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67 Cards in this Set

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Which herb may be used for LU yin deficiency with fire blazing, manifesting as wheezing, coughing, blood streaked sputum, loss of voice?
xi yang shen (American ginseng)
Which herb may be used for lung qi and yin deficiency with symptoms such as shortness of breath, dry cough, or wheezing due to lung deficiency?
shan yao ( Chinese yam)
Which herb may be used in cases of qi, fluid and blood deficiency, manifesting as pale complexion, dizziness, palpitation due to qi and blood deficiency?
dang shen (codonopsis root)
Which herb shares with ren shen the indication of strengthening the anti-pathogenic qi to expel pathogens, in cases such as exterior syndromes or qi deficiency constipation?
dang shen (codonopsis root)
Which herb is best for dry mouth?
tai zi shen (pseudostellaria)
Which herb generates fluids and moistens dryness, and can therefore be used for unrelenting fever or summer heat in children?
tai zi shen (pseudostellaria)
Which herb moves blood by tonifying the qi, for paralysis or painful bi syndrome?
huang qi (astragulus)
Which herb generates flesh and may be used for purulent sores from deficiency that are not healing?
huang qi (astragulus)
Which herb is best for prolapse of anus, ST or uterus?
huang qi (astragulus)
Which herb can be used in combination with other herbs to treat prolapse?
ren shen (ginseng)
Which herb stabilizes the exterior for cough, asthma or spontaneous sweating?
huang qi (astragulus)
Which herbs stabilize the exterior to stop spontaneous sweating?
huang qi (astragulus) and bai zhu (white atractylodes)
Which herb is strongest to treat bleeding from qi deficiency failure to hold blood or postpartum fever from qi and blood loss?
huang qi (astragulus)
Which herb dries dampness to treat edema, phlegm fluids, and painful obstruction?
bai zhu (white atractylodes)
Which herb has the function of calming the fetus for restless fetus due to spleen deficiency?
bai zhu (white atractylodes)
Which herb tonifies the sp qi and yin for manifestations such as fatigue, spontaneous sweating, and lack of appetite?
shan yao (chinese yam)
Which herb tonifies the KI and stabilizes essence to treat symptoms such as spermatorrhea, frequent urination, vaginal discharge?
shan yao (chinese yam)
Which herb is best for clearing summer damp with nausea and vomiting?
bai bian dou (hyacinth bean)
Which herb can moderate spasm and alleviate pain, for painful spasm of the abdomen or legs?
gan cao (licorice root)
Which herb tonifies the spleen qi, moderates spasms and alleviates pain for shortness of breath, reduced appetite and abdominal pain better with warmth and pressure?
yi tang ( barley malt sugar)
Which herbs can harmonize the properties of other herbs?
da zao (Chinese date) and gan cao (licorice root)
Which herb has the ability to mitigate the toxicity of other herbs?
gan cao (licorice root)
Which herb dispels phlegm and stops cough from heat or cold in the lung?
gan cao (licorice root)
Which herb tonifies the spleen and heart qi for irregular and intermittent pulse and/or palpitations?
gan cao (licorice root)
Which herb nourishes blood to calm the spirit for irritability, crying for no reason, hysteria ( restless organ syndrome)?
da zao (Chinese date)
Which herb benefits the ht qi to calm the spirit for palpitations with anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness, restlessness due to qi, blood or yin deficiency?
ren shen ( ginseng)
Which herb tonifies the yuan qi to treat qi collapse manifesting as shortness of breath, shallow respiration, cold limbs, profuse sweating, minute pulse, etc. ?
ren shen ( ginseng)
Which herb raises the yang qi of the middle jiao for blood loss recovery, failure of sp to hold blood, prolapse?
huang qi (astragulus)
which herb is best for tonifying the qi and yin of the lung and kidney?
xi yang shen
which gentle qi tonic is often chosen to treat patients too weak to take other, stronger herbs?
tai zi shen
which herb both tonifies and invigorates blood?
dang gui
Which tonify blood herb expels pus and generates flesh and may be used with Huang Qi for conditions such as chronic sores and abcesses?
dang gui
Which tonify blood herbs moisten the intestines and unblock the bowels?
dang gui, he shou wu
Which blood tonic nourishes yin and essence for symptoms of kidney yin deficincy?
shu di huang
which blood tonic harmonizes ying and wei and may be used when there is exterior wind cold invasion?
bai shao
Which blood tonic is best to regulate menses when there is concurrent blood or yin deficiency and heat?
bai shao
Which blood tonic is best to regulate menses when there is deficiency with cold?
dang gui
Which blood tonic calms the liver to alleviate pain and spasms?
bai shao
Which blood tonic is known for making the hair black?
he shou wu
Which blood tonic may be used externally for fire toxicity, as with carbuncles, sores, etc.
he shou wu
Which blood tonic treats malarial disorder?
he shou wu
Which blood tonic must be disolved in the strained decoction?
e jiao
Which blood tonic herb is best to nourish blood and stop bleeding, including excessive menses and threatened miscarriage?
e jiao
Which blood tonic nourishes yin and moistens dryness for yin deficiency causing insomnia or irritability after febrile disease?
e jiao
Which blood tonic tonifies the heart and spleen and calms the spirit, for excessive pensiveness and overthinking?
long yan rou
Which blood nourishing herb is best when the lung is attacked by dryness?
e jiao
Which blood tonics nourish yin or essence and may therefore be considered more cloying?
shu di, e jiao, he shou wu
Which yang tonic promotes pus discharge and generates flesh for chronic ulcerations and yin type boils?
lu rong
Which yang tonic is useful in treating physical and mental childhood developmental delay?
lu rong
which yang tonic regulates the chong and ren channels and stabilizes the dai channel for infirtility from cold womb?
lu rong
Which yang tonics calm the fetus and prevent miscarriage?
du zhong, xu duan, tu si zi
which yang tonics improve vision?
tu si zi and sha yuan zi
Which yang tonic nourishes essence and blood and also unblocks the bowels, especially for constipation in the debilitated or elderly?
rou cong rong
Which three yang tonics moisten the intestines?
rou cong rong, suo yang, hu tao ren
Which animal-derived yang tonic nourishes essence and blood and stops bleeding?
lu jiao jiao
Which yang tonic herb is most commonly used in a powder form with a dosage of .3-1 gm?
lu rong
Which three yang herbs expel wind-damp-cold, treating either deficiency or excess damp-cold-bi pain
ba ji tian, yin yang huo, xian mao
Which yang tonic is used in modern times for menopause hypertension from KD yin and yang deficiency with LV yang rising?
yin yang huo
Which yang tonic may be used to treat infertility, but is hot and toxic and therefore carries a pregnancy caution?
xian mao
Which yang tonic is best for asthma from KD qi deficiency, and may also be topically for skin disorders?
bu gu zhi
Which yang tonic commonly used in cooking warms the KD and SP, stabilizes essence and stops diarrhea?
yi zhi ren
Which yang tonic may be used to treat cold abdominal pain and excess salivation?
yi zhi ren
Which yang tonic invigorates blood to promote the mending of sinews and bones, but still may be used during pregnancy as it calms the fetus?
xu duan
Which yang tonic invigorates blood but should not be used during pregnancy?
hai ma
Which yang tonic improves vision and also calms the fetus?
tu si zi
Which yang tonics of animal origin may be used for impotence as well as asthma?
ge jie, dong chong xia cao
Which yang tonic is of huma origin and may be consumed postpartum to tonify KD yang, nourish blood, and augment essence and qi?
ze he che