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77 Cards in this Set

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With cold damage, there is water qi below the heart, cough, mild panting and heat effussion without thirst which formula?
Xiao Qing Long Tang
What is "vacuity vexation" characterized by?
vexation, inability to sleep, anguish in the heart
upright Qi is damaged and evil Qi harasses

*Tai Yang transmutted heat pattern
What does it mean if there is thirst after drinking Xiao Qing Long Tang?
*cold is going and the disease is about to resolve
*thirst from water retention (cannot distribute body fluid evenly)
"vacuity vexation" is treated by which main formula?
Zhi Zi Chi Tang
(Gardenia and Prepared Soybean Decoction)
Etiology for Xiao Qing Long Tang
Tai Yang Cold Damage with Interior Heat
Chief complaint of "vacuity vexation"?
Line 76B: (after sweating, vomiting, or use of precipitation) vacuity vexation (heat in the HT) and inability to sleep
Formula for lingering Tai Yang more than 8-9 days; fever > chills 2 - 3/day;
Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang
Zhi Zi Chi Tang ingredients
(Gardenia and Fermented Soybean Decoction)
Zhi Zi - herbs that drain fire
Dan Dou Chi - release exterior
with Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang
no vomitting = ?
no diarrhea = ?
no vomitting = NO Shao Yang;
no diarrhea = NO Yang Ming;
Vacuity vexation with shortage of Qi treated by which variation of Zhi Zi Chi Tang?
Zhi Zi Gan Cao Chi Tang
If after taking Gui Zhi Tang there is great sweating and the pulse is surging, and the disease resembles Malaria (occurring 2x/day) which formula is used?
Gui Zhi Er Ma Huang Yi Tang

*Sweating will resolve the disease
Vacuity vexation with retching treated by which variation of Zhi Zi Chi Tang?
Zhi Zi Sheng Jiang Chi Tang
When can Transmuted Patterns of Tai Yang Disease occur?
1. As a result of inappropriate treatment
2. When an extremely severe exterior evil is contracted
3. As a result of factors related to the constitution of the patient.
After sweating is promoted, if precipitation is used and there is heat vexation and stuffiness in the chest, which formula is appropriate?
still Zhi Zi Chi Tang
Zhi Zi Chi Tang is contraindicated with....
Line 81: SP Qi deficiency & Internal Cold
If Gui Zhi Tang cannot be used again and if sweat issues, there is panting, and great heat is absent, which formula is appropriate?
Ma Huang Xing Zi Gan Cao Shi Gao Tang
(Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang)
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang contraindicated with .....
Interior heat "great heat is absent"
Chief complaint when using Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang
LU Qi deficiency = panting
Ingredients of Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang
Shi Gao
Xing Ren
Ma Huang
Gan Cao
*first three ingredients basic combo for any cough
San Ao Tang ingredients and basic formula for.....
Three Balance Decoction basic formula for cough:
Ma Huang
Xing Ren
Gan Cao
Which formula is appropriate after Gui Zhi Tang and "great sweat is issued" (abnormal - damaging body fluid and Qi) with vexation and thirst, with surging and large pulse
Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang
(Great White Tiger Decoction w/ Ginseng)
Under what circumstance is Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang appropriate?
*improper treatment caused pathogen to go from external to internal
*Yang Ming channel heat
*good for diabetes - treats middle jiao
Formula for Tai Yang Wind Strike with incessant diarrhea, panting, and sweating?
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang
True of False:
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang can treat both exterior and interior heat.
True or False:
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang can be used with no exterior syndromes present.
*for Interior>Exterior and can be used for only interior condition
Chief complaints for Tai Yang Wind Strike when Ge Gen Huang Qin Tang is appropriate:
*diarrhea w/ burning sensation around anus
*tongue - yellow greasy coat
*dysentary diarrhea
Ge Gen and Huang Qin indications in Ge Gen Huang Qin Tang
Ge Gen: clear LI heat, release ext. from muscle layer (neck and back pain)
*in formula used for interior
Huang Qin: when heat reaches LI turns into damp-heat, for LI & LU heat
Deficiency Cold Patterns can affect:
HT, SP, Lower Jiao
How does HT Yang deficiency affect the heart?
Too much sweating can affect the HT leading to palpitation & agitation (chief complaints)
Which formula is appropriate for palpitations improved by pressure (warmth) due to HT Yang Qi deficiency?
Gui Zhi Gan Cao Tang
What are acrid + sweet tastes used for in combination?
generate Yang and Qi
True or False:
In Shang Han Lun, Rou Gui is sometimes used to replace Gui Zhi
False! Rou Gui did not exist. Gui Zhi was always used.
When red hot needling is used to cause sweating, needling site contracts cold causing "running piglet" Qi which formula is proper?
Gui Zhi Jia Gui Tang

Line 117
Definition of "running piglet qi":
Yang Qi Vacuity *damage/deficiency (more HT) caused by wrong treatment of fire needle
With Yang Vacuity with Water Qi, the patient experiences palpitations in the abdomen and running piglet is about to occur which formula is appropriate?
Fu Ling Gui Zhi Gan Cao Da Zao Tang

Line 65
Two formulas for "Running Piglet Qi"?
1) Gui Zhi Jia Gui Tang (fire-needle)
2) Fu Ling Gui Zhi Gan Cao Da Zao Tang (running piglet about to occur)
When in Cold Damage, after vomiting and precipitation, there is fullness below heart, qi surges toward the chest, dizzy upon standing, pulse sunken and tight, sweating promoted , channels will be stirred (quivering and trembling) which formula is appropriate?
Fu Ling Gui Zhi Bai Zhu Gan Cao Tang
Cold damage that has lasted more than two or three days with palpitations and vexation in the heart which formula governs?
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang
(Minor Construct the Middle Decoction - SP Yang & Qi deficiency)
Line 102
Unresolved Tai Yang Disease, person still has heat effusion, and palpitations below heart, dizzy head, generalized twitching, and the person is quivering about to fall which formula governs?
Zhen Wu Tang
(True Warrior Decoction)
Line 82
Etiology for Zhen Wu Tang (True Warrior Decoction)?
HT < KI Yang Deficiency
Ingredients of Zhen Wu Tang?
Fu Zi
Fu Ling & Bai Zhu - transform body fluid
Bai Shao - nourish KI, promote urine with damaging Yin
Sheng Jiang & Fu Ling - transform damp
Other Etiologies for Zhen Wu Tang?
*Yin Edema from Yang/Qi Def.
*Meniere's disease
*Cushing's syndrome
Cold Damage with pulse that is bound and intermittent, and stirring heart palpitations which formula governs?
Zhi Gan Cao Tang
(Honey Fried Licorice Decoction)
Line 177
Main formula for Edema?
Wu Ling San
(Poria Five Powder)
For dryness in the stomach (thirst), vexation and agitation with insomnia, difficult urination, slight heat which formula governs?
Wu Ling San
(Poria Five Powder)

Line 71
When Tai Yang is unresolved and heat binds in the BL leading to mild blood amassment (Xu Xue - accumulation of blood stasis and heat) with bleeding in urine or stool, pain in lower abdomen, red tongue with possible yellow coat, which formula governs?
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang
(Peach Pit to Order the Qi Decoction)
Line 106
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang is a modification of which formula?
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang
(Regulate the ST and Order the Qi Decoction)
How is blood heat eliminated?
True or False:
When one is treating a pattern of blood amassment following contraction of Tai Yang, the exterior must be resolved before the interior can be treated.
With Blood Amassment , expelling stasis and discharging heat would cause evil to penetrate deeper possibly making condition worse.
What is the cause of Chest Bind Patterns?
The result of a heat evil falling inward and binding with water and phlegm.
Formulas for Major Chest Bind?
Da Xian Xiong Wan (Major Chest Bind Pill)
*manifestations above the diaphragm

Da Xian Xiong Tang (Major Chest Bind Decoction)
*stronger; manifestations below diaphragm
Formula for Minor Chest Bind?
Xiao Xian Xiong Tang
(Minor Chest Bind Decoction)
Examples of Form Evils (Subsequential):
food stagnation
Examples of Formless Evils (Insubsequential):
Qi, Cold, Heat
What is the primary pulse and signs of Chest Bind Patterns?
In Chest Bind, if there is pain when pressure is applied, the cun pulse is floating, and the guan pulse is sunken
When the disease springs from the interior leading and precipitation (purging) is used, the evil causes a Glomus, with chest and neck pain which formula governs?
Da Xian Xiong Wan
(Major Chest Bind Pill)

*Even though purging was the wrong method initially, purging must now be used because evil has gone interior and turned into heat with phlegm and water
In Da Xian Xiong Wan (Major Chest Bind Pill), why is honey used instead of Gan Cao?
Da Xian Xiong Wan (Major Chest Bind Pill) contains Xing Ren (contra. with Gan Cao)
With Tai Yang disease when pulse is floating, rapid, and stirred with headache, fever, mild night sweats, and aversion to cold but wrong treatment is used (precipitation) and pulse changes slowing down which formula governs?
Da Xian Xiong Tang (Major Chest Bind Decoction)
In Da Xian Xiong Wan (Major Chest Bind Pill) what is the procedure of adding Gan Sui?
Add Gan Sui last as powder
What does a pulse that is floating, rapid and stirred mean when Da Xian Xiong Tang governs?
Floating = Wind
Rapid = Heat
Stirred = Pain
When wrong treatment has been used and pulse has changed from rapid to slow, pain that refuses pressure in the diaphragm, vexation and agitation, and anguish in the heart (chest bind) which formula governs?
Da Xian Xiong Tang
(Major Chest Bind Decoction)
When there is no chest bind after wrong treatment and Jaundice presents with sweating above the neck, incomplete diarrhea or constipation, and difficult urination which formula governs?
Da Xian Xiong Tang
(Major Chest Bind Decoction)
Ingredients of Da Xian Xiong Tang?
Da Huang - decoct first
Mang Xiao - add second
Gan Sui - add last as powder
In Minor Chest Bind Disease where is the location of the pain?
Location of pain is directly below the heart when pressure is applied;
*Purging turns pathogen to insubsequential pathogen (heat = formless);
*heat + Qi stagnation + cold = excess & deficiency blocks middle jiao

Line 138
In Minor Chest Bind Disease what is the pulse?
Pulse is floating and slippery;

Line 138
In Minor Chest Bind Disease which formula governs?
Xiao Xian Xiong Tang (Minor Chest Bind Decoction)

Line 138
Definition of Glomus Patterns:
Localized subjective feeling of fullness & blockage that develops as a result of improper use of precipitation with Tai Yang Disease causing heat evil to fall inward and bind with a formless evil to bind in the interior
Definition of Qi Glomus:
"When the pulse is floating and tight, yet precipitation is used, the tightness instead enters the interior and makes a glomus, which when pressed is soft" -subjective sensation

Line 151
When there is a glomus below the heart that is soft when pressure is applied, and the pulse is floating on the bar (where Cun & Guan pulse meet relating to epigastrium/diaghram or separation of upper & middle jiao) which formula governs?
Da Huang Huang Lian Xie Xin Tang (Rhubarb and Coptis Heart-Draining Decoction)

Line 154
What can be added to Da Huang Huang Lian Xie Xin Tang (Rhubarb and Coptis Heart-Draining Decoction) to strengthen the formula's ability to clear heat & disperse glomus?
Huang Qin

Line 154
Cold-Heat Complex Glomus Patterns from
1) Cold damage lasting 5-6 days
2) Use of precipitation leads to chest bind and Da Xian Xiong Tang has been used leading to steaming and quivering
3) Precipitation damages SP/ST leading to cold-type diarrhea
Tongue may be thick and yellow... which formula governs?
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
(Minor Bupleurum and Pinellia Heart-Draining Decoction)
Line 149
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
(Minor Bupleurum and Pinellia Heart-Draining Decoction) is a modification of which formula?
Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurem Decoction)
When in Cold Damage after sweat has issued and brought resolution, the ST is in disharmony, there is a hard glomus below the heart, dry belching with a malador of food, water qi on the rib-side, thunderous rumbling in the abdomen, and diarrhea which formula governs?
Sheng Jiang Xie Xin Tang
(Fresh Ginger Heart-Draining Decoction)
Line 157
Which formula governs when inappropriate use of precipitation causes SP/ST vacuity, leading to severe glomus and diarrhea?
Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang (Licorice and Heart-Draining Decoction)
*SP Qi def.
Line 158
Shi Zao Tang (Ten-Jujube Decoction) ingredients:
Contraindicated with:
Gan Sui
Da Ji
Yuan Hua
Da Zao - added to augment qi, protect the stomach, and moderate the harshness & toxicity of other ingredients
Contra: Gan Cao
Gan Cao is contraindicated with:
Yuan Hua
Gan Sui
Da Ji
Cough with pain in the chest and hypochondria, hard focal distention of the epigastrium, dry heaves, shortness of breath, headache, vertigo, white slippery tongue coat, submerged wiry pulse; May also be chest pain extending to the back that makes breathing difficult which formula governs?
Shi Zao Tang (Ten Jujube Decoction)
Line 152