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517 Cards in this Set

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What might result from wounds involving the coronary band?
Abnormal hoof development
True or false. You should debride a coronary band wound as soon as possible.
False. Wait several days so you can more accurately determine what the devitalized tissue is
Removal of _________ of the coronary band usually results in regeneration of a normal coronary band.
Less than one inch
True or false. A snug pressure bandage is required for optimum healing of coronary band wound.
True. Also, dont encircle the entire coronary band with it...wrap the wound to e opposite hoof wall. Visualize it
True or false. Small puncture wounds of the tendon sheath are a big deal.
True. Dont delay treatment
Wheres the great digital sheath?
Something about mid-metacarpus to almost P3
If the wound is more than ten hours old and there is adequate tissue to close without undue tension... How are you going to close it
Delayed closure
What if you have small puncture wounds in the tendon sheath that have recently occurred? Vhow should you treat?
Medically. Put on antibiotics and consider regional limb perfusion.
How will you allow an open tendon sheath to heal if theres not enough tissue to suture it up?
Via epithelialization and contracture... Fair prognosis
What do you do if a horses tendon sheath is infected and CLOSED?
Establish drainage!

Prognosis...pasture sound, maybe rideable
True or false. Most horses used to be killed if they had an established infection in a closed tendon sheath.
When youve got a horse with an encircling wound, what do you always check for?
Check for wire (or whatever) in the wound...with your bare finger!
Whats the most common foreign body in horses?
When would you use methylene blue with foreign bodies?
Infuse it into the tract to stain all the involved tissue (and the wood too)
When do you establish drainage of an abscess?
When the abscess matures, ie goes from firm to fluctuant
Why do ultrasound on an abscess?
To determine the most ventral involement
What should you use in cattle abscesses that you dont use in horses or other livestock?
Stuff the abscess with caustics to destroy the abscess wall
What are indolent wounds
Wounds that dont heal beyond a certain point
What 4 etiologies do indolent wounds have
1. Poor nutritional state
2. Epithelial fatigue (in large wounds where epithelium had to proliferate a lot)
3. Chronic infection
4. Overexuberant efforts to prevent excess granulation tissue
What are some products we can use to prevent excess granulation tissue from developing?
Steroids, caustics, DMSO
What are indolent wounds
Wounds that dont heal beyond a certain point
What are some products we can use to prevent excess granulation tissue from developing?
Steroids, caustics, DMSO
A wound in which area most commonly pumps gas, creating subcutaneous air?
Do you ever give Banamine IM?
helllll no.. Bangs told me a story about a horse that was destroyed by that... said he looked like he was slashed by a machete it was so bad
What do IM Banamine injections tend to result in?
clostridial infection --> subcutaneous air --> muscle slough --> death
Clostridia are gas-forming bacteria that infect deep tissues and are very benign. True or false.
False. Clostridia are gas-forming bacteria that infect deep tissues and are life threatening!
What causes black leg in cattle?
hematogenous spread of clostridial organisms (C. chauvenii)
There are three things that cause subcutaneous air. What are they and which do you treat conservatively vs aggressively?
wounds that pump air (eg wounds to the axilla), wounds in the resp tract, and secondary to a clostridial infection.

The first two don't require much, maybe just restrict their movement for a couple days?
What 2 sequelae do you expect from clostridial infections?
muscle slough and death
How do you treat a clostridial infection?
Debride and drain (remember clostridim is an anaerobic organism so you want to open that wound up). High dose penicillin.
What is the most common skin tumor of the horse?
What age do you see sarcoids?
3-6, usually not much after 15
What is the leukocyte (WBC) antigen linked to sarcoids?
Excisional removal of sarcoids is frequently associated with recurrence. True or false.
True or false. Viral DNA is only found in skin infected with a sarcoid.
False. The viral DNA can be found in normal healthy skin, too.
True or false. Face and distal limbs = sarcoids.
True. They can also be found on the ventral abdomen or anywhere there was previous injury...whatever
How do you remember the types of sarcoids from mild to aggressive?
oven radio!!

What are the types of sarcoid, from mild to aggressive?
malevolant (it sounds evil)
What do malevolant sarcoids do?
they rapidly infiltrate locally via fascial planes (remember those?) and vessels
True or false. Sarcoids usually occur singly.
Well, true. But 33% of horses with one sarcoid will have multiple sarcoids.
True or false. When biopsying a sarcoid, it may appear more malignant than it actually is.
In the management of sarcoids, freezing is useless. True or false.
False. "Freezing is probably as effective as anything"
How do you perform cryosurgery to remove a sarcoid?
Freeze w/ liquid nitrogen (-20degrees), let thaw, then freeze again!
What do you have to warn the owner about after you do cryosurgery to remove a sarcoid?
tissue sloughing (normal result)
What are the 7 basic ways to treat sarcoids?
cryosurgery, chemical cautery, immune stimulation, drugs that interfere w/ cell development, laser surgery, sharp surgical dissection, and radiation.
When would you try to induce immune stimulation in the treatment of sarcoids (vs doing cryosurgery)?
when cryosurgery would be disfiguring, ie if the sarcoid was around the eye or ear
What are Regressin V, BCG, and mammalian tuberculin all considered?
acid-fast bacterial cell wall infiltrates...immune stimulators for the treatment of sarcoids
What is cisplatin?
A chemo drug; it interferes w/ cell development, and can be used in the treatment of sarcoids.
True or false. Surgical dissection, with wide margins, is probably the best treatment of sarcoids.
False! Recurrence is high even if you had wide margins.
True or false. Radiation is expensive; however, it is probably one of the best treatments for sarcoids.
Where do SCC most commonly occur?
@ mucocutaneous junctions, esp the eye, perineum, prepuce, glans penis, and head
If Carson the horse had a squamous cell carsonoma, what would his ideal treatment plan consist of?
wide surgical excision with post-op radiation.
True or false. SCC occur mostly in grays and chestnuts.
False. Melanomas occur mostly in light-colored horses.
True or false. Melanomas occur mostly in grays and chestnuts.
The hind end of the horse is the most likely site of melanomas (tail head, anus, perineum, external genitalia). What is another (random) location they might occur?
the parotid salivary gland
Whats BETTER, a small melanoma on a gray horse or a small melanoma on a bay?
melanomas on gray horses have a better prognosis than on darker horses (and thank goodness because these are the horses that are usually getting them)
Is it necessary to send out a biopsy on a suspected melanoma?
Probably not...gross appearance, color, and area of involvement are usually adequate to make a diagnosis...histological confirmation is not usually necessary
True or false. Verrucous dermatitis just involves the skin.
When you have a chronic villus proliferative growth that involves the frog vs the heel vs the pastern vs the fetlock and pastern, what do you name them?
canker, grease heel, scratches, grapes (grapes?! seriously?!! effing disgusting)
With verrucous dermatitis, where do lesions tend to be more proliferative?
when they're grapes aka involving the pastern and fetlock
Verrucous dermatitis is associated with filthy or wet conditions. You will not see it in well-cared for horses. True or false.
Almost true. You rarely see it in well cared-for animals.
What is the treatment of choice for verrucous dermatitis?
radical surgical excision of all diseased tissue
An owner calls you down to the farm. His horse has a huge thickened scar above his fetlock. He tells you he cut himself on a piece of wire a couple months ago and he's been taking care of it himself but it's just not healing right. What do you call this lesion and how do you suspect he's been treating the wound?
Keloid. Caustics to prevent excessive granulation tissue. And he didn't bandage the limb.
True or false. Keloids are the result of an improperly managed wound, i.e. overzealous application of caustics to prevent excess granulation tissue, and inadequate protection from the environment.
Surgical excision of a keloid is the only way to get rid of the problem. What if it's on the distal limb and there's not much tissue to close the defect?
Apply emollients daily to increase the pliability of the area.
What is a common sequela to laminitis?
pressure sores
What kind of bedding is NOT appropriate for a laminitic horse, or one that is going to be lying down a lot?
pine bedding--the turpentine on the wood chips helps create pressure sores
Where do pressure sores tend to occur on a horse?
over bony prominences
What are 3 common complications associated with burns?
laminitis, shock, respiratory infection
What organism likes to complicate burn wounds?
What are 3 topicals that help kick Pseudomonas' ass when it's invaded burn wounds?
silver (like silver sulfadiazene)
dilute vinegar

idk if they poured vinegar into rooms' eye but i remember them using gentamicin!
What is a dentigerous cyst?
ummm sooo i prob should have paid attention to this lecture. my understanding is it's a freakin tooth in the ear?! as a result of incomplete closure of the 1st branchial cleft? i have no idea
What CS would you see with a dentigerous cyst?
intermittent drainage at the base of the ear
Are dentigerous cysts a cause of lameness?
haha no they're on the head
What's the only way to get rid of a dentigerous cyst and when would you do this?
complete surgical removal but only if the owner thinks it's too ugly (they're just blemishes!)
True or false. Castration makes my bacon taste good.
true. castration improves the flavor of pork
Prime beef is apparently better when it's marbled? What do you do to bulls in order to make them produce higher quality meat?
Who had to be fed longer for good carcass quality--steers or bulls?
Steers, they have a decreased rate of feed efficiency.
What has been developed to improve steers' poor rate of feed efficiency?
implants containing trenbelone acetate + estradiol
Why am I going to castrate my goat kids at a very young age?
so their smelly scent glands don't develop!
Who's gonna hemorrhage and who's gonna herniate post-castration?
Old men bleed, young men herniate
The younger a bull calf, the less stressful having his testicles ripped out of his body is. What's the only real adverse effect in castrating these guys young?
Their urethral isn't developed yet so it'll always be narrower...this can lead to problems w/ calculi obstruction
When are colts usually gelded?
About 2 years old. This way they look macho & their balls are in the sac.
When are you going to be called to the farm to castrate piggies, kids, and lambs?
Within the first 2 weeks after birth
So you go to Bacon Heaven Farms to castrate some piglets. They're munching on some spoiled sweet clover that the farmer's boy feeds them every day, and their pen is filthy. Are you going to castrate them?
Probably, but the answer on the test is NO
You're gonna castrate some colt for some hillbilly that lives in the woods. You decide to do it with the horse standing. What are some disadvantages of this position?
You might get hurt because restraint isn't as reliable. If there are surgical complications they're going to be more difficult to manage than if the colt was in lateral recumbency.
I'm right handed because I'm not a freak. How would I position a colt in lateral recumbency for castration?
left lateral recumbency
Besides giving xylazine for sedative (& analgesic) purposes, how might you provide further analgesia for equine castration?
Infuse testicle and spermatic cord w/ locals. Infuse locals subcutaneously in the scrotum.
A couple decades ago they used to spay cats by hanging them upside down and cutting them open without analgesia. Today that would be considered barbaric.

True or false: bulls, ovine, caprine, and small piggies are not commonly given anesthesia for castration in N. America.
How do you have your assistant restrain ovine and caprine for castration?
In an upright position with their weight on their but and the rear limbs firmly flexed.
How do you restrain little piggies for castration?
Hold them up by their rear legs w/ their heads firmly cradled between your legs. Why? Because it fucking hurts and they're gonna try to bite you. Also because they're little shits and would prob try to bite you anyway..
What is the only food animal that vets and farmers give anesthesia to for castration?
mature boars
What's the difference between open and closed castration?
incising the common vaginal tunic
What's it called when you use an emasculator on the entire spermatic cord, including the common vaginal tunic?
closed castr
When you cut the spermatic cord without ligating it, what cavity are you opening?
peritoneal cavity
Which technique (open or closed) allows for more effective compression of the testicular artery prior to division by the emasculator?
With open castration in food animals, do you leave the common vaginal tunic or remove it after it's been incised and the testicles removed from it?
either or
How do you supply local anesthesia to the equine scrotum and spermatic cord?
Line block ventral aspect of the scrotum (both sides) then stick about 20cc locals into each testicle (much easier than injecting directly into the spermatic cord)
Your initial scrotal incision should go through what two layers?
scrotal skin and dartos muscle.
After you've bluntly dissected your common vaginal tunic from the CT, where do you incise the vaginal tunic?
just dorsal to the anterior pole of the testicle
When doing an open castration on a mature stallion, what should you do before emasculating?
ligate the vascular component of the spermatic cord (remember the old guys like to bleed)
True or false. When we castrated the dogs we ligated proximally and cut distally.

When putting the emasculator on the spermatic cord, make sure the nut (the nut cuts) is distal and the crush is proximal...true or false.

True or false. Apply tension to the cord before cutting it with the emasculator.
Ventral drainage post-castration occurs thru what?
The ventral skin incisions you made in the scrotum, so make sure they're big enough.

(some vets actually remove the median septum of the scrotum to make sure it can drain but that's usually not necessary)
True or false. A colt should be rested for 2-3 days following castration.
False! Rest him for 12 hours then ride his ass. He's not allowed to sit around feeling sorry for himself.
What's THE most common post-op complication in equine castration and what is the usual cause?
swelling and edema when the incision is not large enough to allow adequate ventral drainage
Infection can occur days to months after castration. There are two chronic infections of the spermatic cord we discussed--champignon and scirrhous cord. What's the difference?
Champignon = a streptococcus causing excess granulation tissue.

Scirrhous cord = staph causing enlargement and eventual drainage of the spermatic cord after the scrotum heals.
Is bleeding post-castration normal?
Yes! We only worry when it's a fast drip lasting >15 min post-op
About how long does it take for a horse to clot?
15 min. If a horse has a fast drip bleed >15 min post-op you have to find the source.
What is the most common source of post-castration bleed in the colt? What are two less common sources?
Testicular artery

Scrotal vessels or vessels in the cremaster muscle
How could YOU cause hemorrhage from castration?
Used an emasculator that's too sharp.
Applied the emasculator upside down (nut to nut DUMB)
Applied tension to the spermatic cord while cutting (bad!)
Incised the damn scrotum in the emasculator (what are you a Ross grad?)
So you castrated a horse and 20 min later he's still got a lot of blood dripping from his scrotum. What do you do?
ID the vessel and clamp it. Leave clamp on for 24 hours (lucky horse)
What do you do if post-castration you cannot find the vessel that keeps bleeding?
Stuff the scrotum with gauze and sew it shut. If it still doesn't stop, refer out.
True or false. Animals with marked post-castration bleeding are at greater risk for post-op infections and should be given antibiotics prophylactically.
What does eventration mean and who is predisposed?
Herniation (intestines come out). Young herniate, old men bleed!

Drafts, Standardbreds, Walking Horses are predisposed.
What is an anatomical risk factor for post-castration herniation?
an inguinal hernia
True or false. Post-castration herniation of omentum is a death sentence.
False. Omentum is usually ok, just remove it and cross-tie the horse under careful observation for the next two days.

Intestinal herniation (eventration) is the bad one.
What is a preventative measure against post-castration herniation you could take and why does it work?
Ligation of the spermatic cord in closed castration (instead of just crushing).

Why does it work? Because you're tying off the opening into the peritoneal cavity (where the intestines live) aka the vaginal tunic.

You could also close the external inguinal ring in high-risk horses (those that had/have inguinal hernias)
What do you do if you're called back to the barn a few hours after surgery and the horse's intestines are hanging out of his sac?
Clean them thoroughly, stuff them back in, and towel clamp the scrotum together til you can get him anesthetized or to the hospital.

If you can't shove them back up there, protect them with a "sling" of moist towels or drapes.
How do you surgically fix herniated intestines thru the scrotum?
Usually have to enlarge the inguinal ring to get them back in the peritoneal cavity, might even have to make a ventral midline incision and/or do a resection & anastamosis.
True or false. Peritonitis is a usual complication of castration because when the vaginal tunic is opened you have a direct entry point into the peritoneal cavity.
False. Peritonitis is an uncommon complication...but the other part is true
If we suspect peritonitis from castration, we would do an abdomenocentesis. What do we look for?
Bacteria and degenerative neutrophils. (cell numbers could be high like 100,000 without infectious peritonitis)
What if you were a real clog and got the penis confused w/ the testicle during castration. What would you have to do?
"correct the problem" haha.
Give him some NSAIDs to reduce the swelling & edema & support the penis if it's prolapsed.
What's the definition of hydrocele?
a non-painful accumulation of sterile fluid (peritoneal fluid) in the common vaginal tunic.
Hydroceles are an uncommon post-op complication. What are you MORE likely to see them--with closed or open castration?
Open castration, when the vaginal tunic is not removed
Um, what are the four horse (?) terms describing a cryptorchid?
high flank
True or false. Ruminants often have abdominal testicles.
False. If anything, they're subcutaneous and easily accessible.
True or false. Swine get retained abdominal testicles but you're not going to bother doing anything about it cause it's not going to affect meat quality.
At birth, can you differentiate between testicle vs gubernaculum in a colt's scrotum? What's the clinical significance of this?

Colt may be reported to have dropped testicles at birth & then the owner will claim they got sucked back into the abdomen--no, it was the gubernaculum they felt at birth, not the testes.
If a colt still has retained testicle by ____, it is very unlikely it's ever going to drop.
2 years
Can you ever see a retained testicle on ultrasound?
How do you palpate a retained testicle?
Deep palpation of the inguinal area (easier when horse is sedated) or rectal exam (can either palpate testicle in the abdomen or you might be able to feel the vas deferens going thru the internal inguinal ring)
There are not many labs that are able to evaluate estrogen levels in horses. If you find a lab that does, what's the concentration that indicates there is NO testicular tissue, vs there is (in a horse over 3 years old)
<100 estrogen = no testicle.

>400 there is
We learned about hCG causing an increase in testosterone production. How do we interpret the findings?
If no testosterone, there is no testicle. If there are testicles, testosterone will be high pre-injection and even higher post-hCG.
True or false. Most cryptorchid horses have one testicle in their inguinal canal and the other in the scrotum.
Which equine testicle is retained more often?
If you have a cryptorchid horse and have determined via ultrasound that his retained testicle is close to the inguinal ring, how might you stimulate it to drop into the scrotum?
hCG or GnRH because they stimulate LH secretion which stimulates the Leydig cells to secrete more testosterone.
Sometimes this makes the testicle just heavy/big enough to drop if it's already close to the ring.
Surgical approaches to an inguinal testicle include inguinal, parainguinal, ventral midline, paramedian, or ______ approach.
True or false. Bilaterally retained testicles can usually both be reached by a ventral midline approach, so two paramedian approaches are not usually necessary.
What is the major advantage of a flank approach for a retained testicle?
It may be performed on a standing animal.
A flank approach is appropriate for an inguinal or abdominal testicle?
Abdominal, it is quite difficult to remove a testicle that is retained in the inguinal canal via a flank approach.
Which is easier to repair under suture, the parainguinal area or the external inguinal ring?
How does a horse have to be positioned for inguinal or parainguinal approach?
dorsal recumbency
If you are doing surgery on a cryptorchid dog which testicle do you remove first?
The retained testicle. Do abdominal surgery before you open up the dirty ball sac.
Where do you make a parainguinal approach?
medial and anterior to the external inguinal ring
What are 3 techniques suggested to locate retained testicles if they are not in the inguinal canal?
1. Tension on the inguinal extension of the gubernaculum
2. Pick up the vaginal process with sponge forceps
3. Insert your fingers thru the ruptured vaginal process and feel in the immediate area for the gubernaculum
You have entered the abdominal cavity to located a retained testicle. What structure do you look for at the neck of the bladder?
Vas deferens. Trace the ampulla distally to the vas deferens & then to the epididymis to finally reach the testicle.
How do you close a parainguinal incision?
Close the abdominal fascia with simple interrupted or continuous
Why is closure of the inguinal ring difficult?
Because youre working in a hole with reduced exposure.
If the castration has been performed in less than ideal circumstances, what might be indicated during closure?
Leave the subq and skin opened for both.

Or, you can leave the inguinal ring open, pack it with gauze, and only suture the skin closed. Remove sutures and gauze 2 days later. What closes the inguinal canal then? The inflammatory response..hopefully
When stuffing gauze into the inguinal canal what do you have to be careful of?
That it doesnt enter the abdominal cavity, do a rectal to check.
How do you perform a standing laparotomy to remove a retained testicle?
Sx prep of flank & umbilicus. Inflate abdomen with NO or CO2. Find testicle, ligate spermatic artery and vas deferns then leave the teste to atrophy or take it out (take it out)
How do you perform a laparoscopic castration on a horse under GA?
Trendelenburg position, which requires positive pressure ventilation! Go thru umbilicus. Ligate spermatic artery and vas deferens. Remove or leave testicle to atrophy.
In domestic animals, inguinal hernias are usually indirect. What does this mean?
The bowel goes thru the vaginal ring (vs thru a break in the peritoneum)
When do you see acute irreducible inguinal hernias? What kind of treatment do they usually require?
A stallion post-breeding.
Usually require emergency resection and anastamosis.
What signs would a stallion have with acute irreducible inguinal hernia?
Acute abdominal pain.
Youll feel int passing thru th internal inguinal ring on rectal palp.
Distended scrotum
If a baby is born with a congenital scrotal hernia what should you do?
Not breed him.
Foals may self correct or may require surgery. Pigs require surgical correction. Doesnt really happen in baby moos.
If a stallion or bull has a chronic reducible inguinal hernia repair is elective, as there is no immediate risk of strangulation. What is the side effect of this condition?
Marked reduction in fertility because of increased testicular temperature.
So when would you elect to surgically repair a chronic reducible inguinal hernia?
To maintain fertility in cattle. Since its heritable in horses and pigs, you should castrate them.
What side do you usually see inguinal hernias in the bull?
Left...cause they lay with their left HL stretched out, so it stretches out their left inguinal ring and leta shit herniate thru
Can you correct an inguinal hernia in stallions without doing surgery?
Yeah it could work. Have someone pull back on the testicle. Then milk the intestine proximally and do a rectal to shove/pull it back into the abdomen
If non-surgical correction of an inguinal hernia is accomplished in the horse, what do you have to monitor for "post-op?"
Make sure blood supply to the bowel hasnt been disrupted
For surgical correction of an inguinal hernia...
Incise over the external inguinal ring, dissect down to the common vaginal tunic, and open the tunic to assess the viability of the intestine.
If herniated intestines are not viable, what is the best incision to make?
Ventral midline
If herniated intestine is viable, what do you do?
Increase the size of the inguinal ring to place the intestine back into the abdomen.
True or false. In stallions, we usually close the external ring under suture.
If a bulls scrotum has an hourglass appearance, what do you suspect?
Inguinal hernia
If a stallion has a slight rear limb lameness and digestive problems, what mightt you suspect?
Inguinal hernia
How do you get chronic inguinal herniated intestines back into the abdomen (in a stallion)?
Dissect the tunic away from the scrotal fascia then TWIST the testicle til the intestines are forced peoximally! Gahhh what thE fuck well there ya go lets hope that thing is anesthetized.
True or false. We usually castrate bulls when they have a chronic inguinal hernia.
False. The involved testicle is usu not removed.
How do we close the inguinal canal without producing excessive pressure on the spermatic cord...in bull?
Suture the internal abdominal oblique muscle.
Whats the difference between a direct and indirect approach to surgical correction of a bulls inguinal hernia?
Direct is thru the scrotum, vs going theu the abdomen.
Where will you make the abdominal incision for correction of a bulls inguinal hernia?
Paralumbar fossa (on the involved side)
True or false. The anterior aspect of the inguinal ring is partially closed when correcting a bulls inguinal hernia thru an abdominal approach.
What is the purpose of an ischial urethrotomy?
To remove urethral or vesicular (bladder) calculi in the male.
Your first call of the day requires you to perform an ischial urethrotomy on a horse. You make a midline incision just BELOW the anal sphincter, between the retractor peni mm, then continue your incision thru which 3 layers?
Bulbospongiosus, corpus spongiosum, urethra.
How do you suture an ischial urethrotomy closed?
You dont, allow it to heal by second intention.
True or false. Ischial urethrotomy is not associated with any significant postop complications.
If there is a calculi too large to remove thru an ischial urethrotomy, you can get it via an abdominal approach or pararectal approach.

What is one advantage and one negative aspect of each approach?
Pararectal is a crude approach.

With the abdominal approach, its hard to get thr UB to the incision, so the abdominal cavity is usually contaminated with urine.
Where is the pararectal incision for a cystotomy made?
A vertical incision is made between the rectum and the semimembranosus muscle.
Why do we have to use careful, blunt dissection between the semimembranosus and anal sphincter?
To avoid damaging the pudendal a, v, n
To perform a cystotomy via a pararectal approach, what segment of the UB would you incise.
Retroperitoneal segment of the UB. Push the calculi in the UB back to this portion of the UB using your rectal hand.
You can use massage, NSAIDs, diuretics to control swelling, and mild exercise +/- antibiotics to treat paraphimosis.

When would you not insert a probang into the preputial orifice to keep the penis in place?
If there are breaks in the preputial skin (an abscess could develop)
Phimosis is:

What species do we see it in?
Swelling of the penis and prepuce which causes the penis to be stuck inside the prepuce.

See phimosis mostly in bulls, rarely in stallions.
What are two etiologies of penile paralysis?
Phenothiazine tranqs used in stallions.
Failure to adequately treat paraphimosis.
What is Reefing and why do we do it?
Circumcising a stallion to remove small growths or scar tissue (that havent extended deep into the dermis)
True or false. General anesthesia is required for reefing.
False. Small lesions can be removed using sedation and locals.
Large tissue removal requires GA and dorsal recumbency.
When removing a large growth from an equine penis, what two layers do you close and how?
Superficial fascia...simple interrupted with abs suture

Skin... Nonabs or abs suture
After removing a big ol growth from a big ol ek-wan penis, what post-op instructions are you going to give the owner?
No erection for a month! (3-4 weeks) so put a breeding ring on him and keep him awayyyyy from the ladies.

If nonabs skin sutures, remove in 10 days
Whats a possible post-op complication after removing a growth from the penis?
Hematoma which requires drainge
JESUS when would you amputate a penis?! Two reasons
Carcinoma involving structures deep to the skin.
Penile paralysis
What surgery shpuld you perform before amputating the penis?
I you have a horse with oenile paralysis, are you going to retract his oenis (Boltz technique) or cut the damn thing off!?
Boltz technique is better for penile paralysis
If you choose to amputate a penis because of penile paralysis, what do you have to take into consideration before choosing your incision site?
Avoid future urine scald or excoriation.
What shape do you make your incision for penile amputation?
During penile amputation, you use simple interrupted sutures to approximate which two structures?
Urethra and skin
True or false. Amputate the penis starting at the apex of the triangular incision so the cut edge of e ventral aspect of the penis is slightly anterior to the dorsal cut edge.
False. Amputate thpenis starting at the BASE of the triangular incision, so that the cut edge at the DORSAL aspect of the penis is anterior to the ventral cut edge.
You must ligate the branches of which artery when performing a penile amputation?
Dorsal artery of the penis
To close the stump of the penis after amputation, which layers do you include in your bite?
Urethral wall
Tunica albuginea of the urethral wall
Tunica albuginea of other side
Why might urine scald and excoriation result after penile amputation?
If you cut off so much penis it cant extend out of the prepuce.
True or false. A dissecting hematoma, granulomas, stenosis, inadequate ligatures or skin sutures can result in post-penile amputation complications.
What is the recent modification to penile amputation?
Penile retroversion or partial phallectomy
True or false. Before a penile retroversion surgery, sedate the horse with an epidural and block the dorsal nerves of the penis at the level of the ischial arch.
To perform the modified Vinsot technique for partial phallectomy, place a band just distal to the urethrotomy site, then do a urethrotomy, then remove the penis distal to the tubing.

How do you close the cut penis?
Allow it to heal by secondary intention
Before performing the Bolz Technique for retraction of the penis, what should you do?
Castration at least one month prior.
(and remove any granulomatous growths if he has them)
Whenever youre doing surgery on the penis you should pass a urinary catheter. True or false.
To perform the Bolz technique, where are you going to make your skin incision?
On the midline just caudal to the castration incision (cause remember, you castrated him a month ago)
For the Bolz technique, what two times do we adjust the stay sutures so the glans is just inside the preputial orifice?
During surgery (in dorsal recumbency) then once hes standing.
When suturing the preputial reflection, what structure do you have to be sure to avoid?
The urethra
What is the aim of the Bolz technique, aka how does it ensure the penis is retracted within thr sheath?
To produce a firm adhesion between the prepuce and the skin and in this way maintain the penis in a retracted position.
Pneumovag, the result of involuntary aspiration of air into the vag, is a result of what 4 possible etiologies?
A faulty seal of the vulva due to:
1. Poor condition
2. Tipped vulva (old multiparous mares)
3. Inverted vulvar lips
4. Perineal lacerations
What is Caslicks Technique for?
Windsuckers!! Do it so they stop queefing, that shit is rude
For Caslicks, why do we infiltrate the lips of the vulva with locals at the mucocutaneous junction?
To provide anesthesia and to distend the tissue
For Caslicks, where do we remove the band of skin and mucosa?
At the mucocutaneous junction, from the most dorsal aspect of th vulva all the way down to the floor of the bony pelvis
How does breeding commence after a Caslicks procedure?
Youre going to have to remove the suture for natural breeding unless you placed a special breeding stitch at the ventral aspect (whatever that is).

After breeding you have to stitch her back up.
What do you do around the time of foaling if a mares had the Caslicks?
Open the suture line peior to foaling.

After the placenta passes, freshen up the edges of the vulva and suture it back shut again.
If the vet down the road performed the Caslick and now the mare has urine pooling, what might he have done to cause this?
Extended the closure too far ventrally.
What are three post-Caslicks complications that may arise?
Incomplete seal
Urine pooling
Suture sinus
How can you eliminate the potential for suture sinus after a Caslicks?
By not going thru thr vaginal mucosa when you suture her up.
True or false. At foalingm, a mare thats had the Caslicks performed should be "opened, freshened, thn closed."
A variation to the Caslicks procedure involves just removing the _______ just slightly anterior to the mucocutaneous junction.

True or false: this does not compromise the seal of the vulva and as a result its not necessary to continue doing the procedure the rest of her breeding life.

What is the purpose of the Gadd Technique?
It reconstructs or increases the size of the perineal body, improving the natural seal that occurs when the perineal body presses against the brim of the pelvis.
What are two other names for the Gadd Technique?
Episiotomy, perineal body reconstruction
What procedure is used to correct pneumo or urovagina?
Perineal body transection
True or false. Perineal body transection involves the division of the attachments between the rectum and caudal repro tract, returning the vulva to a more natural position.
Do you make a vertical or horizontal incision when transecting the perineal body?
Transection of the perineal body allows the vulva to regain a a more normal ______ orientation.
Vertical (instead of sunken in I believe)
Why do perineal lacerations occur and how many types are there?
They occur secondary to problems delivering a foal.

There are three degrees of perineal lacerations.
What do first, second, and third degree perineal lacerations involve?
First = skin and mucous membrane

Second = perineal body

Third = perineal body, dorsal vagina, and rectum.
First degree perineal lacs just involve the skin and mucous membranes. How do we treat?
We dont, they heal without complication and dont require special care.
When is the optimum time to repair a second degree perineal laceration?
5-10 days after injury occurred--when the inflamm and infection subside
True or false. For repair of the second degree perineal laceration, suture from superficial to deep.
False. Suture from deep to superficial.
Third degree perineal laceration most commonly occurs in _______
Maiden mares (first baby)
When should you repair a third degree perineal laceration?
Wait six weeks, or, if th foal is alive, until hes weaned.
True or false. Dietary management to maintain a soft unformed stool is extremely important for first, second, and third degree perineal lacerations.
False. Dietary restriction is only necessary for third degree perineal lacerations.
True or false. Blocking the anterior rectum with cotton is necessary during surgical repair of a third degree perineal laceration.
Probably false because its unlikely shes going to be straining to defecate with an epidural.
Whats the Modified Goetz Technique for?
Third degree perineal laceration repair
What are the three techniues that can be used to repair a third degree perineal laceration?

modified Goetz
Pull back
What kind of third degree perineal laceration is the pull back technique used for?
Very shallow third degree lacerations
Why is it called the "pull back" technique?
Cause the most caudal aspect of the rectum is pulled back to the area of the anus and sutured
What is the postop management of a third degree perineal laceration?
1. Maintenance of non-formed stools for 10 days (this is very important)
2. Tetanus prophylaxis
3. Parenteral antibiotics for 4-5 days
4. S/R
What is the difference between a third degree perineal laceration and a rectovaginal fistula?
A RV fistula is when the foal sticks its foot into the rectum then retracts it and is born thru the vag like its supposed to.

A peroneal laceration is when the baby sticks its foot thru the rectum then the mom decides to push down real hard and he just keeps ripping thru everything as he comes out.

I imagine her rear end looks very different in the two different circumstances? *shudder*
True or false. Altho we usually wait 6 weeks to repair a third degree perineal lacerations, rectovaginal fistulas should be repaired immediately after birth.
False. Wait 6 weeks to repair both third degree laceration and a rectovaginal fistula.
In which direction do we suture the defect in the rectum (of a rectovaginal fistula). Why?

This way its not stressed when the rectum dilates to take a shit.
True or false. Do not penetrate the rectal mucosa when closing a rectovaginal defect.
In which direction do we place sutures in the vagina to close a rectovaginal defect?
True or false. When repairing a rectovaginal defect, place sutures in a sagittal direction in the rectum and a transverse direction in the vag.
True or false. Vaginal contusions usually resolve without complication and dont require surgery.
What are the treatments for vaginal varices to keep them from hemorrhaging continuously?
Ligation or injection with a sclerosing agent
Antibiotics are usually indicated for vaginal lacerations. When do these lacerations require sutures?
If a vaginal laceration is so deep its extended into the peritoneal cavity, you shpuld suture it up to prevent eventration.
What are four possible complications of vaginal lacerations?
Pelvic abscess
Vaginal adhesions
What is a key clinical sign of pelvic abscess?
Persistent straining aka tenesmus
Whats a bimanual examination?
1 hand in the butt, the other in the vag
The moment you suspect vaginal adhesions are forming (as a result of a vaginal laceration) what should you do?
Apply ointment and dilate the vag daily to prevent development of adhesions and allow epithelialization of the injured surfaces
Does peritonitis hurt?

What would you expect to see on abdomenocentesis?
Yes, theyre going to be depressed' anxious, colicky, and not want to move.

High WBC and a specific gravity over 1.017
True or false. Urine pooling in the anterior vagina decreases fertility.
Who knows, urine kills semen, so maybe.
Why is poor body condition score associated with urine pooling?
Decreased vaginal fat allows the vag to sink back a little
What are the four techniques for repair of a mare with urine pooling, and of these which one is not recommended?
Monin (vestibuloplasty)

(dont use the Shires technique)
Whats the easy, fast, cheap surgery for urine pooling, which leaves the dorsal tissues to heal by second intention?
What is the surgical technique that involves pulling the urethral orifice caudally to correct urine pooling?
Whats the difference between the Brown technique and the McKinnon technique in the repair of urine pooling?
Brown is patient enough to appose the dorsak flaps of mucosa, while McKinnon figured hed just leave them to heal on their own.
How long do you have to wait after the McKinnon surgery to breed your mare?
5 weeks
True or false. The freaking bladder can peolapse out thru the urethral orifice.
Ew and oh no its true. It happens in the mare omg
HAHA whats one of the methods to reduce straining after youve fixed a bladder thats everted thru the irethral orifice?
Tracheotomy--cause you cant take a shit while youre singing--LOL

You can also give a continuous epidural (you dont strain when youre on an epidural...we mentioned that with repair of third degree perineal lacerations, too)
What are the two "things" a bladder can prolpase thru?
Urethral orifice or a vaginal laceration
Teue or false. Sedation may be necessary in thr case of uterine prolapse because apparently its scary when ypur insides are flapping against your legs!
What is the most effective means of controlling hemorrhage from a prolapsed uterus?
Returning it to its normal position...the uterus is so vascular, ligatures arent much of a help.
True or false. Suture the vulva shut to prevent recurrwnce of a peolapsed uterus.
False. The mare can easily tear thru those sutures. The key is cervical contraction to keep the uterus up there.
Once the uterus has been placed thru the cervix and the ________ is contracted, the uterus will not prolapse.
True or false. Uterine prolape --> metritis --> laminitis
Whats more common in mares--uterine or vaginal prolapse?
Uterine. Vaginal prolapse hardly ever occurs in mares.
True or false. A uterine examination including bx is indicated prior to considering surgery on the cervix.
True or false. The cervix is easy to expose.
False. It is very difficult to expose the cervix.
Most lacerations involve what portion of the cervix?
The segment of the cervix that projects into the vagina.
Cervical lacerations involving the ________ require treatment to prevent adhesions.
cervical mucosa
When a cervical laceration involves the mucosa what should you do to prevent adhesions?
massage w/ antibiotic ointments... yum
True or false. When cervical laceration involves the mucosal layer, you should use ointments to prevent adhesions, but shouldn't attempt further repair til 1-2 mos post-injury because it may heal itself.
When there is loss of cervical tone without any obvious musculature damage, the purse string suture is not too effective.
When doing the purse string to treat a mare thats lost her cervical tone WITHOUT damaging her musculature, how big should you leave the lumen?
reduce the lumen to insemination pipette size
True or false. The purse string suture around the cervix will allow foaling (it doesn't have to be removed).
false, you have to cut that shit out before the mare foals.
A mare has a cervical laceration involving the musculature. You suture her shit up in 3 layers which is so tedious and annoying you can't stop cursing at the whole damn procedure.

If the owner is successful at getting her pregnant again, will the sutures tear out at foaling?
yes, and you'll have to do the whole damn thing again
Hummy told us the only way to prevent a uterus from prolapsing again was to contract the cervix. How do we achieve cervical contraction?
by injecting oxytocin to stimulate contraction of the uterus (and cervix)--AFTER you've repositioned it inside where it belongs
When is uterine torsion going to occur in the mare? When does it occur in the cow?
mare = 7-8 months gestation
cow = at term
True or false. The uterus twists on its long axis.
Compare the following in mare vs cow uterine torsion:

Time it'll occur
Where does it twist?
Is their vulva symmetrical?
Cow: at term, twists caudal to the cervix, they don't strain, and the vulva is asymmetrical

Mare: occurs several mos prior to gestation, she's colicky cause it hurts, it twists anterior to the cervix, and the vulva looks symmetrical
For non-surgical management of a uterine torsion, you should cast the mare on her right side if the twist is _________ and roll her in the same direction as the twist.

The theory is her uterus will remain in place and you'll be rolling the horse around it.
cast on the right for clockwise twist.

cast on the left for CCW twist.
What surgical approach is suggested for treatment of uterine torsion in a mare?
Standing flank laparotomy to raise the fetus up and push him (repel him) instead of grabbing one of his legs and pulling.
When performing a standing flank laparotomy to correct a uterine torsion, should you deliver the foal thru the incision or let him be birthed naturally thru the vag?
thru the canal, don't g pulling him out of her side.
When is it necessary to perform a c-section to save the mare's life (in the case of uterine torsion)?
if the torsion is greater than 270 degrees, it is difficult to correct manually, and it will prob be necessary to perform a c-section to save the mare
True or false. Uterine rupture/laceration is almost always the cause of dystocia.
False. Uterine rupture/laceration is almost always caused BY a difficult delivery.
How do you diagnose a uterine rupture or laceration?
bare handed exam.... oh he loves these...you will only be able to diagnose tears in the uterine body tho, not the horns
True or false. Most uterine tears occur in the body.
False. Most tears occur in the uterine horns.
What CS will you observe in a mare post-foaling if she has a uterine laceration?
Peritonitis without evidence of GI involvement.
What's the best management for uterine laceration/rupture--medical or surgical?
either or
Once the mare starts her 2nd stage of labor how long do we have to get the foal out alive?
30 min!!
Why do horses have such a short labor?
prob because if they sat around pushing & screaming for 24 hours like ppl d they'd all be eaten?
True or false. Mares often require c-section because her fetus is too large.
false--mares will not build a baby that's too big to come out of her

(however cows WILL so selection of the daddy is more important in them)
Why is fetal malpostioning a common reason for c-section in mares?
cause foals have such long legs they like to get tangled up the wrng way
If you have an older mare in dystocia for the last 20 min and she's got a foal with amazing bloodlines inside her (hell, even decent bloodlines), shooting her in the head and cutting the baby out to save its life is a viable option. True or false.
true =(
If performing a c-section and the foal is still alive, what kind of anesthetic protocol should you use?
idk, just avoid using lots of barbituates and maintain the mare on gas
What is the incision you're prob going to make for equine c-section?
ventral midline
What are the 4 laparotomy sites you could make your incision for equine c-section?
ventral midline
What are the obvious reasons a ventral midline is used instead of a paramedian for equine c-section?
paramedian bleeds more and is more difficult to close.
True or false. Paracostal incision (for equine c-section) is a low flank incision that is perpendicular to the Marcenac approach.
true. Paracostal follows the rib...the Marcenac runs caudoventral so it's perpendicular to it.
Where do you incise the uterus to perform equine c-section.
on the greater curvature in whatever horn the baby's in
You have to be careful not to let all those uterine juices dump into the abdominal cavity when performing a c-section--yuck.

If you pulled out a live foal, how would you clamp the umbilical cord?
idk, but you're going to wait for blood to clear the placenta before clamping & cutting it
How should you suture the wound margin of the uterus after performing a c-section, and what should you avoid including in your closure?
Simple continuous COMPRESSING suture to control the hemorrhage...avoid the placenta!
How do you close the uterus after c-section (after you compressed the wound edges w/ suture)?
2 layers using an inverting pattern...cushing, lembert, or utrecht whatever that is
Why would you give oxytocin to a mare after c-section?
to encourage uterine contraction and therefore expulsion of the placenta
True or false. Tetanus prophylaxis is indicated for c-section.
when is it NOT indicated...yes its a horse so give it
True or false. Mares don't get cystic ovarian disease!
pretty much true....maybe sometimes very rarely?
T/F Nymphomania is an ovarian abnormality
Nymphomaniacs act like a stallion & freakin look like one too (thickened neck).

Whats a common cause of nymphomania, and should always be checked for in these mareboys?
vaginal irritation
What are two things that could cause vaginal irritation and result in a nymphomaniac?
improper closure of the vulva
sutures left in from a 3rd degree perineal lac
T/F Giving estrogen for an extended period of time has cured some mareboys of their nymphomania, as has pregnancy.
false. PROGESTERONE & pregnancy
Is it easy to get a nymphomaniac pregnant?
surprisingly no
What's the most common ovarian neoplasm in the mare?
granulosa cell tumor
How do you diagnose granulosa cell tumor in a mare?
1. an ovary that remains enlarged thru several cycles.

2. anestrus (+/- nymphomania sometimes)
T/F Granulosa cell tumors cause a mare to be in estrus.
One of your client's prized mares has had an enlarged left ovary for mos and mos and has not cycled (ie is in anestrus). You recommend ______ for the surgical management of the granulosa cell tumor
ovariectomy aka surgical removal of the ovary
T/F An ovariectomy will not prevent a mare from cycling.
There are 6 approaches to ovariectomy in the mare: flank, inguinal, ventral midline, colpotomy, paramedian, parainguinal, laparascopic.

Which does he say is probably the best and why?
parainguinal because it's easy to access the ovary & the ovarian vessels
A colpotomy is not good to remove an enlarged ovary. T/F
Why do you NOT use a ventral midline approach for ovariectomy in the mare?
cause it's too difficult to ligate the ovarian vessels
A colpotomy approach is done on the standing mare to remove one of her ovaries. What needs to be done for the 24 hours prior to this procedure?
Sam has to remove all feed from her stall
Where do you make your stab incision for ovariectomy using the colpotomy approach?
@ 2 or 10:00 dorsal to the cervix...be careful of the aorta you clog!
How do you allow a colpotomy incision to heal?
second intention
What are post-op instructions for the owner following a colpotomy?
put her in cross ties & prevent straining for a week (5-7 days)
What surrounds the cavernous spaces aka the corpus cavernosum penis?
tunica albuginea
What 2 things is the CCP composed of?
crus & the cavernosus spaces (extending the entire length of the shaft of the penis)
What do the 2 crus peni insert on?
ventral ischium
Tell me the origin and insertion of the ischiocavernosus muscles.
origin: inner surface of the ischium

insertion: ventral surface of the ischium
After originating on the inner surface of the ischium, the ischiocavernosus mm extend _________ to wrap over the __________ surface of the ischium to cover the _______ and insert on the ventral surface of the ischium
extend caudally to wrap over the caudal surf of the ischium to cover the crus peni, then insert on the ventral ischium.
How is 1500 psi of blood forced into the CCP to create a bull erection?

p.s. damnnnn
those ischiocavernosus muscles contract a whole lot to push all that blood into the CCP
Where do the retractor peni muscles originate from and insert?
Origin: 1st/2nd coccygeal vertebrae

Insertion: ventrolateral penis (@ the distal bend of the sigmoid flexure)
What is the artery of the penis an extension of?
internal pudendal
The 1st branch of the artery of the penis is the __________.

The artery of the penis terminates as the ____________ & ____________.
artery of the bulb of the penis (supplies the corpus spong)

deep artery (supplies the CCP) & dorsal artery
What does the corpus spongiosum surround?

What vessel supplies the corpus spongiosum?
surrounds the urethra (sponge soaks up the pee from the urethra---totally false but easy to remember)

the artery of the bulb of the penis supplies the corpus spongiosum
What supplies the corpus cavernosum penis?
the deep artery of the penis....the CCP is deep inside the penis
The oblique angle in which the branches of the dorsal artery of the pens penetrate the tunica albuginea creates a....
valve-like action which prevents backflow
T/F There are no venous outlets from the CCP along the shaft of the bull's penis.
True, all veins draining the CCP are located in the crus peni.
All veins draining the CCP are located where?
in the crus
How is blood forced down the corpus spongiosum for urination & ejaculation?
via contraction of the urethralis and bulbospongiosus muscles
Which 2 muscles contract to allow urination & ejaculation?
urethralis & bulbospongiosus
What's the most important nerve in the male body?
pudendal nerve--it provides the sensory & motor innervation to the penis, so without it the penis wouldn't be able to feel or move...
Where do pudendal nerves originate from?

Where do they run in relation to the arteries of the penis?

Pudendal nerves are dorsomedial to the arteries of the penis
T/F The urethral diverticulum is present in all male horses & ruminants.
False--urethral diverticulum is in male ruminants & pigs
What structure on the __________ surface of the urethra makes it difficult to catheterize male ruminants and swine?
dorsal surface

urethral diverticulum
Male ruminants and pigs have a dorsal diverticulum _______ to the ischial arch.
What procedure allows catheterization of the pelvic urethra in male ruminants and pigs?
ischial urethrotomy
What's the difference between Bos indicus compared to Bos tarsus breeds, as far as penises go?
Bos indicus have longer penis. The prepuce is also longer, more pendulous and lax so I guess it's like a big loose sac surrounding their big ol' penis.
What's the thing that extends distally from goat & sheep dicks?
urethral process aka vermiform process

What is the difference between the sheath & the prepuce?
Apparently the sheath is haired & the prepuce is not?

go me, I always thought they were the same thing. Be aware of mistakes with that in these flashcards.
What the hell does "egress" mean and what's he always talking about when he uses this word?

he's talking about male animals peeing
So where does the prepuce extend from?
from the pudendal orifice (prox) to the preputial ring (distal)
A persistent frenulum is an interdigitation of the preputal skin which prevents extension of the penis.

When does this skin normally separate by?
colts: first few weeks

calves: up to a year
With persistent frenulum, which direction does the glans bend, preventing fuckery?
To fix a persistent frenulum, extend the penis & hold a towel clamp under the ________ ligament.

Inject locals then cut the ____ & _______ attachments of the frenulum.
under the apical ligament

cut the penile & preputial attachments of the frenulum
How long should a male be kept away from the ladies after surgical repair of a persistent frenulum?
2-4 weeks
Homosexual bulls end up with what two conditions?
hair rings & papillomas

Where does a hair ring occur?
just prox to the preputial ring (aka caudal to the glans)
How does a penile papilloma usually present?
young bull w/ small amount of blood @ the preputial orifice; has a single papilloma on his glans

(sometimes multiple papillomas, but this isnt common)
Some gay bull at the farm has a penile papilloma. What's your recommendation?
surgical removal
Where do you place your towel clamp to extend a penis?
under the apical ligament
If you wish to deliver locals to the penis, where are you going to inject?
dorsal aspect of the penis, just prox to where you want the effect
Do penile papillomas usually recur after they've been surgically removed from a bull penis?
When a bull's got a penile hematoma how are you going to manage it?
just keep him away from the ladies for awhile
If a bull tried to rape a cow and hit the vulva instead (ouch), the __________ of his penis might rupture.

What side is this rupture always going to occur?
tunica albuginea

opposite the insertion of the retractor peni muscles (aka @ the DORSAL aspect of the penis at the distal bend of the sigmoid flexure)
Where does rupture of the tunica albuginea occur?
on the dorsal aspect of the penis, @ the distal bend of the sigmoid flexure
What's the difference in location & symmetry of swelling from a hematoma vs laceration/abscess of the penis?
hematoma = symmetrical swelling just anterior to the scrotum

Lac/abscess = asymmetrical swelling that's more anterior
An astute cow handler (what the hell are they called?) will notice welling just anterior to the scrotum when a bull has a broken penis.

If the swelling is left and gets large, what will you see then?
preputial prolapse
Where does rupture of the tunica albuginea occur?
on the dorsal aspect of the penis, @ the distal bend of the sigmoid flexure
If you've got some young fool bull that broke his penis what might you do with him?
send him to McDonalds
An astute cow handler (what the hell are they called?) will notice welling just anterior to the scrotum when a bull has a broken penis.

If the swelling is left and gets large, what will you see then?
preputial prolapse
If you've got a decent breeding bull that broke his penis & his owner wants to try conservative treatment with him instead of sending him off for slaughter, what would you recommend?
punishing him for being a dumb & breaking his penis by powerwashing his peen every day & not letting him have sex for 2 months....but let him live...he makes some beefy babies =)

aka hydrotherapy, rest from breeding, & fixing a preputial prolapse if he's got one
What's the difference in location & symmetry of swelling from a hematoma vs laceration/abscess of the penis?
hematoma = symmetrical swelling just anterior to the scrotum

Lac/abscess = asymmetrical swelling that's more anterior
If you have a valuable breeding bull & the owner can't stand the thought of losing him from his herd, what might you do?
surgery 3-7 days after injury, followed by 2 months without sex
If you've got some young fool bull that broke his penis what might you do with him?
send him to McDonalds
If you've got a decent breeding bull that broke his penis & his owner wants to try conservative treatment with him instead of sending him off for slaughter, what would you recommend?
punishing him for being a dumb & breaking his penis by powerwashing his peen every day & not letting him have sex for 2 months....but let him live...he makes some beefy babies =)

aka hydrotherapy, rest from breeding, & fixing a preputial prolapse if he's got one
Why do you have to perform surgical correction of a broken penis 3-7 days after it's occurred?
The penis is still bleeding up to 3 days after the bull breaks it so you don't want to go cutting anything pen then.

After a week, there is an organized clot & fibrinous healing so cutting into it then might damage the elastic tissue & screw up his penis even more.
Bulls with a pendulous prepuce (like Bos indicus) migt get that shit trapped between himself & his lady friend during mating, creating a longitudinal tear.

Afterwards, the prepuce will swell up & retract, and the laceration will look:
transverse, even tho it's longitudinal
If you have a valuable breeding bull & the owner can't stand the thought of losing him from his herd, what might you do?
surgery 3-7 days after injury, followed by 2 months without sex
T/F After preputial laceration, all bulls will develop a preputial prolapse.
False. Bos indicus usually develops preputial prolapse, but other breeds tend to get phimosis.
Why do you have to perform surgical correction of a broken penis 3-7 days after it's occurred?
The penis is still bleeding up to 3 days after the bull breaks it so you don't want to go cutting anything pen then.

After a week, there is an organized clot & fibrinous healing so cutting into it then might damage the elastic tissue & screw up his penis even more.
You might just want to go ahead & send the bull to slaughter if he has a preputial laceration cause he's going to be out of commission for the rest of the breeding season. T/F
Bulls with a pendulous prepuce (like Bos indicus) migt get that shit trapped between himself & his lady friend during mating, creating a longitudinal tear.

Afterwards, the prepuce will swell up & retract, and the laceration will look:
transverse, even tho it's longitudinal
T/F After preputial laceration, all bulls will develop a preputial prolapse.
False. Bos indicus usually develops preputial prolapse, but other breeds tend to get phimosis.
You might just want to go ahead & send the bull to slaughter if he has a preputial laceration cause he's going to be out of commission for the rest of the breeding season. T/F
If you decide to remove a preputial laceration via circumcision, how long do you have to leave the remaining prepuce?
at least 1-1.5x as long as the penis
T/F Bulls extend their penis out of the prepuce to pee.
In cases of extensive preputial prolapse, this method may be used as a salvage technique to get the bull to slaughter
using a plastic ring to amputate the penis...

amputate the prolapse then occlude blood supply to the distal end of the penis so it sloughs off =(
In animals that develop phimosis after preputial laceration, what is the most important thing to establish?
drainage (thru the preputial skin)
Paraphimosis as a result of preputial laceration responds best to what procedure?
Which calculi are smooth vs rough?
phosphates are smooth
silica are rough
What surgery might predispose a bull to urolith obstruction?
castration at a young age --> small urethral diameter --> more likely to get blocked
Where is the male urethral wider--@ the ischial arch or distal orifice?
ischial arch....the urethra gets narrower as it gets more distal
Where do calculi most commonly lodge in the bull urethra?
Distal bend of the sigmoid flexure (there's a narrowing of the urethra here)
We have mentioned the distal bend of the sigmoid flexure 3 times. When?
1. retractor penis muscle insert on ventrolateral penis @ the distal bend

2. tunica albuginea ruptures on the dorsal aspect of the distal bend

3. urethral calculi lodge @ the distal bend
You see a steer pumping his tail up & down and note that his bulbospongiosus muscles are repeatedly contracting.

he wants to pee but is blocked.

his bulbospongiosus & urethralis muscles contract to expel urine & semen thru the urethra....and this guy is wanting really badly to pee!
If a bull is obstructed and the bladder is NOT ruptured, what can be done that is not advisable if the bladder HAD ruptured?
if the bladder has not ruptured, you can slaughter him for home consumption = ew

if the bladder or urethra has ruptured, no one should be eating that animal
What is the primary objective when a feed lot steer has obstructive urethral calculi?
short-term recovery so they can send him to slaughter
Wow so what do you do in your feedlot steer that you're trying to get to slaughter after a urethral osbstruction?
1. foley catheterize his bladder
2. transect his penis
3. amputate his penis

do one of the above then ship him to slaughter
If you have a yearling steer still on grass that hasn't been sent to the feedlot yet, what might you do in the case of urethral obstruction?
remove the calculi & repair the urethra
Where do you incise a steer to remove urethral calculi?
on the midline just caudal to his castration scar
With ischial urethrotomy in the horse, is the wound sutured?

How about for pararectal cystotomy in horse?

Removal of urethral calculi in the steer?
no, no & yes to suturing the wound
Wow so let's stay a steer's urethral ruptured when he was obstructed & you transected his penis (or amputated it, or placed a foley cath in his bladder)....how are you going to get this guy to slaughter?
you're going to stab him in the ventral abdomen a bunch of times so the subq urine can drain out.

then you have to wait for all that tissue to slough off then heal before you can send him to slaughter (takes a few months).

There was this steer whos belly hurt like the dickens for a few days then all of a sudden he started feeling better. Couple days later tho his abdomen started getting bigger & he became depressed & anorexic...his bladder had ruptured.

What can you do to treat him now?
Well, you might be able to drain the urine from the abdomen (make an easy egress for the urine) & wait to see if the bladder heals itself.
How can you tell if a bladder has healed itself after rupturing?
make a hole in the abdomen to drain the urine, and place the steer into a dry stall so you can see whether urine is still dripping thru the whole or the animal can pee on its own.

If it stops dripping and he's peeing on his own you assume the bladder has healed itself.
If you have to suture a ruptured bladder closed in a steer, what are your 2 possible surgical approaches & which one is easier?
paralumbar fossa**
caudal paramedian (it's difficult to stretch the bladder all the way into this incision)
Where do small ruminants like to get obstructed?
their urethral process, then, if you amputate that, they'll get obstructed somewhere else
What salvage procedures can be used in small ruminants that are obstructed to get them to slaughter?
the same ones used in bovine...either insert a foley cath into the bladder, or transect or amputate the penis
T/F Salvage procedures are not acceptable for pet goats w/ urethral obstruction.
My goat is obstructed oh no! I call my trusty goat doctor (who in this class is going to be working on goats?) to fix him up. What 3 procedures are they going to have me choose from?
1. cystotomy
2. temporary tube cystotomy
3. marsupialisation of the bladder
What incision is my goat doctor going to make for cystotomy on my goat?

How is he going to suture my goat's bladder back together?
paramedian incision

close the bladder w/ inverting sutures & do NOT penetrate the bladder mucsa
After applying a foley cath into my pet goat's bladder, we wait about 5 days then occlude the catheter to see if he can urinate on his own. Hooray he did it! Now what do we do?

And what happens to that omentum you wrapped around the catheter?
leave it in for another 2 days to make sure he's still peeing ok, then deflate the cuff & remove the catheter.

the omentum that was wrapped around the catheter will form a path for urine to drain until the bladder heals
What is marsupialisation of the bladder for?

What can't this goat do anymore?
i guess attaching the bladder directly to the body wall?

this goat will no longer be able to live in my house cause he'll be leaking pee everywhere like the shnook
Two things must be done to a bull before he can be used as an "estrus detector"...what are they
he's gotta be made infertile (vasectomy or epididymectomy) & modified to prevent intromission
What are the two ways to make a bull infertile without castrating him?
vasectomy (removing piece of vas deferens hence the name...)

epididymectomy (removing the tail of the epididymis)
What are 5 ways to prevent intromission?
1. produce a thrombus in the CCP
2. tie down the penis
3. penectomy
4. preputial pouch
5. penile translocation
To produce a thrombus in the CCP, inject acrylic where?
in the CCP at the PROXIMAL bend of the sigmoid flexure
T/F A penectomy is described for urolithiasis & as a way to prevent intromission.
How long after a penis tie-down do you have to wait before you send your bull into the pasture with the ladies?
45 days
The creation of a preputial pouch to modify intromission should NOT be performed in which animal?
a bull w/ a pendulus prepuce, like the Bos indicus
What is the point of creating a preputial pouch?
closes the preputial orifice (so the penis can't come out) & produce an alternative outlet for urine (so the bull can pee)
Which procedure will offer a teaser bull for the longest period of time (years)....thrombus, tie-down, penectomy, preputial pouch, or penis translocation.
translocation lasts the longest
What procedure is indicated in the cow to minimize damage to the perineal body and vulva during delivery?
T/F. An incision thru the vulvar lip (episiotomy) is easier to repair than a tear created by the calf ripping out of a cows vag.
True, thats why we do them
In a pinch you can perform an episiotomy on a cow without the use of anesthetics. I imagine this happens all the time.

If you are a sweet cow doctor and you have the time, what are your two options for anesthesia on this girl as she tries to push out her oversized fetus?
Epidural or local infiltration
Where do ypu make your incision for a cows episiotomy?
Thru the mucocutaneous edge of the vulva at 2 or 10 o'clock, extending theu the skin, mucous membrane dorsolaterally.
What two layers must be anatomically aligned during closure of an episiotomy?
Mucocutaneous junctiom
You can close a cows episiotomy incision using a cpntinuous or continuous closure.

If you choose to close with a vertical mattress pattern, the deep portion should pass theu what layers? What about the superficial portion of the pattern?
Deep thru the labia and vestibular submucosa

Superfixial thru the skin only
T/F. The Caslick and Gadd technique is performed on both cows and mares.

What are they for again?

Windsuckas aka pneumovagina
In mares with Third degree perineal laceration, its important to maintain soft stool. Is this the procedure we would follow in cows?
No we dont care about their poop
Whats the deal with perivaginal fat in a first degree perineal laceration of a cow?
After healing of the lac, fat may protrude into the vagina. If thats the case, remove it with an emasculator once her lac has healed.
True or false. Rectovaginal fistulas are more comkon in the cow than perineal lacerations.
False. RV fistulas rarely occur in the cow.
What do you often see scondary to vaginal prolapse in the cow?
Rectal prolapse
Vaginal and cervical peolapse ocxur mostly in heifers. True or false.
False. Old used up multiparous cows and ewes in their last trimester get vag and cervical prolapse because their shit is worn out.
Which type of cow is predisposed to cervical prolapse?
Bos indicus
Tell me some things that will predispose a cow to prolapse pf the vagina and/or cervix?
Very cold weather --> frostbite of the vag/perivaginal tissue

Previous injury to vag/perivaginal tissue

Riding acivity during estrus
Advanced pregnancy
Lots of perivaginal fat

If ypure a bos indicus cow
Tell me two things that might predispose a ewe to vag or cervical prolapse?
Docking her tail too short (guess theres nothing pushing down on her vag to keep it inside then)

A high estrogen diet
What prolapses in a first degree vag prolapse?
Ventral vagina, usually when th cow lays down youll see it get squeezed out
T/F. A first degree vaginal prolapse xould easily become a second degree prolapse.

Why would this happen?

If the cow lays down and her ventral vaginal mucosa comes out of its hiding place, it could contact cold ground and become frostbitten, or become dehydrated, or get infected.

Any of these conditions would cause discomfort and straining, and even more vag would come out.
Whats the dofference between first and second degree vaginal prolapses?
First = intermittent prolapse of the ventral vag aka floor of the vag

Second = floor of the vag protrudes continuously and the bladder may come out to play too (awesome)
Hat THREE things are prolapsesd in a THIRD degree vaginal prolapse?
1. Majority of the vaginal floor
2. Bladder
3. Cervix
Whats th doffernce between cervical prolapse as a continuation/complication of vaginal prolapse in a cow vs cervical prolapse in a bos indicus cow?
In bos indicus the cervix is prolapsed initially, not as a rwault of straining due to firat or second degree vaginal prolapse.
T/F. With cervical prolapse in bos indicus, the cervix is presented as a pedunculated mass and there is harsly any involcement of the vaginal floor.
Yuck. What distinguishes fourth degree vaginal prolapse from the others?
Fibrotic or necrotic tissues as a rwsult of prolonged exposure =(
Knowing that vag/cervical prolapse occurs in ruminants in late pregnancy and that it usually results in loss of the cervical plug, what are two possible complications you could expect?
Placentitis and fetal septicemia.

The cervical plug is supposed to prevent ascending infection into the uterus.
If weve got a cow with vag prolapse what are our three goals, in order?
Replace and retain the tissues in the pelvic canal.

Deliver a live baby.

Send her to slaughter after weaning because its genetic and if we keep breeding her well just produce more animals with the defect.
To replace a peolapsed vagina in the cow, were going to give her an __________, then reduce edema by massage and force the prolapse back thru the vulva by applying pressure where?

Apply pressure close to the vulva so as to work the tissue thru the lips.
Whats the most effective way of retaining a vaginal prolapse?
Buhner suture = a large pursestring placed around the vulva to supplement the constrictor vestibuli muscle.
What are your six options to retaine a vaginal prolapse in the cow?

1. Horizontal mattress suture
2. Buhner
3. Caslicks
4. Boot lace
5. Minchev
6. Winkler (aka cervicoplasty)
How much shpuld you tighten a Buhner purse string suture?
Enough so that only 1 or 2 fingers can pass be placed in the lumen.
Buhner tape is really strong so make sure you remove it so she can deliver her calf... Then what do you have to do?
Replace it
A hprizontal mattress suture can be placed to close the vulva in the case of a cow with vaginal prolapse. What is the landmark for the most lateral aspect of this suture?
Hairline lateral to the vulva
True or false. The Caslicks is satisfactory for closure of the vulva to retain a cows vaginal prolapse.
The Minchev procedure sutures the dorsum of th vagina thru the ________ ligament.

Name one advantage and one disadvantage of this technique for the retention of a vaginal prolapse.
Minchev adv = doesnt have to be removed for delivery

Disadv = youre suturing the dorsum of the vag in place, not the ventral part which is what usually prolapses...

Sacrosciatic ligament
What dude invented the cervicopexy to retain vaginal prolapses?
Whats different between Winkler and all the rest of the procedures for retaining a vaginal prolapse. Hint: its in the timing.
Winkler procedure is performed after calving, once her tract has returned to normal.
Minchev sutures the dorsal vag to the sacrosciatic ligament.

What does Winkler do?
He sutures the cervix to the prepubic tendon.
Genny and Bangs decide to perform the Winkler technique on a cow that has a vaginal prolapse a few weeks after she calved.

Genny decides to work in one hole and Bangs in the other. Which one is going to have to cut the cow to do the procedure?
Um Genny because the last thing he wants to do is stick his arm up a cows vag. He will make an incision in the paralumbar fossa.
Ahould you enter the lumen of the cervix to suture it to the prepubic tendon in the Winkler technique?
No, just take a bite thru the ventral part of the cervix, not the lumen.
What four tissues is ypur needle going to pass thru to perform the Winkler technique?
Ventral cervix
Ventral floor of the vagina
Prepubic tendon
Back thru the floor of the vagina
How does a cow have to be bred after the Winkler technique is performed?
Whats the primari indication for a csection in a cow?
Relieve dystocia whwn noemal delivery will not yield a live alf
Main reason for csection in cows is:
Fetal oversize
Why wont you give the cow xylazine if youre going to perform a csection?
It has an ecbolic effect aka will cause uterine contractions
Why is an epidural a good anesthetic option for csection?
She wont strain, so th surgery will be easier for you.
What are three blocks you can perform for a flank incision?

What block will you perform for a ventral midline or paramedian incision?
Inverted L
Local infiltration

Local infiltration for ventral approach
Whats the most common incision for csection?
Ventral midline
Whqt approach should you use for fractious cows or an emphysematous fetus?
Ventral midline
How will you position the cow for a csection via ventral midline approach?
Obliquely on her right side so its easier to pull the uterus into the incision.
If the calf is in anterior position where do you make your uterine incision?
Hock to fetlock
If the calf is in posterior position where do you make your uterine incision?
Carpus to tip of the hoof
How many layer of inverting suture will you do to close the uterine incision?

What do you knot include in the suture?
One. Two if the uterus us friable (eg emphysematous fetus)

Dont include the uterine mucosa or placenta in uterine closure!
Why should you start closing from the caudal end of a uterine incision?
Because uterine contractions can make it hard to close th caudal end of the incision if you started cranially.
How are you going to close the cows abdominal incision after a csection?
Overlapping mattress suture aka vest over pants aka Mayo mattress suture
What are your markers for abdominal incision to perform csection on a cow?
From her umbilicus to the udder
Ue or false. You ahould include the peritoneum in your closure of a cows csection.
True, include the peritoneum and imternal rectus sheath.
If performing a csection on a cow via a standing flank approach, which side is better?
Left because the intestines are better retained
Where do you make your standing flank incision for a csection?
Vertical skin incision in the lower paralumbar fossa
What part of the uterine horn do you incise during a standing flank approach when performing csection on a cow?
Dorsal surface of the uterine horn
Which is better, standing or recumbent flank approach for bovine csection?
Whwn does uterine torsion occur in ruminants.
At the time of parturition (horses is earlier)
What would you suspect in a late term cow with an asynchronous vulva?
Uterine torsion...The twist happens caudal to the cervix so itakea her vulva look weird and asymmetrical
T/F. Cast the cow and roll her in the same direction as the torsion.
You are called to a farm cause a cows got uterine torsion. What are you most likely going to do to save your own time?
Correct the torsion and perform a csection.
Why is it important to correct A uterine torsion before performing the csection?
If you take the fetus out first, finding the uterine incision might be difficult.
Why is a uterine prolapse considered a life threatening emergency?
She can easily rupture a uterine artery. So keep her calm at the farm and go to her, dont have the owner put her in a trailer and drive her to you.
Hat four things predispose to uterine prolapse in a cow?
Hypocalcemia aka milk fever
Dystocia wit post-delivery straining
Calving paresis
Uterine hernia
True or false. Like vaginal and cervical prolapses, cows with uterine prolapse are likely to prolapse again and therefpre shpuld be culled.
Which uterine horn is going to prolapse?
The gravid horn
True or false. Abdominal viscera can be strangulated in a uterine prolapse.
True or false. Like vaginal and cervical prolapse, an epidural should be given to replace a uterine prolapse.
How will you position a cow to fix her prolapsed uterus?
Sternal with rear limbs extended behind her--will tip the pelvis, putting gravity on your side.
To replace a uterine prolapse, hold the uterus higher than the vulva and apply pressure where?
At the level of th vulva, just like with vaginal and cervical prolapse.
True or false. Some vets will fill the uterus with warm saline to aid in repositioning them.
Should you place retention sutures for a uterine prolapse like you did for a vaginal prolapse.
Maybe indicated if the cow is down and struggling cause then her uterus is less likely to contract like its supposed to.
What are the two times you will amputate a cows uterus?
If there has beex extensive damage eg its all torn up.

If the cervix has constricted and you can no longer replace it.
Whats the prognosis for uterine amputation?
Why do you explore after amputating a cows cervix (just caudal to her cervix)?
To see if the bladder or intestines prolapsed too.
Should the uterine arteries be ligated with uterine amputation?
Yes, unless you want her to bleed out everywhere I guess.
Where do you ligate the uterus for amputation?
You amputate a prolapsed uterus just caudal to the cervix.
What do you do before transecting the uterus during amputation?

What do you do after transecting it?
Place crushing sutures thru the uterus, then cut just distal to them.

Put the uterine stump back in the vagina and place retentiom sutures in the vulva.
What else could you use to "ligate" the uterus for amputation?
A tube like they use to castrate bulls
What are your concerns for bovine uterine amputation?
Ttanus status and make sure there are no abdominal organs in the prolapse
Why would you perform bilateral ovariectomy in a cow?
To ensure a heifer is not pregnant (sold for more money this way)
True or false. For the Winkler procedure, the cow has to be off feed and water for 1-2 days.
For how long does a heifer having bilateral ovariectomy have to be kept off feed?
24 hours prior to surgery
How do ypuerfprm a standing ovariectomy in the cow?
6" Left paralumbar fossa incision.
Force your hand into the abdomen
Cut and remove the ovaries
Suture th skin only
Whats a colpotomy?
Going thru th vag
To perform ovariectomy via colpotomy approach, what two instruments can you choose between?
Willis or Kimberling-Rupp to transect the ovarian pedicle
Where do you force your instrument thru when performing an ovariectomy via colpotomy approach?
Thru the dorsocranial vagina, lateral to thE cervix.
How do you locate the ovary to perform an ovariectomy via colpotomy approach?
Rectally identify and hold the ovary
With which instrument will the ovaries be dropped into the abdomen vs removed thru the vagina?
Willis drops them, Kim takes them out
How do you suture the wound you created in th vagina via a colpotomy approach?
You dont, itll heal on its own
If ypure removing a diseased ovar. Less than 4 inches in diameter what approach can you use vs an ovary thats larger?
Small = paralumbar fossa

Large = recumbent flank approach