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156 Cards in this Set

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What is pseudocyesis?
False pregnancy, when a nonpregnant bitch starts lactating at the end of diestrus
True or false. Progesterone levels arent going to be different in the preg, nonpreg, or pseudopregnant bitch
Of the three treatments for pseudopregnancy, which is a prolactin inhibitor?
Prolactin inhibitors (bromocriptine, cabergoline) have what 3 uses?

What effect does prolactin have which is required to maintain pregnancy?
Shorten anestrus

Prolactin is luteotrophic which means it maintains the CL, which secretes progesterone
True or false. Pseudopreg usually resolves spontaneously but you could treat with antiprolactin drugs, androgens, or progestins to make them stop lactating.
True or false. Neoplasia of the repro tract is not common
What is the most common benign neoplasia of the vag and vulva?
Which malignant neoplasia is spread via Allogenic cellular implants (cells from one dog gets on another aka STD)?
TVT cells contain a weird number of chromosomes
59+/- 5
Which is more common, metastasis or local invasion by TVT?
Localp invasion in almost half of dogs, mets is very rare
We already said leiomyomas are the most common tumors of the vulva/vag. Moving up the tract, whats the most common neoplasm of the uterus and the ovary?
Vulva, vag, uterus = leiomyoma

Ovary = adenocarcinoma (ov epithelial tumor)
Ovarian epithelial cell tumors like adenocarcinoma likes to cause ascites, or abdominal distension. Do they usually mets?
They mets 50% of the time.

Maybe owner thinks their dog is pregnant because her bellys bigger. Owner is wrong. Dog is dying.
If a bitch has CEH, what stromal (sex cord) tumor could she have concurrently?
Granulosa cell tumors may have concurrent CEH
A granulosa cell tumor is like an ovary on crack. What two hormones does the ovary secrete, which could be elevated when shes got a Granulosa cell tumor on her ovary?
Estrogen and progesterone

(dont forget the ovary's LLCs also secrete eoxytocin, but this isnt elevated wuth GCT)
Where along the repro tract does a bitch get most of her repro tract tumors?

And what is the most common tumor there? Is it usually benign of malignant?
Vulva and vag
Usually benign
Omg birth is coming soon. What happens in stage 1?
Muscular contractions
Who is Ferguson and what is he famous for?
Idk who he is but apparently when puppy heads push against the cervix at parurition, his reflex is set into action.
How does Fergusons reflex travel to the spinal cord? Via the __________ ganglion. Is this going to be blocked by low epidurals?
Cervix/anterior vagina --> hypogastric ganglion --> spinal cord
Wh is Fergusons reflex called neurohumoral? What hormone is produced?
Puppy pushes cervix --> nerve impulse --> oxytocin release
True or false. Prostaglandins do not assist in uterine motility.
False. Prostaglandins assist in motility of the uterus.
The first stage of parturition is muscular contractions which are brought about by oxytocin...how long does this stage usually last?

Primiparous bitches, or one having her first litter, may have a longer stage than a more experienced old broad. True or false.
Stage one usu lasts four hours

It might last longer in first time mothers, true.
Milk production is a sign that parturition is going to occur in 12 hours. True or false.
False. They can start producing milk several days before parturition, esp if theyve had a few litters before.
What happens first--body temp drop or progesterone drop?
Body temperature drops about 12 hours after progesterone drops (10-14 hrs later).

They should give birth within 24 hours of the temp dropping.
How "cold" should bitches get before birth?

They drop about 1.2 degrees celcius
If one of your annoyingass clients whos having her first litter calls freaking out that her bitch is acting restless and sniffing at her vag and she thinks something is wrong what do you tell her?

What if she vomits?
Tell her to relax and if she doesnt know anything about breeding she should have spayed her dog.

Nesting, acting restless, messing around w/ genitalia--all normal, shes just wondering when those little rugrats will pop out.

Vomiting 12 hours before birth normal. Im sure theres a better explanation, but if it were me id just feel so full at that point id try to get them out anyway i could. (prob has something to do w/ the muscular contractions of the uterus leading to contractions of the GIT or something)
Ewwww whats the second stage pf parturition
Squeezing those puppies OUT.
If a bitch has been trying to push out the first pup for 6 hours...
Its been too long. The first pup should take less than four hours to deliver
What is uteroverdin
Green stuff that comes out of the vag before or during passage passage of the pups


Green stuff that is discharged diring stage two.
Of the following, which ruptures in utero and which is the "bag" that surrounds the pup when it comes out?

AC ruptures in utero (thats normal)

Allantoamniotic sac are the membranes covering the puppy when he comes out.
True or false. The first inter-pup interval is generally the longest cause the birth canal has to dilate.t
Ue or false, the third stage occurs during and after the second stage of parturition.

What is the third stage?

Passage of the placenta aka fetal membranes
True or false. Any deviation from the "one pup/one placenta" rule is a sign of dystocia.

Placentas come out whenever they want, it doesnt have to be between each pup in a nice orderly sequence
Whats the diff bewteen

Presentation of the pup
Position of the pup
Posture of the pup
Presentation = diving out hewd first or feet first (ant vs posterior)

Position = laying on his back vs on his belly (dorsal dorsal is belly down, dorsal ilial meanns hes floating down the repro tract on his back)

Posture = extremities.
What is breech posture look like
Bilateral Pelvic flexion
Whats the definition of primary Uterine inertia?
Uterine contractions cease before expulsion of puppy ..
Whats the definition of secondary uterine inertia?
Prolonged uterine contractions --> uterus gets too tired and stops

The uterus may not respond to oxytocin admin
Teue pr false. Not only can pugs not breathe because of upper airway obstruction, but they get freakin obstructed giving birth too.
Small dogs have big problems giving birth. True or false.
Ive never ever seen a greyhound puppy before. This could be because its all done by those racing peopke or because all the fetuses die. True or false
An exaggerated true. Greyhounds are anbreed with a noticable risk for dystocia. Fetal death is common for whatever reason
Terriers are at risk for dystocia caused by big fetuses true or false.
False. Terriers are known for primary uterine inertia (said it three times in the notes)
What is a vaginal dorsal-ventral band going to predispose to?
Dystocia...is that like the hymen or something?
What is the uterus supposed to do in response to Fergusons reflex and oxytocin release?
Contract. If it doesnt, thats inertia.
I am the uterus of some obnoxious terrier. What kind of inertia am I undergoing?

Ive got way too many puppies in me, i feel like im stretched to the max, and on top of that i feel she hasnt been drinking enough milk lately.
Primary uterine inertia:
Overly large litters
I am a uterus. What type of inertia am I experiencing?

Ive been pushing and pushing for six hours now. Im effing exhausted and these puppies still havent gone anywhere. I give up.
Secondary inertia.

Birth starts (stage one with contractions) but doesnt progress. The uterus eventually gives up.
Csection is indiacted in cases of _______ or _________
Fetal oversize or obstruction
When there is a postural abnormality (breech) you might be able to correct it _________ but usually ________ is indicated
Per vaginum (that must feel awesome)

COST are the best drugs to treat dystocia medically. What are these drugs?
Calcium (req for myometrial contraction)
Sugar (but hypoglycemia is actually uncommon cause of dystocia)
Why might you might give a tranquilizer to a first time dog in dystocia?
If shes really nervous abput whats going on she might "clench down
" and prevent the puppies from coming out!
Tranqs should calm her down
What is oxytocins half life?
1-2 min
Is hypoglycemia a common cause of dystocia?
Ergonovine, whatever thst is a somewhat archaic treatment of dystocia. True or false
When is septic metritis seen in relation to pregnancy and why is it a terrible dz?
When fetus dies in utero, it results in metritis and maternal toxemia that can kill the bitch within 2-3 days!
Pregnany toxemia is the result of inadequate nutrition leading to...
If a pregnant bitch has an umbilical hernia how could that lead to dystocia?
The uterine horns can herniate, leading to dystocia
Csection is indiacted in cases of _______ or _________
Fetal oversize or obstruction
When there is a postural abnormality (breech) you might be able to correct it _________ but usually ________ is indicated
Per vaginum (that must feel awesome)

COST are the best drugs to treat dystocia medically. What are these drugs?
Calcium (req for myometrial contraction)
Sugar (but hypoglycemia is actually uncommon cause of dystocia)
Why might you might give a tranquilizer to a first time dog in dystocia?
If shes really nervous abput whats going on she might "clench down
" and prevent the puppies from coming out!
Tranqs should calm her down
What is oxytocins half life?
1-2 min
Is hypoglycemia a common cause of dystocia?
Ergonovine, whatever thst is a somewhat archaic treatment of dystocia. True or false
When is septic metritis seen in relation to pregnancy and why is it a terrible dz?
When fetus dies in utero, it results in metritis and maternal toxemia that can kill the bitch within 2-3 days!
Pregnany toxemia is the result of inadequate nutrition leading to...
If a pregnant bitch has an umbilical hernia how could that lead to dystocia?
The uterine horns can herniate, leading to dystocia
What is the time period a bitch will develop metritis?
Within seven days of whelping
Whats the usual treatment for metritis?
Systemic antibiotics, mnot uterine infusions
Why is metritis common post partum?
Cause the cervix is open and lets bacteria up into the uterus
What does SIPS stand for
Subinvolution of placental sites
How long does uterine involution take in the bitch?
12 weeks
Normally, fetal troph cells left in the uterus will degenerate within two weeks after parturition.

With which dz will fetal trophoblast cells not degenerate?
Whats the routine treatment for SIPS?
There is none
Do you usually see SIPS in young primiparous bitches or old experienced ones?
Young primiparous
What is another name for puerperal tetany?

What causes it?

Hypocalcemia during lactation
A client comes in with her dog and says shes been having seizures. To you the dog looks depressed and you notice a little muscle tremor here and there. Her boobs are full. What do you ask the owner?
How long ago did she have her litter?

Dogs will get eclampsia within forty days of whelping, usu not after that
What is the treatment for eclampsia?
Slow IV calcium, usually calcium gluconate or something
True or false you can treat eclampsia with glucocorticoids.
False. Glucocorticoids are contrindicated for the treatment of eclampsia. Give her IV calcium
What is a nonmaternal thing you have to do to treat eclampsia aka puerperal tetany?
Bottle feed the pups to reduce lactation pressure on the bitch
It is assumed that controlling the calcium:phosphprous ratio of the diet is useful in preventing eclampsia
What is the definition of primary anestrus?
Failure to cycle by 24 months of age.
If you adopted a dog that you thought was intact and she hadnt cycled by 24 mos of age you might suspect she was spayed before you got her. What two hormones could you check levels of?
LH and FSH... If theyre high she was spayed

LH >200
FSH > 290
How would you "challenge" a bitch to see if she was spayed or not?
Measure estrogen 60-90 min after giving Busprelin (GnRH drug).

If shes INTACT, estrogen will RISE above 15-20 pg/ml
You can check hormone levels in dog to determine if shes been spayed or not. In an intact dog, LH and FSH will be high and, after giving BusoRELIN estrogen will be high too.
False. In an intact dog estrogen levels will rise after GnRH is given but We see high LH and FSH levels when the dog is spayed =)
What is silent heat?
When the dog is going thru estrus but the owner doesnt observe any outward signs of it.
How do you detect silent heat?
Well what happens after ovulation? P4 levels go above 2. So check progesterone levels
True or false there are drug-induced causes of primary anestrus.
True! Theyre called contraceptives and we use them to prevent the dog from going into estrus (androgens, progestins)
Which endocrine disorder can cause both peimary and secondary anesteus?
Hypothyroidism is a commonly associated/diagnosed disorder for infertility in female dogs
Cushings can cause primary anestrus. True or false.
If a dog has ovarian aplasia, its kinda like shes been spayed. Which two hormones are elevated in dogs with ovarian aplasia and in spayed dogs?
LH and FSH
Autoimmune oophoritis (body attacking its own ovary) can peobably cause peimary anestrus. True or false.
What is the definition of secondary anestrus?
Prolonged interestrus interval, greater than ten months
What did we say is an endocrine disease that can cause secondary anestrus (and primary anestrus)
True or false. Estrus can be induced in the bitch suffering from prolonged anestrus.
What are three really good ways to induce estrus (really good meaninf prgnancy results 80% of the time)
Prolactin inhibitors
Why would giving a prolactin inhibitor take a bitch out of anestrus?
Inhibits peolactin, which is luteotrophic, which is maintaining the CLs production of progesterone
Prolactin inhibitors are also known as ________ agonists
True or false. Gonadotrophins like pmsg and hcg can be used to end anestrus and induce estrus but apparently arent as successfuk as giving GnRH, prolactin inhibitors, or estrogen.
What is the definition of persistent estrus?
A combined proestrus and estrus lasting longer than 6 weeks!!
Why is hyperestrogenism a common finding in old bitches that are no longer fertile?
They may have follicular cystic dz or ovarian neoplasia (like granulosa cell tumor).

Or they may just not be able to secrete enough estrogen to push the LH surge
A breeder believes his bitch is in persistent estrus because her vuvla has been swollen for over 6 weeks. What is one of your rule outs?

Vaginitis would cause swollen vagina and stuff.
"irregular estrus" can be:
Short interestrus intervals
Split heat
Non receptive behavior during estrus

True or falset
True or false. Short interestrus intervals may be linked with uterine disease.
True. Makes sense if the uterus is diseased cycles aren't going ot be normal
Sometimes a bitch can have breakthrough bleeding BEFORE the onset of proestrus. This occurs with follicular activity.

When does bleeding normally occur in the bitch?
When does bleeding occur in the cow?
If a dog starts bleeding a breeder would expect her to be in heat and ready to breed in the next 8 days or so.

What if x days later she started bleeding again? What might you call this phenomenon?
Split heat
With "split heat" is the dog actually going into heat twice?
No, only once. The first bleeding is before proestrus begins so they call it "breakthrough" bleeding.
The second bleed starts when it's supposed to = during proestrus.
True or false. Dorsoventro septa/band at the vagino-vestibular junction can cause problems in both breeding and at parturition.
If a bitch isn't getting pregnant, what is something you always have to check?
Check the male, he might be to blame!
What disease could cause bloody vaginal discharge?
SIPS (I know there are a lot more)
When does erection occur?
After copulation/intromission
If two dogs are mating can you tell if he has erection or not?
No I guess not cause he doesn't get erect until he's already in there
Diagnosis of 'failure to achieve erection' requires
You to masturbate the dog
Most owners with a dog that can't get it up are going to ask you to just give him some testosterone.

True or false. Androgen insufficiency can cause failure of erection.

True or false. Androgen insufficiency is NOT a common cause of failure of erection.
True and true
What are two common reasons a dog won't get an erection?
Pain and psychological restraints (if he's got some kind of dz causing pain OR if mom is standing in the corner of the room and she usually yells at him when he humps things he prob isnt going to get it up...also, if the bitch is his "sister" in the house it might be weird for him to have sex with her....maybe he sees her as just a friend or maybe she is the alpha dog and he's too timid to fuck her
Define azoospermia
No sperm
What would cause azoospermia (no sperm)
Chromosomal stuff like XXY or XX sex reversal

Bilateral cryptorchidism (testes too hot for sperm to grow)
What are the germinal cells and what do they produce?
Sertoli cells, produce sperm
If a dog has germinal cell aplasia what will his sperm look like?
He won't have any! Azoospermia
Why is germinal cell aplasia called Sertoli Cell Only?
Because when you look at a testicular biopsy all you're going to see is a couple of sertoli cells, you're not going to see any spermatogonia or sperm!!
Hypothyroidism can cause primary or secondary anestrus in female dogs. What can hypothyroidism cause in male dogs?
Azoospermia. No sperm!
What is a sperm granuloma Aka spermatocele.

Can it cause azoospermia?
A cystic distension filled with sperm found in the epididymis
The bulk of a testicle consists of seminiferous tubules. True or false.

Seminiferous tubules are where sperm is made. That is the job of the testicle so it better have a lot of them
What is the term used to describe really low numbers of sperm in the ejaculate?
What re three things that could cause oligospermia?
Really small balls
Orchitis (inflammation/infection of the balls)
Prostatic disease
Teratozoospermia: define it
Morphologically abnormal sperm
Asthenozoospermia and necrospermia (dead sperm) are not common. If you see them it's probably because you didn't store or handle the semen properly at the hospital/lab. True or false.
Asthenozoospermia and necrospermia are usually not a pathological change see in dogs. True or fals
True it's usually the result of you mishandling the sperm once it's been put it in a tube.
Descent of the Balls: how long does it usually take for puppy boys to reach the scrotum?
Usually by ten days (around when the eyes open)
True or false. 97% of balls will be in the us scrotum by 42 days.
If you've got a unilaterally cryptorchidism (or bilateral doesn't matter) dog that is nine months, is that ball ever going to drop?
No. If it hasn't dropped by six months, it's not going to 99.999999999% of the time this is true)
Toy breeds are predisposed to being cryptorchidism. What large breed of dog also has a greater risk of being cryptorchidism?
What is a spermatocele?
Cystic distension of the epididymis with sperm
What is a hydrocele?
Cyst in the vaginal space (aka between the visceral and parietal vaginal tunics)
How do you "challenge" a dog to see if hes cryptorchid vs castrated?
Draw blood. Give cystorelin (GnRH) or hCG. Draw blood. If testosterone increases at least 2-fold, hes got ball(s) in there.
Why does the administration of GnRH cause testosterone production?
Because GnRH stimulates the release of LH, which stimulates leydig cells to produce testosterone.
Why does giving hCG stimulate testosterone production?
Because hCG acts as LH in animals, and LH stimulates leydig cells to secrete testosterone.
True or false. If a dogs testicle is not quite reaching the scrotum on one side, injections of LH-stimulating drugs might make it big enough to drop down a little
True...he told a story about how he did that for a show dog (not ethical)
What is the only treatment for cryptorchidism?
What are the 3 testicular tumors in dog, and which are more likely to occur in a cryptorchid testicle?
Interststial cell tumor

The S's are more common in cryptorchids
Whats another name for an interstitial cell tumor?
Leydig cell tumor
True or false. Tumors of the repro tract in female dogs is very uncommon (only makes up 2% of all the tumors they get) but in males, testicular tumors are the second most common tumor they get (second to skin tumors)
Which breed is at higher risk for testicular tumors?
Sertoli cell tumors are the most cpmmon tumor of cryptorchi (retained) testicles. What is this tumors major secretion?
Estrogen, which causes feminization.
Sertoli cell tumor can lead to squamous metaplasia of the prostate. What is another of its effects, which leads to a guarded prognosis?
BM hypoplasia
________ are neoplasia of germ cells. This tumor spreads locally and may metastasize.
Which breed is predisposed to seminomas?
German shepherds
Unlike the other two, this tumor is mostly in scrotal tumors.
Interstitial cell tumor aka leydig cell tumor.
Sertoli cell tumors result in the secretion of estrogen. What hormone do leydig cell tumors secrete and what are some side effects of thus?

Prostate dz
Perianal adenoma
Perianal and tail gland hyperplasia
Perianal hernia
What is a persistent penile frenulum?
An incomplete breakdown of prepucial layers with a resulting thin band of connective tissue left behind on the VENTRAL surface of the penis.
True or false. In the canine penis, dorsal is always dorsal.
True. This means that the penis is always positioned dorsally. So how do they tie? The penis has a lot of connective tissue proximal to its BU glands that twists 360 degrees when he ties
What is urethral opening in an abnormal location on the penis called?
Short word short penis. Long word long penis. Whats it called when a dog cant extend his peen thru the prepucial opening? Whats it called when he cant retract it back into the urethral opening?
Short word short penis =phimosis

Long word long penis = paraphimosis
What is a common cause of paraphimosis--a penis getting stuck out of the prepucial sheath?
Lots of long hair getting stuck in the prepuce while the peen is out
What is a penile emergency?
Fractured os penis. (the urethra runs in a groove of the os penis, if the os fractures, the urethra might be lacerated)
Balanoposthitis is inflammation of the prepuce and penis
What is priapism?
Persistent erection
What causes priapism?
Neuro shit