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81 Cards in this Set

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DNA virus genome replication goes ___->___
Retrovirus genome replication goes ___--> ___
Pararetrovirus genome replication goes __--> ___
DNA replication begins at ___ sites
DNA dependent synthesis requires a ____ for initiation of replication.
True or False

Replication is semi conservative

Each product has one parental and one daughter strand
What happens during DNA virus replication?
Proteins are hijacked from the host machinery
During which phase of the cell cycle does virus replication with host DNA take place?
S phase
True or False

Viruses cannot induce S phase in their host
False - the y can
What phase of the cell cycle do cells grow?
At what point does a cell decide whether to continue
R or restriction point
g1 r s g2 m
Just look at it
dsDNA viruses are ___ and ___.
linear and circular
Family names of dsDNA viruses
polyoma, papillonma, adeno, hepadna, herpes, Irido, pox
dsDNA genome (AGAIN!!) =
polyomaviridae, adenoviridae, herpesviridae, poxviridae
Polymerases in dsDNA are supplied by ____ and transcription is carried out by ___.
virus or cell
cellular RNA polymerases
in dsDNA viral replication who supplies primer other enzymes for elongation.
The host
Circular viral DNA is packaged with what?
True or False

In dsDNA, replication is unidirectional
False it is bi-directional
What is used to relieve supercoiling in circular DNA and also aids in untangling?
topoisomerase I or II for supercoils

or topo II for separation
Adenovirus has a ___ genome
Adenovirus genome replication uses a ____ and ____.
protein primer and strand displacement
The protein in adenovirus is attached to a ____ in order to generate a primer.
How many daughter molecules are made during adenovirus replication?
True or False

The primer used during adenovirus replication is an RNA molecule.
False- it's a protein that base pairs with the terminal on the viral genme
Why does a displaced strand in the replication of adenovirus circulize?
Due to inverted terminal repeats
The circular displaced strand in the adenovirus genome is used for what?
To act as a primer and make another molecule (has panhandle primer)
Name some ssDNA viruses?
Parvo and Circo

Note: they are very small
True or False

in ssDNA viral replication there is a dsDNA intermediate
True, dsDNA is the template used for replication
_____ virions are transported to the nucleus via ____
Parvovirus, nuclear pore
Physical characteristic of parvovirus?

Why important?
Looks like a barbell

Barbell is important for replication, pairing there acts like a primer
Where is parvovirus' ssDNA genome released?
the nucleus
True or False

Parvovirus cannot induce S phase
_______ in parvovirus prime replication start
termminal repeat sequences
Write down the steps of parvovirus replication

go here
In parvovirus who brings the nicking enzyme?
the virus
What is the overall end result of parvovirus replication?
one full length ssDNA and one intermediat dsDNA used to return to step 2
Retroviruses are a _____ genome that involve a ____.
DNA intermediated
Characteristics of retrovirus replication?
-virion has two copie of +ssRNA genome
-nucleocapsid protein is bound to RNA
-Virion contains reverse transcriptase
Draw the retrovirus replication cycle
In reverse transcription what serves as a primer?
In retroviral transcription what does RNase H do?
Digests RNA/DNA complex, also removes tRNA at end
where does tRNA come from in retrovirus transcription?
comes from last host
RT in rever.T recognizes what to begin transcription?
Why are LTR's important?
Are important for integration and regulation of transcription once dsDNA is integrated into the host genome
True or False

In integration or retrovirus dsDNA, the provirus remains for life of cell and is inherently mutagenic
Hepadnaviruses are a ____ genome that involve a ____ intermediate
How does a hepadnavirus enter the cell?
via direct membrane fusion
True or False

The Hepadnavirus genome is never integrated into the host genome
In regards to hepadnavirus, when does reverse transcription take place?
Before the new virion exits the cell
In regards to hepadnavirus, where does the open circular DNA goe to get "repaired"?
What kind of structure does hepadnavirus have?
Open circular dsDNA
Polymerase is added to the ____ end in the hepadnavirus.
-5' end
Which end of DNA in hepadnavirus is capped?
In the hepadnavirus which strand is full length and which is incomplete?
+ strand is incomplete, and - is full
In regards to hepadnavirus,
how many mRNA's are produced and where?
5-all in the nucleus, 1 is the pregenomic RNA
Hepadnavirus reverse transcriptase priming uses ____
protein priming
Hepadnavirus RT acts as the protein primer therough a conserved ____ in terminal protein region.
Primer in HIV:
Primer in Hep:
In regards to hepadnavirus, RNA/CAP primes _____.
+ strand RNA synthesis
eukaryotic mRNAs are processed from _____ before eport from the nucleus
Almost all eukaryotic mRNA's are ___.
monocistronic- one reading frame codes for one genome
What cap structure is most common in viral and mammalian mRNA
True or False
Virus particles are often polycistronic
Translation of many (+)ssRNA viruses is initiated at ____
5' cap structure
in (+)ssRNA

expression of 5' proximal:
expression of 3' via -
host mRNA's
subgenomic mRNAS
Picornavirus is capable of ____expression
Polyprotein processed by which proteases?
2A^(pro) and 3C^(pro)
True or False

A monocistronics RNA can encode multiple proteins
Purpose of suppression of termination
to generate fusion proteins with extended carboxy termini
Retroviruses express ___ and ___ genes to help supression of termination
gag and pol
Leaky scanning enables translation of ___
nested genes
Give examples of viruses with overlapping reading frames.
Alpha viruses, influenza, retroviruses, and SV40
Ribosomes usually terminate at ___.
Where will a tRNA shift back in ribsomal frameshifting?
at a shifty heptanucleotide AAAUUUA
Ribosomes can skip over hairpin structures via ____.
ribosome shunting
If a virus lacks a cap, what can be used instead?
IRES- internal ribosome entry sites
Type I IRES ---
entero and rhinovirus
hepatitis C virus
The 3' ends of viral RNA's may interact with the 5' end and form ___.
pseudoknots- a way of getting around knots