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17 Cards in this Set

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Visual examination of the chest is of value in assessing...
Thoracic Configuration

Vent. Pattern and Effort

Central Cyanosis (Thoracic area, caused by hypoxemia)

Normal Adult Thorax
Antrposterior diameter is less than transverse diameter

Normally about 1:2 ratio
Barrel-chested Thorax
Anterposterior diamter becomes equal to transverse diameter

1:1 ratio

Severe COPD (most common)

Ribs loose angle of slope and become horizontal
Pectus Carinatum
Sternal Protrusion anteriorly

Abnormal prominence of the sternum

AKA Pigeon breast or chicken breast
Pectus Excavatum
Depression of all or part of the sternum

Causes a restrictive lung defect

Congenital (born with)
Spinal deformity in which the spine has an abnormal anterposterior curvature
Spinal deformity in which the spine has a lateral curvature
Combo of Kyphosis and Scoliosis

May produce severe restrictive lung defect

Poor lung expansion
What should you see with normal inspiration and exhalation?
Slight rise in upper abdomen 2ndary contraction of diaphragm muscle

Lateral costal expansion progressing upward 2ndary contraction of external intercostal muscles

Chest wall expands equally and bilaterally

Prolonged Inspiratory Time 2:1 could be caused by?
Upper airway obstruction (croup, epiglottitis)
Prolonged Exhalaiton 3:1 or 4:1 could be caused by?
small airways obstruction (COPD, Asthma)
Resp. Failure
When breathing muscles fail
Abnormal Patterns and Effort
Use of Acc. muscles of Insp.

Use of Ab. muscles during exhalation

Rapid & Shallow - Restrictive Lung Disease

Slow and prolonged exhaltation - obstruction of Intrathoracic airways (COPD, Asthma)
Paradoxical Patterns/Effort
Abnormal Pattern and Effort

Acc. muscles of inspiration pull chest wall upward

Diaphragm fatigues- gets pulled upward on inspiration causing abdomen to sink inward on inspiration

IE. muscle paralysis, diaphragmatic fatigue

*Neonates will have a sunken chest and abs pull out
Respiratory Alternans
Abnormal Pattern and Effort

Periods of breathing using only the chest wall muscles alternating with

Periods of breathing normal breathing using the diaphragm muscle

Indicative of diaphragmatic fatigue
Hoover's Sign
Abnormal Pattern and Effort

Typically seen in severe COPD
-diaphragm muscle is flattened
-severe hyperinflation due to air trapping

Contraction of the diaphragm muscle pulls lower lateral rib margins inward on inspiration
Central Cyanosis
Skin color of the chest (trunk) is cyanotic

May also be seen in oral mucosa