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18 Cards in this Set

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what is the largest options exchange?
CBOE, almost no trading in OTC
Who must approve option contracts on equities?
the SEC
What are the requirements to list options?
-issuer must be actively traded on the NYSE, AMEX or NASDAQ markets
-if the issuer is de-listed from its market, its options are too
---if this happens no new issues, but existing ones can trade
-if stock stops trading on principle exchange, the option stops as well
Who executes transactions on CBOE and what do they do?
-trades with another floor broker, a market maker or an Order Book Official
-earns a fee per transaction
-CAN cross orders (buy an options contract at market and sell equivalent contract at market. if it first requests bids and offers from trading crowd
What is the increment a Floor Broker can bid at?
$.05 ABOVE Highest Bid, or $.05 BELOW lowest offer
Who are MARKET MAKERS and what do they do?
Market makers are individuals that trade for thier own account in a security which they've registered.
-do not trade with public
-only trade with floor brokers
*not allowed to act as floor broker in same security
what is the minimum quote size for Market makers and where does their profit lie?
Min quote size = 10 contracts;
profit is the spread btw bid and ask
What are ROTs?
Registered Options Traders, that are market makers on exchanges OTHER THAN CBOE
What happens if a Floor broker receives a order but it can not be executed at current market price?
Order will then be given to OBO (order book official)
-OBO is an exchange employee who assists Board Broker in handling trades
-works on a salary basis
-accept limit orders
-accept market orders BEFORE opening
*-NOT ACCEPT: "stop orders", "stop limit orders" or spread or straddle orders
What is a DPM and what do they do?
DPM = Designated Primary Market Maker
-similar to DMM
-appointed by CBOE for given classes of options and acts -as market maker, floor broker and order book official
Order Priority
-public orders have priority if all entries are at same price
-Bids and asks displayed by Board Broker or Order Book Official take priority (as they show public orders)
Describe how a Trading Rotation Works
- a trading rotation must occur before market is open to trading all series
-for each stock there may be 2030 option series (each series has different expiration and strike price)
-to open allseries in orderly manner, Board Broker or OBO conducts Opening rotation, calling for bids and offeres for each series to establish opening price
-after all series have gone through rotation, market is open to trade all series
"P" symbolizes which exchange?
Pacific Exchange (ArcaEx)
"B" symbolizes which exchange?
Boston stock exchange
"M" symbolizes which exchange?
Midwest (Chicago) Exchange
"C" symbolizes which exchange?
Cincinnati Exchange
"T" symbolizes which exchange?
"O" symbolizes which exchange?