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117 Cards in this Set

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this is the largest and most powerful employer in the USA--emplpying 3% of the total labor in the USA
US health care industry
Why will the health care sector in the USA cont to grow? (2)
(1)growth in pop (2)aging of pop
the growth of the population and the aging pop--has caused this
the health care industry to grow
this includes therpaists, labatory and radiologly techinicians, social workers and health educators
allided health proffesionasl
What are allied health proffesionals? (4)
(1)therpaists (2)lab and radioology technicians (3)socail workers (4)health educators
The majority of health proffesional are employed by (1)
Pop growth and the aging of the pop enhance the demand for (1)
health services
this is characterized by a imbalance btwn primary and speciality care services
US health care system
How is the US health care system imbalanced?
by we have more speciality care serivces than primary care services
thier role are evulating a patient's health condition, diagonosing abnormatilies, and prescribing treatment
All states require doctors to be(1)
What does a MD stand for?
doctor of medicine
What are two kinds of graduate degrees can doctors have?
DO and MD
they can either be awarded a MD or OD from acredited school
What does Do stand for?
doctor of osteopathic medicine
this is a graduate medical education in a speciality that takes the form of paid on job training, usally in a hosptial
How do MDs and DOs differ?
(1)DOs stress preventive medicine such as diet and the environment as factors that might infleunce natural resistance and practice ostepathic medicine which emphazes muscuoskeletal system of the body(2)MDs are trained in allopathic medicine, which views medical treatment as active intervention to produce a coutneracting reaction in a attempt to neturalize the effects of a disease
they stress preventive medicine such as diet and the environment as factors that might influence natural resistance and practice ostepathic medicine which emphazes muscuoskeletal system of the body
they are trained in allopathic medicine, which views medical treatment as active intervention to produce a coutneracting reaction in attempt to neturalize the affects of a disease
How are MDs and DOs similar?
by both of them might pratice preventive medicine
About one third of MDs and half of DOs are (1)
Most DOs are (1)
Most (1)are generalists
Most MDs are (1)
Most (1) are specialists
this refers to physicans in nonprimary care speciliates
What are specialists?
refers to doctors in nonprimary care specialits
What are the (5) main differ btwn primary and speciliaty care?
(1)primary care - is the first contact care where as speciality care generally follow primary care (2)primary care doctors serve as gatekeepers and specility care requires a referal from primary care (3)primary care is longitudinal (meaning includes various differ activites and speciliaty care is epiisodic and thus more focused and intense (4)primary care focses on the person as a whole and speciliaty care centers on focuses on a the specifc diseases and organ systems involded (5)primary care doctor's spend a lot of time in ambulatory care settings and are exposed to a variety of problems and conditions and speciality care doctor's spend a lot of time in inpatient hopstials w the state of the art medical techonology
this is regarded as the portal of the health care system
primary care
Generally (1)follows (2)care
(1)speciality care (2)primary
this type of care is longtiudinal meaning --there are a variety of activies such as intial digoniss, treatment, referal, consulution, monitoring, and follow up
primary care
this type of care serves as the gate keeper, playing a important role in controlling costs, utilizations, and the rational allocation of resources
primary care
this requires a referal from a primary care doctor
specialty care
What is comorbidity?
refers to when patients have multiple problems
this refers to when patients ahve multiple problems
this type of care focuses on the whole patient
this type of care tends to be limted to epsiodes of the illness, specific organ systems or the disease process invovled
speciality care
This type of care is episodic and thus is mroe focused and intesne
speciality care
people trained in this type of care, spend a lot of time in ambulatory settings and exposed to a varity of conditions and problems
primary care
people train in this type of care, spend a lot of time in inpatient hosptials where they are exposed to the state of the art techonology
speciliaty care
Most doctors are (1)based practioners
In the US, there is a increase in the number of (1)
What is bad about a surplus of doctors?
leads to uneccesary increases in health care expenditures
a surplus of this can cause a increase in health care expenditures
T or F
there is still a shortage of docotors in some areas
this refers to either a surplus or shortage of the tyoe of doctors needed to maintian the health status of a give pop at a optimum level
Where are doctors most likely to work/concentrated?
metroplatian and suburban areas bc the living standards are better
The health care in the US is moving toward the (1) model
managed care
What is managed care model?
which reduces the demand for dr. services particular specilists
this refers to a reduced demand for doctors services particular specilists
managed care model
What is the most major force behind the increased # of doctors?
medical techonology
What are students attracted to becoming speacilists instead of generalists? (3)
bc specialists (1)get paid more (2)enjoy a higher prestiage amoung the collegures and the public (3)enjoy more predictable work hours
this has contributed to the high vol of intensive, expensive, and invasive medical services
to many specialists
To many specialists have contributed to the (1)
the high vol of intensive, epensive, and invasive medical services
Having higher numbers of (1) is associated w lower ovarall mortality and lower death rates resulting from cancer and heart disease
primary care proffesionasl
Having higer numbers of primary care proffesionals is associated w (1)
lower overall mortaility and lower death rates resulting from cancer and heart disease
T o F
all dentist do not have to be lisciend to pratice
What is DDS stand for?
doctor of dental surgery
What does DMD stand for?
doctor of dental medicine
What kind of degrees can dentists get from dental school?
(1)DDS (2)DMD
How many speciality areas are recognized by the AMerican dental assocation?
The demand for (1) will cont increase w the increase in pop having high dental needs such as the edlerly, handicaped, homebound and HIV patients, and a greater public awareness of the importance of dental care, the fairly widespread of cosmetic and aesthietic dentistrym and the incision of dental care as part of many public funded programs
Why will the demand for dentists cont to grow? (4)
(1)increase in pop having high dental needs such as handicaps, edlerly, homebound and HIV patients (2)greater public awareness of the importance of dental care to general health status (3)the fairly widespread appeal of cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry (4)the inclusion to of dental care as part of many public funded programs
How has the role of the pharmacist expanded?
going from the preparation and sipensing of prescirptions to include drug product education and serving as experts on specific drugs, drug interaction, and generic drug subsitiution
this refers to the educating and counseling role of pharamcists
pharmaceutical care
What does OD stand for?
doctor of optometry
What does PhD stand foR?
doctor of psychology
What does DPM stand for?
doctor of podiatric medicine
What does DC stand for?
doctor of chiropratic
T or F
chiropractors prescribe medicine
this is based on the beleive that the body is a self-healing organism
chiropratic care
they constitue the largest group of the health care proffesionals
Nurses constitue the (1)group of healht care proffesionals
they are the major caregivers of the sick and injured patient adddressingthe physical, mental, and emotional needs
What does RNs stand for?
registered nurse
What must RNs complete?
have an associate's degree or bachelor degree of science in nursing
What does LPNs stand for?
Licensed practical nurses
LPNs in some states are also called (1)
In some states, LPNs are somtimes called (1)
What does LVNs stand for?
licensed vocational nurses
How are nurses classfied?
based on where they work
T or F
there is a current short fall of nurses
What does APN stand for?
advanced pratice nurses
this is a general name for nurses who have education and clinical experience beyond that required of an RN
What are (4) areas of APNs?
(1)CNSs (2)CRNAs (3)NPs (4)CNMs
What does CNSs stand for?
clinical nurse specialists
What does CRNAs stand for?
certifed registered nurse anesthetists
What does NPs stand for?
nurse practitoners
What does CNMs?
certified nurse mid wives
What is the main differ btwn CNS and NPs?
(1)CNSs work in hosptials and NPs work primary care settings
this type of nurses tend to workin hospitals
these type of nurses tend to work in mainly primary care settings
Where do CNS tend to work?
in hosptials
Where do NPs tend to work?
primary care settings
What does NPP stand for?
nonphyscician practioners
refers to clinical professionals who pratice in many areas in which doctors practice but who do not have a MD or DO degree
NPPS typically include (1),(2) and (3)
(1)PAs (2)NPs (3)CNMS
they typically include PAs, NPs, and CNMs
What des PAs stand for?
physcian assistants
T or F
PA's are licensed to peform medical procedures only under the supervision of a doctor
consituite the largest group of NPPs and have undergrown the most growth
thier primary function is to promote wellness and good health through patient education
are RNs w/ additonal training from a nurse-midewifery program in areas such as maternal and fetal procedures
Many studies have demonstarted that (1)can provide both high-quality and cost effective medical care
Many studies have demonstrated taht NNPs can (1)
provide both high quality and cost effective medical care
Why can NPPs provide both high quality and cost effective medical care? (2)
bc they show a greater personal interest in patients and cost signigicatnly less (2) have been noted to have better communication and interviewing skills than doctors
What is one thing NPPs can face?
reimbursement barriers and many people do not actively seek the adivce of NPPs
Why has specialists increased health care costs?
for ex bc of technology and specialized interventions, places a greater need to train other proffesionals serve as adjuncts
they constiutie about 60% of the US health care work force
allied health care proffesionals
Allied health care proffesionals constiute about (1)of the US health care work force
What are (2) broad catergories of allied health care proffesionals?
(1)techinicans and/or assistants (2)therapists and/or techinologists
have two broad catergories:techinicains and/or assistants, and therapists and/ortechinilogists
allied health care proffesionals
they receive less than 2 yrs of post secoundary education and are trained to perform procedures
techinicans and assistants
thier role is to provide care for patients w movement dysfunction
help people of all ages to improve the ability to perform tasks in thier daily living and working environments and work w individuals who have conidtions that are mentally, physcially, developmentally, and emotionally disabling
Health service administrators are empolyed at the (1),(2),and(3) levels of various organizations
top, middle, and entry level
they are responisble for operational, clinical, and financial outcomes of an entire organization, often have direct responisiblity for implementing changes, creating effciences, and developing new procedures w respect to changes in the health care delvery system
health service administrators