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36 Cards in this Set

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What is happening at the cellular level?
Hemodynamic Principles
Circulatory system is composed of the heart, large blood vessels, and microcirculation (peripheral or capillary circulation)
These 3 components work together to maintain adequate cardiac output and tissue perfusion
Adequate blood flow depends on:

1. Competent vascular system that can maintain a good blood pressure

2. Red blood cells that have hemoglobin, appropriate amount of blood (preload)

3. A heart that is adequately pumping
Cardiac output (HR x SV)
Heart rate (HR)
Stroke Volume (SV) – volume/beat
Preload – volume of blood available to be pumped
Afterload – how much resistance the heart is beating against (diastolic pressure) or (systemic vascular resistance)
Contractility – How strong each beat is
Control of peripheral circulation – dilation/constriction
O2 Transport Principles
All forms of shock involve impaired delivery of oxygen to the tissues.
Variables that influence O2 transport include:
Oxygen delivered to the tissues
Oxygen consumption by the tissues
Oxygen extraction ratio - % of available O2 the cell is capable of taking in
O2 delivery depends on:
Blood flow (cardiac output)
Amount of hemoglobin available to carry oxygen
Percentage of arterial oxygen hemoglobin saturation
02 Delivery Wiggle Room
The body normally provides 3-4 times more oxygen than needed for normal metabolism
O2 Consumption
Represents the body’s demand for Oxygen and is a reflection of the body’s metabolism
Why is decreased O2 consumption common in all forms of shock
Due to: reduction in blood flow (hypovolemic, cardiogenic, obstructive)
Or uneven distribution of blood (septic, anaphylactic, neurogenic)
The magnitude of the O2 consumption deficit has been correlated with mortality rates.
O2 Extraction Ratio
Extraction ratio (VO2/DO2)
Provides an estimate of the balance between tissue O2 demand (consumption – VO2) and O2 supply (delivery – DO2).
Provides an indication of the ability of the tissues to extract and use the O2 delivered.
Stages of Shock
Initial & Nonprogressive
1. Vasoconstriction occurs in response to a release of catecholamines or to poor venous return to the right ventricle

2. This results in a decrease in the rate of flow through the tissue capillaries
Stages of Shock
Progressive Shock
Decrease capillary blood flow continues

Cells convert to anaerobic metabolism and lactic acid is produced (causes metabolic acidosis)

Body tries to compensate by dilating capillaries
Compensatory mechanisms eventually fail
Stages of Shock
Refractory/Irreversible Shock
Refractory/Irreversible Shock
The continued decrease in circulation causes coagulation of stagnant, acid blood
This causes the capillaries to become occluded
The occluded capillaries causes perfusion to the cells to stop
Cells that do not receive blood die
DIC may result (disseminated intravascular coagulation)
The decrease in microcirculation that occurs results in necrosis of vital organs which leads to multi system organ failure and death
Even if cause of shock is reversed and MAP returns to normal, death is eminent
Types of Shock
Hypovolemic – trauma, burns (loss of serum, plasma), diarrhea
-Neurogenic – CNS disruption causes excessive dilation of vessels
-Chemically Induced shock
Anaphylactic Shock
Capillary Leak
Obstructive – tumors, large clots, etc.
PA Catheter (Swan-Ganz)
A balloon-tipped catheter introduced into the pulmonary artery to measure pressures and cardiac output/cardiac index
CVP (central venous pressure)- used to monitor blood volume and venous return to the heart
PAP (pulmonary artery pressure)
PAWP (pulmonary artery wedge pressure)- reflects pressures in the pulmonary capillary bed and left sided heart function
Hypovolemic Shock
Caused by a loss of whole blood, plasma or interstitial fluids in such quantities that the body’s metabolic needs can no longer be met
Causes of hypovolemic shock
Loss of blood
GI bleeding
Ruptured aortic aneurysm
Severe vomiting/diarrhea
Diabetes insipidus
Diuretic therapy
Third spacing
Pathophysiology of Hypovolemic shock
A decreased blood volume or plasma loss will cause a decrease in venous return (pre-load) which results in a decrease cardiac output.

The decreased CO results in:
1. inadequate cellular perfusion
2. susceptibility to infection and hemorrhage
3. organ damage

The decreased CO also results in inadequate cellular perfusion which leads to an increased susceptibility to infection and hemorrhage which results in organ damage
S/S of Hypovolemic shock
Skin- least reliable indicator
Cool, pale skin due to vasconstriction
Decrease capillary refill time seen in nail beds
Clammy, moist skin due to release of epinephrine and norepinephrine

Thirst- thirst mechanism is activated due to increase serum osmolality

Urine output falls due to vasoconstriction and decreased GFR. ADH is released to retain fluid

Level of Consciousness- will improve initially then decrease

Tachycardia- a very early sign.
CO=HR X SV. In hypovolemic shock the SV decreases therefore the HR increases to maintain the CO

Increased RR and Depth of resp- occurs in an attempt to improve blood oxygenation levels & blow off CO2 and compensate for impending acidosis and right heart filling volume

BP- initially may increase but then drops as compensatory mechanisms fail. Also see a decreased pulse pressure

Hematocrit- not a good indicator of shock (If volume replaced by NS or LR it may then drop

Hemodynamic parameters-
-CVP low
-PCWP low
Interventions for Hypovolemic shock
Interventions for Hypovolemic shock
1. Stop the cause of the loss
2. Replace whatever was lost
3. Airway and oxygenate

Blood pressure going up, HR going back down and urine output going back up shows that they are starting to get enough fluid replacement and perfusion

Fluid replacement
Administer enough to correct problems, i.e. improve BP, UO
Fluid selection for Hypovolemic shock
Crystalloid solutions (RL – has buffers that can prevent metabolic acidosis by binding to the lactic acid , NS)
Provides intravascular expansion
May or may not be all that is needed
Do not use D5W because it’s not isotonic, will go into interstitial spaces

Is an effective volume expander
Not usually used in shock because it may cause or exacerbate ARDS
Hespan (hetastarch)
Plasma volume expander
No danger of hepatitis
Cheaper than blood products
Doesn’t replace Hbg
Plasma- (FFP)
Give if fluid loss is due to plasma loss, ie. Burns
Also given for clotting disorders

Major blood losses should be replaced with blood products, ie. Whole blood, packed red blood cells, etc.
Interventions for Hypovolemic Shock
Cardiovascular support
Improve left ventricular function by administering inotropic agents
Examples- Dopamine, Dobutamine, Inocor, Norepinephrine, Digoxin
Observe for signs of cardiac failure or pulmonary edema
Improve preload by administering fluids or vasoconstrictors (after volume replaced)
Examples- Dopamine, Norepinephrine (Levophed), Neo-synephrine, Epinephrine

Dopamine (Intropin)
Titrated in mcg/kg/min
Renal perfusion
Inotropic (increase cardiac output)-
> 10mcg/kg/min
Not given above > 20mcg/kg/min- severe vasoconstriction
**Dose determines effect
Restore blood volume first
Maintain vascular tone
Keep patient warm
Elevate lower ext. – No longer using T-berg
Interventions for Hypovolemic Shock
Correct acid-base balance
Monitor for fluid overload
Meet nutritional needs
Provide emotional support
Cardiogenic shock – A Review
Caused whenever the heart’s pumping ability becomes impaired resulting in a decrease cardiac output
Causes of Cardiogenic shock
Any condition that causes dysfunction of the left ventricle, the right ventricle or both due to ischemia, structural problems or dysrhythmias
Pathophysiology of Cardiogenic Shock
When there is ischemic damage to the myocardium a downward spiral begins with altered myocardial metabolism
That leads to impaired myocardial contractility

Which leads to diminished stroke volume

Which leads to diminished CO/CI

Which leads to decreased coronary artery perfusion pressure

Which leads to increased myocardial hypoxia

Which leads to more ischemia

And the cycle begins again.
S/S of Cardiogenic Shock
Decreased BP
Decreased CO/CI
Increased PCWP (wedge pressure) due to decrease in the function of the left ventricle
Absent or poor peripheral pulses
Cool, clammy skin
Decreased UO
Change in LOC
Interventions for Cardiogenic Shock
Increased CO
Correct any dysrhythmias
Correct any hypovolemia
Medications such as Dobutamine (not dopamine because it increases the O2 demand of the heart which is already not getting enough O2)
Decrease left ventricular workload
Vasodilators to decrease afterload
Example- NTG, Nitroprusside
Monitor PCWP
Correct hypovolemia
Intra-aortic balloon pump
Distributive Shock
Neural Induced
Chemically Induced
Capillary Leak
Neurogenic Shock
Occurs due to massive vasodilation as a result of loss of the sympathetic tone
Causes of Neurogenic Shock
Spinal Cord injury
Spinal anesthesia
Drugs such as ganglionic blocking agents or barbiturates
Brain damage (medulla)- rare
Treatment of Neurogenic Shock
Vasoconstricting Drugs
Dopamine (Inotropin) >10mcg/kg/min
Norepinephrine (Levophed)
Anaphylactic Shock
Sudden life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction to an antigen.
Characterized by massive vasodilation and increased capillary permeability which can actually cause hypovolemia to a certain extent from swelling and hives
Anaphylaxis- Pathophysiology
Mediated by immunoglobin E (IgE) antibody
IgE produced after first exposure to antigen and binds to mast cells and basophils
Subsequent exposures- stimulate mast cell degranulation and release of chemical mediators
Chemical mediators cause vasodilation, capillary permeability, bronchoconstriction, increased coronary permeability
Shock from profound vasodilation and low cardiac output
Death can result from severe hypoxemia secondary to bronchoconstriction or from cardiovascular collapse
Anaphylaxis- S/S
Feelings of anxiety and uneasiness
Quickly followed by:
Sometimes edema
Quickly followed by:
Severe hypotension and increased capillary permeability
Complications of Shock (all types)
Anaerobic metabolism occurs due to poor tissue perfusion.
This leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen delivered to the cells resulting in anaerobic metabolism and eventually to metabolic acidosis
Glucose metabolism-
patient may become hyperglycemic to meet increased demands of energy
Fluid shifts-
Water moves into the cells taking sodium with it.
This movement of water further decreases the circulating blood volume and leads to cellular edema and disruption of metabolic activity
Complications of Shock (all types)

The decrease in blood flow to the brain leads to cerebral hypoxia which can lead to either seizures or cerebral infarction.

Assess patient for anxiety, restlessness, changes in LOC, lethargy, stupor, coma, and seizures
Complications of Shock (all types)

The vasoconstriction compromises the blood flow to the kidney leading to acute tubular necrosis

Assess the patient for oliguria, elevated BUN and creatinine
Complications of Shock (all types)

the decrease in CO leads to decreased coronary perfusion
which leads to myocardial failure
which leads to altered cell membrane potential which leads to an increased incidence of dysrhythmias.
The dysrhythmias can further decrease cardiac output.
Complications of Shock (all types)

-Peripheral circulation
Initially there is a vasoconstrictive response in an attempt to increase circulating blood volume.

Fluid moves from the interstitial space to the intravascular space to restore volume.

Eventually the compensatory mechanisms fail and the body attempts to maintain blood flow to the heart and the brain at the expense of the other organs (shunting)
Complications of Shock (all types)

-GI system
When the blood vessels vasoconstrict the bowel is affected more than any other system with blood being shunted away from the bowel.

This leads to mucosal ischemia which may lead to stress ulcers, bowel infarction, ileus.

Assess patient for septic shock and listen to bowel sounds
Complications of Shock (all types)

-hepatic system
the decreased blood flow to the liver leads to hepatic hypoxia

which may lead to infection, metabolic acidosis, bleeding problems (DIC), decreased ability of the liver to get rid of toxins or to clear certain medications
Complications of Shock (all types)

-ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Decrease blood flow to the lungs leads to a decrease in the amount of surfactant that is produced which leads to a collapse of the alveoli.
Increased capillary permeability- fluid leaks from capillaries into lung causing pulmonary edema