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188 Cards in this Set

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uncertainty or chance of a loss ocuring
pure risk
situations that can only result in a loss or no change.
speculative risk
posibility of a gain
unit of measure used to determine rates charged for insurance coverage. (age, medical history, occupation, sex)
conditions or situations that increase the probability of an insured loss occuring
physical hazards
individual charecteristics that increase the chance of a loss (icy road)
moral hazards
tendancies towards increased risk, (alcoholism, lie on application)
morale hazards
state of mind that causes indeferance to loss, (carelessness).
causes of loss (death of holder)
reduction, decrease, or disapearance of value of the person or property insured. Insurance provides a means to transfer loss.
methods of handling risk
methods of handling risk:
stay away from the rsik
methods of handling risk:
Retain risk, Deductable
methods of handling risk:
group, subscriber
methods of handling risk:
reduce your risk, medical exam
methods of handling risk:
transfer risk, buy insurance
Elements of Insurable Pure Risk
The loss must be:
due to chance, definate and measuable, predictable, cannot be catastrophic, loss expose must be large, insurance must not be mandatory
Adverse Selection:
insuring of risk of poeple that are more prone to a loss than the average risk.
insurers protection from adverse selection:
restriction of coverage
acceptance at a higher rate
refusal to accept risk.
law of large numbers
the larger the number of similar exposure units considered, the more closely the losses reported will equal the underlying probability of loss.
one insurance company agrees to indemify another for part or all of its liabilities from insurance policies it has issued
faculative reinsurance:
reinsurance bought on a specific policy
types of insurers:
stock companies
mutual companies
fraternal benefit societies
lloyd's associations
risk retention groups
types of insurers:
stock companies
owned by stock holders, ran by elected officers, profits are either kept in company or payed out to stock holders(taxable)
types of insurers:
mutual companies
owned by policy holders, ran by appointed board of trustees, dividend paid to policy holders (not taxable), participating.
types of insurers:
fraternal benefit society
mutual company but must be a member of of an affiliated lodge
types of insurers:
sharing groups, subscribers
types of insurers::
lloyds association
not insurance, property insures risk analysis
types of insurers:
risk retention group
use own assets to insure themselves
private vs. government insureers
private receive funds through premiums, govn. receives funds from tax dollars
admitted Insurers
legal to operate, certificate of authority
domestic insurer
incorporated in this state
foreign insurer
incorporated in a nother state
alien insurer
incorporated outside the United States
Marketing (distribution) systems
Independent Agency
Exclusive Agency
General Agency
Direct response marketing
Insurer as principle
the acts of the agent are the acts of the insurer
express authority
included in contract
implied authority
not expressed in the contract but rather assumed in order to conduct business
apparant authority
actions, words, or deeds
elements of a legal contract:
offer and acceptance
competent parties
legal purpose
elements of a legal contract:
offer and acceptance
application is written and first months premium is collected
elements of a legal contract:
something of value that each party gives to the offer
elements of a legal contract:
competant parties
legal age (18), mentaly competant, not under the influence of drugs
elements of a legal contract:
legal purpose
can not be against public policy
Distinct Characteristics of an Insurance Contract:
Contract of Adhesion
Aleatory Contract
Personal Contract
Unilateral Contract
Conditional Contract
Distinct Characteristics of an Insurance Contract:
contract of adhesion
conditions stick "take it of leave it"
Distinct Characteristics of an Insurance Contract:
aleatory contract
unegual amounts of values are exchanged
Distinct Characteristics of an Insurance Contract:
personal contract
individualized contracts
Distinct Characteristics of an Insurance Contract:
unilateral contract
one–sided, insurance company is the only one with mandatory actions
Distinct Characteristics of an Insurance Contract:
conditional contract
If (death) than (death benefit)
Legal interpratations affecting contracts:
ambiguities in a contract of adhesion
any ambiguity in the contract shouold be interpreted in favor of the insured
Legal interpratations affecting contracts:
reasonable expectations
if an insured could reasonably expect the coverage, than it shall be granted
Legal interpratations affecting contracts:
collect only to the extent of financial loss, not allowed to gain financially due to insurance
Legal interpratations affecting contracts:
utmost good faith
parties can rely on each other for valid critical information
Legal interpratations affecting contracts:
written response to questions on an application/false statement with intent to defraud, if found could result in policy being voided
Legal interpratations affecting contracts:
statement to the insurer from the insured
Legal interpratations affecting contracts:
intentional withholding of information of a material fact
Legal interpratations affecting contracts:
intentional misrepresentation or concelment of a material fact. Grounds for voiding the contract if found during the first two years(contestability period)
Legal interpratations affecting contracts:
intentional act of relinquishing a known right, claim, or privilege/can be used to prevent a party to a contract from re–asserting a right or privilege after said right or privilege has been waived.
Insurable Interest
policy owner must face the possibility of losing money in case of a loss.
Insurable Interest:
three areas of existence
insuring ones own life
insuring life of a family member
insuring the life of a business partner
Personal Uses of Life Insurance:
Survivor Protection
purchase insurance to leave to your surviviors
Personal Uses of Life Insurance:
Estate Creation
an estate may be created through earings
Personal Uses of Life Insurance:
Cash Accumulation
money will be avalaible when needed.
Personal Uses of Life Insurance:
borrowing of money allowed
Personal Uses of Life Insurance:
estate conversion
to pay state inheritance taxes
Personal Uses of Life Insurance:
viatical statements
posibility to sell policy and use proceeds before death
Determining the amount of personal life insurance:
Human life value approach
calculation of the posible future earnings of the insured.
Net Income
Annual Expenses
Years to retire
Effect on inflation
determing amount of personal life insurance:
Needs Approach
what is needed in the present.
Business uses of life insurance:
Buy–Sell Funding
determines what will be done with a business in the event that the owner dies. partners agree to sell their portions of company to surviving partner at a predetermined rate.
Business uses of life insurance:
Buy–Sell Funding:
stock redemption
company owns policy, pays premium, and is beneficiary
Business uses of life insurance:
Buy–Sell Funding:
cross purchase
each partner owns policy on other partners
Business uses of life insurance:
Key Person
insurance for a key employee, used in the replacement process
Business uses of life insurance:
Executive Bonuses
company gives the employee a wage increase to purchase a policy, taxes must be paid
Classes of Insurance Policies:
master policy written and is issued to the organization, covering the lives of more than 1 individual. Individuals recieve a certificate of insurance. group must exist for a reason other than life insurance. Right to convert without evidence of insurability
classes of insurance policies:
Fixed life insurance and annuities
contracts that offer garanteed minimum or fixed benefits
classes of insurance policies:
Variable life insurance and annuities
cash values acumulate based on a portfolio of stocks without a performance guarantee.
determining premium:
mortality tables used to determine average death rate
determining premium:
Interest Earning
interst earned off of invested premiums
determing premium:
Net Premium=Mortality–Interest
GrossPremium=NetPremium+expense(cost of operating the company)
premium payment modes
Part 1(General Information)
general questions about applicant, type of policy and amount of coverage, beneficiary and other insurance owned
part 2(medical Information)
medical background and family deaths, medical examination may be requiired for large policies
part 3(agents report)
agent reports any and all observations to underwritng
signatures required
agent, proposed insured, policy owner. If proposed insured is a minor child, there is no need to sign.
premium with application
policy will not go in effect until it has been deliverednd the first premium is paid. a premium reciept or conditional receipt is issued when first premium is collected.
conditional reciept
coverage begins on the date of the application or the date of the medical exam, whichever occurs last.
statement of good health
collected when policy is delivered if premium was not previously collected
determining premium:
preferred risk
superior physical condiitons, lifestyles, and habits
determining premium:
Standard Risk
representative of a majority of people
determining premium:
substandard risk:
could be issued with premium rated up.
Term Life Insurance
1 year: ART
pure death protection
Term Life Insurance:
renewable provisoin:
right to renew coverage at expiration date without evidence of insurability. Premium increases are subject to current age.
term life insurance:
convertible provision
right to convert to a permanent insurance policy without evidence of insurability. premium changes subject to age.
term life insurance:
Level premium term:
premium and coverage stay same for term. most common type of term insurance
term life insurance:
Increasing/decreasing term
premium stays the same but the coverage either increases or decreases with time. decreasing is the least expensive term insurance.
whole life insurance policies:
level death benefit (to age 100)
living benefit
level premium
if cash value is pulled out you can be taxed on interest gained
whole life insurance policies:
Straight Life
level premium
lowest annual premium of whole life policies
whole life insurance policies:
limited payment
pay higher premium to get it paid off faster
whole life insurance policies:
single premium
one lump sum payment
flexible premium policies:
Adjustable Life
combination of term and perm.
policy owner has option to adjust premium, paying period, face amount, period of protection. Requires proof of insurability
flexible premium policies:
Universal Life (flexible premium adjustable life"
death benefit can be increased or decreased
increase and decrease the amount of premium going into the policy.
a premium may be skipped as long as there is sufficient cash value.
has a current intrest rate on cask value
Universal Life:
option A
level death benefit
cash value gradually decreases
Universal Life:
option B
death benefit increases with the amount of cash value.
specialized policies:
Joint Life
more than 1 person on policy.
1st to die, policy is paid out and expires
specialized policies:
juvenile life
premium stays level, at designated age the death benefit jumps up.
group life insurance:
characteristics examined by underwriter
purpose of group
size of group
turnover of group
financial strength of group
group life insurance:
conversion policy
convert to individual whole life policy without proof of insurability. Death benefit will stay same but premium will increase.
credit life insurance
written to pay off the balance of a loan. Premiums paid by borrow (the debtor). The creditor is the beneficiary for the amount of benefit to the outstanding balance of the loan.
Credit Life Insurance:
If group:
creditor is owner, each debtor receives certificate of insurance.
explain the rights and charecteristics of an insurance contract
policyowner has all ownership rights, including the responsibility of paying the premium
specifies the policy owners right to transfer the policy to another person without the consent of the insurer
transferring all rights of ownership/transferring partial rights to another person.
Entire Contract
the policy, application, riders, and amendments make up the entire contract.
any modifications or changes must be endorsed by an executive officer of the insurer
right to examine
allows policy owner 10 days from receipt to look over with option of declining.
grace period
period of time after the premium due date that the policy owner has to pay before the policy lapses.(usually 30–31 days)
allows policyowner to reinstate a policy that has lapsed, subject to proving continued insurability. Max. time limit is 3 years. All back premiums, interest, and loans are to be paid off.
prevents insurer from denying a claim due to statements in an application after the policy has been in force for 2 years.
misstatement of age or sex
allows insurer to adjust benefits of the claim at the correct age.
exclude certain types of risks. Insurer will not provide coverage.
most common are aviation, hazardous occupations or hobbies, and war or military service.
suicide is no defense for paying a claim, unless applicant intended suicide at time of application.
payment of claims
insurer must pay death claims immediately
insurer may, at own costs, order an autopsy be performed to determine if death was caused by accident or natural causes
has first claim to policy. more than one primary may be named
secondary (contingent)
has second claim in the event that the primary dies before the insured.
third in line in the case that both the primary and contingent beneficiaries die before insured.
per capita
by the head
per stirpes
by the bloodline
if no beneficiaries, estate will automatically recieve payout.
benefits given to a minor need wither given to the guardian of the minor, or placed in a trust for the minor.
beneficiary that has a vested interest in the policy, and must consent with changes on the policy.
common disaster clause
in the case of a simultanious death with the policyholder and primary beneficiary, the proceeds will be paid out to the contingent beneficiary
spend thrift clause
requires benefits be paid in a fixed period or fixed amount installments
settlement options:
methods used to pay death benefits.
settlement options:
cash payment
lump sum payment of proceeds
settlement options:
Interest only
insurer retains proceeds and pays interest only at regular intervals
settlement options:
fixed–period installments
equal installments are paid for a specified amount of time.
settlement options:
Fixed–Amount Installments
pays a fixed, specified amount until proceeds are paid out
settlement options:
life income
installment payments guaranteed for the life of the beneficiary
settlement options:
life income Joint and Survivor
guarantees income for two or more recipients, which they cannot outlive.
Nonforfeiture Options:
Cash Surrender Value
policyowner surrenders policy for cash value. if cash value exceeds the premiums paid, the excess is taxable. a surrender charge is also applied.
Nonforfeiture Options:
Extended term
insurer uses cash value to convert to term with same face value. this is the automatic nonforfeiture option if none is chosen.
Nonforfeiture Options:
reduced paid–up insurance
cash value is used to purchase a completely paid up permanent policy with a reduced face amount
disability Riders:
waiver of premium
serves to waive the premium of the policy if the insured becomes totally disabled, for the duration of the disablement.
disability Riders:
waiver of costs of insurance
Universal Life insurance only
waives cost of the insurance but does not waive the cost of premiums necessary to accumulate cash values
disability Riders:
disability income benefit
insurer waives premiums, and pays a monthly income to the insured
disability Riders:
payor benefit life/disability (juvenile Insurance)
if the payor becomes disabled, the insurer will waive premiums until the minor reaches a certain age.
accelerated benefit rider:
living needs rider
payment of part of death benefit if insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness that will result in death within 2 years
accelerated benefit rider:
long term care
payment of part of death benefit in order to help pay for health care expenses in a nursing home.
spouse Term rider
allows spouse to be added to coverage for a limited pariod of time and for a specified amount.
children's term rider
allows children to be added to coverage for a limited period of time for a specified amount. once minor reaches a certain age, they are allowed to convert without proof of insurability
Family Term Rider
spouse and children's term rider
Accidental Death Rider
pays a multiple of death benefit if death is an accident.
Guaranteed Insurability Rider
allows insured to purchase additional coverage at specified future dates without evidence of insurability.
cost of living rider
increase or decrease the face value by a cost of living factor calculated each year.
return of premium rider
at death prior to a specified age, face amount and all premiums paid are payable to beneficiary
contract that provides income for a specified period of years, or for life.
accumulation period
period of time in which the annuitant makes payments. Payment earn interest and grow tax deductable
annuity period
sum that has been collected during the accumulation period is converted into a stream of income payments
single premium immediate annuity
purchased with one single lump sum and income payments start within 1 year
deferred annuity
purchased either by lump sum or by periodic payments, and the annuity period does not start until age 60. If surrendered prior to age 59 1/2 income tax must be paid on the gain and a 10% penalty on the taxable portion.
surrender charge
if prematurly surrendered, a charge may apply. this is back end loaded, 1st year 7%, 2nd year 6%,...
annuity payment options:
pure life
payments are made throughout the annuitants life. highest payments
annuity payment options:
life with guaranteed minimum
payments made through life. if premature death, payments made to beneficiary until the principal amount has been paid off.
annuity payment options:
life with period certain
guaranteed payments for a period of time, rather to the annuitant or beneficiary
taxation of personal life insurance:
premiums are not deductable, when proceeds are paid the principle is tax free and the interest is subject to federal income tax
taxation of personal life insurance:
cash value increases
cash value grows tax defferred, if cash value is surrendered any value in excess of premiums payed it taxable. Death benefits are not taxable.
taxation of personal life insurance:
return of unused premium, thus not taxable. intrest is taxable
taxation of personal life insurance:
policy loans
money borrowed is not taxable,
insurer can charge interest on outstanding loans
taxation of benefits to beneficiary:
general rule and exceptions
proceeds paid to beneficiary are generally tax free. If a policy is transfered for value (sold to another party) than it may be taxable. Unless if it is transferred to a lender.
taxation of benefits to beneficiary:
settlement options
interest portion of any settlement is taxable.
taxation of benefits to beneficiary:
if death benefit is included in an estate it is subject to federal estate taxation.
Seven Pay Test
premium paid into policy in first 7 years can not be more than what would have been paid into a life policy with paid up 7 years.
taxation of non–qualified annuities:
exclusion ratio: a portion of an annuity payment is taxable and a portion is not.
Anticipated return of principle is "cost Base" and is not taxable
intrest earned on principle is "tax Base" and is taxable.
taxation of non–qualified annuities:
accumulation phase
taxes on the "tax base" are deferred during the accumulation period. also, a 10% penalty can be imposed on the "tax base" for premature withdrawl
section 1035 exchanges
life insurance––>life insurance, endowment contract, annuity contract
endowment contract––>endowment contract, annuity
annuity––>annuity contract
qualifications for licensing
at least 18
file an application with director
pay $100 license fee
pass examination
producers license
sell, solicit, or negotiate insurance. issued for 2 years
temporary producers license
good for 90 days.

surviving spouse, next of kin, or personal representative of a deceased producer
spouse, next of kin, employee, or conservator of a licensed producer who is disabled
to the designee of a licensed producer who enters active service in the armed forces of the United Sates
license renewal
biennial renewal fee of $100
license expiration
if renewed within 12 months of fee due date there will be a 25$ per month fee with proof of cont. edu., no test is required.
change of address
must notify the director within 30 days in writing
continuing education
16 hours for life license, accident and health license, or life, accident and health license.

10 hours for a property license, casualty license.

16 hours for holding life, accident, and health license and a property/casualty license (does not have to be divided equally).
cease and desist order
given by the director. if violated, monetary penalty of not more than $25,000 for each act or violation not to exceed $250,000 or suspension of license.
director penalties
if found guilty of unfair practices a fine of not more than $1000 can be charged for each violation not to exceed $100,000 in any 12 month period and/or license suspension
directors general duties and powers
regulate the internal affairs of the department of insurance
prescribe forms and procedures to be followed in proceedings
aid in the interpretation of any state insurance law.