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82 Cards in this Set

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Located at the tip of each limb bud and induces the mesenchyme beneath it to elongate
Apical Ectodermal Ridge
Limb buds are made up of (2 things):
Mesenchyme (somatic mesoderm) covered by surface ectoderm
Which Spinal Roots supply the upper limb
Which Spinal Roots supply the lower limb bud
Cartilaginous bones begin to develop from ----- early in week ------
Chondrification Centers, week 5
During what time do limb buds descend to their adult height
Weeks 6-8
Ossification of long bones
osteogenesis begins from
primary ossification centers in the middle of the long bone
When does osteogenesis begin?
Week 7
The skeletal muscle of the limb is derived from ------------- that migrates into the limbs
myotomal cells
The complete absence of one or more limbs
Defect where the upper portion of a limb is absent or poorly developed
Congenital anomaly characterized by two or more fused together fingers or toes
Enlargement of one or more digits
Condition in which one has extra digits
Condition in which one has fewer than normal digits
Malformation characterized by abnormal positions of the foot
Clubfoot (talipes equinovarus)
One form of congenital dwarfism resulting from improper development of cartilage at the end of long bones
Segmented series of tissue blocks adjacent to the neural tube
Somites are made from:
paraxial mesoderm
Somites develop into two segments:
Sclerotome & Dermomyotome
Three layers contributing to skeletal system formation
Paraxial mesoderm, lateral plate mesoderm, and neural crest
Ventromedial portion of the somite gives rise to
Sclerotome cells
These cells become polymorphous and and form loosely woven tissue (mesenchyme)
Sclerotome cells
Cells that migrate and give rise to fibroblasts, chondroblasts, and osteoblasts
Mesenchymal cells (from sclerotome)
Dorsolateral portion of the somites gives rise to:
Dermomyotome cells
Cells that give rise to the dermis and mucle
Dermomyotome cells
The somatic mesoderm layer comes from
Lateral plate mesoderm
Gives rise to appendicular skeletal bones (pelvic, shoulder girdles, long bones, sternum)
Somatic mesoderm layer (lateral plate mesoderm)
Cells in the head that give rise to mesenchyme participating in the formation of the bones of the face and skull
Neural Crest
Contributes to the formation of the cranial vault and the base of the skull
Occipital Somites (paraxial mesoderm)
Mesenchyme in the dermis differentiates directly into bone
intramembranous ossification
Flat bones of the skull are formed through (mandible, skull, clavicle)
intramembranous ossification
Part of the skull encasing the brain, made up of membranous vault and cartilaginous base
Mesenchymal cells give rise to hyaline cartilage models which are then ossified
Endochondral ossification (most bones)
Mesenchyme in the membranous neurocranium comes from ---------&---------
Neural Crest and Paraxial mesoderm
The membranous neurocranium undergoes what type of ossification?
In intramembranous ossification --------- appears and radiates from primary ossification centers toward the periphery
bone spicules
Flat bones are separated by seams of connective tissue known as
Sagittal Suture derived from
Neural Crest
Coronal Suture is derived from
paraxial mesoderm
Points where more than two bones meet in the cranium
Gives rise to the base of the skull
Cartilaginous neurocranium
Bones arising anterior to the anterior half of the sella turcica are from:
Neural Crest
The bones arising from neural crest in the skull make up the
prochordal chondrocranium
Bones arising posterior to the posterior 1/2 of the sella turcica are from:
paraxial mesoderm (occipital sclerotomes)
Paraxial mesoderm in the cranium forms:
Chordal Chondrocranium
Bones of the face are primarily derived from
The first two branchial arches (nerual crest)
Forms the maxilla, zygomatic bone, and the squamous part of the temporal bone
Dorsal portion of first branchial arch
Forms the mandibular process containing meckel's cartilage
Ventral portion of the 1st branchial arch
Meckel's Cartilage condenses and ossifies by ----------- to give rise to the --------------
intramembranous ossification, mandible
Gives rise to the sphenomandibular ligament
Meckel's Cartilage
Induces mandibular development and then disappears
Meckel's Cartilage
First Bones to be ossified
bones of the inner ear (4th month)
Gives rise to the incus, malleus, and stapes
The second branchial arch (& dorsal end of 1st arch)
Mesenchymal core of the limb bud is formed from:
somatic layer of lateral plate mesoderm
Gives rise to the bones and CT of the limbs
mesenchymal core
The mesenchymal core of the limb bud is covered by
cuboidal ectoderm
Ectoderm at the distal border of the limbs thickens to give:
Apical Ectodermal Ridge (AER)
Terminal portions of the limb bud flatten to form hand and foot plates when?
6th week
Mesenchyme in the limb buds condenses and the cells differentiate to give rise to (2 things)
Chondrocytes and the first hyaline cartilage models
When do the limbs rotate in opposite directions
7th week
Exerts inductive influence on adjacent mesenchyme causing cells to remain undifferentiated but rapidly proliferating
Apical Ectodermal Ridge
Which limb rotates 90 degrees laterally
Upper limb
After rotation, which direction does the thumb lie?
Which limb rotates 90 degrees medially
Lower limb
Cell death in the joint interzone gives rise to
joint cavities
What is formed in the cartilaginous condensations when chondrogenesis is arrested?
ossification of the bones of the extremities occurs via what mechanism?
endochondral ossification
When do primary ossification centers appear in the shaft of the long bone?
week 12
Vertebrae form from what part of the somite?
When do vertebrae start to form?
4th week
Mesenchyme between developing vertebral bodies does not proliferate but gives rise to:
intervertebral disks
Ribs are derived from what tissue?
sclerotome portions of paraxial mesoderm (costal processes of thoracic vertebrae)
The sternum is formed independent of the ribs by:
somatic mesoderm (ventral body wall)
Gives rise to skeletal muscle of the axial skeleton, body walls, limbs, and head
Paraxial mesoderm
Destined to contribute to myotome progenitor cells or limb and body wall muscles
Ventrolateral lip (VLL)
Destined to contribute to dermatome and myotome progenitor cells of back mm
Dorsomedial lip (DML)
Gives rise to smooth muslce surrounding the gut and its derivatives
somatic mesoderm
gives rise to cardiac muscles surrounding the endothelial heart tube
somatic mesoderm
gives rise to smooth muscle in pupillary regions, mammallary glads and sweat glands
Gives rise to dorsal aorta, large arteries and coronary artery muscles
Neural crest and lateral plate mesoderm