
Sacrum 1
Coccyx 1
a. Skull
22 Bones

Face 14
Cranium 8
1a. Cranium
8 Bones

Occipital Bone 1
Parietal Bone 2
Frontal Bone 1
Temporal Bones 2
Sphenoid 1
Ethmoid 1
2a. Face
14 Bones

Maxillae 2 (Left and Right)
Palatine Bones 2 (Left and Right)
Nasal Bones 2 (Left and Right)
Inferior Nasal Conchae 2 (Left and Right)
Zygomatic Bones 2 (Left and Right)
Lacrimal Bones 2 (Left and Right)
Vomer 1
Mandible 1
b. Associated Bones of the Skull
7 Bones

Auditory Ossicles Enclosed In Temporal Bones 6
Hyoid Bone 1
1b. Auditory Ossicles
6 Bones

2 Malleus (Left and Right)
2 Incus (Left and Right)
2 Stapes (Left and Right)
2b. Hyoid
1 Bone
2. Thoracic Cage
25 Bones

Sternum 1
Ribs 24
a. Sternum
1 Bone
b. Ribs
24 Bones (12 pairs)
3. Vertebral Column
26 Bones

Vertebrae 24 (7 Cervical 12 Thoracic 5 Lumbar)
Sacrum 1
Coccyx 1
a. Vertebrae
24 Bones

Cervical Vertebrae 7
Thoracic Vertebrae 12
Lumbar Vertebrae 5
b. Sacrum
1 Bone
c. Coccyx
1 Bone
1. Pectoral Girdles
4 Bones

Clavicle 2
Scapula 2
2. Upper limbs
60 Bones (30 Left and 30 Right)

Humerus 2
Radius 2
Ulna 2
Carpal Bones 16
Metacarpal bones 10
Phalanges 28
3. Pelvic Girdles
2 Bones

Hip Bones 2 (Left and Right) (Also known as Coxal Bones)
4. Lower Limbs
60 Bones (30 Left and 30 Right)

Femur 2
Patella 2
Tibia 2
Fibula 2
Tarsal Bones 14
Metatarsal Bones 10
Phalanges 28
1a. Clavicle
2 Bones (Left and Right)
1b. Scapula
2 Bones (Left and Right)
2a. Humerus
2 Bones (Left and Right)
2b. Radius
2 Bones (Left and Right)
2c. Ulna
2 Bones (Left and Right)
2d. Carpal Bones
16 Bones (8 Left and 8 Right)

Scaphoid 2 (Left and Right)
Lunate 2 (Left and right)
Triquetrum 2 (Left and Right)
Pisiform 2 (Left and Right)
Trapezium 2 (Left and right)
Trapezoid 2 (Left and Right)
Capitate 2 (Left and Right)
Hamate 2 (Left and Right)
2e. Metacarpal bones
10 Bones (5 Left and 5 Right)
2f. Phalanges (Hand)
28 Bones (14 Left and 14 Right)

10 Proximal (5 Left and 5 Right)
8 Middle (4 Left and 4 Right)
10 Distal (5 Left and 5 Right)
3a. Hip Bones
2 bones (Left and Right) (also known as Coxal Bones)
4a. Femur
2 Bones (Left and Right)
4b. Patella
2 Bones (Left and Right)
4c. Tibia
2 Bones (Left and Right)
4d. Fibula
2 Bones (Left and Right)
4e. Tarsal Bones
14 Bones (7 Left and 7 Right)

2 Talus (Left and Right)
2 Calcaneus (Left and Right)
2 Cuboid (Left and Right)
2 Navicular (Left and Right)
2 Medial Cuneiform Bones (Left and Right)
2 Intermediate Cuneiform Bones ( Left and Right)
2 Lateral Cuneiform Bones (Left and Right)
4f. Metatarsal Bones
10 Bones (5 Left and 5 Right)
4g. Phalanges (Foot)
28 Bones (14 Left and 14 Right)

10 Proximal (5 Left and 5 Right)
8 Middle (4 Left and 4 Right)
10 Distal (5 Left and 5 Right)
Cervical Vertebrae
7 Bones
Thoracic Vertebrae
12 Bones
Lumbar Vertebrae
5 Bones
Name the Carpal Bones
8 Bones


Some lovers try positions that they can't handle
Name the Tarsal Bones
7 Bones

Medial Cuneiform Bones
Intermediate Cuneiform Bones
Lateral Cuneiform Bones