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25 Cards in this Set

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Shi Gao generates flesh and Lu Gen generates:
a. flesh
b. fluids
c. heat
d. bai wei
b. fluids
Which of the following herbs is incompatible with Fu Zi?
a. Lu Gen
b. Tian Hua Fen
c. Dan Zhu Ye
d. Jue Ming Zi
b. Tian Hua Fen
Which is theonly herb in the category of Clear Heat Drain Fire that clears Fire from the SJ Channel
a. Shi Gao
b. Dan Zhu Ye
c. Zhi Mu
d. Zhi Zi
d. Zhi Zi
Which of the following herbs clear qi or yangming level heat
a. Sheng Di and Zuan Shen
b. Huang Qin and Ku Shen
Shi Gao and Zhi Mu
Qing Hao and He Ye
c. Shi Gao and Zhi Mu
Which of the following herbs clears heat, generates fluids and expels pus
a. Lu Gen
b. Tian Hua Fen
c. Xia Ku Cao
d. Jue Ming Zi
b. Tian Hua Fen
How is Shi Gao prepared in a decoction
a. crush and cook first 20-30 min.
b. add the last 5 min of the first boil
c. no special preparation is needed
d. crush and dissolve in prepared decoction
a. crush and cool first 20-30 minutes
Which of the following herbs treats Heart Fire transferred to the Small Intestine by promoting urination
a. Dan Zhu Ye
b. Zhi Zi
c. Jue Ming Zi
d. Lu Gen
a. Dan Zhu Ye
Zhi Zi is paired with this single herb to make Xiao Yao San into Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
a. Sheng Di
b. Chi shao
c. Bai Shao
d. Mu Dan Pi
d. Mu Dan Pi - clears liver fire
This pair of herbs cools and invigorates blood
a. Mu Dan Pi, Zhi Zi
b. Huang Qin, huang Bai
c. Chi Shao, Mu Dan Pi
d. Sheng Di, Xuan Shen
c. Chi Shao, Mu Dan Pi
Which of the following herbs cools blood and nourishes yin
a. Sheng Di, Xuan Shen
b. Mu Dan Pi, Sheng Di
c. Chi Shao, Sheng Di
d. Sheng Di, Zhi Mu
a. Sheng Di, Xuan Shen
Which herb best treats sore throat cuased by deficiency fire
a. Shan Dou Gen
b. She Gan
c. Ban Lan Gen
d. Xuan Shen
d. Xuan Shen -clears heat relieves toxicity
a. Shan Dou Gen - Lu heat
b. She Gan - fire excess
c. Ban Lan Gen - cool blood
Which of the following can kill parasites, stop itching and is frequently used topically
a. Huang Bai
b. Huang Qin
c. Ku Shen
d. Long Dan Cao
c. Ku Shen
Which herb treats damp heat jaundice, fever, convulsions, swelling, and genital itching
a. Long Dan Cao
b. Huang Lian
c. Qin Pi
d. Dan Zhu Ye
a. Long Dan Cao
Which of the followingherbs cools blood and stops bleeding
a. Huang Qin
b. Huang Bai
c. Huang Lian
d. Qin Pi
a. Huang Qin
Which pair is used to clear heat and expel external wind heat
a. Chuan Xin Lian, Da Qing Ye
b. Jin Yin Hua, Pu Gong Ying
c. Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao
d. Qing Dai, Zhi Hua Di Ding
c. Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao
Which of the following herbs is primarily for dysenteric disorders
a. Bai Hua She She Cao
b. Bai Tou Weng
c. Bai Shao
d. Tu Fu Ling
b. Bai Tou Weng (more blood then pus)
Which of the following pairs have in common the action of treating cancer
a. Da Qing Ye, Ban Lan Gen
b. Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao
c. Bai Hua She She Cao, Shan Dou Gen
d. Bai Tou Weng, Tong Teng
c. Bai Hua She She Cao, Shan Dou Gen
What is the #1 herb to treat Lung Abscess
a. Lian Qiao
b. Hong Ten
c. Bai Xian Pi
d. Yu Xing Cao
d. Yu Xing Cao
Which of the following herbs should be your first choice when treating damp-heat skin disorders
a.Ye Ju Hua
b. Bai Xian Pi
c. Bai Hua She She Cao
d. Qing Pi
b. Bai Hua She
a. Je Ju Hua - itchy skin, eczema
c. Bao Jia She She Cao - abscess toxic sores
d.Qing Dai - blood heat
Which of the following pairs is especially usefulfor appendicitis and to invigorate blood and stop pain
Lian Qiao & Jin Yin Hua
b. Shan Dou Gen & Bai Hua She She Cao
c. Bai Jiang Cao & Hong Teng
Zi Hua Di Ding & Lian Qiao
c. Bai Jiang Cao & Hong Teng
Which of the following herbs are useful to treat breast abscess and unblock channels to aid lactation if due to heat
a. Pu Gong Ying
b. Bai Zhi
c. Ban Lang Gen
d. Wang Bu Liu Xing
Pu Gong Ying
Which one of the following herbs that clear deficienty heat also treats yin deficient common cold
a. Yin chai Hu
b. Di Gu Pi
c. Hu Huang Lian
d. Bai Wei
d. Bai Wei
Which of the folowing is NOT a function of Qing Hao
a. clear deficient heat
b. check malarial disorder & relieves heat
c. Clears summer heat
d. Clears heat from childhood nutritional impairment
d. Clears heat from childhood nutritional impairment
Which is the strongest herb for clearing Heart Heat
a. Dan Zhu Ye
b. Huang Lian
c. Mai Dong
d. Huang Qin
b. Huang Lian
Huang Bai & Zhi Mu each perform which of the following functions
a. Clear heat and drain damp
b. Quell fire and detoxify poison
c. Clear heat from yin deficiency
d. Clear heat and moisten dryness
c. Clear heat from yin deficiency