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80 Cards in this Set

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If an element x is in a set A, we write ______
and say that x is a member of A, or that x belongs to A.
If x is not in A, we write
If every element of a set A also belongs to a set B, we say that ______ and write _________
A is a subset of B
A is a subset of B
We say that a set A is a proper subset of a set B if _______ and we write ________
Two sets A and B are said to be equal, and we write A = B, if ______
they contain the same elements.
How do you prove that two sets A and B are equal?
What consists of natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, and what is the real numbers symbol?
What is the form of even and odd numbers?
What is the union of A and B, the intersection of A and B, and the complement of B relative to A?
What is the picture form of union, intersection, and complement?
What is an empty set and what is disjoint?
What are the two De Morgan laws for 3 sets?
What is the union and intersection of more than 2 finite sets?
What is the union of an infinite number of sets?
What is the intersection of an infinite number of sets?
If A and B are nonempty sets, what is the Cartesian Product A x B of A and B?
What is the definition of a function from A to B of sets A and B?
What is the definition of the domain of f and the range of f?
What is a direct image?
What is an inverse image?
What is the picture view of direct and inverse image?
What is the definition of injective?
What is the definition of surjective?
What is bijective?
If f is both injective and surjective, then f is said to be bijective. If f is bijective, we also say that f is a bijection.
How do you prove a function f is injective?
How do you prove a function is surjective?
What is the definition of an inverse function?
What is the relationship between the domain and range of f and its inverse?
What is the definition of a composition?
What is the relationship between composite functions and inverse images?
Note the reversal in the order of the functions!
Note the reversal in the order of the functions!
What is the definition of an empty set?
If n is an element of Natural numbers, what does it mean that a set S has n elements?
What is the definition of a finite and infinite set?
What is the uniqueness theorem?
What is the theorem of natural numbers?
The set N of natural numbers is an infinite set.
Complete the theorem:
1) If A is a set with m elements and B is a set with m elements, and if A intersect B is empty set, then ....
2) If A is a set with m element of natural number elements and C is a subset of A is a set with 1 element, then A\C is.....
3) If C is an infinite set and B is a finite set, then C\B....
Complete the theorem: Suppose that S and T are sets and T is a subset of S: 1) If S is a finite set, then...... 2) If T is an infinite set, then S.....
What is the definition of denumerable? What is the definition of countable and uncountable?
What do the properties of bijection tell you about denumberable and countable sets? There are 4.
What kind of set is the cartesian product of natural numbers?
Complete the theorem: Suppose that S and T are sets and that T is a subset of S. 1) If S is a countable set, then t...... 2) If T is an uncountable set, then S....
What other two statements are equivalent to this statement, "S is a countable set".
The set of all rational numbers is
If A sub m is a countable set for each m element of natural numbers, then the union...
What are the four addition properties of a field?
What are the four multiplication properties of a field?
What is the distribution property of a field?
Complete the theorem: 1) If z and a are elements in R with z+a = a, then... 2) If u and b not equal to 0 are elements in R with u*b = b, then... 3) If a element of R, then a*0=.....
Complete the theorem: 1) If a not equal to 0 and b in R are such that a *b = 1, then .... 2) If a*b=0, then either....
Complete the theorem: There does not exist a rational number r such that r^2 =...
What are the three properties of positive real numbers?
What is the Trichotomy property?
What is the definition of a positive, nonnegative, negative, and nonpositive number?
Complete the definition: Let a, b be elements of R. 1) If a-b is an element of positive real numbers, then we write.... 2) If a-b is an element f positive real numbers union 0, then we write....
Complete the theorem:
Let a, b, c be any elements of R.
1) If a>b and b>c, then...
2) If a>b, then a+c>...
3) If a>b and c>0, then ca>...
If a>b and C<0, then ca<.....
Complete the theorem:
1) If a element of R and a not equal to 0, then a^2....
2) 1>...
3) If n element of natural numbers, then n....
Complete the theorem: If a element of R such that 0 less than or equal to a less than epsilon for every epsilon greater than 0, then....
No smallest positive real number can exist.
No smallest positive real number can exist.
Complete the theorem: If ab>0, then either....
Complete the corollary: If ab<0, then either
What is the definition of an absolute number?
Complete the theorem: 1) the absolute value of a*b = ... 2) the square of the absolute value of a = .... 3) If c> or equal to 0, then the absolute value of a < or equal to c iff ..... 4) negative of the absolute value of a is smaller than or equal to a which is smaller than or equal to .....
What is the Triangle Inequality?
What is the corollary to the Triangle inequality?
What is the difference between R and Q?
R is a complete ordered field and Q is a ordered field, but it is not complete.
What the definition of being bounded above, below, and bounded and unbounded?
What is the definition of supremum?
What is the definition of infimum?
S is a nonempty subset of R.
S is a nonempty subset of R.
What is the property that infimum and supremum share?
There can only be one supremum and infimum. There can be multiple lower and upper bounds (infinite in fact).
What are the four possibilities for a nonempty subset of R when it comes to infimum and supremum?
What other three statements are equivalent to the statement, "If v is any upper bound of S, then u less than or equal to v"....
Complete the lemma: A number u is the supremum of a nonempty subset S of R iff u satisfies the conditions:
Complete the lemma: An upper bound u of a nonempty set S in R is the supremum of S iff .......
Does the supremum or infimum need to be an element of the set?
What is the completeness property of R?
Every nonempty set of real numbers that has an upper bound also has a supremum in R.  This is analogous for the infimum.
Every nonempty set of real numbers that has an upper bound also has a supremum in R. This is analogous for the infimum.
How do you apply bounded to functions?
What is the Archimedean Property?
The set N of natural numbers is not bounded in R.
The set N of natural numbers is not bounded in R.
Complete the theorem: There exists a positive real number x such that x^2 =
What is the density theorem?
What is the corollary to the density theorem?
What are four inverse statements for either the intersection or or union of two different functions?