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26 Cards in this Set

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motor neurons (list all 3)
-efferent nature
-exit the CNS to body part
- activate muscular or glandular response
sensory neurons
-afferent nature
-identified by Roman numeral and lower case letter (type 1a, II, III, or IV fiber)
alpha motor neurons (list all 3)
-high conduction velocities
-innervate majority of skeletal muscles (extrafusal musclefibers)
-active prime movers of motor act
gamma motor neurons (list all 3)
-slower velocity
-innervate intrafusal muscle fibers within muscle spindle
-responsible for maintaining muscle tone and muscle readiness for motor act
cell gradients
-established between inside and outside cell
-ions have a tendency to flow to equalize "pressure"
-pumps move to increase gradient
electrochemical gradient
-using electrical charge and molecular density rather than gravity pulling on water
-ions acquire either a positive or negative charge whereas positive ions will repel or other positive ions
concentration gradient
molecules tend to move from area of higher concentration to lower concentration
electroencephalography (EEG)
sum of much neural activity within the brain produced by 'generators' and traces ion movements
auditory brainstem response testing (ABR)
audiologist records electrical activity of neurons to determine whether auditory pathway is intact and presents a stimulus and measures electrical emanations from the brain stem area
passive transport
no energy to move ions across barrier and gradient is established by inequalities on 2 sides of membrane
-voltage sensitive proteins serve as gatekeepers and open when they receive adequate stimulation
active transport
energy is expended to accomplish this
-ion pumps move Na and K against gradient in form of ATP
NaK pump
operates continuously moving 3 Na+ ions our for ever 2 K+ ions in
Quiescent neuron
intracellular space- negative
extracellular space- positive
neuron "fires" #1
-critical threshold of stimulation is reaches (-55mV) and Na+ gates open so Na+ ions flood into intracellular space depolarizing it and raising the intracellular potential to +30 mV
neuron "fires" #2
Na+ gates open and Na+ is propelled into the cell by its concentration and electrostatic gradients so the membrane potential goes positive
neuron "fires" #3
K+ gates open and K+ is propelled out of the cell by its concentration and electrostatic gradients so the membrane potential drops rapidly
neuron "fires" #4
K+ gates close and NaK pump helps restore resting membrane potential
absolute refractory period
time during which cell membrane cannot be stimulated to depolarize and no amount of stimulation will cause it to depolarize again

K channel opens, K+ flows out and Na+ gates close and become inactivation

NaK pumps increase intracellular concentration of K+ ions
relative refractory period
after absolute refractory period

period during which membrane may be stimulated to excitation again but needs a greater than typical amount of stimulation (-80 mV will need more than rmp at -70mV)
ion concentrations during AP
1- RMP -70 mV
2- stimulation occurs
3- depolarization occurs +30mV
4- negativity is greater than -70mV after potential
5- NaK pump restores rmp
refers to the spreading effect of wave action in a wave of depolarization
saltatory ('leaping') conduction
propagating AP is passed from node to node= leaping

impulse reaches terminal point on axon and neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic cleft at 100 microseconds

activates receptor proteins on postsynaptic neuron
excitatory vs. inhibitory
excitatory effects- increase probability that neuron will depolarize EPSP

inhibitory effect- decrease probability that neuron will depolarize IPSP
- causes hyperpolarization
- found on soma
- sum of depolarizations will reach critical threshold and AP will be generated
- "voting" by neurons
- "majority wins" and AP results
- each neuron "votes" in favor of AP
spatial summation

some neurons require near-simulataneous synaptic activations

represents many points of contact arrayed over surface of post-synaptic neuron

single impulse fails but lots of impulses created AP
temporal summation

two or more closely successive impulses arrive at same-ish time