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56 Cards in this Set

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If A is necessary for B then ____ => ____

B => A

If B holds, then A holds

Contraposition of B => A

-A => -B

If not A, then not B

If A is sufficient for B then ___ => ____

If A holds, then B holds

A is necessary and sufficient for B

A <=> B
A is true if and only if B is true

If we have the theorem "A=>B", what is the premise and what is the conclusion?

A is the premise, B is the conclusion.

Methods of proof of A=>B

1. Constructive proof
-assume that A is true, and then deduce consequences of that and use them to show that B must also hold

2. Contrapositive proof

-assume that B does not hold, then use that to show that A cannot hold

-uses logical equivalence of ~B=>~A and A=>B

3. Proof by contradiction

-relies on the fact that if A=>~B is false, A=>B must be true


a collection of objects

A is a subset of B if

every element of A is also an element of B

What is a proper subset?

A is a subset of B, but A does not equal B

power set of A


cartesian product

if A and B are sets, the Cartesian product is the set AxB containing all the ordered pairs (a,b) where a comes from A, and b comes from B

Binary relation

defined by specifying some meaningful relationship that holds between the elements of the pair

Relation on S

when a binary relation is a subset of the product of one set S with itself

A relation R on X is reflexive if

xRx for all x in X

A relation R on X is transitive if

xRy and yRz implies xRz for any three elements x,y and z in X

A relation R on X is complete if

for all x and y in X, at least one of xRy or yRx holds

A relation R on X is symmetric if

xRy implies yRx

A relation R on X is anti-symmetric if

if xRy and yRx implies x=y

Partial ordering on X

a relation on X that is reflexive, transitive and anti-symmetric

Linear (or total) ordering on X

a partial ordering that is also complete

A function is said to injective or one-to-one if

f(x)=/=f(x') if x=/=x'

A function is said to be surjective or onto if

for every y in Y, there is an x in X s.t. f(x)=y


-a function that is one-to-one and onto

-implies that an inverse exists f^(-1): Y-->X

A set X of real numbers is bounded above if

there exists a real number b such that b>=x for all x in X

Note: b is called an upper bound for x

A least upper bound for the set X is a number b* that is

an upper bound for X and is such that b*<=b for every upper bound b

Least Upper Bound Principle

any non-empty set of real numbers that is bounded above has a least upper bound

How many least upper bounds can have a set X have?

One. If b1* and b2* were both least upper bounds, the b1*<=b2* and b2*<=b1* which implies that b1*=b2*

Supremum of X

the least upper bound b* of X (b*=supX)

A set X is bounded below if

there exists a real number a such that x>=a for all x in X

A set that is bounded below has greatest lower bound a* with the properties

a*<=x for all x in X and a*>=a for all lower bounds a

Infimum of X

the greatest lower bound of X (a*=infX)

Theorem 1

Let X be a set of real numbers a b* a real number. Then supX=b* if and only if:

(i) x<=b* for all x in X

(ii) for each e>0 there exists an x in X s.t. x>b*-e

A monotone sequence is one that is

increasing or decreasing

A convergent sequence is one that

converges to some number (see def 6, p. 6)

Every convergent sequence is bounded. True or false? Why or why not?

True. Only finitely many terms of the sequence can lie outside the interval I=(x-1,x+1). The set I is bounded and the finite set of points from the sequence that are not in I is bounded, so the sequence must be bounded.

Is every bounded sequence convergent?

No. Example: {(-1)^k} oscillates within bounds.

Every bounded monotone sequence is convergent. True or false?

True. See proof on p. 7.

Every subsequence of a convergent sequence is itself convergent but it does not have the same limit as the original sequence.

False. Every subsequence of a convergent sequence is itself convergent AND it has the same limit as the original sequence.

If a sequence is bounded, does it contain a convergent subsequence?


Cauchy Sequence

-alternative necessary and sufficient condition for convergence

-a sequence of real number is called a Cauchy sequence if for every e>0, there exists a natural number N such that any two terms in the sequence past this point are closer together than e

-all convergent sequences are Cauchy sequences

-all Cauchy sequences are convergent

-this extends to R^n

A sequence is convergent if and only if it is a

cauchy sequence (see proof on page 9)

If the sequence is convergent, what can we say about the lower and upper limits?

They are equal to the limit of the sequence

What is a metric on a set X? What four properties must it satisfy?

a measure of distance and it is a function d

1) Positivity

2) Discrimination

3) Symmetry

4) The Triangle Inequality

Is every convergent sequence in Rn bounded?


A set S in Rn is bounded if

there exists a number M such that the distance between x and the origin is less than or equal to M for all x in S

What does every bounded sequence in Rn have?

a convergent subsequence

a subset S of Rn is bounded if and only if

every sequence of points in S has a convergent subsequence

a subset S of Rn is compact if

it is closed and bounded

a subset S of Rn is compact if and only if every sequence of points in S has what?

a subsequence that converges to a point in S

a function f is continuous at a point a in S if

for every e>0 there exists a d>0 s.t.

|f(x)-f(a)|<e whenever ||x-a||<d

if f is continuous at every point in S, then f is continuous on S

A vector valued function is continuous at a point x^o if and only if

*two options - one using components and the other using sequences*

1) each component is continuous at x^o

2) f(xk) --> f(xo) for every sequence (xk) of points in S that converges to xo

If f is a continuous function and we take any compact subset K of the domain of the function, what can we say about f(K)={f(x):x comes from K}

it is compact (see theorem 19)

f is continuous if and only if

(related to open and closed sets and inverse functions)

1. f-1(U) is open for each open set U in Rm

2. f-1(F) is closed for each closed set F in Rm

Let S be a compact set in R and let xL be the GLB of S and xU be the LUB of S, then

both xL and xU are in S

(see theorem 21)

Weierstrass Existence of Extreme Values

Let f:S->R be a continuous function where S is a non-empty compact subset of Rn. Then there exists a vector xU and a vector xL such that:

f(xL)<=f(x)<=f(xU) for all x in S

(see theorem 22)

Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem

if you have a continuous function with a non-empty compact and convex domain then there exists at least one fixed point of f in S (a fixed point is a point where f(x)=x. (see theorem 23)