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21 Cards in this Set

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Let S be any non-empty subset of the reals. What does it mean for a set S to be bounded above?
S is bounded above is there is a real number M such that for all x in S, x is less than or equal to M.
Let S be any non-empty subset of the reals. What does it mean for a set S to be bounded below?
S is bounded below if there is a real number m such that for all x in S, x is greater than or equal to m.
Let S be any non-empty subset of the reals and assume S is bounded above. What is a supremum?
A supremum is a real number, say M, such that M is an upper bound for S and if M' is a real number for which M' < M, then M' is not an upper bound for S.
State the completeness property.
Any non-empty subset of the reals which is bounded above has a supremum.
Assume S is a non-empty subset of the reals and that S is bounded below. What is an infimum?
An infimum of S is a real number, say m, such that m is a lower bound for S and if m' is a real number and m
What is a sequence?
A sequence is a list a1, a2, ..., an, ... of real numbers labelled by natural numbers. an is the nth term of the sequence (an)n{naturals}.
What is |x|?

|x|=x if x is greater than or equal to 0

|x|=-x is x is less than 0

What does it mean for a sequence to converge to a real number l?
A sequence converges to the real number l if for every E>0, there exists an N in the naturals such that for every n greater than or equal to N, |an-l|

What does it mean for a sequence to be bounded?
A sequence is called bounded if there exists a positive real value, say M, such that for every n in the naturals, |an| is less than or equal to M.
What does it mean for a sequence to be monotonic?
A sequence is said to be monotonic if it is either increasing or decreasing (either generally or strictly).
What does it mean for a sequence to be increasing?
A sequence is said to be increasing if for all n in the naturals, an is less than or equal to a(n+1).
What does it mean for a sequence to be decreasing?
A sequence is said to be decreasing if for all n in the naturals, a(n+1) is less than or equal to an.

What does it mean for a sequence to be strictly increasing?
A sequence is said to be strictly increasing if for all n in the naturals, an is less than a(n+1).

What does it mean for a sequence to be strictly decreasing?
A sequence is said to be strictly decreasing if for all n in the naturals, a(n+1) is less than an.
What is a null sequence?
A null sequence is a sequence such that an tends to 0 as n tends to infinity.
What does it mean for a sequence to be divergent?
A sequence is divergent if it is not convergent, i.e. there is no real value l such than an tends to l as n tends to infinity.

What does it mean for a sequence to tend to ininfinity?

A sequence tends to infinity if for each positive real number K, there exists an integer N such that for all n greater than or equal to K, an>K. Then an tends to infinity as n tends to infinity.

What does it mean for a sequence to tend to minus infinity?
A sequence tends to minus infinity if for each negative real number K, there exists an integer N such that for all n greater than or equal to N, an

What is a subsequence of a sequence (an)?

A subsequence of (an) is a sequence such that if 1 is less than or equal to k1 which is less than or equal to k2 which is strictly less than k2 ... strictly less than kn ... is a strictly increasing sequence of naturals numbers, then given any sequence (an) of real numbers we can form the sequence (akn) - a sequence formed by taking out terms of the original sequence (so long as infinitely many terms are left).
What is a Cauchy sequence?

A sequence (an) is called a Cauchy sequence if for all E> 0, there exists N ∈N such that for all i,j in the naturals with i,j greater than or equal to N, we have |ai −aj|<E.

So the terms are getting closer and closer together.