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29 Cards in this Set

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In what year was Shakespeare born?
In what year did Shakespeare die?
In what year were Shakespeare's sonnets published?
How many Shakespearean sonnets are there?
What year was the First Folio published?
In what year was the Act of Supremacy passed?
What was the Act of Supremacy and what year was it passed?
1534, Henry VIII declares himself "Supreme Head of the Church of England"?
In what year did Queen Elizabeth die and who succeeded her?
1603, James VI of Scotland
What happened in the British Monarchy in 1603?
Queen Elizabeth died and James the VI of Scotland became James I of England
Where was Shakespeare born?
Stratford Von-Avon
Who passed the Act of Supremacy?
Henry VIII
In general, who supported the theater and who opposed it?
Local authorities opposed the theater, but the Queen supported it.
Using descriptions in the text, plays were able to help the audience with...
suspension of belief
To help the audience with suspension of belief, the text had to do what?
set the setting, be descriptive
What was one of the main sources for Henry IV?
Raphael Holinshed's The Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland
What was a main source for "Twelfth Night"?
The story of "Apolonius and Silla"(1581) by Barnaby Rich
Which is the only one of Shakepeare's plays with a subtitle?
Twelfth Night
How many plays were in the First Folio?
How many plays in the First Folio had not been published before?
What were the three categories in the First Folio?
Tragedies, Histories, and Comedies
What was the main source/influence for "Measure for Measure"?
An English play by George Whetstone "Promos and Cassandra (1578)
What historical years does "MacBeth" cover?
What are four changes in MacBeth that Shakespeare makes form Holingshed's history?
1. He condenses two wars
2. A different king, further back in history, was spurred on by his wife to kill a king
3. Banquo is in on the murders
4. MacBeth rules for 10 years without anything happening
What was one of the sources for "The Taming of the Shrew"?
Anonymous ballad called A Merry Jest of a Shrewede and Curste Wyfe (printed 1550)
What were the sources for "The Winter's Tale"?
* Robert Greene's "Pandosto" (1588)
* Ovid's "Metamorphoses"
What year did Shakespeare join The Lord Chamberlain's Men?
What is an iambic foot?
an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. The rhythm can be written as:
da DUM!
Though poet's vary their feet, which foot is most often an iamb?
The second foot
Which foot in iambic pentameter is most likely to be changed and what happens to it?
The first foot is often inverted