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65 Cards in this Set

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Why Site Prepare?

It is usually done to increase crop establishment success, either natural or artificial.

Why is site preparation occasionally directed for long term site modification?

- To improve productivity

- To reduce losses to fire, pests, or disease

- To improve operability

Give an example of improving operability.

Removing large obstacles such as stumps and rocks to allow mechanical brushing with a tractor.

In a planned silvicultural regime of treatments, what follows site preparation?

Harvesting or stand destruction and precedes regeneration

What must site preparation be compatible with? Provide an example.

Landscape level objectives and management strategies, e.g. fuel reduction, noxious weed control

What makes site preparation a worthwhile silviculture investment at the stand level?

Its a cost effective integrated regime of silvicultural treatments designed to achieve stand-level objectives at free-growing and at the next harvest.

What are the major constraints to the type and intensity of site preparation?

- Sediment generation

- undesirable impact to soil productivity

- the spread of noxious weeds

Even if site preparation is not specified in the Site Plan, when do you determine if site prep is required for specific areas?

You assess the site during or immediately after logging while equipment is on site and the road is at its best.

Name the 5 site constraints to seedling establishment and growth in approximate order of significance.

A. Drought

B. Obstacles

C. Vegetation competition

D. Damaging Agents

E. Wet/Cold soil

What type of regeneration is drought a first and major constraint to overcome?

Artificial regeneration

How can site preparation substantially increase soil moisture supply for newly planted and establishing seedlings? (3)

- vegetation control

- change in soil pore size and distribution

- increased mineral soil contact

What is a major contributor to drought? How?

Vegetation competition

May occupy the ground and preclude seedling establishment; later on, may compete for light as well as moisture and nutrients and affect seedling growth and possibly survival.

What is a preferred method to manage competing vegetation? Brushing or Site preparation?

Site prep

Seeds and roots are relatively invulnerable to site preparation and delaying site prep for new top growth to occur is risky. True or False?


Name some damaging agents to consider during the establishment phase:

- animals

- insects

- disease

- frost

- snow

- high surface temperatures

Describe how you can reduce the damage from growing season frost.

Mounding, scalping and reduction of grass cover can reduce damage by growing season frost. The level of reduction doesn't dramatically alter the ground climate in very frost-prone areas, but it can be significant on the margins of species frost tolerance. It's best to change species and silvicultural system elsewhere.

Describe how site preparation can avoid high surface temperatures?

The vulnerable point is at the unshaded seedling root-collar with blackened organic material adjacent. By creating depressions this will limit this issue.

Describe what causes frost heaving and how it is resolved?

Mechanical site preparation usually increases frost-heaving on fine-textured, wet, cold sites. These sites are often site prepared and summer planted, overcoming frost heaving through increased root growth or some organic material is placed around the newly planted seedling.

What are the affects of wet/cold soil?

It can exacerbate drought and vegetation competition, as well as limit growth rates of crop trees.

What and how can you limit the affects of wet/cold soil?

Site preparation can warm and dry the soil by removing surface vegetation, exposing mineral soil, elevating, loosening, draining, and mixing organic layers into the mineral soil.

What is the preferred treatment technique in the dry and cold BGC zones? Name 4 main reasons why.

Mechanical site preparation

- natural regeneration of Pl

- cold soils

- grass competition

- compacted soil due to access harvesting

What is the percentage of areas that are harvested receive site preparation?


What do most site in the province receive in terms of treatment?

- residual slashing

- rehabilitation of compacted areas (temporary landings, roads and trails)

- removal of slash accumulations greater than 5-7m in cross-sectional width

- revegation of exposed mineral soil

Name the 2 main constraints to using large mechanical equipment on a site.

- Impacts to long term productivity

- water quality

Name the three specialized mechanical site preparation equipment, and provide 2 examples of each.

A. Slash and vegetation movers

- V-blades OR brush blades and rakes

B. Soil manipulators

- Plows and rippers OR patch scarifiers

C. Seedbed preparers

- Chain drags OR Sharkfin barrels

What type of pesticides would you use in terms of your site prep?

Use registered herbicides

Name the methods of pesticide application.

- applied to soil, foliar, or stem

- Applied as spray, swab, inject or granular

- Applied with aircraft, vehicle mounted tanks, backpack, handheld devices

How is the pesticides effectiveness and specificity to target vegetation modified?

with carriers, additives, concentration, amount applied, season of application

What are the main constraints to using pesticides?

- Social concerns

- Effective for only controlling vegetation

- Water quality concerns

Name 3 types of registered herbicides to use for forestry site prep.

1. glyphosate

2. Tryclopyr

3. 2, 4-D

What are the 3 pesticides to use for invasive species, in addition to the herbicides mentioned above.

1. picloram

2. aminopyralid

3. metsulfuron

What is the effectiveness and constraints to using fire?

- The effectiveness of fire is modified through timing and intensity

- Mainly constrained by impacts to long-term productivity, risk of escape, and air quality

Pulling, digging, slashing, planter screef or scalp are all apart of what type of site preparation treatment?


What are the main constraints to using a manual treatment method?

Limited effectiveness for vegetation control and cost

Animal, timing, duration, and objective are all a part of what type of treatment method?


What are the constraints to using livestock as a treatment method?

Limited area of appropriate vegetation communities and limited number of animals

Clover, alder, and lupines are a part of what type of treatment method? What are the constraints to using this method?


Constrained by lack of knowledge or limited effectiveness

Fertilizer at time of planting or mulches, silvicultural system or yarding method is a part of what type of treatment method?


When do treatment methods begin? Why?

Almost always done promptly in the first suitable season after disturbance because vegetation quickly reoccupies the site and, the more established it becomes, the less easy is the establishment of the desired crop and/or vegetation control of unwanted species.

Name 2 important objectives of site preparation relating to soil. How are these objectives achieved?

Maintaining or increasing productivity and minimizing sediment movement

Achieved through soil hazard assessment, setting standards for soil disturbance, and control of treatment method, timing, intensity, and application.

What are FRPA's limits for soil disturbance?

5% disturbance of sensitive soils

10% of non-sensitive soils

25% of roadside work areas

When is exceeding soil disturbance limits greater than 5% allowed?

It is allowed temporarily if specified in a FSP or through exemption by the DM, if necessary to achieve basic silviculture objectives and/or where no adverse effect is likely.

Name the 8 general guidelines to selecting a site preparation treatment.

1. Site prepare only as part of an Integrated vegetation management regime with specified goals and objectives

2. Worker and environmental safety are a priority

3. Control competing vegetation

4. Minimize time between disturbance, site prep, and revegetation with desired plants

5. Preserve or reuse desirable plants and existing soil if possible to do so

6. Larger areas are preferred to smaller areas.

7. Site prepare only as much as necessary spots rather than broadcast, if possible to do so.

8. Improve soil and drainage where it can be demonstrated beneficial to do so.

Before making any plans, what is the best thing to do?

Consult with experts

Mechanical Patch: Patch site preparation tries to balance conservation and crop production. Success often depends upon patch size and type such as



Mulched organics mixed with soil

Describe ripping

It is used to break up surface compacted areas such as landings and occasionally subsurface cemented layers

Describe windrow

it is an extensive scarification- scraping off slash and roots and some humus and pushing it into linear piles. It is cheap and fast but may severely impact site productivity

Describe Disc Trenching

Creates trenches and berms. Trench depth, berm height, and degree of mixing of organics in the berm can be varied. Soil disturbance is more extensive than in patch techniques. Disturbance can be limited to discrete rows- the usual application in BC.

Describe Chopping

Fragmenting vegetation with some mixing into the soil

Describe Mulching

Chopping vegetation and slash into small pieces

Describe Bedding

Mixing and forming the soil into beds- ready for corn, potatoes, trees, etc.

Describe fire

Extensively used to dispose of roadside accumulations, less so to reduce accumulations on the block and even less so for vegetation control. It is difficult to control its intensity and extent. Negative impacts are often great.

Describe herbicide

They offer good vegetation control, often with the least environmental impact compared to fire or mechanical site preparation techniques. Unfortunately herbicides cannot physically remove obstructing sash or dead vegetation and they cannot physically manipulate the soil.

What is the greatest constraint to seedling establishment?


How do we know where drought is a problem?

Site Assessment with BEC- actual soil moisture regime

How do we know where drought is a problem?

Determine what the vegetation competition thresholds for:

- survival on dry sites

- survival on moist sites

- growth on all sites

- critical period- the veg. free period for max. growth

How big of an area do we need to prepare for drought? Note. Target both survival and growth


- summit, more moist

- marcola, more dry


- total mechanical site prep

- herbicide years 1 and 2

- woody years 2 and 3

What has a similar effect on moisture availability (and growth) as herbicides? Why/How?


Almost everything imaginable: plasti sheets, newspaper, plywood, bark, sawdust, sand, straw, compost

Cover large area if increased crop growth is to be realized

Make it impenetrable to stop shoots of many stiff-stemmed species but permeable to moisture and air.

What are some of the downfalls of using mulch to help available moisture?

Some materials can actually either make the soil warmer, most make it colder. Wet soil can become too cold and wet

Can steal soil nitrogen making the crop chlorotic

always very expensive

What can increase moisture availability (and growth) but much less than herbicides and mulches? How?

Mechanical site prep

Due to the removal of transpiring vegetation

What helps to stop evaporation in soil?

10-20 cm of dry mineral soil

What is a downfall to mechanical site prep?

- increase soil erosion

- destroys structure

- increases invasion of weeds

- may reduce productivity

Why is site preparation the preferred method to manage competing vegetation, rather than brushing?

The idea being to reduce or eliminate propagules, prevent reinvasion and create conditions so the trees can quickly take control of the site thus reducing or eliminating the need for brushing

What are lethal temperatures for the crop? What are some vulnerable sites to this?

Greater than or equal to 54 deg. Celsius

High insolation; high air temp. ; low albedo ; dry organic surface

How can site prep. avoid high surface temperatures?

by creating depressions or mineral soil exposure