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33 Cards in this Set

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Location of Bladder 1

(Jingming/Eye's Clarity)
0.1 cun superior to the inner canthus
Corner of the eye
Location of Bladder 2

(Zanzhu/Collection of Bamboo)
On the medial extremity of the eyebrow (or on the supraorbital notch)
Location of Bladder 10

(Tianzhu/Heaven's pillar)
1 cun lateral to the midline of the neck within the posterior hairline, on the lateral side of the trapezius
neck and hairline
Location of Bladder 11

(Dazhu/Great Shuttle)
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertebra
Location of Bladder 36

(Chenfu/Bearing Support)
In the middle of the transverse gluteal fold, just medial to the tendon attached to the ischeal tuberosities
gluteal fold, sitting bones
Location of Bladder 40

(Weizhong/Entrusting Middle)
Midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa, between the tendons of biceps femoris and semitendonosus
middle of the knee
Location of Bladder 43

(Gaohuangshu/Vital Region Shu)
3 cun lateral to the midline, level with the lower border of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebra level with BL14
Wider than Bladder 14 (T4)
Location of Bladder 52

(Zhishi/Residence of the Will)
3 cun lateral to the midline, level with the lower border of the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra, level with Bladder 23
Wider than Bladder 23 (L2)
Location of Bladder 57

(Chengshan/Supporting Mountain)
Directly below the belly of the gastrocnemius, on the line connecting the middle of the back of the knee with the Achilles tendon (8 cun below Bladder 40)
Belly of the calf muscle
Location of Bladder 60

(Kunlun/Kinlun Mountains)
In the depression between the prominence of the lateral malleolus and the Achilles tendon
Ankle bone and achilles
Location of Bladder 67

(Zhiyin/Reaching Yin)
On the lateral side of the small toe, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail.
Little toe
Action of Bladder 1

(Jingming/Eye's Clarity)
Expels Wind and clears Heat. Benefits the eyes
Goodbye wind and heat
Action of Bladder 2

(Zanzhu/Collection of Bamboo)
Expels Wind and clears Heat. Benefits the eyes. Clears the head and alleviates pain
Goodbye wind, heat and pain
Action of Bladder 10

(Tianzhu/Heaven's Pillar)
Expels Wind, benefits the head and sensory orifices. Removes obstruction from the channel. Invigorates the lower back
Wind, head, orifices and back
Action of Bladder 11

(Dazhu/Great Shuttle)
Benefits the bones and joints, expels pathogenic factors, regulates Lung Ki
bones, joints, pathogens, Lung Ki
Action of Bladder 36

(Chengfu/Bearing Support)
Clears obstruction in the channel, relaxes sinews and relieves pain. Regulates lower burner. Treats haemorrhoids
Channel obstructions, sinews, pain, lower burner, haemorrhoids
Action of Bladder 40

(Weizhong/Entrusting Middle)
Benefits lumbar region and knees. Clears Summer Heat and extreme Heat. Cools Blood. Benefits Bladder.
Lumbar region, Summer Heat, Heat, Cools Blood. Bladder
Action of Bladder 43

(Gaohuangshu/Vital Region Shu)
Tonifies Ki and strengthens deficiency. Nourishes Yin and clears Heat, calms the spirit.
Ki, deficiency, Yin, heat and calming.
Action of Bladder 52

(Zhishi/Residence of the Will)
Tonifies the Kidneys and benefits the essence, regulates urination. Strengthens lumbar region.
Kidneys and Essence. Urination. Lumbar region.
Action of Bladder 57

(Chengshan/Supporting Mountain)
Removes obstruction from the channel. Clears Heat. Benefits calf and heel. Treats haemorrhoids.
Channel obstructions, Heat, calves and heel, haemorrhoids.
Action of Bladder 60

(Kunlun/Kinlun Mountains)
Expels Wind, clears Heat. Regulates problems all along the Bladder channel. Promotes labour.

Contra-indicated in pregnancy
Wind, Heat. Bladder channel. Labour.
Action of Bladder 67

(Zhiyin/Reaching Yin)
Expels Wind. Clears the eyes. Turns the foetus and facilitates labour.

Contra-indicated in pregnancy
Wind, eyes, foetus, labour.
Uses of Bladder 1

(Jingming/Eye's clarity)
Red, painful, swollen and dry eyes. Conjunctivitis and runny eyes.
Eye problems!
Uses of Bladder 2

(Zanzhu/Collection of Bamboo)
Eye disorders. Hay fever. Local pain.
No hint
Uses of Bladder 10

(Tianzhu/Heaven's Pillar)
Headache, dizziness, stiff neck. Increases vision. Bilateral, acute lower back pain.
Headache, dizziness, neck, vision, back pain.
Uses of Bladder 11

(Dazhu/Great Shuttle)
Bone diseases, rigidity of nape of neck and spine. Cough, fullness of chest.
Bones, neck, cough and chest.
Uses of Bladder 36

(Chengfu/Bearing Support)
Local problems. Lower back pain. Sciatica (down backs of legs). Difficult defecation or urination. Haemorrhoids.
Back pain, sciatica, deification, urination, haemorrhoids.
Uses of Bladder 40

(Weizhong/Entrusting Middle)
Special point for lower back pain. Haemorrhoids. Rashes and high fever. Coma (should be pricked)
Special point. Haemorrhoids. Rashes.
Uses of Bladder 43

(Gaohuangshu/Vital Region Shu)
All kinds of deficiency. Poor memory. Dizziness. Back and shoulder pain.
Deficiency. Memory. Back and shoulders.
Uses of Bladder 52

(Zhishi/Residence of the Will)
Lumbar pain and stiffness. Difficult urination. Impotence.
Lumbar. Urination. Impotence.
Uses of Bladder 57

(Chengshan/Supporting Mountain)
Cramps and spasms in the calves. Special point for haemorrhoids.
Cramps. Haemorrhoids.
Uses of Bladder 60

(Kunlun/Kinlun Mountains)
Chronic lumbago. Headache. Blurry vision. Difficult labour.
Lumbago. Headache. Vision. Labour.`
Uses of Bladder 67

(Zhiyin/Reaching Yin)
Headache. Disorders of neck, eyes, nose and ears. Difficult labour. Breech presentation.
Headache. neck, nose, ears. Labour. Presentation.