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30 Cards in this Set

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Ils se rencontrent.

They meet.

Ils tombent amoureux.

They fall in love.

Ils se fiancent.

They get engaged.

Ils se marient.

they get married

Ils ne s'entendent pas toujours.

They do not always get along.

Ils se réveillent et ils se lèvent.

They wake up and they get up.

Ils se brossent les dents.

They brush their teeth.

Il se rase et elle se maquille.

He shaves and she puts on makeup.

Ils se peignent.

They comb their hair

Ils s'habillent.

They get dressed.

Ils s'en vont.

They go away. (to work)

Ils se couchent.

They go to bed.

Ils s'endorment.

They fall asleep.

Je me repose.

I rest. (myself).

Tu te reposes.

You rest. (yourself).

Il / elle / on se repose.

He / She/ On rests. (themselves)

Nous nous reposons.

We rest. (ourselves)

Vous vous reposez.

You rest. (yourself) - Formal

Ils / Elles se reposent.

They rest. (themselves).

Theo se douche et se rase pendant que Sarah se maquille.

Theo showers and shaves while Sarah puts on makeup.

Lisa se brosse les dents.

Lisa is brushing her teeth.

Je me lave les mains.

I'm washing my hands.

Aujourd'hui Théo lave la voiture.

Today, Theo is washing his car.

Le bruit, réveille tout le monde.

The noise wakes everyone up.

Tu te trompes!

You are wrong!

où est-ce qui'il se trouve?

Where is it?

Les jeunes maries s'en vont en voyage de noces.

The newlyweds are going away on their honeymoon trip.

Nous nous sommes mariés en mai.

We got married in May.

Nous nous sommes mariés en mai.

We got married in May.

Vos parents se sont fâchés?

Did your parents get angry?