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94 Cards in this Set

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What are the three elements of Confirmation?
Anointing with Chrism; laying on of hands;; being sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit
List any five of the ten commandments
Do not kill; Do not steal; Do not covet your neighbor's goods; Honor your mother and father; Keep holy the Lord's Day
what are the two greatest commandments
Love God with all your heart, mind and strength; and Love your neighbor as yourself
name three beatitudes
Blessed are the meek - for they will inherit the earth; Blessed are the merciful - for they will be shown mercy and; Blessed are the peacemakers - for they will be called children of God
name three spiritual works of mercy
Pray for the living and the dead; forgive all injuries; comfort the sorrowful
name three corporal works of mercy
feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty; visit the sick
those who are old, sick and dying received spiritual aid and strength
anointing of the sick
When we are reconciled with God, other people and ourselve; we find forgiveness
When we participate in the central act of workshop of our Catholic faith; we unite ourselves with Jesus' sacrifice and receive Him in Holy Communion
we become more completely bound to the church and have an increased responsibility to spread and protect the faith; and we renew our baptismal commitment
When do we become members of the Church and heirs of heaven?
In what sacrament does a person who receives the power to absolve sins, change bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus and lead God's church.
holy orders
When do we receive forgiveness
when do we renew our baptismal commitment
when do we unite ourselves with Jesus' sacrifice and receive him in Holy Communion
the church on earth, in heaven and purgatory is called
the communion of saints
a sacred contract and holy agreement
showing loyalty to Christ in your daily life called
what is the paraclete
the holy spirit
the laying of hands is called
the person responsible for assisting your parents and guiding you to be a good Christian
sacred words and actions that Christ gave the Church to nourish, strengthen and express unity
who is the ordinary minister of confirmation
an act that weakens the bond of love between God and neighbor
when did the holy spirit com to the Apostles
the gift that strengthens us to do what is right in the face of difficulties and to endure suffering
the gift of the Holy Spirit that enlightens us to seek good advise and enables us to advise others is
Right Judgment
Because Confirmation seals you in the Spirit and leaves a permanent mark, it can be received how many times
only once
Trust in Jesus and belief in all that he and his Church teaches
person responsible for assisting your parents and guiding you to be a good Christian
to be holy and grow spiritually means?
to be more like Crist
to receive confirmation you mush show that you ---
desire to live in the Catholic faith
in confirmation, the Holy Spirit can --
strengthen you to witness the faith and defend it
Christina means
Like Christ, anointed for a mission
What did the early Christians do for one another?
They shared all that they owned, celebrated Eucharist, and prayed together.
Through the sacrament of Baptism, we share in
the priesthood of Christ and God's life
The Beatitudes help us to be seen as --
true followers of Jesus Christ
The gift of the Spirit that makes us marvel at God's goodness and love, so that we avoid anything that separates us from Him is called ---- and -----
Wonder and Awe
The gift of the Spirit that helps us love the things of God and helps us to make choices that are pleasing to him is called
Divine life that we receive in Baptism is called
sanctifying grace
Blessed oil used by the Bishop for anointing is ----
Which sacrament does the Church most fully express its unity?
To be a witness to Jesus Christ means that we would spread the ---- and ------
spread the good and and give loving service
The baptismal vows renewed at Confirmation are promises to --
reject Satan and live by faith
the special gift of the Sprit to an individual member of the Church to build up the body of Christ is called?
True or False - God reveals himself in Scripture and Tradition
True or False - At the end of time, we will still exist in either heaven or hell
True or False - There is probably no hell
True or False - The Third Person of the Blessed Trinity is the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us
True or False - Non-catholic Christians are related to Christ's Church
True or False - The pope, the bishops together with the pope, are infallible when solemnly teaching matters of faith and morals
True or False - The church is only a human institutions
True or False - The Mass is the same sacrifice as the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary.
True or False - We receive grace from Christ through the outward signs of the seven sacraments
True or False - Mary never sinned, and at the end of her life her body and soul went directly to heaven
True or False - Jesus is God
True or False - Mary, the mother of Jesus, had other children
True or False - Jesus died, rose again, and is now with his Father
True or False - God only pretended to be a man for a while
True or False - God created the universe and us
True or False - Catholics believe in the Trinity, three persons in one God
Jesus wants us, his disciples, to be ---- in God.
From the beginning of time, rifts in the Church have occurred that ----- large communities from the Church.
These rifts happened because of the -----
sins of humanity
The denial after Baptism of a truth of the faith.
The total abandonment of one’s faith.
The refusal to submit to the leadership of Peter’s successor, the pope.
Because of the rifts or conflicts within the Church, Christians were no longer ----. There were Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Baptists.
Despite differences in these religions, all Christians believe in -----, the divinity and humanity of Jesus, belief that Jesus died and rose to save us, and belief that the Bible is the inspired word of God.
Despite differences in these religions, all Christians believe in Baptism, the ----- and humanity of Jesus, belief that Jesus died and rose to save us, and belief that the Bible is the inspired word of God.
Despite differences in these religions, all Christians believe in Baptism, the divinity and humanity of Jesus, belief that Jesus --- and ---- to save us, and belief that the Bible is the inspired word of God.
died and rose
Despite differences in these religions, all Christians believe in Baptism, the divinity and humanity of Jesus, belief that Jesus died and rose to save us, and belief that the ----- is the inspired word of God.
True or False - Christian separation has gone on for weeks.
False - centuries
The Catholic Church [is or is not] committed to the work of ecumenism.
is committed to ecumenism
the work to promote the unity of all Christians.
In Taize, France, an ----- of religious brothers commit themselves to ecumenism and unity.
international community
The riches of Christ are communicated to all Church members through the -----
The Church honors all martyrs and saints who lived lives of holiness on earth and now share ----
eternal life with God.
The union of all baptized members of the Church.
communion of saints
On earth these Church members respond to God’s grace by living a -------, becoming ------ for one another.
good moral life, becoming role models for one another.
In heaven these members lived lives of ---- on earth and now share in the joy of eternal life with God.
In ----- these members are preparing for heaven
Mary remained faithful from the --------- , when she accepted God’s request for her to be the mother of Jesus.
Mary is the perfect example of ------
Mary, never stained by ---, had a pure heart and lived a life of holiness.
At the end of her life on earth, God brought Mary --- and --- to heaven to live forever with the risen Jesus.
body and soul
Mary is the Church’s ---- -----, and the Church shows its love for her through special devotions.
greatest saint
Who is referred to as: the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church, and the Queen of Heaven.
Who was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1778. Orphaned, she lived with Protestant relatives. She worked for a wealthy family who left her a generous inheritance as recognition for her good works to others.
Catherine McAuley
Catherine McAuley began a religious order known as the ----
Sisters of Mercy
The Sisters of Mercy were nuns were committed to educating whom?
disadvantaged girls