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90 Cards in this Set

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function of the axial skeleton
supports head, neck and trunk
protects brain, spinal cord and thoracic organs
what bones does the axial skeleton consist of?
skull, vertebral column and bony thorax
skull is composed of these bones
what is the function of the skull?
used for attachment of head muscles and protects brain
what is the function of the vertebral column
surrounds and protects the spinal cord. provides attachment points for ribs and back muscles
what are characteristics of the vertebral column
25 interconnected irregular bones. provides a flexible, curved structure. serves as axial support of the trunk.
why is the spine s-shaped?
to prevent shock to head with motion. allows for trunk flexibility.
cervical and lumbar curves...
concave posteriorly
thoracic and sacral curves...
convex posteriorly
aka swayback. an accentuated lumbar curve
aka hunchback an exaggerated thoracic curve
the twisted disease. and abnormal lateral curvature in thoracic region typical in girls during late childhood
cervical vertebrae are the two of the what?
smallest and lightest vertebrae.
no body, holds the occipital bone, allows nodding "yes" motion
acts as a pivot for rotation, shake "no"
how many bones does the cervical vertebrae have?
7 bones
how many bones does the thoracic vertebrae have?
characteristics of the thoracic vertebrae
larger than cervical, longer, palpable spinous process. ribs attach posteriorly
how many bones in the lumbar vertebrae have?
5 bones
what are the characteristics of the lumbar vertebrae?
huge bodies and short spinous processes. holds most of body weight and stree. very sturdy.
how many bones dones the sacrum have?
5 fused bones
characteristics of the sacrum
makes up posterior wall of pelvis. strengthens and stabilizes pelvis
how many bones does the coccyx have?
4 fused bones
what do the ligaments of the spine do?
helps vertebral column stand upright
anterior longitudinal ligament
resists back hyperextension
posterior longtiduinal ligaments
resists back flexion
what do intervertebral discs act as?
cushion-like pads between vertebrae. shock obsorbers during motion
what takes up about 25% of column?
intervertebral discs
what flattens out during the day?
intervertebral discs
how many ribs are there?
what are the function of the ribs?
protect thoracic organs. attatch posteriorly to thoracic spine
true ribs
attach directly to sternum by costal cartilage
how many true ribs are there?
false ribs
join each other by cartilage and indirectly attach to sternum.
how many floating ribs are there and what are they?
last two ribs dont have an anterior attachment
what are the two regions of the pelvis?
true and false
what does the true pelvis do?
dimensions concern to child-bearing women
what three parts of appendicular skeleton
pelvis, scapulae and limbs
what are the 5 functions of the bones
support of weight and thoratic activity. protection of organs. movement of muscles and bones as levers. storage of fat for calcuim. blood cell formation-hematopesis
what is hematopesis
the production of blood cells within marrow cavities
what is compact bone?
dense bone. smooth and solid. surrounds all bone.
spongy bone
internal portion. trabeculae. open spaces filed with marrow
small needle-like projections of bone
what bone type of bone is it?
longer than wide
long bone
what bone type of bone is it? built to absorb stress
long bone
what bone type of bone is it? consists of a shafe and 2 heads at either end
long bone
what bone type of bone is it? mostly compact but some spongy bone internally
long bone
what bone type of bone is it? roughly cube-like
what bone type of bone is it? ostly spongy bone
short bone
what bone type of bone is it? thin layer of compact bone on surface
short bone
seasomoid bone
bone embedded in a tendon. varies in size and numbers/each individual. act to alter the pull of tendon.
what would be an example of a seasomoid bone?
what type of bone is a seasomoid bone?
short bone
what bone type of bone is it? thing, flattened and usually curved
flat bones
what bone type of bone is it? 2 parallel compact surfaces with a spongy layer in between
flat bones
what bone type of bone is it? do not fit any other classifications
irregular bones
what bone type of bone is it? complicated shapes
irregular bones
what bone type of bone is it? mostly spongy with then compact layer
irregular bones
shaft of long bone. walls made of compact bone
fibrous sheath that covers lung bones. highly vascularized. functions in bone nourishment and attachment sites.
sharpey's fibers
connective tissue fibers that secure the periosteum to underlying bone
ends of long bones. enlarged for muscle attachments. predominately spongy body
articular cartilage
covers ends of epiphyses and provdes a slippery surface that decrease friction at joint surfaces
medullary cavity
holds marrow in center of diaphysis
yellow marrow
fat storage in adults. found in medullary cavity
red marrow
found in diaphysis of infants. found in flat bones and epiphsysis in adults
sheath covering the medullary cavity
fat storage in adults
yellow marrow
found in diaphysis of infants
red marrow
decreases frictions at joint surfaces
articular cartilage
provides hardness of bone
inorganinc calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate
reinforces the matrix
organic collagen
arise from embryonic cells and found on outer surfaces of adult bones. aid in matrix production
mature bone cells. trapped in lacunae
mature bone cell
trapped in lacunae
cavities in bones where osteocyes are found
circular layer of bone
haversion canals
a system of interconnecting canals in adult compact bone. runs lengthwise through bone. carrying blood bessels and nerves to all areas of bones
carries blood vessels and nerves
haverson canals
tiny canals that connects all the bone cells to the nutrient supply. radiate outward from haversion canals
brings nutrient to cell
volkmann's canals
communication system from extrior of bone to interior. runs at right anagle to draphysis
communication system
volkmanns canal
osteon/haversion systems
each haversian canal, with lamellae, osteocytes and caniliculi
embryonic skeleton
predominately hyaline cartilage
epiphysis growth plate
allows for intersitial growth
intersitial growth
cartilage near the epiphyses...
in skull at birth for brain growth