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14 Cards in this Set

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What did the Washington Study by Ingle (2002) show?

2 year success 94.25%. Not separated by Dx prior to Tx, just overall success.

Seltzer/Bender (1967) Endodontic Failures - An analysis based on clinical, roentgenographic, and histologic findings. Showed what?

Teeth with pre Tx PARL were 2.5x more likely to fail. Most cases fail within 24 months if they are going to fail.

Seltzer/Bender (1966) A reappraisal of criteria showed what?

Defined criteria for success as:

1 Absence of pain or swelling

2 Disappearance of fistula

3 No loss of function

4 No evidence of tissue destruction

5 Radiographic evidence of eliminated or arrested area of rarefaction after a post-treatment interval of 6 months to 2 years

Brynolf 1967 showed what about healing?

Histologically, only 7% healed. Even though radiographs look good, inflammation may still be present (43% of cases).

Goldman/Pearson 1972

Relying solely on radiographs is unreliable for accurate dx of success/failure.

CRUMP! 1979. Differential diagnosis in endodontic failure. What did he say?


perforation, obturation, overfill, root canal missed. Periodontal disease, another tooth, Split tooth, Trauma. A-, Marginal leakage

AKERBLOM/Hasselgren! (1998)

calcified canals/obliterated canals that couldn't be instrumented beyond the coronal 1/3 had 89% success overall. 97.9% if no prep-op lesion, 62.5% if there was a pre-op lesion.

Sjogren/Sundquist 1990. Factors affecting long-term success of endo tx.

96% vs 86% (no lesion vs. lesion)

within 2mm of apex 94%

overfill 76%

>2mm (too short) 68%

retx with lesion 62%

Green/Walton 1997

revisited Brynolf's study of inflammation on cadaver. Found that teeth with no visible inflammation on the radiograph had no histologic inflammation (74% of the time), Brynolf said only 7% were inflammation free.

Sjogren/Sundquist 1997

Influence of infection at the time of root filling on the outcome of endodontic treatment of teeth with apical periodontitis

94% of teeth with negative cultures healed on same day Tx, only 68% of cases with positive cultures healed. Study suggested that not getting rid of bacteria at time of obturation can compromise success.

Siqueria 2001 said what about why well treated teeth can fail?

1-bugs, intra-radicular infection (gram +)


Friedman in 2002 showed what about success?

defines Healed, healing, disease, functional. Disease=failing, the rest=success. After 1 year, teeth that area healing will demonstrate radiographic signs of healing.

Friedman 2003 "Toronto Study" showed what?

Overall healing @5-6 years was 81%

w/o apical periodontitis=92% success

w/ apical periodontitis=74% success

Vital pulps=95% success

necrotic pulps=75%

-2 appt endo with CaOH2 had 18% increased rate of success

97% of cases were clinically successful (functional)

Chugal 2003 looked at success between necrotic and vital cases relative to obturation levels. What did they find?

Diseased periapex did better with obturation 0.556mm short of apex

normal periapex did better 1.23mm short.

*hint, think of .223 and 556 rounds.