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91 Cards in this Set

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Chylamydia: Causative organism
Give........... for 3 types of Chylamydial organism:
a. Species
b. Serovar
c. Natural host
d. Human disease
Problems of Chylamydial infection in pregnancy
Chylamydia: Clinical diagnosis ♂ & ♀
Chylamydia: Investigations
Chylamydia: Indications for testing
Chylamydia: Indications for Rx
What mammals are riddled with Rx resistant Chylamydia?
Chylamydia: Rx
Chylamydia: Rx in pregnant ♀
Chlamydia Mx of partners
Chlamydia: Complications
Lymphogranuloma vereneum
+abdo pain
+abdo pain
Herpes: Ix
Herpes: Indications for Rx of 1st episode
Herpes: Mx 1st episode
Herpes: Additional Mx
Herpes: Mx complications
Herpes: Mx recurrent HSV
Gonorrhoea: Sx in ♂
Gonorrhoea: Sx in ♀
Gonorrhoea: Sx in ♂ ♀
Gonorrhoea: Dx
Gonorrhoea: Δ tests (2)
Rx Uncomplicated Gonorrhoea (4)
Gonorrhoea partner notification?
HIV at risk groups
Clinical indicator diseases for patients with HIV
Define urethritis
Symptoms of urethritis
Causes of urethritis
Rx for uncomplicated Chlamydia & NSU
Rx for uncomplicated Gonorrhoea
Partner notification for:
a. Gonhorroea
b. Chlamydia
c. NSU
Causes of abnormal vaginal discharge
Give..... for BV, Candidiasis & TV:
a. type of discharge
b. odour
c. associated Sx
d. Typical signs
e. vaginal pH
What is the normal vaginal pH?
What causes it to be acidic or alkalotic?
How do you measure vaginal pH?
Give treatment protocol for a woman with vaginal discharge
How useful are HSV?
MCC abnormal vaginal discharge
BV 'associations'
Is BV a STI?
Protective factors?
BV: Sx & signs
BV: Complications
BV: Dx
BV: Sx and signs
BV: Complications
BV: Dx
BV: Rx
BV: Rx in pregnancy
BV: Rx for:
a. Breast feeding mothers
b. if undergoing TOP
c. recurrent BV

Partner notification?
Thrush: Aetiology organisms
Primary Vs Secondary
Candida: Sx & signs
Candida: Complications
Can you determine type of species by Sx and signs?
Candida: Rx for uncomplicated cases
Candida: Rx in pregnancy
TV: Type of organism?
Is TV and STI?
Sx and signs in ♂ & ♀
TV: Complications
PID: definition
Where can infection spread to?
PID: Signs
ΔΔ for abdo pain in ♀ of reproductive age (7)
PID: Aetiology
PID: Rf (6)
PID: 1st line Rx
Give 2 courses
Epydidymo-orchitis: Def & Aetiology
Viral: mumps orchitis is most common. Coxsackievirus A, varicella and echoviral infections are rare.[5][6] 
Bacterial and pyogenic infections: E. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species are unusual.[7] 
Viral: mumps orchitis is most common. Coxsackievirus A, varicella and echoviral infections are rare.[5][6]
Bacterial and pyogenic infections: E. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species are unusual.[7]
Granulomatous: syphilis, TB, leprosy, Actinomyces spp. and fungal diseases are rare.[1][8][9]
Epydidymo-orchitis: Sx & signs
Epydidymo-orchitis: ΔΔ
Epydidymo-orchitis: Rx for likely STI cause
Epydidymo-orchitis: Rx for:
a. ? UTI
b. ? TB
c. ? Mumps
Epydidymo-orchitis: Complications
1. Infertility - the relationship between epididymo-orchitis and infertility is poorly understood. Men who present with obstructive azoospermia are usually found to have epididymal obstruction when explored for sperm retrieval, which may be a consequence of previous infection.

2. Mumps epididymo-orchitis can lead to testicular atrophy. Of those with bilateral orchitis, 13% will have reduced fertility.

3. Reactive hydrocele.

4. Abscess formation and infarction of the testicle (both are rare).
Syphylis: Sx & Definition
Venereal syphilis is a contagious, systemic disease caused by Treponema pallidum. T. pallidum enters via abraded skin or intact mucous membrane and distributes via the bloodstream and lymphatics after an incubation period of around 3 weeks.
Venereal syphilis is a contagious, systemic disease caused by Treponema pallidum. T. pallidum enters via abraded skin or intact mucous membrane and distributes via the bloodstream and lymphatics after an incubation period of around 3 weeks.
3° Syphilis manifestations (5)
General paralysis of the insane = neurosyphilis
General paralysis of the insane = neurosyphilis
Syphylis: Natural Hx
What is a chancre?
How is it formed?
Is it painful?
How does it spread?
Over what time frame?
Syphylis: Sx
1° Vs 2° Vs 3°?
Genital warts: Cause
How many types ofthe virus?
Give a summary of HPV type and the tpyes of skin leision they all cause
Genital warts: Pathogenesis
Genital warts: Sx
Genital warts: ΔΔ
Genital warts: Rx options and mechanism of action
Give the...... for Hep A, B & C:
a. Incidence
b. Incubation period
c. Infectious period
d. chance of persistent infection
e. contacts
ABC... it's as simple as 123
ABC... it's as simple as 123
Give the...... for Hep A, B & C:
a. risks of infection during pregnancy
b. risks of breast-feeding
Give the...... for Hep A, B & C:
a. general advice
b. follow-up
c. diagnosis
Genital Scabies: Mx
Genital Molluscum Contagiosum: Causative organism
Is it an STI?
♂ : ♀?
Risks of Mother to Child transmission?
Facial MC...?
Genital Molluscum Contagiosum: Sx and signs
Genital Molluscum Contagiosum: Complications
Impact in HIV+ve?
Genital Molluscum Contagiosum: Mx
Balanitis: Definition & Aetiology
Balanitis: Give the Sx, Signs and Rx for:
a. Candida
b. HSH
c. Anaerobic Balanitis
d. Staph/Strep
e. Circinate Balanitis
f. Plasma cell Balanitis
g. Lichen sclerosis
h. Carcinoma-in-situ
a. Zoon's Balanitis?
b. Bowen's disease of Penis?
c. Erythroplasia of Queyrat
a. Plasma cell balanitis
b. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in situ that is aka karetanising (PIN) III
c. HPV related Penile Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PIN) III ie aka non-keratinising CIS