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97 Cards in this Set

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wearing away by scraping or rubbing; often refers to a kind of weathering

acid rain

rain that has a lower pH than normal; caused by chemical air pollutants combining with water vapor

air mass

a large body of air that has about the same temperature and humidity throughout it

air pollution

contamination of the air with substances that can be harmful to living things

air pressure

a measure of the weight of the atmosphere per unit of area on Earth's surface


instrument used to measure air pressure


height above sea level


instrument used to measure wind speed


objects made of rock, metal, and ice that are much smaller than planets, and revolve around the sun; most asteroids have orbits between Mars and Jupiter in what is called the ASTEROID belt


is the study of space


the layer of air/gases surrounding the Earth


the smallest particle into which an element can be divided and still have the properties of that element


the smallest particle into which a compound can be divided and still have the properties of the compound

atomic number

number of protons in a nucleus ofone atome of an element


imaginary line passing through the center of the planet; the planet spins around it

bar graph

graph that uses bars of different lengths to compare data; usually used with data that we count

line of best fit

line on a graph that most closely fits a set of data points that share a trend; also called a trend line


Energy Resource which is renewable; matter formed by plants and animals that is used as a fuel; example: wood


the part of the Earth that is able to support life

boiling point

temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state (vapor); same as the condensation point for that substance


a tendency of an object to float or rise in a fluid that is more dense that the object is


temperature scale in which the freezing point of water is 0 degrees and the boiling point is 100 degrees

chemical bond

force of attraction that holds together atoms in a compound

chemical change

occurs when one or more substances are changed into new substances with different properties; it cannot be undone by physical means

examples: burning of wood; burning a candle/match

chemical energy

energy stored in chemical bonds

chemical equation

a way of writing changes in the arrangement off atoms during a chemical reaction using chemical symbols

chemical property

ability of a substance to change into a new substance with different properties by combining with other substances

chemical reaction

change that takes place when two or more substances (reactants) interact to form new substances (products)

chemical weathering

wearing away of rocks by chemical processes such as oxidation or dissolving

chloroflourocarbons (CFCs)

substances that were formerly used in spray cans, refrigerators and air conditioners

cirro- (cirrus)

very high wispy clouds made of ice crystalss


division of organisms classified below phylum and above order


a general pattern of weather in a particular part of the world over a long period of time


solid fossil fuel, formed deep with Earth over millions of years

oil or petroleum

liquid fossil fuel, formed deep within Earth over millions of years

natural gas

gas fossil fuel formed deep within Earth over millions of years.


group of tiny liquid water droplets hanging in the air

cold front

leading edge of a cold air mass that is pushing a warm air mass


mixture which small clumps of molecules of one substance are evenly spread throughout another substance and do not settle out


rapid oxidation also called burning which is a chemical reaction

solar system object made mostly of ice, which follows a long narrow orbit around the sun.


a pure substance ; matter made of two or more elements bonded through a chemical bond
a physical change from liquid to a gas
process in which matter changes from a gaseous state to a liquid state

transfer of heat from warmer substance to a cooler substance through direct contact


substance that conducts heat/electricity readily


the wise use and protection of natural resources


factor in an experiment that is use for comparison

transfer of thermal energy in a fluid (liquid or gas) in which fluid rises and cooler fluid sinks
Coriolis effect
effect that Earth's rotation has on the path of air and water moving at or above its surface causing the fluid's path to curve

Covalent bond

chemical bond in which atoms share one or more electrons


a type of erosion in which soil and sediments move slowly downhill

cumulo- cumulus

thick clouds piled up in masses

collected information, the results of an experiment or other investigation

qualitative data

is descriptive usually describing information gather using our senses (color)

quantitative data

includes numbers in the data


a fan-shaped sediment deposit formed at the mouth of a rive


amount of mass in a given amount of space

d=mass /volume

dependent variable

also know as the responding variable; factor whose value is the result you are testing/measuring


process by which wind, water, and gravity leave eroded sediments in new locations


water vapor from the atmosphere that has condensed into water droplets on a surface

dichotomous key
a system used for identifying plants, animals, rocks or minerals, that is made up of a series of paired descriptions to choose between.

movement of molecules from an area where it is in higher concentration to an area where it is in an area of lower concentration


one substance or object moving another object or taking its place

Think : water displacement in determining the volume of a rock


ridge that separates two watersheds


low air pressure band near the equator where there is little wind
Doppler effect

change in the apparent frequency of a wave because either the source of the wave is moving toward or away from the observer
used to measure/determine the mass of an object


area of land that drains water from higher land to lower land and into a stream or river

when one solar system object passes between the Sun and another object

El Nino

unusually warm ocean current that occurs in the eastern Pacific near the equator and shifts ocean current patters

negatively charged particle found outside the nucleus of an atom


substances that are the building blocks of all matter

endothermic reaction

reaction in which energy is absorbed (turns cold)
exothermic reaction

reaction in which energy is given off (gets hot)

energy resources

resources that provide energy; includes fossil fuels, biomass, geothermal energy, solar energy, hydroelectric energy, nuclear energy and wind energy


surroundings and conditions in which an organisms

vernal equinox

the beginning of spring

autumnal equinox

marks the beginning of autumn or fall


movement of weathered rock (sediment) by wind, water, ice or gravity


region where the river flows into the ocean and fresh river water mixes with salty ocean water; water is said to be BRACKISH


change of mater from a liquid to a gas

theory based on scientific evidence that describes how organisms change over many generations

freezing point

temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid state to a solid state

melting point

temperature at which a substances changes from a solid state to liquid state


place where two air masses of different temperatures and pressures meet

combining of lighter elements into nuclei of heavier elements


matter that has no definite volume or shape


machine that converts mechanical energy into electric energy

geothermal energy

energy obtained from thermal energy inside the Earth


large mass of ice and snow that exists year round and is involved in erosion
global warming

an increase in the world's average temperature, possibly caused in part by fossil fue use
graduated cylinder

glass container with markings, used to measure volume of liquids


large land region in which the main types of plants are grasses
ground water

water collected in cracks and spaces in the rocks and sediments beneath Earth's surface
nuclear wastes

by products of the nuclear energy industry which we have problems disposing
heat energy

thermal energy